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Princesspp Sat, Aug-17-02 19:42

Hi everyone!!!!
Didn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheat!

Oh yea .. it's a Saturday and I didn't cheat ... didn't know if the subliminal messages got into your minds ... :D

Here - we'll try again ... :daze: ... you are getting sleepy :yawn:

Didn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheatDidn't cheat

and just for the record ....
(I haven't played with those guys for awhile ... :lol: )

31 carbs today ...
Everyone have a super duper LC day .. and we'll see ya tomorrow!!!! :D

Love ya all!!!:rheart:
(oh .. can you tell - I'm in a kinda good mood today!!!???)

Cher Sat, Aug-17-02 19:45

Sally ....

That post was really cute....I was laughing.....and...I didn't cheat eithor. But, I am hungry and it's only 6:45pm California, I'm going to go eat. I'm so glad that eveyone is doing well (on a Saturday no less).

Way To Go!

Tanyaskees Sat, Aug-17-02 21:36

Hi all.....not too good of a day for me :(. I didn't eat stuff thats not LC, but.........hmmmmmm.....I ate way too much today. Is too much of a good thing considered cheating? I know I went over allowed carbs, but it was all LC...I promise. Can I stay......PLEASE.....I have been bad, but I want to stay.........

Cher Sat, Aug-17-02 22:22


Of course you can stay. ate LC foods (, maybe a little more) but, I could think of some foods that we could all go for on a saturday night
(bad...bad...Cher). Plus...we love seeing you can't go now...we're almost there :rheart:

OK... so I was walking and my size 10 jeans were sort of fallingway too low on my hips. Wow...could this "NO CHEAT" challenge be working??????
:yay: :yay: :yay:, maybe that would have worked at a "woman's Gym" (remember Joan) but, I was in the "co-ed public"....just a little too wierd.

:rheart: Love you all...have a great Saturday night and stay "CHEAT FREE"

donnaj Sun, Aug-18-02 06:59

Hello everyone,
I am still hanging in there and no cheat. Cher, thanks so much for the no cheat challenge. It has helped me so much. I will check in tomorrow.
Donna :wave:

maggie3456 Sun, Aug-18-02 07:12

:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
hey all......I have been doing about the same as Tanya.....didnt cheat really....just ate to much low carb stuff so i wouldnt.....
the worst being some almonds.......which i will not buy any more cause i cant leave them alone......
I will try to do better today and get in a walk or 2...
have a great sunday :)
maggie :)

Marlaine Sun, Aug-18-02 09:16

Good Morning everyone!!

I'm still here and still on track. Still no cheesecake and still no cream cheese. I REALLY wanted some cream cheese last night...just a spoonful, but did NOT have it because of my commitment to myself and to all of you!

Tanya and Maggie...
I've been having the same experience as both of you. Being really hungry and wanting to eat. When that happens, I usually try to eat some extra fat and/or protein because that seems to work best to stop the hunger.

Have either of you figured out what foods will stop the hunger for you?

Cher...GREAT news about the jeans!! Dontcha just love wearing clothes that are too loose. What an improvement over clothes that are too tight!

Richard.....Thanks so much for the encouragement! It's good to see that you are starting to get more than one meal a day in. I think you will find that things work better if you can eat several smaller meals rather than just one large one. Please tell me that you ate more on Saturday than just:
Sausage and Eggs.
1/2 oz of Cheese.
1 Diet Coke.

Victoria......Thank you so much for the cheering section! I appreciate the encouragement! Hope things continue to go well for you too! it is Sunday morning and I'm having a bit of relaxing time. Then off to the showers with me to get ready to go to the local Farmer's Market for noon. Karen (our resident chef, here at the website) is going to be the Guest Chef at the Farmer's Market today and is going to be giving a tour of the produce with discussion on what to do with all of it! I'm going to be there with pen and paper in hand. Looking forward to it!

