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Helen H Thu, May-18-06 15:45

Hi, just found this place.
Hello everyone.

I've just discovered the Ireland section here. I'm delighted to know there are other low-carbers out there in Ireland. At times it feels like I'm the only one.

Can you believe, I actually got kicked out of Unislim because I don't eat chocolate biscuits?

Anyway, I'm a 45 year old mother of three who lost three stone on an Atkins/CKD diet. I kept it off for three years, but when I stopped breastfeeding last year, over half a stone went back on. Right now, I'm working very hard to get that off again. 4lb to go.

Who else is here?


aofe Fri, May-19-06 08:18

Hi there. My name is Aoife and I am a 33 yr young mother of 3 kids. Was on atkins for about 18 months and got really skinny. Came off atkins and weight has gone up and down over the past 5 months. Am trying the low gi now and have lost a couple of pounds. I know it would be quicker on atkins but the idea of eggs for breakfast makes my tummy go quesy. Am 147 lbs and would like to go down to 134 lbs. Anyone else on low gi?

Helen H Sat, May-20-06 12:31

You've three kids as well? What age are they?

What do you eat for breakfast now?

I've discovered a great way to eat eggs for breakfast. Well, two. One is a guacomole omlette. The avocado and salsa really cut the eggyness. The other is poached eggs on spinach. Or fish for breakfast is good too.

Do you know any good restaurants in Dublin for eating low carb?


aofe Tue, May-23-06 10:25

Hi Helen,

Yea 3 kids. Ages 7, 5 and 2. Bit of a handful. I tend to have all bran for breakfast mainly because of the really high fibre content. 12 gr of fibre! Would love to be able to do atkins but after 2 days I am just dying for bread. Cannot believe that I was on it for so long!

Helen H Wed, May-24-06 08:20

Hi, you've almost the same age difference as me. My girls are 9, 7 and 4. They keep life interesting!

Have you tried out GG Scandanavian Bran crispbread? It has more fibre than carbs, so it works on Atkins. You can get it in Holland and Barret health food shops.

I've also got a recipe for an Atkins friendly bread.
70g flaxmeal (ground up flax seed)
2 large eggs.
1 tbs olive oil
1/2 tsp baking powder
optional: 2 tsp cocoa, sachet Splenda.
Mix all the ingredients and pour into a greased bread tin or divide between six muffin cups. Bake in a preheated oven at 200C for 16-18 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean. If you do it as a bread, it comes out as a sort of moist flatbread. Or you can add cocoa and sweetener and do it as muffins. I've got children with wheat and dairy allergies, so I make this a lot.

Today I finally got out for a decent cycle, for the first time all week.

aofe Mon, May-29-06 07:15

Have decided to go back onto atkins again. On day 2 and feel like crap. Normally on day 3 I get a huge burst of energy. My husband is on it with me for support! The bread/muffins receipe sounds fab. Just had to boiled eggs for breakfast. Am always in a rush to get kids out to school so morning is not a good time to start cooking.

I do not really know many low carb places to eat in Dublin. My husband is a chef in Dublin and says just to go for salads with chicken and fish. I think the atkins diet has gone out of fashion a bit. Boots in Blanchardstown do not really stock a great deal of low carb products anymore.

If you have anymore hints would love to hear about them.

From a very tired and lethargic mother!

Helen H Tue, May-30-06 03:46

Hope you are feeling better soon. Keep your fats high, so that you have something to burn for energy. You could make a guacamole with avocado, cream, and salsa or tabasco, and spread that on the flaxbread or crispbread as a quick breakfast. Or you can make a sort of porridge from flaxmeal and peanut butter.

I've been doing this for a long time, so I've got pretty used to eating low-carb when I go out. Steak or fish or chicken and green veg or salad is my mainstay. There's a Chinese restaurant in Moore Street, beside Lidl, which has all sorts of weird things, like "deep fried guts" and "braised pig's ears". But I've found they have lots of Atkins-friendly food.

