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gatsbyjas Mon, Aug-04-03 07:19

crying my eyes out....
I am so frustrated. I was so determined not to weigh or measure myself throughout induction and I didn't. But, today i have, its been 2 weeks!!

I have not lost ONE INCH i have gained TWO POUNDS.

Now, I have been in ketosis since about day 3, i have drank nearly 100 oz. of water a day, I work out religiously, kept carbs well under 20g and ate approx. 1500 cals a day.

What is going on? If in ketosis i should be losing? I have bout 30 pounds to lose and this is so frustrating.

It is not TOM. I am NOT gaining muscle... I have always lifted and worked out in this way.

So what gives? I'm not doing this anymore if i am going to just gain weight from it.

Atriana Mon, Aug-04-03 07:29

Start a journal and list everything you are eating and drinking, including water and supplements. There must be something that you are eating that is not allowed on induction.

gatsbyjas Mon, Aug-04-03 07:36

I keep track in fitday. this is my second try at atkins. i don't have caffeine, i don't eat frankenfoods, on my 14th day i had ONE atkins bar. other than that i have been fanatical about this.

i averaged 16-18g of carbs a day, lots of fiber, less than 2 oz. of cheese a day.

see, it didnt work the first time i tried induction, and i really did try much harder this time. BTW i also take supplements...

KristyC Mon, Aug-04-03 07:38

From reading your journal. I see that you have been eating some high protein bars (whether ATkins or not). Those can stall some people. Many say they lose quicker eating whole foods, not shakes or bars. Also, I saw some nuts, and nuts aren't allowed on Induction. I also saw that you had 26 carbs some days? That may be a culprit, too.

yvonne326 Mon, Aug-04-03 07:39

Do you measure your food - accurately? In the beginning I wasn't measuring correctly...actually eyeballed lots of my foods...and wondered why no loss until I got out my measuring spoons and cups and started to do it correctly. What I was inputting into FITDAY was far below "true" measurements and was going over that 20 carb limit almost every day.

gatsbyjas Mon, Aug-04-03 07:41

i do measure my food accurately... promise. we have lots and scales and goodies... i think i have had two bars the whole time... i guess i'll cut those out now

gatsbyjas Mon, Aug-04-03 07:43

do you think i need to cut out cheese altogether?

Parasite Mon, Aug-04-03 07:46


You have the right idea, but you need to eliminate the processed foods during induction (I think).

For example your August 3rd Menu:
High protein bar, soy base 1 bar <- Eliminate this.
Pizza with meat, thin crust <- Eliminate this.
Pork, fresh, loin <- Good.
Beef, bacon, cooked <- Good
Cheese, cream <- Good
Cheese, natural, Cheddar or American <- Good
Pork skin, rinds, deep-fried <- Good, but may cause you to retain water.
Salsa <- Eliminate this.
Onions, cooked, boiled <- Eliminate this.
Butter-vegetable oil blend <- Ok

Your calorie intake seems good. Just go more for the 'less-processed' foods and where arey your veggies??? You carbs should almost only come from veggies. The 20 Carbs you are allowed should not be sugar based as yours appear to be.

Here is my tipical day:
Breakfast: McDonalds 2 scrambled eggs and 2 sausage patties - 2 carbs
Lunch: Hamburger or cheesburger patty & Side salid - 8 carbs
Dinner: 8 oz steak or chicken, with a bit more veggies - 4-6 carbs
No bars, no sugars.

Veggies, Veggies, Veggies - that should be your source of carbs. Re-read the induction chapter of the book. Start fresh and stay solid, this plan will work. Oh, and you may only lose about 4-5 lbs during the first two weeks - typically 10% of what you have to lose.

Good luck and stay happy, you must be feeling better, right?


LCalamari Mon, Aug-04-03 08:21

Everyone else has already given you some great advice. The first time I tried atkins I had a hard time also and I had to tweak a few things. Bars, put me in a stall as well as processed foods. Hang in there and do as the others have suggested and you can do it! good luck hun, I know its very frustrating.

yvonne326 Mon, Aug-04-03 08:40

Remember - 3 cups of veggies and/or salad a day. You are eating too much protein and not enough of the green stuff.

gatsbyjas Mon, Aug-04-03 08:43

Well, it is truly amazing what an hour on the stairmaster will do for an attitude adjustment. I think that everyone here is right, i've got to ditch the bars. Its crazy, last time i tried atkins i ate almost a bar a day, and this time i had i think 3 in the entire two weeks. Yesterday was my last day, so i had salsa, a protein bar, and other stuff i shouldnt have i guess. I also think that i need to change my supplements

I am going to start doing empty tummy AM cardio, and increase my weight training to lower reps, higher resistance. maybe this will jump start my metabolism. Honestly, if I could just lose one inch somewhere, or one pound in this next two weeks I would be completely sold on this WOE. I just can't believe I gained weight... surely its some freak water thing, I just don't understand.

