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Shirlfe Sat, Dec-01-01 15:37

190's Club
Hi, I would like to start a club for people in the 190 range. I weigh as of now 193. We could give each other support.
I weighed 150 about 7 year's ago. We moved to a new state, Texas, was lonely, and I quit smoking, and I gained all my weight back. I can still remember tho how it felt to be 150. I am big boned, so I was slim at 150. I lost to 150 on a low fat diet and almost lost all my hair. It is not healthy. I am committed now to get this weight off and feel good once again. Please join and let me know your feelings. Hug's, Shirl :wave:

tamarian Sat, Dec-01-01 18:25

Hi Shirl ,

But we do have one :) This is the purpose of the triple digits club, support of those with 100+ lbs to lsoe, and encouragement for those of us who have a lot to lose.

Unless I misunderstood what you meant by 190's club? Otherwise, we'd have too many clubs (180's, 170's, 250's, 230's etc.) with just a few participants.

If I missed the point, please let me know. We're always ready to open separate forums for support when there's an obvious need for one. :)


alto Sat, Dec-01-01 18:40

Wa'il, what about having a 190s thread? (Not that I'm anywhere near 190!) I can relate to wanting to have a place to "chat" with people near one's own weight. I've seen boards with Countdown Clubs -- Countdown to 275, Countdown to 250, Countdown to 225, etc. Each is a thread. It's kinda fun to "graduate" from one countdown club to another. As the forum grows, there may be age-related threads, too.

I know having a lot of forums drives some people crazy -- it's hard to remember where to go, or what was where. But others may like a small room with others in similar circumstances.

Just a suggestion :) I'm still finding all the wonderful little "nooks and crannies" of this forum.

tamarian Sat, Dec-01-01 19:38

First, I mistunderstood 190's club to be for those who need to lose 190 lbs! :)

As for creating specific countdown threads, that s sounds intersting. :thup:


alto Sat, Dec-01-01 22:42

With apologies to Shirlfe, who wanted to start a club not a conversation, I'm sure, I had another idea for this. I think Shirlfe has hit on a real need -- there are lots of people here with 40, 50, 60 pounds to lose and they're a bit left out between the Turtles and the Triple Digits.

So perhaps there is need for a forum, or a few threads, aimed at those with 50 pounds to lose, 25 pounds to lose, etc.?

Shirlfe, there are a lot of people on the board in the 190 range, so I hope some will find this thread and join you :)

Shirlfe Sun, Dec-02-01 09:17

What I meant was
I have about 55 pounds to loose and need the support doing this.
I thought it would help if we could get together to get the job done.
Thanks Alto, for letting people know there is a need for people with 40 or 50 or 60 pounds to loose.
And thanks tamarian for listening to me.
Sure glad I only have 55 pounds to looose and not 190, but I feel for anyone, no matter what they have to loose, we need the support.
Hug's Shirl

tamarian Sun, Dec-02-01 10:52

Re: What I meant was
Originally posted by Shirlfe
but I feel for anyone, no matter what they have to loose, we need the support.

Hmmm, believe it or not, this entire web site is dedicated to the support of anyone on low-carb, and has been doing it successfully for over a year. :)


Shirlfe Sun, Dec-02-01 12:32

Thank you and I apreciate this web.
I was Just thinking more personal Hug's Shirl

kyfaithly Sun, Dec-02-01 16:38

I'm In Your Range

I too, as a newbie, felt like I wasn't sure where to fit in because of the titled Triple Digits, Turtle, etc. But I will say that everyone has responded to me on all questions and just to encourage, so I think we will find the support no matter which thread we look at.

I am at 183 from 190 in just 6 days, but I notice the scale is fluctuating a pound or two up and down. But that's okay, I will not judge until the 14th day.

