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red1cutie Mon, Jul-26-04 08:55

I hate to admit it, but have you noticed that women often don't understand the whole concept of "working in"? At my gym, the guys mostly understand this concept, but the women will often look up defensively and say "I'm almost finished - I've got only three sets left" without realizing that I just want to use the dumbbells during their rest break.

I so agree with you Built. The guys I have asked don't seem to have a problem with it but the ladies always say I have ## sets left. The thing is two of them want to share the machine and talk between sets like they are at home on their own machines. Hello! You can't do that! Other people want to get their workouts done and get out of there. Sheesh.

There should be some sort of gym etiquette posted up somewhere.


dogbone1 Mon, Jul-26-04 09:02

My top gripe is when clueless clods hover between me and the mirror when I am mid set. It isn`t vanity that is gluing me to my own reflection-- I want solid form. Gym etiquette should be a pre-requisite to membership.

One more gym gripe to add to the list--- annoying people who want to have a conversation with me while I am doing cardio. If I can just lose my sense of the present and get sucked into a zone during cardio, it goes by much faster and painlessly. But then someone decides they want to shoot the breeze. I usually wear my Mp3, so its not like I look like I`m available for friendly conversation. And I`m much too polite to just glare or ignore the person-- so there is that awkward thing where I have to remove my headphones, participate in some meaningful small talk, and find a way to end the conversation as soon as possible, so I can attempt to re-enter my spacy cardio zone.


Hope you dont mind the b**ch'n and moaning in your Journal, Lift. :lol:

liftnlady Mon, Jul-26-04 10:11

I have to agree with all that is said...ladies are the main culprits in the not sharing scenario. My other pet peeve is the people who grab dumbells rights in front of the rack and do their workouts right there...thus making it impossible for anyone else to grab dumbells. I usually just reach in anyway and make them stop what they are doing...I figure if they are that rude or clueless...then screw em !

liftnlady Mon, Jul-26-04 10:14


Training off---thank god I am so sore !!

Cardio- HIIT intervals, 10 intervals 20/40

Diet - 1700 cals, 175 prot, 100 carbs, 65 fat

liftnlady Tue, Jul-27-04 10:11


ahhh a glorious off day :hyper: ...especially cause everything still hurts....even my legs from saturdays squats. Weight is up 3lbs which is good since I am trying to add muscle...never thought I woul dbe happy about weight gain !!

so, no training, no cardio

diet- 1700 cals, 175 prot, 100 carbs, 65 fat

Built Tue, Jul-27-04 11:28

Yeay, weight gain!

I know. We're so messed up.


dogbone1 Tue, Jul-27-04 11:52

Personally, I`m annoyed that my bicep measurement has shrunk..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Congrats Lift!

liftnlady Tue, Jul-27-04 12:11

Originally Posted by dogbone1
Personally, I`m annoyed that my bicep measurement has shrunk..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Congrats Lift!

I hear ya on biceps..mine have actually grown to 13 inches...however, I cannot get a peak to show when I flex for pics for the life of me....though if I deduct the tri fluff from the equation...they are probably about 11 there is the goal increase the top and decrease the bottom. :lol:

Chipperoo Tue, Jul-27-04 12:19

Fluff? Are the pictures in your gallery actually you then?

liftnlady Tue, Jul-27-04 13:28

Originally Posted by Chipperoo
Fluff? Are the pictures in your gallery actually you then?

ahhh haaa...yes they are me...however I have added some size to my back and arms...but that said even in those pics there is a little fat on the lower arm that still needs to go...but since I am bulking right now...who cares :yay:

liftnlady Wed, Jul-28-04 13:37


here is the plan for today...weights subject to change

Diet- 1900 cals, 177 prot, 218 carbs, 40 fats



A1 Good Mornings 301 tempo, 60s RI
95 x 3 x 4
100 x 3 x 1
105 x 3 x 3
superset with
A2 Swiss Ball crunches 25 x 3 reps x 8 sets 301 tempo, 60s RI

B1 Lunges 20 x 12 x 3 211 tempo, 30s RI
superset with
B2 Seated Calf Raises 95 x 15 x 3 321 Tempo, 30s RI

liftnlady Wed, Jul-28-04 20:03

holy sheeet my legs are like jello !!

red1cutie Wed, Jul-28-04 21:13

Lift, you must have had a great workout. Keep on girlie! :thup:


liftnlady Wed, Jul-28-04 21:23

it is the lunges..they kill,,also 30 seconds rest intervals are not really rest.

red1cutie Thu, Jul-29-04 19:17

Hey Lift! Hope you had another great workout today.

I will have to try the lunges one day instead of press/squat. I think I got a little stronger on the leg press. I still can't lift the 50 lb squat bar over my head so thats out for now. I tried again today. So I just used the 40lb one for the circ but I know I can squat more. These are barbells already stacked. Yeah, I'm a light weight for now.

I need to take my measurements this week so I can compare them in a month right now my clothes still fit the same. I have been eating alot in the past couple weeks and I think I am going to have to rein in the calories.

I have not started TKD carbup before my weights but I will in a couple of weeks. I will try to keep my calories at 12x my weight (1356) which is really had to stick to these days but that's what TKD says to do. I can't seem to find additional information on TKD since most people do CKD.

I am really enjoying the circs.


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