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MstyDragon Fri, Jul-19-02 14:33

The ReconDragon
I'm going to start to track, on paper if you will, my workouts. The title of this is a combo of my Husbands job and my mascot :D I am using this available time that he is away to get into shape.


Lifting: UBW & LBW

Today: Walking- 3 1/2 miles(in the rain no less) stretching. I may ride my bike today too.


Seto Kaiba Fri, Jul-19-02 18:34

Workout tracking.
You are so good!!! :D

I know that recording mine in here has helped me. I can actually see that I've been doing something...... (maniacal laughter)

MstyDragon Sun, Jul-21-02 18:46

You are right Seto
I do think that posting here will help. I signed up for a cardio kickboxing class at school. Now I need to get into shape for it :lol:

MstyDragon Sun, Jul-21-02 18:48


walking a ton because I got lost in DT Portland :rolleyes:


UB &LB Workout. UG!

Mowed the lawn. It took me 1 1/2 hours and I'm pooped. Not exactly the kind of exercise I was thinking of, but it was something.

Seto Kaiba Sun, Jul-21-02 21:45

You are so very good!!!! :cheer:

Cardio Kickboxing! WOW!!!! I wish I could find something like that..........well,........ok..........maybe that's not true. :D

MstyDragon Tue, Jul-23-02 11:19

you are funny! I do remember almost dying in that class:lol:

MstyDragon Tue, Jul-23-02 11:21

Yesterday I did:

lunges(starting out so I will do these most every day until I get strong enough to do with weights. Form is most important now)


20 minutes on the bike :thup:

MstyDragon Tue, Jul-23-02 11:22

forgot to add:

stretching and 100 crunches

Seto Kaiba Tue, Jul-23-02 11:44

You are really kicking butt on the working out!!!!! Crunches frighten me..... Ok, I just hate them LOL

MstyDragon Tue, Jul-23-02 21:22

If my stomach wasn't so flabby, then I wouldn't need to do crunches :o As the case mey be today I did:

150 crunches
41 minues on the tredmill

Seto Kaiba Wed, Jul-24-02 08:46

41 MINUTES?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!!!!! I am such a weinnie!!!! I have to tape something over the timer on my bike and pre-occupy myself so I don't get pissy about how long I've been on the stupid thing. :o LOL
You are sooooooo good!!!!!!!!
I have decided to follow your lead and lower my weights too. :D

MstyDragon Wed, Jul-24-02 15:39

I use a towel
I hate watching the timer, so I place a hand towel over the timer. That way I can wipe the sweat off too :lol:

Todays workout:

Belly Dancing video (fat burning) okay that about killed me :o but I love it!

UB weights. Added 5 resp to each set.

150 crunches


Whew I'm wiped....maybe it was the belly dancing? Not sure, but I had a killer workout whatever it was.

Seto Kaiba Wed, Jul-24-02 15:42

Belly Dancing!!!!
That is a KILLER workout!!!!!! You are the workout queen!!!!!

MstyDragon Wed, Jul-24-02 20:51

Killer is right
Seto, you are right. That is one killer workout. I'm hoping that it gets easier after a while. I'm going to go pick up the Basic one too and see if it teaches more of the moves. :D

Seto Kaiba Thu, Jul-25-02 09:12

Let me know...
if the beginner tape is helpful. I've got a friend that's a professional belly dancer (she's had 2 kids and even after the last one was born, you couldn't tell she'd ever been pregnant!!!!!! :eek: ) that's oftered to teach me, but I don't think that I can bring myself to have someone watch me do that..... :o

MstyDragon Thu, Jul-25-02 09:40

Ug! I so sore today! I may use today to something mild, and not push so hard. My legs are sore from the BD workout and my arms from the weights. Not too bad though, but I'm thinking that the increased reps are working.

Working out is addictive! :D I'm starting to love the way I am shaping up. I have notice a huge difference since I have been pushing with the weights. My arms are really getting leaner and smaller from the weights! I think this is due to keeping the weight pretty low. I used to get kinda bulky when I lifted before, but I was doing a lot of weight. I'm feeling strong like I used to. Heck, I even pushed my car by myself(long story)! :p For a while all I was doing was walking. Granted I was doing over 6 miles sometimes, but not seeing the difference that I am with weights. I LOVE my hand weights !!! :cheer:

MstyDragon Thu, Jul-25-02 09:49

I don't know???
I'll have to check out that Basics tape. The scary thing is that the fat burning one is for beginners too :lol: I'm with you, I don't want anyone to watch. Not at least until I get into shape....and then maybe only my husband :o I bet it would be good to learn from someone who knows what they are doing. I bet she look great! Where did she learn to BD?


Seto Kaiba Thu, Jul-25-02 09:57

Belly Dancing
She learned from Nejwah, then started to work for her (belly dancing) and then went off on her own. I can't remember her stage name now. LOL

MstyDragon Thu, Jul-25-02 10:36

Not working out today
Okay, I'm not going to workout today. I am way too sore. I may soak in a hot bath instead.

Seto Kaiba Thu, Jul-25-02 10:40

Good idea! You don't want to push yourself too hard and get hurt. :(
Have a good bath!!!!

MstyDragon Thu, Jul-25-02 15:21

Okay, I went back on my word
I think I was feeling a little better, or possibaly I am just addicted to BD, but I did an easy workout today. The Belly dancing Basics. I think that I'll still take the bath though :D

Seto Kaiba Thu, Jul-25-02 16:15

Wow!!!! You are definately resilient and driven!!!!!!

MstyDragon Thu, Jul-25-02 20:30

Thankyou Seto
Wow!!!! You are definately resilient and driven!!!!!!
That sounds better than obsessed and crazy :lol: I did a second BD workout tonight. I think I am hooked. I want to be able to shake and not jiggle :o


Seto Kaiba Fri, Jul-26-02 05:22

Damn!!!! You are addicted! :D It's a good addiction though.

MstyDragon Fri, Jul-26-02 11:00

Yes, but it is better than sugar.
Yes, I am addicted :lol: I have to say it is better than eating sugar! I can't believe how sore I'm getting from those tapes! I can tell that I'm moving differently already. Doesn't seem possible, but my stomach is shrinking too! I wonder if it is from BD, LC, or both? Hmmmmmmmm..........

MstyDragon Fri, Jul-26-02 18:25

I did the Basics BD workout. Still not feeling like doing something hard. Maybe tomorrow.

Seto Kaiba Fri, Jul-26-02 18:32

If I have a chance to do my BD tape, I'll let you know if it helps. ;)

MstyDragon Sat, Jul-27-02 08:50

Thanks Seto!
I would be really interested to know if it helps. Good luck BDing! I hope you get the chance :D

MstyDragon Sat, Jul-27-02 08:55

Today, I got up at 5:17 am and went for a walk. No, this was not my plan, but someone(read a Blue Doberman) woke me up. I thought she just needed to go outside, but when I stepped out of bed...she was so happy. Bouncing around, all happy, with that I can't wait to go look on her face. How could I resist that? Anyway, I was walking by 5:50 and we did the "loop" at my old school. It is about 2 1/4 miles through the woods, a dirt road, windey and twisty with lots of hills. Well, that's one way to get cardio out of the way :lol: I will go weights later today.

MstyDragon Sat, Jul-27-02 10:48

More workout
Workout part II

lifter weights: upper and lower body
150 crunches

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