Today's menu:

4 pieces of bacon (not hungry enough to include eggs)
16 ozs water

Salad of Spring Mix (arugula, radiccho, baby lettuce leaves, baby red chard), shredded cheddar cheese, grilled chicken and crumbled bacon with ranch dressing
16 ozs water

8 ozs Crystal Light lemonade

Turkey burger
steamed cauliflower
16 ozs water

Will drink 2 more 16 ozs waters or lemonade or maybe a diet coke

Please include your menus for encouragement, ideas and general guidance.:yum:

Thanks and good luck on your journey

Shirlfe Sun, Dec-02-01 17:04

Great support here
Yes there is great support here on all the forum's.
I guess I was Just looking for some one near my weight to count down the pound's to.
Look's like you are doing good.
Here's what I had: Some chicken wings, sugar free Jello with cream. 2 tablespoon's peanut butter. And I am going to have a big salad for supper.
I am down from 195 to 190, Hope I lose to 180 or below by Christmas. I gained some back, but I am on a roll now, a pound a day. Have a great evening. Hug's' Shirl

kyfaithly Sun, Dec-02-01 18:37

You Can Do It!
That sounds like an attainable goal. I guess you and I are the two charter members of this club, lol, so encourage each other we shall. I too would like to be about 15 pounds lighter by Christmas, or even less. Are you on induction or already past that, or are you doing another plan altogether?

I posted my dinnner as a turkey burger and steamed cauliflower, I am not hungry and it's already 7:30 here, may just do the steamed cauliflower. :D

Btw, I am 52, married, one son (28) and one grandson (8). We all live together since son's divorce 6 years ago. How about you?

Shirlfe Sun, Dec-02-01 23:37

Hi, Yes so far we are the only ones here.
I am not on induction, but trying to follow Atkins.
I am 61, married 44 year's and a mother of three 43, 37 and 39. Grandmother of 4, (10, 8, 6, and 5) 3 boy's and a girl.
I have gained quite a bit of weight after quiting smoking 6 year's ago. I was a a decent size then. I weighed 150 lb's. Hoping to get back at that weight, or 135. Rather be 135.
I am really tired being this weight, and I think I am now to a point, I am ready to shed it.
Welcome to the club and I know we can be a support to each other. Hug's, Shirl

wawtigress Sat, Dec-08-01 06:48

190 lb range
:D yea , i have just finished induction and am on day 19 of diet , ihave been trying to find a place to fit for my weight range. i started at 200 lbs. and lost 10 lbs by day 12 on inducton. then gained a lb back for 9 lb loss and nothing since then, i want to talk to other people aboout this phase , i 'm ready to start over on the induction again to see if i had sugar by mistake . i'm not looking for a big drop at one time but i thought that i would lose the lb. back. i have at least 50 to go . i started on introductions but found out that it should be only for intros. even tho' i read and reply to some. when i went looking , i found i didn't fit into triple digits or turtles so i went to daily low carbs but found that wasn't my spot excet to share info. so thanks for this forum.i'm with you. if it doesn't fit you , it won't help. wawtigress

Karen Sat, Dec-08-01 14:13

Hello waw,

Here are some general hints on how to use the forum...

The Daily Low Carber is for general discussions about low-carbing.

For personal advice on how you're doing, the best best thing is to start a Journal in the Journal forum. If you look at other peoples journals, you will notice that they record what they ate for the day, and some will record activities. A journal keeps all your information in the same place so you can refer to it easily.

Everyone eats differently, so it's hard to give suggestions unless we know what you're eating.

Some other great features of this board are in the orange bar at the top of the page, especially in the Low-Carb Tips and Low Carb Tools. There is also the Search feature at the top right of the page where you can search for topics that have come up before.

It takes a while because there is so much info here, but you'll soon be clicking through like a pro!


kyfaithly Sun, Dec-09-01 05:24

Bah Humbug!!
Hey Shirlfe--

I have been caught in :"Tis the Season" activities since the 3rd (working the Secret Santa Shop at my grandson's elementary school everyday last week) and literally stuck in the Christmas traffic for three days :daze: !! But you would be proud of me, I made sure I ate my induction meals before I went, or I would stop at Arby's and get a Big Montana, throw away the bun and eat the roast beef. I also ate at Sonic (a drive in restaurant here) and would order bacon cheeseburgers and they were yummy!!

