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kish Wed, Apr-09-03 09:19

Atkins Accel
Have anyone tried the Aktins Accel?

If so, does it work?


vbrowne Wed, Apr-09-03 09:24

don't know what that is.

kish Wed, Apr-09-03 09:26

It's a weight loss booster. Suppose to boost your weight loss

whyspers Wed, Apr-09-03 10:27

I took it when I first started Atkins. I have no clue if it worked or not, because I started taking it right away. I have lost well so far but don't know whether it can be attributed to Accel or not. I ran out about two weeks ago and then this past week ended up taking the Dieters Advantage. Don't know if it works either, but hey...I figured it couldn't hurt :p


vbrowne Wed, Apr-09-03 10:32

Oh, thanks for clearing that up - I take Xenadrine EFX (no effedra) - fat burner / metabolism boost - I'm sure it's working as it's supposed to, the inches are dropping off very rapidly.


lkonzelman Wed, Apr-09-03 10:44

I take only multivitamins, flaxseed oil and psyllum husk fiber as suppliments and although my weight hasn't moved I still am losing inches so i'm not sure if any suppliment would have increased my loss or not.

gkeenan Wed, Apr-09-03 12:34

Vikki, I did not know we could mix Atkins with diet pills...I'm so glad to hear this...I know I read somewhere in the good doc's book that he does not want us to use diet pills...well off to Walmart I go! Has anybody tried Meridea (sp) with this I was actually going to ask my doc. if she would give me a script for this the next time I was in her office.


Groggy60 Wed, Apr-09-03 12:44

Your diet causes you to loose weight if your carb count is low enough. Why would you want to pollute your body with diet pills? Just be patient, a pound a week or a pound a month, you'll get to your goal and feel good doing it.

One of the greatest aspects of low-carbing is how you can stop polluting your body with chemicals.

GramnGramp Wed, Apr-09-03 13:30

Gail, my DH took Meridia (spelling?) before we started Atkins.

He lost weight while on it at the beginning, but after the first bottle it did not work anymore. Don't know if his body adjusted to it or what.

It might work better for you though.

faeriegirl Wed, Apr-09-03 13:56

I took Meridia for awhile. I don't think it is really a good idea to take it while doing this diet, for a few reasons. As GramnGramp said, you become immune to it very quickly, and you must keep upping the dosage to work. And secondly, it is about $125-$150 for 30 pills. Ridiculous!! It totally curbs your appetite - but i don't know why you would want to do that on this diet, where it is a matter of getting enough calories to keep your body healthy. IMHO, Meridia and other diet drugs and more for doing a low fat 'deprevation' diet plans.

gkeenan Thu, Apr-10-03 05:23

Oh believe me for the last 18 or so months I've taken nothing at all. But I've also not seen the great weight loss I was hoping for in this time period. I am keeping a journal and a gym log. I exercise 7 days a week and am following this diet to the letter (even drinking the water Alina insisted I drink, I may have a fit but I do listen) and what do I have to show for it...I'm up three labs. My mini goal is to have 13 lbs off my body by the end of the month...this is not impossible on other diets. I am chosing to say with Atkins because of the health benefits and I guess because after doing it for so long I'm just brainwashed (lol). But I honestly have to see the tape measure and scale showing me that I am losing weight not just getting healthy. I am going to add Xenadrine EFX (no effedra) - fat burner / metabolism boost today for the rest of the month to see if that helps me lose again. I will not go into another summer with all this weight on my body. Granted I probably would not be as healthy as I am now if I had gone to a low cal/low fat type of diet (though I know some pretty healthy people on that type of diet and the arguement can be made and has been made on the low cal/low fat side that taking the weight off is the healthiest thing one can do) but I do know that this weight would have been off of me long ago.

I am giving this an opportunity because I want to stay with Atkins and will do anything at this point to make the diet actually start working for me. If a diet pill makes the lbs start to come off while I continue this woe, what is the harm?


kish Thu, Apr-10-03 06:14

Gail, I understand what you are saying. I feel the same way. I want to be healthy and in the same boat I want the weight to fall off. I feel that if you give yourself a little boost it will help. But I did here that the Atkins Accel really work in situations as being stuck and the weight is not coming off.


gkeenan Thu, Apr-10-03 07:55

I've actually tried the Accell, it is some sort of pill that expands in your stomach thus relieving you of the felling of hunger. I can't take it because I have a condition called Nutcracker Esophogus (the esophogus (sp) clamps down on everything that goes down the throat) thus if this expands in my throat I could choke to death.

I am open to any other ideas, I love atkins and really would rather not go off it, but I want the weight off, that is my primary goal here... thanks for the suggestion. :)


vbrowne Thu, Apr-10-03 08:58

As I mentioned I take Xenadrine-EFX (ephedra free) - this does not stimulate your appetite, we certainly don't need that on Atkins, what it does do it increase your metobolism so you burn more fat away - I work out 3 x per week and walk about 20-40 minutes per day - I just find it has helped me get rid of my "rolls" faster than otherwise - I feel not ill side effects (other than the pocket book - they are $60.00 per month).


kish Thu, Apr-10-03 09:19

how many...
So Vikk, How many lbs have you dropped since taking Xenadrine?


vbrowne Thu, Apr-10-03 09:34

This will be my second month taking them. I'm down about 10 lbs. but it's the inches that seem to have dropped off more drastically than usual just with this WOL and exercising. I bought a pair of pants about 1 month ago that were snug, now I can pull them, zipped up, down to my ankles.


