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tina-mich Sat, Jun-26-04 12:21

Hi Marie I hope that your bathroom project is going well for you. Jess I weigh myself just about every morning I know that I shouldn't do it, but it's another habit that I have to break. Have a great weekend girls and I hope that the scale had a great number for you Jess. Oh Marie congradulations on your 10lbs.

skinnbones Sat, Jun-26-04 17:52

Hi, y'all. :wave:

Marie - I always hate remodeling projects. Hope all is going well for you. I am sure it will be worth it when it is done. Hey thats what I say about losing weight. :lol: I guess I am remodeling myself. :D

Tina - I weigh myself probably more than I should. I am down two pounds since Monday so I won't complain about that one. Thanks for helping me out with the info. I look forward to hearing how you are doing. Two parties ugh. That would be tough but it sounds like you have a good plan. :D

maries1964 Sun, Jun-27-04 17:50

Hi everyone :wave:
It is 7:52pm and finally got in the house and took a shower (yardwork all day) so I figured I would drop a few lines. Hope you weekends went well. Thank you tina & skinnbones, I love the "idea" of remodling and actually like doing it too, the thing is I get distracted very easy and then I tend to procrastinate, it gets done, but not as fast as it should. I am about a little over half. The tub I just reglazed and it came out BEAUTIFUL! I am so proud of myself! now I have to reglaze the bathroom floor tiles (they are an ugly green, very hard to match anything to them). Then I am tiling the counter and stucco painting. God I am tired just talking about it. So what did everyone do this weekend? I did a great job eating, I am surprised. The one thing about yard work, you forget about food. Well I better jet, talk soon!:D

skinnbones Mon, Jun-28-04 05:49

Good Morning all, Today will be a challenging day. Auditors will be coming in later to do a three year audit on all 13 of my checking accounts here at work. I will be glad when its over. Then last night someone called and wanted to view our home. My FIL is selling the family farm so we stuck a sign out for our home. It sure will be different. My husband built our log home with just a little help from family and friends! But soon we won't be needing such a big place when daughter goes away to college. I am rambling. Just big stresses going on. Glad I have y'all here to write to. :D

maries1964 Mon, Jun-28-04 07:44

WOW, I thought I had alot going on! Just make sure you have a lot of low carb goodies on hand incase you get the nervous munchies. You will be fine. You must have a big business? I wish I could of raised my kids on a farm. I was born and raised down south in North Carolina born in Virginia. My parents moved up here when I was 15 and never really liked it, but then I met my husband at 19 so I never went back. Connecticut isn't exactly city life, but it is a far cry from North Carolina and Virginia. I wish you all the best and feel free to vent anytime, heck knows I do! hehe:D

skinnbones Tue, Jun-29-04 05:32

Not a big business. I just handle state and federal funds and they have to have their own accounts because we also get county and city funds. Can't mix all that together people get a little upset if they don't get the interest right and with federal funds you are not allow to put them in an account which draws interest! :daze: I have enjoyed living on a farm. We just put up the last hay ever the other day. My FIL has his equipment sold. I didn't know it was the last till my DH got back in the house and said that I had helped in a truely momentous event (the last hay that we would ever put up on the farm). It just really seems different. I have never been up north east. Maybe some day I would like to travel up the east coast? I love it down in North Carolina. My DH was station there in the service over on the coast. Enough rambling for now. Thanks for reading. :D

maries1964 Tue, Jun-29-04 14:44

Sounds interesting. I am sorry about the farm. The coasts are nice, the Virginia and Maine coasts are the nicest and of course the white sands of Florida. I think Maine is my ultimate favorite we go every year to Old Orchard Beach, that is my retirement dream to live there right on the coast.

skinnbones Tue, Jun-29-04 15:50

It sounds wonderful. My DH has always promised me things if I would lose weight. I intend for him to pay up this time. Maybe a trip to Maine would be in order. Sounds lovely. I can smell the salt in the air. :D How are you doing this evening. Are you back on the bathroom project. You sure have a lot keeping you busy!!!

maries1964 Wed, Jun-30-04 09:54

I actually went home from work and passed out cold on the couch and woke up at 11pm! So much for the bathroom! :lol: I am going to try and get some done tonight. I know I can smell that salty air and hear the surf now! I can't wait, make your other half keep his end, you will love it! I can promise you that! Everyone is so friendly and the atmosphere is so relaxed its like a totally stress free time. It is my escape from reality. The only thing it is so depressing that ride home!

skinnbones Wed, Jun-30-04 11:01

Wow I have never went any where that I didn't look forward to going back home after a time. I guess its funny though as some people pay to stay in a log cabin in the woods. Maybe I should just think of my home as a big vacation and then it wouldn't be so much work when it comes to cleaning. :lol: I do love the salty air. :D

