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DeanaJane Thu, Oct-16-03 06:19

It finally happened, stall is broken.
I'm officially over my stall. Last Tue I weighed 205 (of course 2 of those pounds I had lost and regained for the past month and a half) Today I'm down to 200.8. YEAH

What did I change you ask? I had to cut out my cheese. Oh that wonderful cheese how I miss it. But what is that saying, nothing tastes as good as thin feels? I just can't comare the two. Cheese had to go. I really didn't change much else, just quit putting cheese on all my veggies, my salad, eggs. One week later, I actually lost and have kept it off.


maryp Thu, Oct-16-03 06:43

Congratulations to you!!
I could not imagine doing without cheese, but maybe I should follow your example and do the same.
I feel like cheese is one the only 'legal things I like and I can snack on.

Good Luck to you,


ian559 Thu, Oct-16-03 06:47

Congrats!!!! Stinks to loose the cheese though

DeanaJane Thu, Oct-16-03 07:31

It especially stinks to loose the cheese because I still have SO much weight to loose. I figured it would happen some time but 60 pounds to go. DANG. LOL I will allow myself cheese once a week and see how that goes. Maybe I was just eating way too much.

Rachelle Thu, Oct-16-03 07:32

Congratulations... you have more will power than I do... I don't think i could give up cheese... it is one of the things that make this WOL easier for me...

I lose slow...but i do lose... so for now the cheese stays...

Keep up the great work!!

potatofree Thu, Oct-16-03 08:41


It must be "stall breaking week", sine I've been stalled for MONTHS, and have finally brokenthrough. Among other things, I had to give up my beloved artificial sweeteners...and I did miss them, but now it's not bad. I can even drink my tea plain..never thought THAT would happen!!!

tofi Thu, Oct-16-03 08:50

Isn't it amazing how many foods we used to think we "could never give up" and yet we have? Bread, potatoes, pasta, starchy snack foods, rice, sugar and so many more.

There is a theory that the very things that seem to be our "favourite foods" may be foods we are actually allergic to, or intolerant of. And that those ARE the things we should try to cut out, at least for a while.

Glad your stalls are giving in.

verniebird Thu, Oct-16-03 08:54

Congrats to both Deana and Potatofree on breaking that nasty stall. I too was eating a lot of cheeses but cut them out and went back to basics. I do have the o'solo rolls each day, either as french toast or with a hamburger and they have not slowed me down one bit. I miss the bread the most so the o'solo rolls really do the trick for me.

DeanaJane Thu, Oct-16-03 09:18

Your right. When I started Atkins I though "I can do this" No more eating that nasty low fat cheese. See cheese is what convinced me I could do low carb. Its allowed. During my stall I even thought It could be the cheese but there is not way I can give it up. However the more I thought about it the more I did realize. Why would I throw all this away over one food choice. I've given up donuts and that was the hardest thing. I ate one for breakfast every day. Never thought I could give them up. But I actually pass them up now. So why in the world would I allow one food choice, even if it is cheese to stop me from being the best person I can be. It is true, the one thing I love the most is what had to go. That's not to say I wont ever eat it, I will eat some. But seeing that scale go down was so much more pleasant than crying everytime I got on it and it was up. That feeling of defeat is so not worth, not eating cheese.
Becareful what you say you won't give up. It happened to me. The long journey is in no way worth giving up for just one food. Remember that. No way will I go dig my FAT clothes out of the garbage just for what, cheese?

Thanks to all of you for the support and encouragement over these past few months.

lucyr Thu, Oct-16-03 09:45

I jsut wanted to say how brilliant I thought your post was.

Would anyone really choose cheese (or whatever) if it meant having to wear those clothes again? I can imagine looking at a block of cheese and a hideous shapeless pair of trousers..... How long would anyone ponder before chucking out both of them?
It is the 'stick theory' of life. Have you heard of it? If you pick up one end of a stick, you pick up the other.

I don't eat meat, so cheese is what I eat but I think I must rethink my menus too. And you have given me the right attitude. Thanks.

marchbaby Thu, Oct-16-03 09:59

Wow, that's great,
congrats! :Party:

I think tomorrow I'll "lose the cheese" and see if it works for me! I also would love to drop another 60 lbs.

GL To you!

P.S. - What cheeses were you eating? I"m having all kinds, american, parmesan, mozzeralla, etc.

DeanaJane Thu, Oct-16-03 10:05

I ate a lot of cream cheese on the Atkins muffins, celery, and on meat. The other was shreaded cheddar on salads, all my veggies and sometimes just plain as a snack.


marchbaby Thu, Oct-16-03 10:08


It's going to be tough giving up cheese, I ate alot of it before lcing!

We can do it!!! :yay:

ketodiva Thu, Oct-16-03 15:57

I started doing KISS this past Monday and am having some real breakthroughs. Because my weight was up and down, I haven't officially broken my stall, but I lost about 8 pounds since Monday (water, no doubt) and I think a lot of it has to do with no dairy. I love cheese. I used to eat it as a snack and sometimes for lunch with salami. With KISS you eat no dairy, no processed meats, no sweeteners, just simple foods. My cravings are enormous--but not bad enough to give up losing this weight.

Congratulations on breaking your stall. I hope to do the same in a few days. I'll let you know.

skibunnie Thu, Oct-16-03 16:04

When it comes to cheese, its all about moderation for me. Ill melt some on my hamburger, or make a pizza every once in a while, thats it though. I think as long as you dont over do it, its not too harmful.

