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fishmonkey Tue, Nov-18-03 08:50

Bubu..........................170/169/171 Total loss = 0 (gain 1)
Mossygyrl...................148/Total Loss = 0 (ick)
Nicolegwen.................121/Total Loss = 0
Optimize.....................161/Total Loss = 0
Heatherelo..................171/170/Total Loss=1
Fishmonkey.................162/162/163 Total gain=1 (double ick)
TamiOrr......................200/Total loss=0
Rosemam....................145/Total loss=0
Rachelle..................... 140/137 Total Loss= 3
Lily.............................280/275 Total loss=2 (5 since November 5)
Ricky..........................165/167 (gain 2)
Petcrazed...................187/185 Total lose=2

Marines protect my life everyday--I work in an American embassy. I can't thank our service men and women enough!!
Got to celebrate with them this weekend at the 228th anniversary party. Might account for the 1# gain but I choose to blame TOM.
Exercising like a fiend though and not losing hope!

mossygyrl Tue, Nov-18-03 10:30

hello guys, sorry i missed the monday check in.
murphys law seems to have a thing for me,
my car was wrecked in an accident yetserday
and i was robbed during that same event.
well, maybe not having a car will convince me to start
biking more something i have been meaning
to do though the weather here is getting pretty chilly.

i could say i lost one pound, as the list is inaccurate (i gained a pound last check in) so im back where i started.
i dont know whats going on, why we all seem stalled?
i cant figure it out. what are your thoughts on your progress, and insights on your own personal potential stall?

my concerns:
-too much coffee?
(this keeps me going these days as a grad student, sleeping at 3am and getting up for class at 8:30)
-too many calories?
(i ate 3/4 block of cream cheese the other day in the form of knox cheesecake. coming home from the bar at 3 am is terrible for cravings though i was sober!)

perhaps these are my downfalls.
otherwise, ive been pretty good about following the plan - so i dont understand.

Bubu, im sorry to hear about your sons going active.
i cannot believe how long this conflict has dragged on. something which i believe should never have happened and now the people are getting dragged into our govts mess. though no one may share my views on this. for the sake of all our men and women abroad i hope Bush finds a resolutoin to this problem with out the need for more violence...

have a good day

Bubu..........................170/169/171 Total loss = 0 (gain 1)
Mossygyrl...................148/Total Loss = 1
Nicolegwen.................121/Total Loss = 0
Optimize.....................161/Total Loss = 0
Heatherelo..................171/170/Total Loss=1
Fishmonkey.................162/162/163 Total gain=1 (double ick)
TamiOrr......................200/Total loss=0
Rosemam....................145/Total loss=0
Rachelle..................... 140/137 Total Loss= 3
Lily.............................280/275 Total loss=2 (5 since November 5)
Ricky..........................165/167 (gain 2)
Petcrazed...................187/185 Total lose=2

Deshukel Tue, Nov-18-03 13:58

still new here
Thanks for welcoming me in. I think I'm too late to lose 20 by Jan 1st, but I bet I can do 10. Wish me luck.

A little about me... my favorite food is angel hair pasta!! A big no no. I like to exercise. I'm with Bubu. I have to do it early. My four kids need me by 7:00 and my daycare kids start coming at 6:30 a.m.

I started LCing again this Monday, but I have yet to exercise. I am getting over a virus ..feel like I worked out for two hours !! So sore. I vow to go tomorrow no matter how bad I ache. Maybe it will actually help.

Mad at my self for letting 10 lbs creep back on. Wearing a 12/14. Aiming for 8 or 135. Short and stout, that's me!