I always have mixed feelings about the low-carb foods. It's nice to feel there's a bit of support, but most of them are such junk you wouldn't eat them anyway.

If it's any help, here's what I'd eat in a normal day:
Breakfast: eggs, usually omlette or scrambled eggs, occasionally rashers and mushrooms.
Snack: flaxbread or crispbread and cheese OR
Postworkout shake (after gym) of whey protein and glucose.
Lunch: fish and veg or salad.
Snack: nuts or seeds or coconut (something that I can nibble while cooking)
Dinner: meat or chicken, lots of vegetables (I often cook something like a Bolenegse sauce and serve with pasta or rice for the children, cauliflower etc for the adults)
Supper: stewed rhubarb and nuts, sugarfree jelly and cream, cottage cheese.

Snacks I like include soup made from celery or fennel or any leftover veg or stalks, a soy milk and berry smoothie, frozen raspberries and cream mashed together to make a sort of ice-cream, celery and pate or blue cheese, broccoli dipped in cream cheese, pepperami, home-made coleslaw.

And now I'd better stop talking about it, and actually go to the gym and do a bit of work!

aofe Tue, May-30-06 16:10

Hi Helen,

Thanks for your message. Have been battling with my subconscious all day over whether to quit atkins or not but am still here. Had no sugar jelly and cream tonight.

Have not felt that energy yet that comes after a couple of days. Hope it comes soon. Those low carb crackers from Holland and Barrett - can they be eaten during induction? Hope so had a couple today. Feeling the constipation big time and hope they work!

It was great to get some hints. Thank you.

Keep up the good work.


Helen H Wed, May-31-06 09:14

Good luck. Have the energy arrived yet? Sometimes a session of moderate cardio, like a brisk walk, can speed things up.

Don't see why the GG crispbreads shouldn't work on induction. If you read the ingredients, they are pretty much bran baked to stick together. Make sure you drink lots with them.

My bicycle broke today. I was cycling into town, and about halfway there, the bottom bracket went completely, leaving the pedals detached from the rest of the bike. I got the bus in to do my business, but then now I've got the problem of getting my bike back and to a repair shop, preferably in time for tomorrow's school run.

Oh, I've just thought of something else that's Atkins-friendly. 99% chocolate. Lindt have just started doing it, it's in the Avoca food hall and some supermarkets, and is one of those foods with as much fibre as carbs. It has no sugar, and tastes very sharp, but it is a great way to satisfy chocolate cravings without risking a binge.

aofe Thu, Jun-01-06 02:38

Hi Helen,

Where would I be without you! Have printed off all your hints and hung them in the kitchen! Where is the Avoca Food Hall?

Feeling much better now. Have been awake since 7am and am as bright as a bubble! Have lost 4lbs so far another 16 to go! Have stoppped weighing myself every day was getting a bit psycho about it!

Am dying to get some exercise in but my children are off school for the week and am trying to potty train my youngest so am really house bound. Try running up the stairs as often as I can though!

Wanted to thank you for all your hints over the past couple of days. It has really encouraged me to stick to atkins. Can feel the benefits already!

How is the bike? Do you bring your kids to school by bike? I walk mine when the weather is fine otherwise I have to admit to driving them the 2 minute journey to school!

Keep in touch,

Aoife :wave:

Helen H Fri, Jun-02-06 09:50

Congratulations on the weight loss. I don't care if some of it is water, it's still great to get on the scales and see a smaller number. Isn't it stupid how obsessed we can get about a number on a machine that nobody ever sees but us?

Avoca Food Hall is the downstairs bit of a big shop just off the bottom of Grafton Street. I think it's called Suffolk Street. It's just opposite the AA shop and has lots of trendy stuff I can't afford, but it does have some interesting kinds of food down there.

There's a Spanish restaurant on the same street that does lots of tapas sized food, which is great if you want to take children out for a meal.

Oh, I remember potty training, and am so glad I don't have to do that again. Good luck.

Yes, it is very difficult exercising with children in tow. Maybe if you play musical statues with them or some other game that involves lots of dancing or running?