Matiekrome Thu, Oct-16-03 20:22

or make a pizza every once in a while

Hmmmm..... and how do we do that :help:

VALEWIS Thu, Oct-16-03 23:59

One of the problems with this business is knowing whether or not the stall might have been broken anyway, even if you hadn't given up cheese, or whether giving up the cheese meant a drop in overall calorie intake. I doubt if you'd bee keen to experiment, but it might be interesting to re-introduce cheese in a very limited fashion, making sure no extra calories come with it and see if you continue to lose.. so for example, instead of a 3 egg plain omelet, have a two egg omelet with some grated cheese.


tofi Fri, Oct-17-03 05:05

Use the Search button up at the top of the page to look for Meatsa, and Deep Dish Pizza Quiche. I think they are in the Recipe section. YUM!!

stacysheil Fri, Oct-17-03 06:14

I have been reading your success and congrats. I was just wondering how much cheese you were eating. I am stuck now at 172.5 back and forth. I only eat about 2 slices of cheese a day. Do you think that would be enough to cause a stall? Im not saying I am in a stall because I know it is a long term thing.

DeanaJane Fri, Oct-17-03 06:20

I was pretty good about keeping my limit of cheese to the allowed quantity of 3-4 oz a day. BUT I was eating at least that much. Hardly ever did I go under.

Actually I have thought about experimenting. So I tested yesterday. Never though about the calorie idea but I did try and eat some cheese. I ate about 1 1/2 oz cream cheese and 1 oz of white cheddar. (really because I hate to throw things out) I did gain 4 oz. I'm going to continue to try cheese on and off but the next time I will take your sugestion and try to keep my calorie count around the same, well see what happens.


VALEWIS Fri, Oct-17-03 18:17

I ate about 1 1/2 oz cream cheese and 1 oz of white cheddar. (really because I hate to throw things out) I did gain 4 oz.

How are you able to weigh yourself that accurately?? Even so, it takes a huge excess of calories over maintenance levels to gain a lb of fat (7000 calories I think..anyone know?). Weight can fluctuate just due to water retention issues by as much as 2 lbs within one day.


DeanaJane Fri, Oct-17-03 20:11

I shouldn't have said oz's, sorry mistake. I should say I was 200.8 and when I weighed this morning I was 201.2 that is not oz's. lol

Your right it could be water gain, or any other number of things. But I do know I will continue to experiment with cheese and see if that is the only culprit that causes me to not loose.


VALEWIS Sat, Oct-18-03 00:25

Small sggestion: put the scales in the closet and take them out monthly. Look at how your clothes fit. I have lost two pounds since July but my shape is changing. Sometimes people become superstitious about 'stalls' and blame having a tic tac or a cup of coffee etc etc when what is really happening is that their body is regrouping. All of us have different metabolic rates and you can't generalize very well.. there are different salt levels in different foods that can lead to water retention etc
A person't body weight on the scales can increase a couple of pounds within one is pretty meaningless to weigh daily.


Wyreless1 Sat, Oct-18-03 00:34

Originally Posted by stacysheil
I have been reading your success and congrats. I was just wondering how much cheese you were eating. I am stuck now at 172.5 back and forth. I only eat about 2 slices of cheese a day. Do you think that would be enough to cause a stall? Im not saying I am in a stall because I know it is a long term thing.

Are you eating "real" cheese (block cheese) or processed cheese slices? I'd think that would make a big difference. We don't even keep sliced cheese in the house only the real stuff.

Nille Sat, Oct-18-03 08:05

Hi MattieKrome
You miss pizza ???? I have the solution for you ! That is if you can eat cheese ! Mind you, this is 4 big portions worth.... or 6. It keeps allright for at least 3 days in the fridge. Never been anything left to leave longer

Found it in another thread. Thanks to Donald who posted it !


4 oz softened cream cheese
4 eggs
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup parmesan cheese (grated)
1 tbs chives
1/2 tsp Italian or pizza seasoning
2 cups shredded cheese (I use mozzarella /cheddar mix)
1/2 tsp wet garlic or 1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 cup lowest carb tomato or pizza sauce
1 cup mozzarella cheese
Toppings to taste (I use pepperoni, sausage, onion, green pepper, mushrooms, whatever!)

Beat together cream cheese and eggs till smooth.
Add cream, parmesean cheese and spices
Spray 13x9 glass baking dish with oil
Put 2 cups of shredded cheese in dish and pour egg mixt. over Bake at 375 for 30 minutes
Spread with sauce and then add your toppings
Cover with mozzarella cheese
Bake till browning and bubbly
Let stand for 5 minutes or so.


This is soooooooo :yum: Even my DH, not LC'ing loves this dish ! It looks like pizza, tastes like pizza, - all but the crust...

Natrushka Sat, Oct-18-03 08:35

Glad to hear you got through the plateau, Deana :) Just something to think about - it may not have been just the fact that you dropped the cheese in general but that you avoided cow dairy in particular.

Often you will find that it's not just the cheese that is causing the problem, but it's something in the cheese (hormones usually) that is to blame. Goat cheese does not tend to have this problem and can often be substituted, in moderation, of course.


Wrap Sat, Oct-18-03 11:32

I guess I will not do 1oz cream cheese + splenda as a cheat desert for lunch and dinner everyday. Prolly do it once a week now. Thanks for info.

I just passed my first week of induction though. Double Yay! The first 4 days I lost 7 lbs. Now its back up and after a week I seem to have just lost 5 lbs. Not complaining but still happy about it.

I must say I have a new addiction too. I'm addicted to this forum! You guys are all great.

Nille Sat, Oct-18-03 12:35

Deep Dish Pizza Quiche (DDPQ)

bookgurl99 Sun, Oct-19-03 01:50

Hmm. . thanks for mentioning this. I've had a 2 week stall (part of it is cheating -- sort of a 'carb creep thing'), and I wasn't sure what it could be. I could quit aspartame first and see though. . . :)

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