Whooo Hoooo I just got on the scale and I am down to 179.8 this a.m. That's close to 10 pounds in 14 days. Today is big decision day , last day of induction, where do I go from here??? I am reading Protien Power and Carbohydrate Addict's to try to decide.

I am 52, married to my high school sweetheart for 34 years, mother of a 28-year old, grandmother of an 8-year old. They live with us (have for 7 years).

I too have gained weight steadily at a rate of 10 pounds per year, my goal around 140 or maybe 130, depends on how I look and feel. 130 was my optimum weight for years, but I was also in my 20's then. My reason for wanting to lose is because I am tired of feeling "old" and my feet and knees are tired of carrying around all that extra weight. I feel if I am winded, tired, and in pain from this weight now, I will be a mess in 10 years!

How are you doing, still losing??

And are you ready for Christmas (assuming you celebrate)?

wawtigress Sun, Dec-09-01 07:47

hi shirlfe
hi, i put in a new thread under 190 yes , i am interested in this group, it fits my needs more. if i ever learn all the in and out of this computer. i tried to put in my journal yesterday and ended up on someone else page, the instructions aren't clear to me . so i deleted and tried again but it didn't take so my husband is going to see if he can figure out what i'm doing wrong, i started out on induction at 200 lbs and lost 9lbs. then nothing until today my 20th day and i lost 1 1/2 lbs. for a total of 10 1/2 lbs. now on to the owl. and add more carbs. so i'm very interested in your group since i fit in this to go for my walk.wawtigress

grrlpwer Sun, Dec-09-01 08:08

hi Shirley...what part of Texas you live in? I live near San Antonio :D

wawtigress Sun, Dec-09-01 12:53

how to get rid of a thread
shirlfe, when i wante to join your group in the 190 club , i was new and thougt i had to put in a new thread but found out later that i just need to post reply to your thread. i have tried every way to delete my thread but can't get it deleted. any suggestions on how.wawtigress

doreen T Sun, Dec-09-01 13:03

hi wawtigress
Members cannot delete posts, but if you'd ever like to change your own message .. to correct a typo, or add or remove something ... just use the edit button in the right lower corner of all your posts. You can make changes for up to 48hrs from the original time of posting.

I think your other "190" post is lovely .. some other reader may find the words encouraging and inspiring. 10½ lbs is great success! I recommend for it to stay put ... but if you prefer, we can remove it for you.


agonycat Mon, Dec-10-01 20:20

Hey Shirlfe,

I started back in April of this year at 192 and down to 152. I also live in Texas. (Dallas/FTW area)

Just wanted to say hi and good luck!

Shirlfe Mon, Dec-10-01 21:15

Hi all 190er's
I have been off for a while, have had a sinus infection. Welcome. And to the Texan's. I am near Austin.
I am doing a lot better, staying on track with Atkins, hoping to lose 10 pounds by Christmas, but will be more like 7. I will take all I can get.
I had a good day today. Had pork chops salad and green beans for supper. Pork chop for lunch. Guess I like pork chops. ha. Had a bite of cream cheese with pumkin mixed in it, with splenda. See y'all tomorrow. Welcome everybody! Hug's Shirl

kyfaithly Mon, Dec-10-01 21:33

Hi Wawtigress and Welcome!
Well, it looks like our group is growing. Good to have another on board. I progressed to the OWL today, I am a bit intimidated by the extra carbs, but life must go on and I must be able to add more food for this to truly be a WOL instead of an induction phase.

I'm looking at the Protein Power way of thinking, personally I think it offers more variety and more balance, but it also requires more thought for sure. On that plan, not only do you keep your carbs low, you are required a certain amount of protein per day by calculating your body fat and lean muscle mass (which I unfortunately have very little of :rolleyes:.) Anyway, I'm lucky to be able to count the 20 to 30 grams of carbs per day, much less keeping up with 50 to 60 grams of protein. I will keep reading until I really get a grasp of it, but in the meantime, it's Atkins OWL.

