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dane Wed, Mar-09-05 04:59

Day 26 HIIT
Ok, been reading up on "real" HIIT. Basically 15sec bursts of balls-to-the-wall, w/45-50sec recovery. Rinse, repeat.

So I figured I'd give it a whirl, and it kicked my a$$!! In only 20minutes! <whew>
On the ole stationary bike:
5min warm-up
15sec as hard as I could go ~level 6 (HR 163 peak)
45sec recovery ~ level 2 (HR 148 lowest)
did this for 10 minutes.... lactic acid burn in thighs, sweat pouring down my nose :eek:
Then 5 minute cool-down.

Ate breakfast about an hour prior, then immed. after w/o guzzled half scoop PP and 6g dextrose. (Gonna try the PWO shake thing.)

Lunch in about 30minutes or so.

dane Wed, Mar-09-05 06:40

PWO info
PWO (post workout) Shake info:
You should use 20-35 g of whey protein, in water (not milk, since the fats, lactose and casein will slow down the digestion which is exactly what we don't want postworkout). In addition to this you should add between 15 and 30 grams of dextrose. (10-20g for women)

Start with 15 grams and work your way up slowly once you know your tolerance to the dextrose and ketosis.

The amount of dextrose used will also vary with the muscle groups trained e.g. smaller muscle groups such as arms will require less dextrose than legs.

Cardio after weights: Standard shake after the whole thing is completed

Low-moderate intensity cardio: Protein alone, protein with oil, or normal food

HIIT: Protein alone or half a dextrose/protein shake

After depletion.....a large PWO shake.

Carb Up:
The highest muscle glycogen synthesis rates have been reported when large amounts of carbohydrate (1.0-1.85 g/kg/h) are consumed immediately post-exercise and at 15-60 minute intervals thereafter, for up to 5 hours post-exercise

galatia Wed, Mar-09-05 06:59

Supersets are exactly as you are doing them. Any 2 exercises alternated with one another within a set. Usually they are for the same muscle or it's opposing muscle, but they don't have to be. I'm thinking giant sets are like 4-6 exercises done in succession before a 2-3 min. rest. I have done those, but not lately. I go as far as trisets sometimes, but that's about it.
So far I'm really liking my meal plan. As long as off plan food isn't being prepared around me, I don't have "issues" yet. I really like this eating every 2 hours. I've tried it in the past, but then I was trying to keep my calories too low, and there just wasn't enough food to fool with every 2 hours. It was almost like a tease. :rolleyes: I did have to do as you suggested and indulge in peanut butter last night, but I was still in a good range. :)
I'm going to have to give HIIT a try next week. I know my cardio is wimpy stuff that doesn't do much for fat loss. I've come to the realization that if I don't hate it-- I'm not working hard enough.

galatia Wed, Mar-09-05 07:14

I've started eating a couple of Sweet tarts right before I start weight training. They are made from dextrose. I got that idea from TOP. Since I've started eating my oatmeal 30 mins. before and the sweet tarts right when, I feel so much better during weight training. Reading what you just posted, I need to be getting my Whey down sooner after I'm finished working out than I do. I immediately drink down the creatine, but it's usually about an hour before I get around to the protein drink. Oh, I also recently started taking yohimbe and cayenne with my oatmeal prework-out. Hoping for more fat burning effects. :rolleyes:

bubu Wed, Mar-09-05 08:02

Hey yous twos.....:)

I can relate to the HIT, dang when I figured out how leisure I had it before doing it right...BUT when I did they really seemed to help in shedding. Did it on tread and thats when my knee busted up. So have stayed away from them since as knee is still giving me probs.
So I read you two are also still trying to find your way in works best. I am really going to sit down today and make a decision on my food plan. I have found I have to stay away from PB...its giving me the munchies and too many fat cal. and carbs.
All this celebrating has thrown my workouts and my foods off.
Was doing the UP in lifting and will get back to phase II, gonna hit the home basement today and incorporate 2 days into one...I should be dead by then hehe.

Just wanted to say HI actually .....and see how you two are doiing so nice you are all in one spot.

dane Thu, Mar-10-05 05:08

Day 27 HIIT
Just did some HIIT on the bike......... 5min warm-up, lvl 2; then balls-to-the-wall 15sec bursts at L6, followed by 45-50sec recovery......... got my HR up to supposed max is 184, so that's pretty good. Managed about 6 minutes of this, then felt like I wassa gonna die........gasping for breath, thighs burning, butt hurting, heart I finished w/enough cooldown L2 to give me 20min total on the bike.

