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mcadeowner Thu, Jan-08-04 23:42

1 Taco will fill you up, Guaranteed!!!!!
I got the Taco Shell Recipe from Irisda,
It is the best!
Tonight was Tacos and Nachos night, Total was about ohhh 6 grams of carbs
I thought you might want to see those tacos, and how they came out
Ok this thing was a total of 4 carbs, and it was big as the plate in diameter.

here you go
I made it to be huggggggggeeeeeee, It was big as the plate!

What am I going to do with both of these

These were not dressed up as I normally do, because I am doing re-induction right now, but other than that they were still the BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!


KarenMT Fri, Jan-09-04 00:42 forgot to post the recipe for the taco shells! Your tacos look WONDERFUL!

Karen in Montana

stacysheil Fri, Jan-09-04 10:01

My thoughts exaclty, lol. I have been waiting for a reply from her for the recipe.

mcadeowner Fri, Jan-09-04 11:13

The Recipe
Ok, This Recipe came from the sweetest ladeeee yall, and even though she says mine look good, you have to be a braniac to come up with this one, and She did, so make Doubly Doubly Doubly Sure that you send Irisda a big ol Shout out for her Quick on the Draw Low Carb Out of the Box thinking for these Taco Shells. All I did was follow her instructions and take a picture.
Thankkkkkkkk Youuuuuuuuuu Irisda!

The thing that makes this a great recipe is that it is not a net carb type deal. You only have to count the total carbs. The shells are made from nuthing but cheese. That is it, So if you find some shredded cheese that has no carbs, then guess what, you can endulge until your heart is content. heheehhe.
In my case The cheese I bought had 1 carb per serving, and there were 8 in the bag, i used half a bag to make one. so it was 4 carbs per taco because some of that i used to top the ground beef. as well.

Now for the method:( I dont do good on recipes I just kinda wing it usually and babysit it till it is finished) Irisda has exact numbers and such to make a particular size/portion ok. But I think that you should be fine doing it this way too)
I sprayed some butter pam on a plate. Then I filled that plate with shredded cheese, enough to where there were no gaps at all so that i wouldnt have holes in my taco shell. Once you have a nice big area covered Stick it in the microwave, i put mine on about 3minutes and 30 secs because my microwave is about 7 yrs old and i know its not as powerful as most. when i pulled it out it was still pretty gooey, butwhat you do is you use a spatula to cool it off by fanning it, if after fanning it, it still is kinda gooey, stick it back in the microwave(you probly have a microwave like mine heheheh). Ok Now, after you stick it back in there watch it, it should start to brown because it is over cooking, that is the idea,
If you have ever put cheese in something before and you forgot it, and it got to hard for you, that is actually your goal on this!

When you pull it out and start to fan it, you will be able to tell that it is getting ready to turn hard because it will.

Spray some pam on your spatula and use that to pick up your taco shell then bend it into the taco shape, you have to be kinda quick on it so that it wont get to hard to quick. you also have to let it cool down enough so that it doesnt burn your hand too. its a judgement call basically. after you have done that put your shell on another plate while it is cooling, it will continue to cool and also harden up more. i put my spatula on top of it to keep the taco shell shape that way it didnt open up on me.

I had already prepared some ground beef to fill it with,
Ok get ready for this, Taco Sauce has no carbs and no sugar either,
The taco bell namebrand doesnt as far as i know, but check again and make sure its the same for you in your area store.

I filled my shell with the leftover shredded cheese, Taco Sauce, a couple of jalapenos, some romaine lettuce strips,
And I had the best new creation
Orange Cream Soda!
Yall have got to try that it is running neck and neck with my Root beer Float!
Oh yea i called myself making nachos and tacos,
but after the tacos I was so full i couldnt do any damage to the nachos,
but i did take a pic of those too.

And I want to know how these affect each and everyone of yur lives
It makes me want them again tonightttt.
Thanks Irisda
You are the bommmbbbb

2Airedales Fri, Jan-09-04 11:30

OMG!! THat looks sooooooo good!! I'm making it on the week-end!!!


stacysheil Fri, Jan-09-04 12:05

I got creative while waiting on a reply and guess what I did. In the back of my head I thought that has to be cheese. I have a pancake maker so I got it out sprayed it with pam and piled in the cheese, cooked it flopped it over cooked it somemore and there you go, I had it. It was good except Ididnt make mine a taco, I put pizza sauce and ham on it. I am going to try doing it in the microwave now when I get more cheese. Mine didnt get hard enough to be a taco on the pancake maker.
Thanks for the recipe.

KarenMT Fri, Jan-09-04 12:54

I had no idea you had used cheese! I've made the cheese "chips" using this method and also by baking them in the oven, but hadn't tried the taco shells. Thank you mcadeowner and Irisda! The next time I make tacos, I will set aside my La Tortilla tortillas (which I fry in oil) and try one of these. :0).

Karen, MT

Allikins Fri, Jan-09-04 14:24

Those tacos look incredible. I'm definitely going to try this one

Alhana Fri, Jan-09-04 23:15

mcadeowner, the tacos look amazing! Ive done the cheese thing in the microwave, but I dont think I could get mine to look as purty as yours :( LOL.. But.. Ill have to give them a try! :)

Thank you Mcadeowner and Irisda!!

