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Annie-Pie Wed, Dec-31-03 12:05

"The New Year, The New US... Challenge for Jan 2004!!!"
Are you looking to join a challenge to lose 10# or 20# in a month or two? This isn't it. :nono:

However-- if you're looking for awesome, incredible support from a group who started an ongoing challenge a few months' back, then this is it. We welcome anyone because we all need support. :agree:

OUR ONGOING CHALLENGE is to lose 4-8# a month at the most, because we believe that is most healthy. And some of us are trying to stay the same and not gain.

Together we share our joys, laughter :lol: , pain :rolleyes: , and tears :cry: . We get to know each other. We applaud each other. :clap:

We celebrate personal milestones: such as serious illness:rheart:, becoming a first-time grandparent :baby: , switching careers :wiggle: , family struggles :there: , delicious LC recipes :daze: .

If this is for you, WELCOME! This thread officially begins January 1st with our present weight. We weigh in on Mondays by posting our new weights.

Blessings to everyone in this new year full of hope, promise, laughter, and good friends.

Annie-Pie--Wk #1...171..

Mossling Wed, Dec-31-03 12:32


Losing 4-8 pounds/month translates into 48-96 pounds/year...I'm in!


mushyroom Wed, Dec-31-03 12:44

I would like to join you, please. I am on induction, right now, and have no idea how fast or slow I will lose. 4-8 lbs a month sounds do-able. Sign me up!

Annie-Pie------Wk #1...171...
Mushyroom----Wk #1...210...

Annie-Pie Wed, Dec-31-03 12:46

Welcome, Jude!
Welcome, Jude. Wow, your stats look phenomenal. I am so proud of you!

If you feel like sharing any successful tips that have worked for you, I know we'd all love to hear them throughout the month!

I took the liberty to include your stats. Hope you don't mind.

Happy New Year!

Mossling-- wk#1...278..

CindyLynn Wed, Dec-31-03 12:55

I am deffinately in for this month's challenge!

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...

angieK Wed, Dec-31-03 13:06

Count me in also. Annie when I first started reading your new thread , I thought you had lost it--10-20lbs per month. LOL . Deal me in for the 4-8lbs per month. Welcome Jude and Heather. everyone here is so supportive.

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5

Annie-Pie Wed, Dec-31-03 14:28

Hi CindyLynne and Angie...Here we go again---yee haw!

Sorry, Heather, I didn't mean to exclude you. We must've been posting at the same time. Welcome and have a root-tootin' new year!

This time next month, watch out, scale and clothes!

Hugs to you ALL! Annie-Pie

golflady59 Wed, Dec-31-03 15:32

I am in. 4 pounds a month is what I need. Am also in the 50 pound challegne for 2004 so this will fit right in. Need all the support I can get and you guys are the best. Start 226.5. :)

Annie-Pie Wed, Dec-31-03 17:10

Hi Donna,

Maybe it's the spunk in me, but I got a kick out of your signature: I 'spose no "roll hanging over" far outweighs (no pun intended) "no rolling hangover". :lol: Sigh.

Donna your 50# challenge is great. Isn't the support offered here wonderful!

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5


Wenzday Wed, Dec-31-03 18:08

well I would LOVE to be in this group with you all...I eat all of my meals and snack(s) too...SO if I lose more than 8 in a month promise not to kick me out! lol SO far my loss has been unpredictable really...5 pounds a week sometimes 4 pounds a month..sometimes no loss in a month .... BUT If my average is 4-8 pounds a month throughout the year that would be excellent! :) each of those stinkers adds right up! I am in a couple groups hoping that one will be THE onbe or maybe they all will! I am always needing a ton of support to keep going.

golflady59 Wed, Dec-31-03 18:42

Cute Pun Annie-Pie. I want to tuck my shirts into my jeans though. Getting closer to it anyway. Happy New Year.

want2bfit Wed, Dec-31-03 19:09

Wow this post was busy today. Thanks Annie for starting it. Welcome Jude, Heather, Donna, Jessie. It's so great that you are joining us. Cindy and Angie you are awesome.

I have been totally off track for Dec. I was so off track I feel like I am lost in a forest. After every meal I have been so stuffed and uncomfortable. The family is going to start induction tomorrow. I hope we can do it.

Today with my daughter and some friends we took the train into NYC to look at the Christmas windows, Macy's and the tree at Rockefeller Center. Walked 32 blocks. It wasn't bad at all. Wish I could do that everyday. We got out of the city before the crowds.

Looking forward to the wonderful support this month that I so desperatly need.

Wishing everyone a year filled with much joy and happiness and much improved health. Blessings, Maureen

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5

Marieshops Wed, Dec-31-03 19:37

Great idea. I would love to join you guys for this challenge, about 5 lbs a month is perfect for me. Enough to see improvement and slow enough for my body to adjust to the shrinking me :) It took me 7 or 8 years to get to this size so a year or 2 to get it off and stay healthy and happy at the same time seems like a great deal! Happy New Year's Eve to all and thanks for everything.

