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JenB Thu, Jan-09-03 12:47

Addicted To Carbolite Treats!!!!
I have been away for awhile, but am back now & ready to get strict again. Only thing is that over the holiday, my mom & I bought some Russell Stover sugar-free chocolates (DELICIOUS!!!!) and some carbolite snacks so we wouldn't feel deprived while evryone else had cookies, fudge, etc. The problem now is that I can't seem to stop craving these SF snacks! I bought about 10 carbolite snacks the other day to last a couple weeks, but ate them all in 2 days!! I am thinking of stopping for one on my way to the gym today. I can't stop thinking about them!
Carbolite now has chocalate chip cookies, jelly beans, peanutbutter cups, shortbread cookies, etc. It is TERRIBLE!!
The good news is, I didn't cheat even once over the holidays. I just ate too many SF treats. Are these treats addicting to anyone else? I stopped at Walmart yesterday for groceries & only let myself buy one. I am trying to ween myself off of them!


VikkiJean Thu, Jan-09-03 12:59

wow I know exactly how you feel lol, they are very very good. remember this NEVER NEVER NEVER again buy a bunch at the same time to last a week because it NEVER works out that because you do end up eating them all at once. Maybe you should try to use them as a reward, for example dont have any LC candy all week and if you loose weight that week reward yourself with 1 or 2 but no more. Stay away from the part of the store that has them STAY AWAY FROM WALMART ALL WEEK!!!! go to another grocery store that only has the nasty lo carb bars.

Have a good day and stay strong

lkonzelman Thu, Jan-09-03 13:11

It is better then regular chocolate only by degrees. You have an addiction and if it is that strong - I would recommend cold turkey for a while.

Get back into the grove of low carbing for real.

They stall my weightloss so I won't get to enjoy them until maintenance...

UAGirl Thu, Jan-09-03 16:07

The Carbolite chocolate bars, sour fruits and cookies are great. But I had to go cold turkey on them. I was losing my focus!! And living in the bathroom!!

Now I traded them in for Lean Protein Soy Bites covered in Peanut Butter. :) OR Just the Cheese rounds Pizza flavored. Not chocolate, but it'll have to do. :)

hetoame Thu, Jan-09-03 17:24

Funny you should bring this up today...
A few weeks ago at Walmart they had the carbolite choc bars on sale for 20 cents each and I bought 250 of them!! I thought,"I can't just pass up this great deal!" Well, after losing control last week and gaining some weight (not just a stall, mind you) this morning I got out my husband's screw gun and opened up a trap door to an attic and hid them all from myself behind about 30 2" screws!! I sure hope that does the trick because I really don't want to have to sell them or give them away...


JenB Thu, Jan-09-03 18:00

Thanks so much! I don't feel so alone. I havn't gotten on the scale for fear of gaining. The scale has a power over me & my moods. I have been on induction for 2 months with a weight loss of just 4 lbs. But, some days my weight is up & on those days I am so depressed, I won't even go out. I think I will wait a week & then weigh myself. I will go COLD TURKEY!! No more carbolite or any other treats. I will try to keep it CLEAN!

I did make the mistake of going to Walgreens before working out & they were on sale! 5 for a dollar. And there were so many good ones, so I got 5. Needless to say, they are gone...My last "binge" on treats.

They did get me thru the holidays without one single cheat, so they are good sometimes, but now I need to go a few days to get rid of that sweet craving they have brought back.

Live & Learn!
Thanks again guys!

freydis Thu, Jan-09-03 23:32

Do you have someone you could share them with? When I crave a treat, I ask my family if anyone else wants something sweet, too. Then, we break up a bar between however many want a share. That way, I get my sweet, but not so much of it. And, on occasion, we've shared two bars among the four of us, but we don't let anyone go crazy on them. (Also, after several months on Atkins, I don't crave sweets as often as I did.)

lkonzelman Fri, Jan-10-03 09:15

Well if they don't stall you? Some people do fine with the hidden carbs in those bars. I on the other hand seem to feel every malitol carb on the scale.

You need to decide how willing you are to put off weightloss.

This is a personal decision you need to make.

Taotejen Fri, Jan-10-03 12:10

LC Treats
Hi all : )

During round I of my LC weight loss (where my goal was 150, fm close to 200), I became totally fixated on LC treats, and would binge on them too often (especially ross chocolate bars, they blow away all of the others, and I don't end up in the bathroom).

The solution for me is Planning.

I'm in day 10 of induction (New Goal 128, & have lost 6 pounds so far). I make sure I have planned a really great LC treat for the afternoon snack - check my journal for recipes, like coconut cake, strawberry short (coconut) cake (my fav), LC almond joy bar, etc. I look forward to it, I know I'm going to get it, and I'm very satisfied once I've had it.

If I just have them (LC treats) hanging around, I tend to keep reaching for them....

Good Luck :)

freydis Fri, Jan-10-03 16:36

Originally posted by lkonzelman
You need to decide how willing you are to put off weightloss.

You're right. However, I figure this is a way of life for me, not a diet. I'm going to be on this plan for life. Therefore, it isn't a race for me. I'm willing to stop and smell a few roses along the path.