Kathy54 Thu, Apr-10-03 09:37

Just reading through here, it kind of reminds me that, the general purpose of this woe, is so that you can lose weight, with out the drugs, natural or otherwise. No matter what route you choose, the stall still happens, it is natural.
Also, in trying to figure out what has caused the stall, some end up straying form the program. Therefore making it a longer period for your body to adjust again. One thing we tend to forget, is we never retain, the speed of loss, that we did in the first few weeks.

As well I bet none of us put it on, at a even rate each and every week did we, LOL.

Patience and persistance, must be a key, messing with phoney expensive, mostly unproven drugs, only cost us $$$, and a fasle sense of taking control of your body.Even if they are sold by Dr. Atkins.

Good Luck all, Cheers Kathy

whyspers Thu, Apr-10-03 09:41

How do you guys know its the Xenedrine, or the Accel or whatever you are taking? How do you know its not just the diet? I never can figure out how anyone can tell if it works or Just because the weight starts coming off after you start taking doesn't really mean it happened because of the supplement...maybe your body was just ready to let go of some Just curious....


vbrowne Thu, Apr-10-03 10:03

whyspers - I thought exactly the same thing - I thought, this is just another cash grab - too good to be true and all that, but I caved and thought I'd try them. I felt that I got "hotter" while working out, which is what a thermogenic does as well, during my walks, I was warmer as well, this is what I attribute the fat loss to, it's just giving a boost to an already great WOL. I will not stay on these for a long period of time though, I believe your body adjusts and then taking them will most likely not be as effective, thus wasting money.


whyspers Thu, Apr-10-03 11:21

That makes sense, Vikki, but wasn't that the stuff that baseball player who just died was taking? I know what he was using had ephedra and what you are taking does not, but I thought one of the reasons he died was because he *did* get too overheated at practice (i.e. while exercising).

I have a whole bottle of metabolife that I bought and never used. I had considered taking along with doing Atkins, not to control the appetite, but to increase the metabolism, but decided against it after hearing about the increase in body temperature while taking it.


vbrowne Thu, Apr-10-03 11:46

Hi Wyspers: I don't think I'd ever work out as hard as a major league baseball player (ha ha). I go to Curves and it's wonderful, and I love it, but it's hardly what those guys do - I also heard he was on some kind of steriod too (only hearsay, though). And yes, the Xendrine he was taking had ephedra, which has been linked to many many deaths - ephedra increases the heart rate and blood pressure unbelievably. I love my life and everything that goes with it - I researched these supplements for months before deciding as well. So, like I said, I don't plan on staying on them for a long time, but spring / summer is just around the corner (you wouldn't know it living in Toronto, though), so I just want to look nice for once in something other than bike shorts and oversized T-shirts.


whyspers Thu, Apr-10-03 13:46

I haven't been here very long...and haven't read as much as I would like to on the exercise boards (hard enough keeping up with all the posts on this, but is the consensus here that this type of supplement is okay?

I know that some trainers swear by them and others say you are crazy to use them.

L (who isn't averse to using something...but is afraid

vbrowne Thu, Apr-10-03 13:55

If you have some extra time (lol) here's a thread talking about thermogenics, etc.


whyspers Thu, Apr-10-03 15:43

Thanks, Vikki...this really does seem to be a ymmv thing. I've decided to use that bottle of metabolife that I paid too much for to throw It will be interesting to see if it does anything for me :)


gkeenan Thu, Apr-10-03 16:18

Hi ladies, I went out and bought the pills today...I got the generic of them (went to the pharmacist and asked him to compare the bottles for me) they were the exact thing only I got twice as many pills for $15.00 instead of the $25.00 for the original. I started using them this afternoon. I don't think I will take them before I go to the gym though, I think I will take them after I've gone...taking anything before I work out scares me...

I guess I will be a good test case as far as their working or not. I've been doing Atkins for so long without much results that if something (anything) comes of these pills I will be able to see it quickly. I love the story about your pants!!!! I can't wait to be able to say that.

What types of exercise do you do? I see you do not have a gym log.


Hi again, I am editing my last post. I just got back from the gym and I did not over I did do a much more relaxed workout tonight though because I wanted to see how the pill affected my workout...not bad, I broke a sweat on the treadmill at only 3.5 (which does not even make sense to me) so we will see.

Thanks for this input, I hope it helps kick up this diet.


whyspers Thu, Apr-10-03 18:56

Well keep us posted, Gail. I'm really curious myself now that I've started on them. Of course even if I lose dramatically, I'll always be asking myself "now was my body just ready to lose that weight on its own because of the WOE, or did the pills really help" That's just me. I require


P.S. I also worked out after taking one of the pills. I did the Cheryl Tiegs aerobic video...all of it! and felt great. I did sweat like a pig, but may have done that anyway ( I go it or isn't it? Which came first the chicken or the egg...lalalala) Anyway...I felt fine. I am not as worried about it as I was previously because as someone mentioned...its not likely that I'm working out at the same level as a professional least not at this

gkeenan Thu, Apr-10-03 19:19

Will do. I won't take the pill before I go to the gym in the morning because I will be doing wind sprints. But I will take it as soon as I get home.

Hey, I'm in UpState NY also.


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