Also, how can I be in ketosis for 11 days and not lose a lb? actually, gain two? (im not trying to sound whiny.. this is actually a scientific question... maybe if i understand how its possible i can fix it!)

Lori H Mon, Aug-04-03 08:44

I agree that it looks like you are having some things you really shouldn't in induction. Reread that chapter and keep trying. It's hard, I know but this does work. We are all her to help and support you. Good luck and please don't give up yet!

Lori H Mon, Aug-04-03 08:46

What supplements are you taking that you want to change?

Parasite Mon, Aug-04-03 08:57

Originally Posted by gatsbyjas
Also, how can I be in ketosis for 11 days and not lose a lb? actually, gain two? (im not trying to sound whiny.. this is actually a scientific question... maybe if i understand how its possible i can fix it!)

My first question here was almost that exact same one. Basically what I learned is that your body will burn the fat, but doesn't want to shrink the fat cells - so your body will back-fill those cells with water (there is the weight). Now once your body determines it's not going to refill those cells with fat, you body will pull the water and shrink the cell. A Whoosh (maybe 1-2 lbs). Nobody really knows when/how your body decides to finally let those cells shrink - so all we can do is ride it out. Our body is adjusting and we just have to be patient.

(At least that is what I have learned and think). :)

Good luck - you are doing the right thing! Just keep doing it. Don't let your body convince you to refill those cells with fat (dont cheat).

Keep us posted if we can do anything else - we are here for you!

gatsbyjas Mon, Aug-04-03 08:58

i don't take very many... what would you consider absolutely crucial? And, I am debating about my multivitamin, the one i take is just a centrum one, not sure if this is good enough
i take a few other supplements too, would have to run up and get them to get the names as they are all quite long and i have a bad mem

Karen Mon, Aug-04-03 09:02

Also, how can I be in ketosis for 11 days and not lose a lb? actually, gain two?
Are you using Ketostix as your only gauge. Or, do you have that funny taste isn your mouth and are peeing like crazy? The second is true ketosis.

If you have come from a low-fat and not-much-protein diet, it's quite possible that you're body is using the protein for repairs - especially if you train hard - and when the repairs are completed, fat loss will happen.

You might be sensitive to the salt in processed meats, so try to only eat fresh proteins.

Your stats indicate that you've lost 15% which is better than average for 11 days. :)


Parasite Mon, Aug-04-03 09:06

Originally Posted by gatsbyjas
i don't take very many... what would you consider absolutely crucial?

I went out and bought the Atkins Basic 3 and Oils. Been taking those for over 3 months. I think I started with Centrum (twice a day), but was concerned about mix - (more than needed of some things, less of others). I just gave the left overs to my wife. :)

gatsbyjas Mon, Aug-04-03 09:15

karen-- i don't know why my stats say that I have lost, when i actually have gained.. i haven't put in my weights here lately, because I want to wait a few days and see if this gain is legit. I have only weighed once in the last 3 weeks, so maybe i just picked a bad day to weigh... I'm just trying to stay positive!!

also, i definetly have a long history of low-cal low-fat dieting, i have had a lot of success, but i never felt GOOD when i was low-cal. it seemed to preclude me from working out well.

i am in pretty good physical condition, lots of muscle and good cardio health, i just carry lots and lots of body fat. would the fact that i have been working out for years reduce the results i had hope for on induction?

and, if i just keep waiting, do you think my body will break through this gain, and maybe lose some weight? I don't even care what the scale says, but I honestly would be so encouraged by just an inch of loss. I am NOT QUITTING. I am going to figure out what I am doing wrong and FIX IT!! I am going to try again!

Froufie Mon, Aug-04-03 09:21

I agree that you should definitely stick to induction friendly foods...I noticed pizza, protein bars, sunflower seeds, alcohol and peanut butter, none of which are acceptable induction choices.

Maybe try and cut those out.....and see what happens!

Good luck...