Doing HIIT this way SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I guess that means I have to keep doing it. <sigh>

Immediately upon finishing, ate 6g dextrose and glugged half scoop (13gP) of this soy isolate PP my mom sent.......... man, if I ever complain about the Designer Whey flavor again, somebody smack me...this soy stuff is horrible. Even w/splenda in it, and alternating guzzles of this stuff w/dextrose was yee-ucky.

On a happy note........ found some online stability ball exercises yesterday, and tried out the new ball. Awesome! Everyone should get versatile, and it felt really good stretching on it. I'm going to post the website along with my rapturous feelings over in the exercise forum.

Will do ab exercises on it a bit later, after the PP shake settles down. ;)

galatia Thu, Mar-10-05 06:36

Hey there. Love my exercise ball, it really is very versatile. Thanks for the great links you sent, they are in my task bar waiting for me to finish reading them. I'm sure glad you are doing all this research. So often I've wondered why I'm not making the progress I feel like I should be, and then I read about that important window of opportunity right after training, I've never taken advantage of. I knew I needed to be excerting myself more in cardio, I will try to follow your lead on this too. Starting next week. I do have a standing hamstring curl set up-- I am doing those-- I'm just not use to them yet. I'm sure they'll be fine once I get use to doing them. I take the cayenne in capsule form-- just incase you thought I was sprinkling it on my oatmeal-- that would be awful. I find I am sweating more using it, and drinking more water. I really like my ON's Whey Protein, but I have forced down some nasty stuff in my life--almost a Fear Factor experience . I feel bad for you having to drink that stuff. I'm still loving my new meal plan-- weights not falling off, but I was down a little more today. I won't really be able to tell much about it until next week. But it is sure nice not getting hungry. For me letting myself get hungry equates into peanuts, and lots of them. I hope I'm in more of mentality to work out today-- yesterday was awful. I hate TOM!! Talk to you later. :)

bubu Thu, Mar-10-05 19:37

Ok you two....I really think we ought to get together in one post here...I wanna keep both of you's without typing the same dang thing in each..hehe...any thoughts ?

I got the "ball" too..and yeah its a great tool....and so entertaining at home...the entire family uses it in between shows hehe for some racketerring.

Well dana don't think you were too far off...I was lifting today and didn't notice any problems with it, although I didn't have my DB with me to try out with those, but no pain etc.
Then at work I noticed something. I have an arm chair and I tend to have my body slumped over alot as the arms don't roll under the desk..(very bad for posture etc.) so I use the phone, read papers, do just about anything with my left elbow on that wood arm. Am wondering if I aggervated it by doing that over time and just noticed it.

Well I feel for your HIT, and hope u do the same when I get into it . Hope on Saturday.
In a Nutshell what are ur guys food programs..ratios ? I still am not sure what I wanna do about carbs. I wanna drop my fat for sure, but don't wanna give up the bit of muscle gains I have made. Am afraid of going too low with carbs, but then don't wanna go too high either. In my heart I know I just have to stay with something. This weekend has really thrown me for some reason.

Well enough rambling.......
catch u laters gals.

dane Fri, Mar-11-05 04:57

Day 28 Depletion and Carb Up
Breakfast ~8-8:30, soy PP shake w/36gPP(28gP), 100g banana (2.7g fructose);170g orange (4.3g fruc); and 400g awesome black grapes :yum: (31g fruc)=38g total.....fell a bit short of 50g goal, but I think it'll be fine.

-circuit format.....
-4 to 5 circuits done, 10-20 quick reps (1 sec up/1 sec down)
- as many reps possible in 60s.; 30sec inbetween exercises;3 min between circuits.

Began: 10:45am

Leg Ext: 3plates (30lbs)....set up row
Hammer Curl: 5lb DB
Flat Bench: bar +4kg (22 lbs)
Seated Row: 3plates (40lbs)
Lying Leg Curl: 5kg........set up bench
French Curl: 8lb DB
Incl Flye: 8lb DB
Calf Raise: 8lb DB
Incl Bench: 8lb DB
Ball Crunches, Ass'td: BW.......reset ext and bench


Finished:12 noon
Feel tired, but not dead. :)
PWO shake....2scoops whey PP (35gP), 60g dextrose. Half taken immed., other half to be sipped during next half hour. Let the chaos begin!

galatia Fri, Mar-11-05 06:27

Sorry, I tried to stop it to add something, and double posted instead. :o

galatia Fri, Mar-11-05 06:27

Is this circuit something you will do once a week? Looks pretty interesting. Is this in place of cardio? I think I'll have to try this. I posted conversation in my gym log. :)

bubu Fri, Mar-11-05 13:21

I wanna drop my fat for sure, but don't wanna give up the bit of muscle gains I have made.