Starting weight: 184 lbs


addicted2s Wed, Dec-31-03 19:40

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5
Tina.... wk#1 ..215

Happy New Years everyone. I hope everyone has a safe and fun evening.

Welcome Jessie, Jude, Donna and Heather. I hope I haven't missed anyone.

Howdy Jessie . I'm glad you are joining us, This group of ladys are the greatest.
I couldn't do it without them.

I need all the support I can get . Didn't do so hot these last couple of weeks, I hope I haven't thrown myself off the program to the point of no return.
Well of I go to spread some cheer.

Mossling Wed, Dec-31-03 20:29

AnniePie, no real tricks--just 3x/week at Curves and trying to stay on this LC woe.

The best thing for me about being in challenges is actually seeing that I am losing; I tend to forget when I weigh every day (and I do weigh every day) that I really have lost it little by little by little.

Personally, I'm blown away by Jessie. LCing, PLUS moving, PLUS dealing with little ones--WAY TO GO, SISTER!

Welcome everyone!


Annie-Pie Wed, Dec-31-03 21:52

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..

Way to go, friends! We are GONNA MAKE IT!

Hope we hear from Heather & Zuleka soon.

Wow, NYC at Christmas/New Year's Time. What an awesome time. Just think of all those goodies you walked off in 32 blocks.


rodmick Wed, Dec-31-03 21:54

Hi all!!!! Count me in again! We got great news today on DH. The Dr. released him to go back to work monday!!! Yippee!!!!!
We had a nice lunch today. No cheating. Then we took the kids to the movies. Oh, did I have a big big big booboo with the popcorn. On a positive note though , I've finished the day LC instead of saying to heck with it.
I was 162 on monday.

Nat490 Thu, Jan-01-04 03:28

Count me in Annie.
I have found you and boy glad I have. Teehee
Happy New Years everyone and today is a fresh start.
Have my tri tip defrosting for New Years dinner and some nice greens to cook along with the tri tip of beef.

Oh yeah I am working on a pumpkin pancake recipe that will be LC. Just have to go into fitday and figure the carbs on everything. Have always wondered why pumpkin isn't use more then at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Heck it is one of my favorites. :)

stacysheil Thu, Jan-01-04 04:21

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..

Well, I am back everyone. I am gonna try this challenge until I get it right. Technically I lose 4 to 8 lbs. every month but that is because I keep putting it on. My lowest was 170 for 2 whole days and then I just keep going up and down. I have one more family get together sat. and then it will all be over, no birthdays, no parties, no nothing to get in my way or tempt me.

I have the nasty cold too. I made my kids sleep with me last night so I could hook the vaporizer up on all 3 of us.

Wow, we have so many new members this month. That means more posts and more encouragement. Welcome to all of you and good luck to all of you.

I always wished I had a drill sergeant (spelling) for everytime I wanted to cheat, well I do kinda. Everytime my little boy (4)sees me eating stuff I normally dont, he askes me if it is in my little white book and if I tell him no, he runs and tells his daddy, lol. The bad thing is that I eat it anyway. My kids do try to help me which is good. My DH on the other hand is about to get kicked out of the house if he doesnt stop making homemade candy, this is my biggest weakness.

I have a recipe for a broccoli casserole and the only unallowable food is crackers for the topping. Do youthink it would taste the same if I used regular pork rinds instead of the crackers? I am gonna make it for the get together this weekend but dont want to ruin it if it wont taste right with the pork rinds.

Hope you all have a great New Year and Ill be seeing you.

want2bfit Thu, Jan-01-04 08:38

Nat & Sheila, Glad to see you. I am so with you on the need for more will power. You know whenever anyone notices a weight lose on me I then get off my eating plan. I am wondering why I do this. Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas on how to conquer it?

I updated the list. Noticed that Marie's weight was incorrect and she has had an amazing lose. 60 lbs WOW. Congratulations

Once a year I make this amazing caviar mousse. I usually do it for Christmas but this year I did it for New Years Eve. You eat it on a piece of buttered party bread. Too big to finish in one night (I really tried). Good news it is ok for induction. So I just threw any remaining bread out. It has heavy cream, sour cream, parsley, onion, lemon rind, gelatin and caviar. I will save it for my dessert at night. A tbsp or 2 will be ok.

Michelle, great news about your hubby. MY DH hurt his knee a couple of weeks ago shoveling snow. Yesterday he finally went to the drs. and they gave him a cortisone shot. Hope it works. Annie you are so lucky. We have no snow. Send it our way.

Hope everyone has a great day off. Blessings, Maureen

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..

Zuleka Thu, Jan-01-04 09:29

Welcome to our humble thread. New Year ladies, time to put down those CARBS! :yay:

CindyLynne, Angie, Heather, Nat , Sheila and Annie so glad to still be with you all. (hope I got everyone)

I hope all you ladies had a wonderful New Year with loved ones and friends.