Lessara Thu, Jul-01-04 11:11

Hi Ladies
I was surprised my old tread was still be used. Thank goodness!!
Hello to you two! :)

jemman Thu, Jul-01-04 11:13

im paying $250 a night to stay in a log cabin in ct this weekend. hehe

maries1964 Thu, Jul-01-04 12:21

Hi there Lessara! Welcome back! I could never make believe my house is a vacation :lol: three teens, 2 cats, one dog, 2 lizards, 1 fish and a husband :daze: I love the ocean born and raised half my life down south, I was always near the beach. Crystal where in CT? A log cabin? How romantic :heart:

jemman Thu, Jul-01-04 13:02

i forget the name of the place... stonington maybe? its near foxwoods kinda- the exit is in the 90s somewhere off 95.

skinnbones Fri, Jul-02-04 05:12

Sounds like a lovely weekend that you have planned. We might go to the river on Saturday if the weather holds out for us. :D

maries1964 Mon, Jul-05-04 14:51

Hope your weekends went wonderful! Mine was busy, I was a bit under the weather but survived. I cheated a bit, but I still lost but I lost my magic number 8 days cheat free. Oh well new challenge to go further!:D

skinnbones Tue, Jul-06-04 06:34

I also ate a bite or two of things that I wouldn't have normally had. I added them into my fitday and just moved on. I really hate TOM. I think it was that more than the holiday that got me. If the holiday hadn't been there they wouldn't have been right in front of me. :lol:

Marie - Are you feeling better? I am sorry about your cheat free days. They will add up quickly again.

Crystal - Did you have a nice weekend? How was the cabin? It sounded like it would be a wonderful weekend.

maries1964 Thu, Jul-08-04 07:52

Hey Jess,
I am feeling better, but I blew it big time :cry:! TOM plus alot of other things just clouded my judgement so I paid the price. I did reflect on all my past failures and decided to re-read SouthBeach and I am going to change to that. I think I will do much better. I miss my fruits. I hope this helps. I do thank you so much for asking. I have not been in touch in a few days, but I will make every effort to get here everyday here on. I need all the support I can get! At least you ate just a bite or two, that is something to be proud of, we can't quit living all together. I just need to get a grasp on things and learn a bite or two not a truckload!

skinnbones Thu, Jul-08-04 08:51

Marie it will be fine. Just come back on the wagon with the rest of us. TOM is hard for me to keep my mind straight. I know a lady that has the South Beach book maybe I will borrow it from her. I would like to hear what they have to say and I would understand what you might be trying to tell me at times.

I did have a peach the other day. I just added it into my carb count for the day. I to miss my fruit. I do allow myself these things at times. In Atkins it did say that you could slowly add these back in if they didn't lead to cravings. I believe I have that right? I also miss my oatmeal. I buy the keto banana nut which is really good but I was surprised at how much oatmeal I ate before. If I was going to have a down fall right now it would be for corn on the cob. They have it fresh here now but I know that I have no self control when its around so I won't buy it. I just keep telling myself that I only have to be this strong for this year. During that time I will teach myself restraint so that I can have my things next season. Part of my control at the moment is the fact that soooo many people are expecting me to fail. It just makes me mad enough to keep at it. I am so bad because I make sure to always have food on my desk every couple of hours and let them see the fruit juice that I have every morning now with my nutritional supplement. I want to make sure that they realize that I eat the same as them pretty much and I am losing weight. You see none of them are heavy. Can you believe that. In an office of seventeen people I am the only one that weighs so much more than I should. Well that certainly went over to the dark side of rambling.

Please write here often. I really look forward to what you have to say. :D

maries1964 Mon, Jul-12-04 08:15

Hi Jess, I am back! I went back and did alot of thinking and re-adjusted my weight profile to reflect how much I was BEFORE the forums and hoping that will give me a bit more incentive. And I am definately going with South Beach. You were right about Atkins, you may introduce it as long as you don't go into crave mode. South Beach and Atkins are very much the same with a few minor diffrences. South Beach is not about Ketosis, you are more protien but lean, and you have carbs but small amounts and whole grains. You will have to read the book it is not long. So I actually consider myself doing "South Atkins" hehe :D. Today is official day one. I have no choice anymore, I have only until August 26 to bring down my blood pressure even a little bit and Until November to get my weight somewhat under control and the blood pressure completely down so I can pass my final physical to get my daycare license. At least I got my husband and kids to finally "try" to support me. We cleaned out the frige and cabinets completely this time and went shopping just by the induction list alone and they have agreed if they want something they can walk down the road or take a quick ride and get it. I don't want them to stop living and seeing them eat dosen't bother me, having extra in the house does. Sort of like don't bring the alcohol to the alcoholic.