My bike is better, though it took two men two hours to fix it. I don't have a car, and collect my youngest from Junior Infants by cycling up to the school and bringing her home on the child seat at the back. Come rain, hail or sunshine, I get my cardio!

Have you any plans for the bank holiday weekend?


aofe Thu, Jun-08-06 16:34

Atkins is going really really well. Have my period so not even trying to weight myself. Actually to be honest am sort of afraid to weigh myself in case I have not lost any weight. Bought the ketone strips and they turned a gorgeous purple colour so am in fat burning mode!

Have been walking everywhere the past week and feel really great. Did the mini marathon on Monday so got plenty of exercise in and am going to phoenix park in the morning for a good walk too. I wake up at 7am as bright as a button which is so unlike me.

You are great for the cycling. How do the rest of your kids get to school? I am walking mine to school and all i get is "hate walking, can we not go in the car"?

Those crispbreads are really great. Thanks for the hints. Could not have got through last week without your support!

Have a nice weekend!

Aoife :wave:

Helen H Sun, Jun-11-06 15:28

Congratulations! I'm so impressed with anyone who does the mini-marathon, I've never done it. Did you enjoy it?

Sounds like you should be getting a very nice surprise when you step on the scales. I can't believe you are doing all that and not dropping weight.

My school run takes up most of the day. We all walk or cycle to the bus stop 2km away to get the school bus in the morning. I get a couple of hours to hit the gym or (horrors) do housework, then I have to cycle up to the school to pick up the youngest. Then we either go home, or shopping, or for a snack, before I have to be at the busstop to pick up the other two and we all walk or cycle home together. I've been using my Kelloggs Special K watch, and I burn 400+ cals just on the school run.

I'm just back from visiting my sister down the country. Her kids eat lots of junk, and every surface is covered with a layer of sticky. Ugh!

How are your kids on junk?

nikeb00 Sun, Jun-11-06 16:24

I'm not from Ireland but I just wanted to say hi and good luck on your journey!!!!!!!!!!!!

aofe Mon, Jun-12-06 12:00

Don't get me started on junk food. My son went off chocolate, sweets and rubbish for lent and his behaviour was fab. Am trying to continue this but all his friends mums give them rubbish all the time. Its so frustrating.

Thought I would have lost more weight. Am walking about 3km a day but have lost 6lbs in two weeks. The ketone stips sometimes go dark purple in colour but sometimes just a light pink. I can get a bit psycho over this so am trying to test urine only once a day! Have a bit of thrush so maybe that is not helping either.

You sound like a very active mum. Prefer walking on my own rather than walking with the kids. They just complain all the time.

Helen H Mon, Jun-12-06 15:33

My un-ending gripe, all the junk that other people feed my kids. At least two of them have allergies that make it possible to say "No, they can't have that".

6lb in two weeks is great going. Don't obsess over the ketostix, any shade of pink is enough, dark purple usually just means you are not drinking enough water. Ketosis is like pregnancy, you either are or you're not.

I like walking on my own, but that doesn't happen often. I'm nearly always pushed for time so end up cycling.

Today I upped my personal best on the leg press. I was lifting the full stack of weights and had to add free weights as well. I'm going to be sore tomorrow.

Hi Nike. Do you have an interest in Ireland?

nikeb00 Mon, Jun-12-06 19:10

I'd love to visit Ireland someday, every thing I have ever seen about it makes it look so beautiful.

Helen H Tue, Jun-13-06 01:52

Yes, it is. I'm just back from a weekend in the country, so I was struck by how amazing the place looks at this time of year. But it's also a modern European country, with all the usual problems: traffic congestion, prices, urban sprawl etc.

nikeb00 Tue, Jun-13-06 19:43

I would just love to have the money to travel, I would love to go all over the world. Well heres to dreaming, maybe someday.

Helen H Wed, Jun-14-06 10:05

If you ever get the time, you'll find a way of getting the money. I've discovered you can travel very cheaply if you don't insist on luxury.