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..
Zuleka wk.1...171

TAK Thu, Jan-01-04 09:52

Please count me in! I've been doing Atkins for just over two months, and have lost 7 pounds total, so this type of goal is much more realistic for me. Today is the day! Teresa

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..
Zuleka wk#1...171

stacysheil Thu, Jan-01-04 13:30

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..
Zuleka wk.1...171

Sorry guys (gals) but I hadnt weighed yet this morning when I posted so I wanted to put in my weight for the new year. And yes I really did weigh 170 only a few months ago. I am a compulsive eater and need to quit letting food control me.

I think it was Maureen who said that everytime she gets a compliment she goes off. Same here, seems like every time someone notices that I have lost then I go on a splurge, not the thing to do if you want to keep it off.

Does anyone know about substituting the pork rinds for crackers in my broccoli casserole? (Where are you Nat the cook, lol)

Have a nice day everyone. I probably wont get to post much until Monday. My brother will be here tonight or tomorrow and then we are off to Ohio for the weekend.

Do we post our weight again on Monday or what?

huggs2ewe Thu, Jan-01-04 13:49

Hi, I think I would like to join in to... this is about the amount that I seem to be loosing anyway... though I have to admit that I sometimes would like it to be more... but I know slow is better. So here I am and looking forward to getting to know the group.

Shelia for the top of the casserol I would try parmasian cheese it makes a nice bubbly top. Not crunchy but I bet it would work. You could try the pork rinds ground with the cheese to make it a bit more crunchy. Good luck... let us know and pass on the recipe.

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..
Zuleka wk.1...171
Lise-- wk 1... 203

WIconnie Thu, Jan-01-04 14:18

Count me in!!
Hi All!! I'd like to join the challenge for 2004. I've sluffed off for the last 6 months, though I still believe in Atkins diet and like it. Gonna be starting Induction and look forward for the team effort and dialog in the coming year...with us all having the same goal in mind. I know we're all winners at this! Connie

Liv2004 Thu, Jan-01-04 14:44

Count me in too. I was thinking of starting on Jan 7th because Im supposed to go to my parents for ukrainian christmas(perogies & cabbage rolls for dinner...basically ALL carbs). I'm not sure what I'll be doing that day, I may either still attend or just blow it on carbs, either way I need to start somewhere and I dont like impatiently waiting to start induction in a week from now just because of one day. I'll probably be on induction for a few months anyways.

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..
Zuleka wk.1...171
Lise-- wk 1... 203
Liv2004 --wk 1...232

rodmick Thu, Jan-01-04 14:57

Maureen, I'll cross my fingers for your hubby!
Dh got this artic twist icecream machine for a gift. I tried A bit of his concoction(vanilla mixed with rocky road fudge). I had a great reaction to it (lol). It made me sick with in 20 min. DH says" see, evertime you go sugar free for a while and cheat You get ill. Maybe your having a reminder your a diabetic." I could have stomped on his foot!!! Really I wonder if the spanish peanuts went bad. Havingit come back up sure doesn't make me want more.

Please do share the recipe's. I love brocoli and pumpkin!
Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..
Zuleka wk.1...171
Lise-- wk 1... 203
Liv2004 --wk 1...232
Michelle--wk 1...162

Wenzday Thu, Jan-01-04 15:09

OMG Liv I am in love with your banner there! That's what I've been wanting to do my WHOLE life is to "become who [i] was born to be" and those are some pretty faces in there too ;) I just love those movies!

So...I tend to lose pretty fast when I am losing...I never notice that until after the fact. My problem is staying STRAIGHT...I could have never made it this far without this site! I have had a crazy crazy Year... and I appreciate Mossling being impressed. Thanks. I started this WOE when my husband had been unemployed for months and we were just giving in and getting on welfare...I was in the pit of depression...then a few months ago moving/buying a house was stressful...and i did fall off plan and gain weight... but I kept coming back because more than anything I dont want to be overweight anymore and I am especially trying to escape the "obese" label. My health needs improvement and only I can do it.

I am trying to find a middle ground between losing weight rapidly and not losing weight at far it seems like I will lose 5 pounds a week 3 weeks in a row or I will not lose anything for a month! I just dont know what it is. I am guessing stress though.

TAK Thu, Jan-01-04 15:32

Hi everyone! I would still like to participate if that is okay. I see my name got dropped from the list, so I'm adding it in again. Thanks, Teresa

Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210...
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..
Zuleka wk.1...171
Lise-- wk 1... 203
Liv2004 --wk 1...232
Michelle--wk 1...162
Teresa--wk 1...197

angieK Thu, Jan-01-04 16:13

Wow we have alot of wonderful people here.
Teresa sometimes a name gets dropped and all you have to do is what you did.
Liv2004 maybe you can ask your mom to make a couple of cabbage rolls with out the bread or rice (whichever she uses) maybe mark them with a colored toothpick. That would make them less carby. As for the perogys, there is not much you can do there.
I am going to add one more stress to my life as of tomorrow and quit smoking, so if I get crabby tell me to go sit in the corner or something like that.LOL I am going to try cold turkey. So if anyone has any helpful hints I am ready to hear them. I also will go to the kick nic club to get some incouragement and support. Wish me luck.
Nice to meet you all.

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