My kids don't like eggs, but I'm learning not to like cereal etc.
I love coffee!

just a little about me.!!

sabrina g Tue, Nov-18-03 15:11

Bubu..........................170/169/171 Total loss = 0 (gain 1)
Mossygyrl...................148/Total Loss = 0 (ick)
Nicolegwen.................121/Total Loss = 0
Optimize.....................161/Total Loss = 0
Heatherelo..................171/170/Total Loss=1
Fishmonkey.................162/162/163 Total gain=1 (double ick)
TamiOrr......................200/Total loss=0
Rosemam....................145/Total loss=0
Rachelle..................... 140/137 Total Loss= 3
Lily.............................280/275 Total loss=2 (5 since November 5)
Ricky..........................165/167 (gain 2)
Petcrazed...................187/185 Total lose=2
sabrina g....................126/124/124 Total this week =0:cry:

Missed the checkin yesterday, but no new losses to report. Have managed to keep the 2 pounds from creeping back. Better luck next week.

bubu Tue, Nov-18-03 18:50


FIRST TO ALL OF YOU.....I am so moved by your support its bringing tears to my eyes. If our boys only knew how cherished they are.
We do everything we can to show it. We fly a flag on a big pole outside we have ribbon and we have a one star banner, we put 'support our troops' stickers on the cars and we will be burning red/white/blue lights for the holidays as well. Yet nothing seems to be enough for us the civilians.
They will do their job and proudly so, and God willing they will return.
Once again Many Many Thanks. :thup:

Welcome Deshukel nice to see another early bird sweatin off the pounds. :)
What do you do as far as workouts ?

Mossy, as u can see I have gained back...and I am a true believer in the stress level having everything to do with our weight. That and the lack of sleep...big time.
Its like the body is protecting itself with all its might so we don't run ourselves down.
Coffee doesn't bother me and if it does..well then I take the slow version of this, cause I need that java that early in the am for sure and again in the afternoon to keep me going some more.

Calories, well I haven't counted them lately....but I don't change eating patterns and menus much these I know I am ok.
I stay betw 1400 and 1600 cal. I did a metabolic check and thats about my middle ground.
Now cheese and possible food allergies may have something to do with it. I have not noticed a difference in myself, but I read where lots of people have them.
I still say ...sleep and relaxation are prob. the best meds. And I mean no worries...which is hard at this time of year for sure. Will be interesting how many people will stall over the holidays after having stuck to the plan.

Oh, I did have pd less again this a.m. but I want another gone !!!! if not gone by tomorrow I will change my stats.
Laters Gators,


AFwife Wed, Nov-19-03 02:00

Not gonna let it get me down.
Ok so after my cheat this past Saturday the darn scale said I was up the 6 pounds I lost. So today, it's down 2 pounds. I'm proud of myself for not giving up and getting discouraged. I was upset, but I did it to myself so serves me right. I've started fresh and it's starting to show. Thanks God.

Lily :yay:

fishmonkey Wed, Nov-19-03 07:03

Mossy!! That sucks! I can't believe you were in an accident and robbed?? I thought NC was a nice safe state! I hope you weren't hurt. Here's to at least being back where we started (I am too as of this morning at least!)

I know why I'm stalled--it's the liquor. Damn holiday time of year. I resist the food but go for the low carb cocktails or wine. Better cut WAY down.
I want to welcome Deshukel as well! Good job with the exercise--keep it up!

Sabrina--keep up the great attitude!

Bubu--I agree that stress has everything to do with it. Go easy on yourself. You're doing great under the tough circumstances!!

AF wife--proof that not giving up pays off! Great job--you are inspiring me!

Deshukel Wed, Nov-19-03 08:34

Weigh In (Wed)
Bubu..........................170/169/171 Total loss = 0 (gain 1)
Mossygyrl...................148/Total Loss = 0 (ick)
Nicolegwen.................121/Total Loss = 0
Optimize.....................161/Total Loss = 0
Heatherelo..................171/170/Total Loss=1
Fishmonkey.................162/162/163 Total gain=1 (double ick)
TamiOrr......................200/Total loss=0
Rosemam....................145/Total loss=0
Rachelle..................... 140/137 Total Loss= 3
Lily.............................280/275 Total loss=2 (5 since November 5)
Ricky..........................165/167 (gain 2)
Petcrazed...................187/185 Total lose=2
Deshukel.....................165.5/163 loss 2.5(Nov 17th begin)

Thought I should add myself.