skinnbones Mon, Jul-12-04 11:13

Marie, I know what you mean. It is very hard because we still have to eat. I am sure you will be able to do it. I didn't know you had to get a physical to run a day care (maybe different in my state). That is an awsome goal. I will look forward to cheering you on. :cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:

maries1964 Mon, Jul-12-04 18:35

Thanks so much Jess. It means alot. Oh yea they make you jump thru hoops to get licensed here. I guess that is good for the safety for the children but what a headache! I will be glad when it is over. I plan on only healthy snacks for the kiddies too. They have so much out there that appeals to kids now that are healthy and this way I won't sabotage myself. :agree:
I worked my tale off just a bit ago, I am determined! I did my Nordi-Track and my weights then topped it off with stretches. I need to hit a shower! I will talk to you soon Jess, take care! :heart:

skinnbones Tue, Jul-13-04 06:07

Wow I admire you for all the exercise you do!! :clap: I have started to add some. Did you start exercising right away when you started this WOL or did that come later as your weight has dropped? Thanks for putting up with all my questions. :q: :D

maries1964 Tue, Jul-20-04 08:01

Sorry I havent been here. Problems with the hubby. Just being a jerk. He made me blow it big time last night. I only hurt myself. So no more. I think we are on our way out. I do not work out all the time. I should, right now it was in spurts but I plan on making it 3 nights a week and walk three nights and have one day to rest. Never too many questions! I love them, I need people to talk to. I have so much trash to deal with, this gives me a mental break.

skinnbones Tue, Jul-20-04 20:06

I am glad you stopped in. I will be out of town off and on for the next two weeks.

I will be cheering for you. :cheer: I know how much you say the day care means to you. You have a wonderful goal in getting ready for them to come.

I would tell you not to let your husband win but that would be like the pot calling the kettle black sometimes. They know which buttons to push but I quess I know his as well. Take care of you! :D

maries1964 Fri, Jul-23-04 10:52

Thank you so much Jess! :hug: I needed that. I know what buttons of his to push too, but I shouldn't have to, you know. Well I will be going crazy too, next week is my last week of work, then I have a week of running around getting paper work and prints done then a week of vacation after that! :dazed: Then I am taking two weeks for a mental break, then I will start full steam ahead. Well I hope to here from you and what ever you are doing the next couple of weeks is fun. Take Care Jess :heart:

MISSRED197 Fri, Jul-23-04 13:02

How did I miss this thread?????!!!!!! Can I hop on?


skinnbones Sat, Jul-24-04 17:12

Marie - It is work. I have done more walking these last few days and it’s only just the start. Next week the students will be in from all over North America. There will be about 500 to 600 people on the college grounds at any one given time. I had one day of eating wrong. I will work very hard not to let that happen again. I had two days of not eating till supper and one of them was not till after 9 at night. :blush: I am sure that I have messed up my whole system of losing. I guess I am whining about having to be away from home for so long as well. Well here is to next week and trying again. :D I know we shouldn’t have to push their buttons to get them going but what would happen if you did for no reason at all. Wouldn’t it be fun having him try to figure out just what your up to. ;) When we change our patterns it does have a way of shaking things up. One time I really scared my husband because I quit being defensive about things. I think he thought for sure that I was going to leave him. At first he seemed to attack more because he wanted me to react like I always had. The more he talked to try and figure me out the more I was silent and just mostly listened and at the end of his talk I would answer him back very quietly. If he started up again I would listen and then repeat the same quiet responsive way. I really had to practice the keeping quiet part. I have to say there was a part of me that probably enjoyed keeping him not knowing. Shame on me! The funny thing is that I listened more to what he was saying because I wasn’t trying to already figure out what I was going to say back. It was very enlightening for me. I am rambling now. Sorry for that. Only you know your situation and what might be worth a try. Know that I am thinking of you and cheering you on to the success that you deserve. :cheer:

Becky – It would be great to have you here. I look forward to getting to know you. Take care and have a wonderful week.

I won’t leave town again till early Monday morning and then I might be able to get on line for a short time on Wednesday. Look forward to hearing from you both. :D

maries1964 Thu, Aug-05-04 13:22

Hi Jess, sorry I haven't been around, don't worry you will get back on track, I have faith! And yes Becky welcome aboard! I just wanted to apologize for not being here, last week was my last week of work and planning vacation it has been nuts! We are leaving tomorrow, so I will have to check back in when we get back on the 15th. I will be good, lots of seafood!! Take care!

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