Lori H Mon, Aug-04-03 09:34

I notice on your profile that you haven't read any low carb books. Of course you may have by now because if you're like me you may not update your profile very often. Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution is a must for me. It has a whole section on supplements in it detailing what you should use and why depending on the individual. I've noticed a lot of folks on here take Centrum. I started out on One A Day and now take GNC multivitiams plus I take calcium, chromium, magnesium, and potassium. I think that's all... That just seems to be what is right for me. Your needs may differ. Of course you can't go wrong with the Atkins supplements. My pocketbook doesn't allow for them right now though. Hope this helps!

gatsbyjas Mon, Aug-04-03 09:42

hmmm.. i NEVER update my profile... i have read several LC books though :) thanks for pointing it out there is a lot to be on top of

AngieT Mon, Aug-04-03 09:42

I've been on Atkins for a several weeks. I try to only weigh myself 1 time per week. During the 1st week of induction, I lost 4 pounds. I was so excited. I thought for sure that by the end of week 2 I'd lose another 2 pounds. Then I stepped on the scale and I gained 3.5 pounds. After 2 weeks of Atkins I lost .5 pounds. I was upset, but kept on going. At the end of my 4th week I lost a total of 3 pounds. I think water gain/lose played a big part. Give it a couple of more weeks. It may slow, but I bet your gain was water.

Marlaine Mon, Aug-04-03 10:00

Hi there......

I agree with Karen.

It sounds to me like you are working out too much. I've discovered myself that when I go harder at the working out, I stall or gain weight. I believe it's because our bodies begin to conserve nutrients to support the working out. I suspect a workout schedule, more like Body for Life, where you alternate weight lifting and cardio days, working upper body one time and lower the next, with four days between body parts, might give your body a chance to rest and heal and give up the weight.

Don't give up though. Took me about two months for my body to get in the groove, but in the long run, it paid off.


gatsbyjas Mon, Aug-04-03 10:05

thanks bunches!!!

EvenLower Mon, Aug-04-03 13:01

I'm sure it's just water's amazing how much water weight the body can actually hold on any given day. especially if its hot where you are right now. my dgf just lost over 10 pounds in water weight over night, it's crazy

trw1966 Mon, Aug-04-03 14:03

I have been on Atkins for 41 days and have only lost 4 1/2 - 5 pounds. I am in constant ketosis and have not eaten near the nuts, peanut butter, bars that you have. I feel pretty crappy myself about this situation.

I have noticed that anything--ANYTHING--with Splenda slows me down. That I just figured out yesterday. I stopped drinking Fruit 20, Diet Rite, and Crystal Lite and dropped 3 1/2 pounds overnight.

Yep, I have been up those 5 pounds and down for over 40 days. And I can lose them all in 1 night and gain them all in 1 afternoon.

It's a crazy thing.

You need to stick with EXACTLY what is on the induction list. Nothing crosses those lips that isn't listed there. The reason for induction is to get your body to stop craving the sweet things, like pizza, peanut butter and bars. There are a few lucky people that don't gain from those artificial sugars, but you might be one of the people that stall or gain---now I know I am.

I also started losing more when I upped my fats and lowered my proteins. But always, always eat your veggies. You should get most of your 20 grams a day of carbs from those.

I have no idea why my body is in love with this fat attached to it, but I am NOT giving up. I feel too good on this plan, I'm off my sugar medicine and LIFE IS GOOD! (even if I am considered obese and none of my clothes fit me) :)

Hang in there with me---we will see a change SOON!!!

"T" :)

jeantm Mon, Aug-04-03 14:21

hey ,i feel your pain....i've been on this since mid the t . i have lost 2lbs that is all and sometimes i get on the scale and it says 150 again. i think it is really hard for us at 150 it is a bad number or something, and i constantly fear this is the wrong diet for me,but i think if we stick to it we'll start losing and then it'llbe good we just have to get over this first bump i am hoping

gatsbyjas Mon, Aug-04-03 15:05

Well, thanks so much for all the comments. I went to the store and got some L-Carnatine and Atkins Accel, added to what I already take this be just what I need. I went back to DANDR and figured out what veggies I can eat, and I have been making sure to get some with every meal. I think I am going to try and reduce my protein a little bit. If i am working out a lot, possibly my body is just using protein for fuel?

Jean, you have the same numbers as me!!! (almost...) we should try and keep in touch! I think my body has settled on this weight, since i have been this weight for quite a while. I just feel like if I can figure out this WOE than I can break through this barrier. I mean, our bodies can't WANT to be fat? can they?

drchickon Mon, Aug-04-03 15:06

Can you take the Atkins Accel on induction?

gatsbyjas Mon, Aug-04-03 15:08

what! i didn't mess up did i!

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