Deshukel Wed, Nov-19-03 08:50

how long??
Since I am on induction again..I wonder how much I can plan to lose? I need a new tape measure to do inches, my last one broke.
I want those pants falling off of me again!! This time I'm going to give them away like Dr. Phil said! Then I can't slip back into the next size up without buying more.

Thanks everyone for welcoming me in so late in the game.

FISHMONKEY>>>> :nono: I too drink like a fish!! Being a lush is the hardest part of induction for me. I used to drink Martinis and then got into beer when I fell of the carb wagon. Better go back to Vodka and Gin after induction. I was able to still lose while drinking those. but I feel eventually I stalled and needed to lay off alcohol period. It seems to dehydrate and then make me retain water. I would drop 4 lbs after a long night and then the next day be up 6. BOOOOO!!!!

I have to agree with you all. I want our troops back here in the states. Prayers be with you all!!!

Rachelle Wed, Nov-19-03 10:27

Good morning guys.... I am still at 137 this week...but on the fourteenth i met my mini goal... see signature... I was so excieted... my old faithful jeans... ya know the ones that are all tore up on the bottoms.. cuz i am short and all my jeans are too long... i wear '3-'5 heels.. and they still brush the floor.. giggle...

So even though no weight loss to report... i am shrinking... yipppeeee...

Bubu... I will keep you and my son in your prayers... i believe we are fighting for a good cause.. and i love this country... your son is doing a very honorable thing :)

HeatherElo Wed, Nov-19-03 12:42

Hi Guys--I had a slip up yesterday. I ate a couple of my kids school lunch box treats. Being over worked is a real trigger for me. I teach school and start very early. I need to get home around 4 or 5 to help my son with homework and spend time with my daughter and maybe even fit in an exer. video. I also get home hungry and need to have good stuff at hand. I also need my husband not to bombard me with his ISSUES as I come through the door. I have told him that after I have had dinner and Tai-Bo I am a much more available to deal w/ house building plans, hearing about his job etc...He is just a very happy and intense person and doesn't alway chill out and wait until I've cooled out. Well, yesterday I worked until 6:00--meetings, meetings meetings Ugh! and everything else was a stress bomb as I walked into the house and there was no "good" food on hand. Long story short--I am worth more than a bag of chips and I need to make healthy choices!
Doin fine today. Will go home at 4 and deal w/ life like a woman and not a dope!

Thanks to all who have shared that they have lost inches w/o lbs--I was sorted bummed about my numbers but should be happy about my clothing feeling looser!

HeatherElo Wed, Nov-19-03 12:44

Hey Rachelle--
Congrats on meeting your mini-goal! It is great to feel good in those jeans!

petcrazed Wed, Nov-19-03 13:32


Congrats!!! its been many years since i wore a size 7, by they end of all this (my 140 lbs) i hope to be joining you!

Optimize Wed, Nov-19-03 19:40

HI everyone---have not lost any weight but I am not following the diet plan properly.
Several things going on in life that are upsetting at present and as usual I deal with problems by eating. Will try to get back on track.

bubu Wed, Nov-19-03 20:13

Congrats on your progress such a thrill to see you succeeding. :yay: :dazzle: :Party:

I remember dropping weight fairly easy in my younger years as well. Back then my mother was struggling at an age where I am now .
But that was then and this is now. I do have to say that I am a hundred times more active than she was and it still doesn't seem to matter.

What I am trying to say is, that I am not angry its going as slow as it is, I have come to take it for what it is, an aging body (not mind or heart !!!)
The 20 pds by January is attainable by some, esp those just starting dependiing on how much has to go.
And we are all here for those who this may be achievable, as well as for one another who may just see a 5 pd loss .

Regardless I think we have a great bunch of motivated people here who will not be perfect but who are fighters in any sense of the way.

Who cares how long it takes, as long as we are not gaining it back but losing it steadily.
We don't lack determination or will power, we are having to deal with life and if we fall off the food wagon, we will jump right back on.

One thing I know is that by January we will all have made improvements of some kind or another, eating habits, water intake, vitamines and minerals, exercise habits, inches or weight will have changed...and HEY
I am looking fwd to seeing just what we can all do with this in our own individual way.

Thanks for being here everyone.

Laters Gators

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