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diget77 Sat, Mar-01-03 10:22

Well got in maybe 10 min areobics this morning and 60 or so different crunches. I am going to try and start Tae-Bao on Monday. My sis in law is lending me her tapes. I tried a couple moves I saw on tv and liked it...harder workout for shorter time.

I don't know what I plan to do today. I did have the scale stay at 5. So no negatives this morning. So another day goes by and not much change.. Fill in more later


diget77 Sat, Mar-01-03 22:10

Well, did a bit of walking today..went to the mall. I got 2 new outfits and an extra pair of pants. How funny...I have been having trouble getting my 8s to fit and lo and behold....I got into 7s that are snug, but comfy. YIPPPPEEEE I haven't been in a 7 in years... I can't wait to lose more, so all my old clothes fit (my 8s and old 7s). These are hip huggers, which I think help elongate my lack of torso (I'm very short waisted). I am going to post some updated pics tomorrow. We got our camera working well again. I am so excited. For once in my life I wasn't depressed shopping. My DH looked at me in fear when I was going to put something back because it was too small. I used to almost cry and just storm out of the store when a size I thought might fit didn't. I would be crushed and angry that I couldn't get into something. My DH was extremely surprised when I smiled and said, "it's ok, I didn't expect it to0 fit, I was surprised to find that some 7s fit and wasn't too surprised to find that some didn't". I don't think I have ever reacted that way to clothes not fitting. Take a look tomorrow for some new pics.

Catchya then

catspaw Sun, Mar-02-03 18:51

That's great! I'm so glad you've got back to 7s. Way to go! It's amazing the change in perspective you get when you've been successful - you know that it will come in time and you have a better sense that you can accomplish your goals.


:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

lkonzelman Sun, Mar-02-03 18:53

Size 7 Oh my Gosh!! Awesome!!

diget77 Mon, Mar-03-03 21:31

The hardest part of the 7s is that I still have 8s that don't fit very well.. I will just have to empty my drawers of those, and stick to my new 7s. They give me a confidence I never had.

I have been so horrible today. I won't even mention all the high carb foods I have had. Tomorrow I plan on making more of my jerky. They had a sale on the meat I like to use, so I picked up like 10 lbs. I will pick up more and freeze most of it.
I expect the scal to be up atleast one if not 2 pounds tomorrow. I guess I just felt so good, I got carried away. FOCUS!!!! :bash: I MUST FOCUS!!!
May tomorrow be a better day for me. Well, video camera malfunction. Maybe tonight. My DH may not be interested in fixing it due to the fact I have him cutting wood for a toy box/ padded bench seat I am macking for my boys.

I will catch you guys later...Thank you for your kind words and support.

Oh yeah, I did get in about 30+ mins areobics about 20mins and then 10+ a different time of day...and several crunches.

diget77 Fri, Mar-07-03 09:55

Well, I totally feel for catspaw.

I have been keeping up with the crunches. My sis in law who was going to lend me the tae bo tapes, forgot to bring them. Oh well. It's hard to look at everyone who is heavier then me be so much smaller....this is so depressing. I mean I always hated to be short...I hate it more now. I could be in a size 4-5 if I were just 3-4 inches taller.

I hate looking in the mirror. I know I am smaller, and I kick myself for not taking pics in my swimsuit before. I just can't believe it. Some days I see myself smaller and am happy, other days all I see is how fat I still am. Yes compared to a lot of people, I am small....but I even look at pics of me in high school and can't stand it..I am pretty sure I am at the same weight now. I know I have had 2 kids back to back, but what about all those movie and tv stars who have kids and 1 month later look amazing...Afterall, some of them at 9 months aren't even as big as me at 4 months.