I got a two hour cycle in today, so I'm feeling pretty good about myself.

aofe Sun, Jun-18-06 13:59

Hi all,

Feeling like crap. Have not lost weight at all in the past week. Have been walking and gyming all week but not a pound has budged. Not giving up though will keep pounding on the running machine. Would love to go down from 145lbs to 135lbs. Am 5 foot 7. BMI is 23 so should really be able to do it. Have cut out those scandinavian fibre crackers and that muffin bread in case it is not helping. My daughters birthday party on friday so I hope i can keep away from all the goodies!

Helen H Mon, Jun-19-06 12:37

Hey, 6lb is great. Don't knock it. Don't sweat the ketostix, any shade of pink is fine, purple just means you need to drink more water.

Just back from a weekend in England with the family. They had a good time, but I really missed my workouts. How was your weekend?

aofe Mon, Jun-19-06 13:08

Hi all,

Weighed myself this morning and have lost 2lbs since Saturday and 2 per cent of my body fat. Have stepped up my exercise plan by going to the gym and doing high cardio exercises. It is amazing the boost it gives to yourself! Went to the gym again today and took the kids for a swim after school. Oh the joy of having energy again!

Weekend ok. Am going on holidays in 3 weeks time for 6 weeks to france and am so looking forward to it. Hope i can keep up the diet though with those lovely baguettes and patisserie!

Any plans for the summer? :yum:

Helen H Tue, Jun-20-06 09:26

That weekend in Blackpool was our summer holidays. There will be the odd week when they have various summer camps and I'll get to the gym, but apart from that, I'll be working out at home.

I discovered something interesting when I was in England. There was no gym, and I had no bike, so though I did a certain amount of walking shopping for real food (meat, eggs and vegetables) in the biggest Tesco I've ever seen, I was mostly relaxing. Eating clean and low-carb, but not dieting. When I got back and stepped on the scales, I found I'd lost 4lb. I suppose this proves that cutting calories too much can be counter-productive.

Have a great time in France. Think of all the wonderful cheese and pates they have there. Bread is boring.

michiepez Sat, Aug-05-06 08:34

I see that your are getting married, congrats!!!!!! It looks like you are doing a awesome job, keep up the good work. One of my greatest regrets is not losing weight for my wedding. I made a promise to myself that when I hit my goel, I am going to take a second honeymoon in Ireland and take lots of pictures in a slinkey white dress!LOL

Best of luck to you, Michele

jackie o Mon, Mar-02-09 13:31

hello just joined, i am finding it difficult to buy the ketosis testing sticks, most chemists will not sell without prescription, does anybody know of a chemist in the dublin area selling these sticks.

Helen H Sat, Mar-07-09 15:48

Any Boots will sell them for around 8 euro and without even blinking. Actually most chemists will sell them, my local chemist will order them in for me. They are not a presciption item, you really don't need one. McCabes got a bit sniffy with me once, saying that they only sold them to diabetics, because people were "abusing them, going overboard on stupid fad diets". I said I wanted them to make sure I didn't go overboard, then they did sell them to me. But Boots is by far the least hassle.

jackie o Sun, Mar-08-09 05:01

irish low carbers
hello to helen and all, yes being a low carber is a slow movement, has anybody managed to buy the ketosis testing sticks in the dublin area. the chemists i tried will not sell them to a non diabetic :help:

Helen H Mon, Mar-09-09 12:42

Boots will sell them without any hassle. I have NEVER been asked if I'd diabetic when I buy them in Boots.

Viking bri Sat, Jun-13-09 02:38

Just joined and jsut started Atkins

I'm actually not Irish, but I do live here, so wanted to say hello!!!! :agree:
I live in Cork, I am on my 6th day now and all excited about it. I think I have eaten a bit too much, but I just want to make sure I don't eat anything I shouldn't.

Just to mention, I have never been able to make it with 7 hrs night sleep, but this was the second morning I woke up after jsut 7 hrs and not even a bit tired. I feel great!!!

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