WendyLynn Sat, Jan-10-04 16:06

The tacos look wonderful and I bet taste even better! I am sure they are low in carbs but I want to remind you all about hidden carbs and inaccurate carb counts. First, remember that even if the package says 0 carbs per seving that doesn't mean there are 0 carbs. It could mean that there are less than 1 carb (even .5 carbs adds up) . I don't believe there is such a thing as 0 carb cheese. You have to count it as 1 carb per ounce. The taco sauce is probably the same thing. Maybe less than one carb per serving (1-2 TBS but when you start using cups full, the carbs add up. (Like Splenda that says 0 carbs but is 24 carbs per cup!!) When using larger quantities of items I alway check FitDay for a closer estimate of the actual count. You can really throw off your carb count if you don't.

chefmorais Sat, Jan-10-04 18:11

Great recipe. It really opens the door for other ideas. Like simple sandwiches. Thanks

2Airedales Mon, Jan-12-04 14:44

I made these on Saturday and they were delicious!

Thank you TJ!

suzzee2003 Mon, Jan-12-04 20:35

WOW WOW WOW What a great post!THANKS for the recipe and the Pictures! That was the tell all gosh it looks wonderful! Guess what I'm having tomorrow? hehehehehe!
Thanks "mcadeowner" for sharing!

Terri H Mon, Jan-12-04 20:41

I'm new to the Atkins way of life....Please send me a detailed way to make taco shells and the nachos? Please!!! They look delicious!!!!!

suzanneM Tue, Jan-13-04 20:43

I've done this before - the microwave seems to work better than the oven, and using a ceramic plate works best for me.

I just made chips with shredded colby/monterey jack and I think they had the right consistency for this.

DWRolfe Wed, Jan-14-04 16:24

Looks good to me! I'll give them a try too...

Thanks for the recipe!

kalondra Wed, Jan-14-04 18:44

This looks sooooo good! I can't wait to try!

GlorieB Mon, Jan-19-04 12:33

Just trying this out....

mcadeowner Wed, Jan-21-04 13:20

i would like to know how they come out for you all.
i havent made them since then, but thats how i am though, i dont cook alot of things over and over, i usually like to try some other stuff!
my latest concauction pecan walnut vanilla and chocolate icing!

beatle Wed, Jan-21-04 14:31

The tacos look dynamite, mcadeowner! I'm a big cheese fan and I can never have too many tacos.

RawBearNYC Fri, Jan-23-04 14:01

If your "shell" is big enough, you can flop it over an overturned bowl or coffee cup and let it cool there, it will form into a bowl shape that can be used to make a taco salad (or anything really).

I use a slice of american cheese in the microwave and make a bowl out of it. then server Chicken/Crab/Shrimp/Egg/Tuna salad in it. Presentation is everything.

I'm trying to think of something that one could have that could help you make the taco shape without havint to wait for the "sweet spot" just before it cools to fold it. I'm thinking a roling pin might have to great a diameter, but I can't think of anything else. Of course, if you got premade taco shells, you could just drape yours over one of those, and you wouldn't have to let it cool first, but who wants to keep those around the house?

wizzle Mon, Jan-26-04 23:05

oh god, that sounds so good!!! yum yum yum

lowcarbL Wed, Feb-04-04 00:02

hey i made a taco just like the recipe it was sooo good definetely a favorite on my recipe list....

S}{AGGY Fri, Feb-06-04 01:08

this really opens the door for other great meal ideas...

thx alot !!!!

kath310 Fri, Feb-06-04 01:29

:( Mine didn't work.

The cheese in the middle of the plate didn't melt as fast as the edges. Did I use too much cheese? I really just tried to use just enough to thoroughly cover the plate.

Well, I had this weird cheese-crusty "donut" with gooey center on top of a plate of taco meat for dinner last night. DH thought I was nuts. I broke the crusty part into "chips" so it wasn't a complete flop! mmmm, chips! :doah:

Imber Fri, Feb-06-04 12:55

I just tried this for lunch today. It was soooooooo good!!!!!!! Thanks, irisda and JT!!!!!!

Lush Sun, Feb-08-04 21:17

For the kiddies
Hey, thanks for opening up new worlds of possibilities!

Two things I thought of:

1. Balance a rolling pin between two cups/bowls/jars etc so it is suspended like a balance beam, then drape your 'sweet spot' cheese over this for the shape.

2. These are great made 'little' (like a tea saucer size) with the same procedure, for the kids! My two are littttttle and can't go anywhere near eating a big 'un taco shell. so if I make ones that are perfect fit for 'their' size hands they are THRILLED :yay:

Thanks a bunch again


Quiltlady Sun, Feb-08-04 22:02

:roll: MC,
This is a fantastic recipe. Thank you for sharing it. I am already planning to fix it this week.
I am pretty new on here, but I see you have made wonderful progress.
Congrats to you!
I can't wait to eat the new tacos.

Thanks again!

fern2340 Sun, Feb-08-04 22:05

This looks so good! I can't wait to try it!!!

leshaimors Tue, Feb-10-04 11:15

We had tacos a few nights ago and all loved them! Only thing i did different was that i made my shells in a nonstick skillet on medium heat! effect was the same and it allowed me to control the round shape of the shell. Thanks for the idea!

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