This sounds like my 2 yr old whinning...I need to stop. Get over it Dani!!! Well, I should go exerise more and get a handle on the boys..


diget77 Sat, Mar-08-03 17:49

I saw 4
I hope not to jinx it, but I had seen 4 1/2 2 days ago, and it was a solid 4 today. I didn't get a chance to do my crunches today. I will get some in tonight. I fell down the stairs yesterday, so I didn't feel much like doing anything last night or this morning.
I did go down and see my Grandmother and thought that I would start on the kids toy room. I am doing a complete makeover of their room. My DH and I built a padded toy box and plan on doing the whole room in trains. I am painting the dresser right now, and maybe get in some crunches tonight.
Well, better get back to work!


diget77 Sun, Mar-09-03 10:28

I got in some crunches this morning. I didn't get anything in yesterday. I have been sanding this morning and was up until midnight sanding and painteing. I put on some music and plan to take breaks between sanding to get in stretches and hand goes numb using the sander if I don't rest. I am pleased to report that the 4 stuck. Soon I will have to make the decsion to go down to the lowest or the highest weight in the height/weight chart for me. I still think I should go to the lowest, to allow for some gain in maintenance. I actually think the way I have been eating is comfy, so I may only add in treats every once in awhile, like I have been doing. I think I can do this. The 4 has given me strength that I can keep going...I know I can lose more and I will keep trying. I only have 1 1/2 months until I go visit my mom. Yikes....Still have more to lose 17 pound if I stick with the 107 (not sure if I will beable to get that far)


diget77 Sun, Mar-09-03 21:01

Well, didn't get too much done today. Got some sanding done. Had so many disasters...just not my day. My youngest decided to bring a bike into the house and spilled about 3/4 of a can of red paint on the carpet. We did get most of it up..It now only looks like the kids spilled punch. I got grease from the grill on one of my fav. shirts (of course it had survived the whole paint ordeal without any problems). We then had some surprise visitors. So I cleaned up after they left. The people that were supposed to come didn't...and it is just one of those days. I treated myself to some chocolate..
I know tomorrow will be could it get any worse. So needless to say, I didn't get as many crunches in as I wanted and I did eat more for lunch than I had planned to. I'm sure I have jinxed my 4. We'll see how tomorrow goes and what the day brings. I can't wait for some things I ordered to keep the kids busy and occupied. I will log in again in the morning..hopefully with some good exercise and weight to report.


diget77 Mon, Mar-10-03 19:23

well, didn't get too much exercise in. I di do some crunches throughout the day. I got most of my sanding done...just a bit left. I do have to redo some that I had finished a couple days ago.
I plan on getting in somemore crunches...afterall I havw atleast 5 more hours before I go to bed. I still have some cleaning and pick up to do. On a good note, the 4 did stay and I hope for another day of 4.


catspaw Fri, Mar-14-03 03:25

Been a while
Hey, how are you doing? It's been a while since I dropped in to say hello.

No changes on the weight loss front for me, what a big surprise. :p

This week I think TOM is to blame. I went back on BCP this month because of some hormonal problems (it sucks to get old...), and everything is different this time around. Had to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom - this NEVER happens, and that is NOT one of the benefits I'm supposed to get from this. ;) I wonder if my rotten moods last week were part of this? I haven't had PMS in years. Don't need that, either.

How are things at your end? Hope you are all well. My poor DH has 2 sick kids to deal with, and he's sick too. Apparently the dog is the healthiest of the bunch, but he's not helping out very much. I go home in 3 weeks and 1 day (not that I'm counting)

diget77 Thu, Mar-20-03 08:42

Boy it's been atleast a week since I wrote in. I have been doing ok I gues. Weight has been up and down a small bit (found our today TOM is to blame). Completely explains the kit kat attack I had yesterday. Haven't been exercising much...I am trying to get back in the swing of things. I am going to try and rent some exercise videos this week to see what I like. It's sad, like catspaw, I can feel the muscle toning inside, UNDER the fat.