CanadianT Sat, Jan-11-03 07:11

Hi everyone,
I can relate too well to getting addicting to low carb treats, but luckly my Walmart doesn't carry them (I live in Canada). Living near the border, i do go over on occasion and buy some. And just like most of you, i am good for a day or two, then something inside me triggers, and i end up devouring the remaining supply. I have also done this with beef jerky, i make a big batch, and plan on eating it slowly, and then, before i know it, by the end of the day, it's all gone. What i do now is after I make it, i grab a bunch of ziplock bags, and label them with the days of the week, and equally divide out the jerky. So I find myself not eating an extra serving because then i know i won't have my treat the next day. I think i will try this when i go over the border and buy some more low carb snacks. If that doesn't work, then i will just have to think of them as the enemy :(


n0ah Sat, Jan-11-03 16:31

Heather! :)

{{{{{{{{{HUMONGOUS HUGS TO YOU}}}}}}}}}}

When I read your post....I just can't begin to tell you how very much I identified with you! You had me laughin' at myself for I KNOW that I would have done EXACTLY what you did for there is no way I could have resisted such a bargain!

I'm a definite chocoholic...with me, here in Canada, it is Ross bars...they are so delicious. I bought 16 bars last weekend at a cost of $25.00. I promised myself I would eat only one...well, :), maybe two a day. Two I gave to my neighbour, two I put in the fridge for my husband, and the remainin' fourteen, I put in the freezer so it would (hopefully) take me longer to eat them. WRONG! :daze: I was hypnotized by the 'thought' of all of those goodies just waitin' in the freezer...invitin' me to eat them. Well, I couldn't resist and I ate all of them over the weekend! Then, on Monday, I couldn't help myself, I ate the two I had put to the side for my husband!

Guilt absolutely overwhelmed me. I called one of my daughters and asked her to help me! ;) Now that I have met you, I have finally met someone who is so like me that I can relax and laugh at my own Self.

You are my first ANGEL on this site and I am grateful for you and your merry-hearted spirit! I have a journal so if you ever want to post me in my journal, feel welcome. ;)

YOU are very special!

Many Blessings and Happy New Year 2003, Heather!

n0ah :wave:

(p.s. ~ if I find any Ross bars on sale ~ I know I will still buy them! ~ I can't resist a good bargain! (:))

Lisa N Sat, Jan-11-03 17:11

Originally posted by n0ah
I ate all of them over the weekend!

14 bars in one weekend? Merciful heavens, I think I'd explode or spontaneously combust if I were to eat that much Maltitol at one time. How did you survive????
I once ate two bars in one day and was in absolute misery for about 3 hours with gas pains and cramping. :p

VikkiJean Sat, Jan-11-03 17:23

I am in heaven
I don't know if this is the thread that I should post this in but my husband went to the health nuts store ans came back with i package of Carbolite pecan caramel clusters 1 carb each I had one and my husband had the other one.. OMG they are so delicious it was the moment i sunk my teeth into it I discovered this was no longer a diet anymore, This is definatly a way of life that I can live with. He also picked up some atkins country white bread and I had a deliciuos sandwhich. I wont have more than 2 slices in a day so tomorrow I am going to make some french toast with SF LC syrup. ohh this has got to be the best diet on earth :D :D :D

lkonzelman Sat, Jan-11-03 19:19

I guess this is the thread to admit it but I sincerely love the carbolite peanut butter cup frozen!!

My personal favorite but I can't let myself have it until maintenence.

n0ah Sat, Jan-11-03 20:49

Naughty n0ah! :) Re: HETOAME
Hi Lisa! :)

LOL....yes, I did have some extra gas and discovered what an effective laxative effect malitol can have on the body. :thdown: However, I also know that the kindest type of natural fibre I can give my body are flaxseed, nuts 'n seeds 'n berries. :thup:

Bein' naughty once in a while is part of the ride on these wondrous seas. :cool: (Coverin' my eyes..) doesn't mean that it is somethin' I plan to do over and over again. :) Fallin' isn't failin'... :blush:

What I found so wonderful was Heathers' attitude. Another Being who could do somethin' just as I would...that is a great know my stray habits are not just mine ... but shared by others too. ;)

I know our main goal here is not to stray. We need to stay on track...and get back on track when we swerve. :thup:

Thanks for your comments. :bhug:

Many Blessings to you, Lisa and a Happy New Year 2003!

n0ah :wave:

DDMariana Sat, Jan-11-03 22:50

Hello all..

I have about 6 Atkins bars in the fridge that I haven't touched in weeks...can't even bring myself to want something sweet anymore. The cravings and desires to enjoy the chewy and sugary tastes I used to love are completely gone.

If at all possible...I would give those treats up ASAP. All they do -- for some, not all -- is to keep you on that cycle of "I need a treat" which can really get in the way of making new habits. Same for the LC legal foods...just because they're lower in carbs, eating them can really slow down the weight loss.

YMMV...very important there...but for me, I'm so content with the salami and cheese and the other foods I gave up for so long...I couldn't care less about those things.