Look forward to reading more from you, just remember, water till ya slosh!!

Good luck and happy low carbing!


Leebugboo Wed, Dec-12-01 11:54

Hiya! I am right there with ya Shirl. I started at 202 and am down to 193. By the way, Kyfaithly is my aunt. Small world isn't it. I am doing okay and getting results on Atkins. I would (like everyone to get faster results) but I am hanging in there. I like the support everyone gives here, and I like your idea of the 190"s. I wish you the best of luck and hope to chat soon. Take care!

Shirlfe Wed, Dec-12-01 14:06

Good for you Lee! I know we can count down the pounds every week. I have someone now the very same weight, as me. We can do this together. Hug's, :wave: Shirl :wave:

Tikerberi Wed, Dec-12-01 14:08

Hey there.....can I hang out?
I reached 198 last week, and am desperate to get it down. I have fluctuated and am at 195.5 today. I only started inducation again in earnest Yesterday, including exercise.

I'm 51, divorced, two grown daughters, I live with my two cats. I also started treadmill workouts after a long time with a broken foot. I'm perimenopausal with night sweats, insomnia, etc.

I've already posted to the exercise forum, daily forum, journal forum, and fitday. I don't know if much of it will be repeating myself. Maybe I'll just kinda post summaries here, and in detail on the others...depends on how much time I have since I do most of my writing from work (I work on computer with numbers, so occasional non work related emails are a relief.)

Are you guys posting to the other forums as well?

E&J Thu, Dec-13-01 16:13

New 190's
Hello folks,

I am actually 197, and just started my Induction today. As I struggle through these great forums, I am pleased to have stumbled on this one. I too would like to get down to 150, and hope to at least get down to 185 by X-mas.
So far I am doing better, after breakfast-3 eggs scrambled w/ seasoning and onion, I was stumbling upon a headache. AFter lunch today, -salmon and mixed greens, I felt better. I am on the west coast and at work. It is about 2pm pacific time.
It's when I get home that I worry about, but once I do get home I'll make sure I have the forum on line.

I will be sure to keep this forum active, I did post in the journal section under E. So I hope I have all the tools I need to succeed. I have never done this before, but have heard to many wonderful things from people who have.

But this site really gives you the boost to remember why I am doing this, and that I am not the only one. I work for the airlines, and so it sometimes is hard to try to keep on track of food. But it sounds like eating out or fast food joints is not too difficult, as long as you pay attention to what you order.

I'll be back-

Leebugboo Fri, Dec-14-01 06:48

Welcome E& are most definitely not alone! You have a lot of new friends and support here. Stick to your plan and you will succeed. I will check out your journal in a bit, too. Good Luck!

sunsight13 Fri, Dec-14-01 07:30

Hi everyone :wave:

I can't wait to join your 190 club. My goal is by the end of January. This is perfect and something to shoot for. Thanks for starting this.


Leebugboo Fri, Dec-14-01 07:42

I am cheering for you!!!!! :cheer: :bhug:

spatzei Fri, Dec-14-01 07:59

Great Idea!
This is such a great idea for a thread! I too am 193 as of yesterday...started at 200lbs. I am keeping to the Induction phase of Atkins seeing as I have been "rewarding" myself when I lose. As of today, also starting in earnest and like everyone else, I wish it would come off faster, but I am very happy with what I have accomplished so far. My mom even told me yesterday that I "look" thinner already... :lol: :cheer: leaders.

I will be 30 in February, single and have been laid off from my job. The job thing had me down pretty bad in the beginning of the week, but as of yesterday, looks like things might be turning around...keep your fingers crossed for me!! Not an easy time to keep the bills up to date and go Christmas shopping! YUK!!

I also would love to break into the 180's by X-mas, this gives me only a week and a half or so....I will really have to watch myself! I know I can do this and I know the rest of you can do it too!! This such a great support team!

Well, that is all for now, and I look forward to keeping up with all of you!

Deb :dazzle:

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