It's funny how I am still so critical. I know I lost a lot and that I look batter, but I look in the mirror and see so much more I need to lose, firm and tone.My trip to see my mom has been pushed back. Not too bad though, just one more week. This will give me one more week to lose a bit more. So now I have until the very end of April. It will be nice though, I haven't been to Colorado in....gosh I think 6 yrs (when DH and I were just dating)...
I am picking up my uncle in vegas on the way and he will drive up with me. I haven't seen him since my wedding (almost 4 yrs ago). That one's hard, someone who hasn't seen me larger...So now I only look a little bit bigger than he probably remebers. Like my mom, he has struggled with weight for most of his life. He told me he had lost 50 pounds on a low fat diet. But gained it all back and is now only down 5. He said lc just wouldn't work for him. Anyway, busy day today, having someone come look at the puppies. Sold all of them and most of them are going home this sat. :-(

Will catch ya guys soon

BTW___ Congrats Catspaw!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you 1st Hawaii and then home, you luck dog. I have only been to Hawaii once. I want to go again. DH's family used to have a small house there for awhile (but sold it yrs ago)...


diget77 Thu, Mar-27-03 09:55

well, I know it has been awhile since I have tapped in. I have been slacking, then power ing it up, then slacking again. I am doing good again. I have been doing several crunches, and variation of crunches throughout the day. I have also been doing 20+ lunges and squats. I am trying now to slim down my thighs and tummy. I know it isn't that easy, but it is worth a try. I can feel the muscle forming under my flabby tummy. I think the only way to get rid of the extra flab may be surgery. It is mostly stretched skin from my kids, and heavier weight.

Lets see....I do this one crunch where I cross one leg over the other and come up with the opposite shoulder. I do 15 fast, then I do 5, holding for either 5 or 10 secs. I did this for each side.
I did 30 reg. crunches.
I did 10 reverse crunches
10 lunges, each leg
10 squats

I will repeat this throughout the day, maybe once or twice maybe three times.
Well, I will keep everyone posted. I have been slacking on my woe as well, but have been keeping steady at 124-123....I hope to better myself, now that TOM is gone, my chocolate cravings are getting less. So here's to keeping my fingers crossed. I leave for my mom's in a little over 4 weeks. Gosh, I haven't lossed anything really lately....I know this will be a struggle. If I could lose 2 lbs a week, that would put me at 116, I would really like to be smaller, but am learning to deal with the fact that I have come a long way for me and that I am looking good. So no matter what happens in the next 4 weeks, I will be happy. I would really love to get back into my wedding dress for my anniversary in me 3 months and maybe 20 (extremely high estimate) pounds....since I have only lost a little over 10 pounds since Dec....I find this a bit unrealistic. We'll see how things go, just one day at a time. :) Keep Smilin' as I always say...


diget77 Sat, Mar-29-03 10:03

Ok...didn't get as much done yesterday. I did the day before though. Several sets throughout the day. I did start today off with...

15 cross over crunches right side
15 cross over crunches left side
20 reg crunches
10 reverse crunches
10 lundges (each side)
20 squats

I hope to bring more in today, but most likely won't get them in until tonight. Today and tomorrow are full of running around.
I did drop another pound (won't hold my breath though).
Oh, 4 weeks tomorrow before I see my mom. The next daring trip will be 7 weeks. We are trying to plan a trip to the colorado river (border of arizona and california). We want to hit it before it gets too hot and before everyone gets there for Memorial Day. I think we may go the middle week in may. Which of course means SWIMSUIT!!! Yikes.. I do feel comfy in a bikini top, but am having troubles with the bottom. I have like fat deposits that pudge out every which way. I am thinking about doing the bikini top and then just wearing shorts. This way I can show off my ribs and small upper torso. We'll see. Well better get off and running much to do.


diget77 Sat, Mar-29-03 16:58

Ok...did some walking, but not very effective type. I also just added

20 reg crunches
10 cross leg crunch (each side)
10 reverse crunches
10 lundges (each leg)
10 squats

I feel good. I did forget to mention, although like I said before, that I won't hold my breath because I bounce up and down a bit more lately.
But I hit 40 POUNDS LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippeeeee I still have about 20 more to go...I really have less, but it seems that I keep lowering my goal. I probable won't go that low, I really just want my skirts to fit better than they ever fit, I want them to rest on my hips and not fit snug on my waist. So, I figure I really won't even have to lose more than 15 more, but I figure I may even look better if I aim for 20 more...we'll see


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