Now my own homemade LC cheesecake is another story... :D ...but only on those occasions where everyone else is having something, like a birthday party or occasion! Then I will enjoy a nice big slice!


VikkiJean Sat, Jan-11-03 23:10

could you post your recepie?
hi DDMariana

I just tried the carbolite cheesecake the one that you have to make yourself and I was not satisfied with the flavor. I would really like to try your recepie would you mind sharing it?

DDMariana Sat, Jan-11-03 23:45

Hi Vikki...

This recipe is so simple, and not too bad to the taste...

take two blocks of cream cheese, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup of Splenda and a good tablespoon of vanilla...beat the hell out of all this together in a bowl (may want to do the cream cheese first, then add the others) until creamy and no lumps!

Pour into a baking pan (small, or it comes really thin...but I like it that way, more portions). Bake at around 350 for about 50 will puff up in the oven, then as you cool it, the puffy will crack down into the pan.

Before I put it in the oven, I sprinkly crushed pecans on top :yum: :yum: is SO good. Some put the crushed almonds or pecans on the bottom (crushed in with some butter) as a crust...but the cheesecake never stuck to my pan even without greasing, so I use the nuts as a topping.

I think I estimated the whole thing to be around 32 might want to check me on this. If I get 6 slices out of it, that's less than 6 per serving. That's the extend of my math ability...

Let me know how you like it!


VikkiJean Sun, Jan-12-03 00:14

Great thanks a bunch I will try it next week I will let you know how it turned out. sounds delicious

Thanks again :D

murpel Sun, Jan-12-03 01:28

mmmmm I love LC Cheesecake!!!!!!!!
You guys are the best! I've been away from the site for quite a while with work, family, and other emergencies.
Low and behold, what do I find when I get back, everyone has the same symptoms I have with carbolite products.
One of the things my boss got me at Christmas were some of the jelly beans in a really cute jar (being a supporter of my way of life, bless her!) I ate some and felt like Verucha in Willie Wonka. I thought if I could just pop, I'd feel better. I even felt purple!
2 days I was like that. I wasn't sure if it was the jelly beans or something else I ate. I also got a carbolite peanut butter cup in a basket with nuts, beef sticks, LC bars etc from a co worker. I ate that the other day, and sure enough.....baloon time. I was so misserable, I have chosen to stick to the Adkins LC bars and Endulge treats. I know they do have a laxitive effect, however, I bought a full box of endulge chocolate bars during the summer some time, and I still have half a box in the fridge.
One of my friends is doing Weight Watchers. Her group leader had a suggestion....when you think you are hungry, or just want something.....drink a glass of water and wait 15 minutes. If you still want what ever it it. It works for me. :cheer:

SlimShAdY Sun, Jan-12-03 07:10


RobinPF Sun, Jan-12-03 19:07

I had to curtail my Carbolite cravings because I really noticed my weight loss had stalled! At first I didn't believe it, but when I look back on the couple of months that I 'wasted,' I could think of nothing else different that I'd been doing.

I too view this as a WOE, and not a diet or a race, but the way I look at it, the sooner I can get to maintainance, the better. I wish I knew why sugar alcohols stall us. Not really addressed in Atkins' book. Maybe his new one will go into it.

Jenebug Mon, Jan-13-03 08:49


I know what you mean I bought some Pure De-Lite candy bars milk chocolate and I am so addicted to them they are so good they taste just like a real candy bar to me. I did the same thing bought a bunch to have for the next while but they were gone in a week and I am so ashamed even though they are low in carbs it cannot be good to be eating that many anyway I am back on track today and am being very strict but I still think about them in the pantry and want to go eat one. Well I know what your feeling its tough. :rolleyes:

DDMariana Mon, Jan-13-03 11:49

Just my two cents again...this may not apply to many, but maybe someone out there can relate so here goes...

I've been on Atkins since April of 2002 and lost 12 lbs on induction.

After induction, I was "allowed" to have many more foods...the bars, the LC candies, some nuts, peanut butter... what happened was that I was so caught up in trying to substitute my favorite FOODS instead of substituting my bad habits for better ones...that I THOUGHT I was keeping to the plan...

Finally by November, my world shook a bit, and I had lost my appetite for a while. When I started to pick up eating again I only stayed with simple, real foods that were on the plan, in SMALLER PORTIONS, and finally realized all that I had been doing to sabotage myself.

From April to November...a net of 10 lbs lost.
From November to Jan...another 32 lbs. lost.

I don't need those bars, treats or cheats AT ALL now...

It's getting my control over the eating and the foods that made the difference...even the legal stuff can be too much or can work against us.

I do love taking an Atkins bar into the movies sometimes...feels like the right place to have a treat...but even that now makes me ask myself...just because it's a movie, does it call for candy? The association is what I'm personally trying to break...LC candy or not.

Just a thought!


CanadianT Mon, Jan-13-03 16:07

Hi Gang,
I just got back in from Walmart and bought afew of the Carbolite bars myself. After reading this, i am not sure i will give them a try. I also bought afew bags of Low Carb Bites at a Nutritional Store, and I know they are so yummmy. I am going to try really hard to limit myself to one treat a day. Wish me luck!

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