Wondering what happened to my first sentence.......don't think I said the above quote right....I mean body fat. I agree on fat calories.

I have decided to sit down today, make my grocery list according to protein content first, carbs second, then fat.....what I mean by that is the foods we usually get around here (which isn't much of a selection w/o having to drive 25 miles esp in winter). according to that I will be making meal plans around the protein calories and add in the fat and carbs to go to my allowance. Otherwise I am walking blindly. I have found that fitday is great, but paper shows and teaches me more in the long run. I can tell u all the calories in the world, but the protein/carbs catch me all the time.
So hopefully I can see some movement without losing the muscle to boot.

Was up at 3 am so am gonna take a snooze, back laters

galatia Fri, Mar-11-05 21:10 didn't tell me you posted new pictures....I just happened upon you talking about taking some at TOP and checked your gallery here. You're looking really good. And the picture taking story was so funny. :D I'll be glad when I can take some more....that'll be when I reach 140....I have enough "fat girl" pictures. I'm so looking forward to my thighs NOT rubbing together!! :rolleyes:

BadgerGirl Sat, Mar-12-05 07:01

Originally Posted by dane
Hey, I've been too lazy to read back through your gym log yet to see what you used to do....... but I was wondering why you don't do any DB bench presses, or flyes? Other than that, looks to me like a pretty well rounded routine.

On page 1 of my gym log, which was in August, I was doing 4-day splits (back & biceps, chest & triceps, shoulders & abs, and legs). I spent up to an hour four days a week. God, those single-leg split squats nearly killed me every time!

I'll get back there, but I wanted to start slowly and build up. I think last time I started too fast and ended up giving up when we went on vacation in September. Also, I have this terrible all-or-nothing thinking and I so want to avoid giving up exercise completely (again) just because I missed a couple workouts because I didn't have 1.5 hours to devote that day.

Plus, I work erratic hours as a writer. Some days I'm out of the house a normal 10 hours, but there are many days when I work 12 hours or more. Devoting an hour a day to weights PLUS cardio can be a real challenge. And while I know that it's important to put myself first, my obligations don't go away just cuz I want to work out.

So I bite off chunks I can manage. I figure anyone can squeeze in 20 minutes of cardio and a few sets of weights. Plus I have always wanted to be able to do perfect pushups. Even at my goal weight I could never do more than one. So I'm starting on the stairs, will move to hands-and-knees position and then -- hopefully -- I'll be able to do them on my toes.

When it feels good, when I start looking forward to my exercise and not seeing it as a somewhat odious chore, I'll carve out the extra time. Right now, though, the emphasis is on doing something every day until it becomes an deeply ingrained habit.

I don't have a bench. I really should buy one for the basement because all I have is one of those huge medicine balls. It's OK for chest presses, but I really like to be able to put my feet up on the bench and completely stabilize my back. I do have a barbell and plates, as well as dumbbell bars and set-weight dumbbells. Basically I have a set that goes up to 110 pounds -- way more than I'll be needing in the near future. So a bench would really finish things off nicely.

Thanks for getting me thinking about it. I do love the weight lifting more than the cardio, but I feel that the cardio gives more discipline right now. Maybe because I hate doing it when I'm so fluffy.

dane Sat, Mar-12-05 08:20

Alternately, the entire body can be worked across Monday and Tuesday.
This has the added benefit of allowing for muscle soreness to dissipate
prior to the carb-up. Muscle damage causes short term insulin
insensitivity which can impair carbing.
This would look like:
Mon: legs, back, biceps
Tue: chest, delts, tris, abs
Fri: high rep, circuit depletion workout

The depletion workout comes from Dan Duchaine's book, "Bodyopus". The
rationale is that the further you deplete muscle glycogen, the greater an
anabolic response you will get during the recarb. On the Monday and
Tuesday workout, do 2-3 heavy sets of 6-8 reps to failure for 1-3 exercises
per body part (larger muscles like back need more exercises than smaller
ones like biceps). On Friday, a giant loop type of circuit seems to work
best. For example: squat, bench press, seated row, leg curl, shoulder
press, pulldown, calf raise, triceps pushdown, barbell curl, abs, low back
and alternate movements each cycle (flat vs. incline bench, seated vs.
standing calf raise) to hit as many different fibers as you can.
note to self......redesign depletion to 2 different circuits, 2x each
........ review and restructure UB and LB as well.

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