Hope each and every one of you is having a relaxing, joyful and LC successful day!


chrisews Sun, Aug-18-02 13:09

:thup: This challange is really having an effect, Last night we went to dinner at a young couple from our church, they made one (really) one hamburger for each person, potato salad, macaroni salad and cake for dessert. thank goodness I had brought the appetizer, which were cheese, pepperoni, walnuts, grapes and crackers. I had eaten some cheese , pepperoni and walnuts while we chatted before dinner. but let me tell you, I was hungry when we got home. BUT I DIDNT CHEAT!!! thanks cher gfor starting this, I'm sure I would have excused myself and eaten if not for our challenge. chris :wave:

Cher Sun, Aug-18-02 13:41

It’s Day 15 of the NO CHEAT challenge…and everyone is doing an awesome job…I’m so proud of you (and myself) for not cheating. WTG!

Donna…thank you…ALL of you for being in the challenge. I really needed to do this to make sure that I had a good month. I think everyone’s commitment has made it so much easier. Can you believe how well Chris did last night despite the menu that was served. I’m so proud of her.

Maggie…is your whoosh fairy new…she’s so pretty and I love the moon sitting right next to her. I understand having to leave something alone even though it’s pretty low carb like the almonds. I usually have cashews and it doesn’t seem to have an effect on me…I can have 11 and stop. I haven’t tried Almonds yet…but, I’ll trust what you’ve said and just stay away from them. A lot of the low-carb products give me problems…so, even though I like them…they usually have to go too. I think you’re doing great. One of the things that we learn with this WOE is how our body responds to different foods… it’s amazing to see which ones were sensitive to.

Marlaine…congratulations on getting through last night without the bite of cheesecake…that’s awesome and that’s what this challenge has done for me. I think of you all and I just don’t want to cheat. The jean thing was a little embarrassing when I saw how low they were hanging on my hips…now, I know that’s in style again…but, I leave that to the teenagers and 20 year olds (well…OK…probably 30 too)! Your Sunday with Karen as the guest chef sounds great. Please have a lot of fun today…and share any tips she may give.

Chris…there you go – it’s that preparation thing again. I’m so glad you brought the appetizer’s…I think that had a huge impact on your NOT cheating…you were prepared. That dinner would have made me really hungry too (in fact starving). I can’t believe how much it helps me when I hear your strength. That seems to keep me strong too.

j. mcadams Sun, Aug-18-02 14:07

Okay fellow NON Cheaters even tho I have not been posting and have not been home.
So I am feeling good about that. Sounds as if everyone is doing great and I am so glad.

Cher, I am so glad you began this. joan

starchile Sun, Aug-18-02 14:25

I'm HERE!!!
Just checking in to say that it's been a challenging weekend but I think I did OK! It was a friends birthday and we all went out to Mexican food. I did not eat A SINGLE tortilla chip (one of my weaknesses), NO RICE, NO BEANS!!!! I did have a Corona but does beer have THAT many carbs in it?????? I ate super LC for that whole day...I had had an omelette with some LC veggies for breakfast and that's it.

So, I will count that as a "Good Day".

Alright, I'm off to the grocery store, and the laundromat, and mall....ughghgh!


Marlaine Sun, Aug-18-02 16:39

There is a lot of good energy happening here in this thread and it feels wonderful! Congratulations to every one of us for doing so well for the last two weeks!


Cher....If I were you I'd be wearing those jeans all of the time. Don't you think it's a pleasant switch from clothes that are too tight because we've out grown them?

The blue jeans that I had altered to fit me are getting waaaay to big on me. It's humorous to me the way they ride on my hips. Speaking of which, my hip bones have premiered!! I actually don't have to be lying down on my back to be aware of them. It's awesome to be discovering that I actually have bones and it's not just all that puffy/fluffy fat inside my skin. It's most exciting to see the muscles emerging as the fat peals away.

You realize of course that if you start getting some more muscle happening, you may not need to lose much more at all. You'll be able to enjoy eating more and focus on building LBM. And you will feel great about the accomplishment!

Chris and Star... You two are awesome for having resisted the worst kinds of temptation!! What an example and inspiration to the rest of us. You were challenged and you both came out big winners!


The tour of the Farmer's Market, with Karen was excellent. It was very relaxed and very informative. She shared with us a multitude of ideas for using a variety of veggies and most often she made reference to them as Mediterranean flavours and traditional meals from Italy all of the way to Mexico. She suggested to us that foods that are grown together should be eaten together. The BBQ was a recurring theme as she told us how to grill peppers and eggplant. Goat cheeses were suggested as an addition to several savoury combinations of tomatos and zucchini and kale and beet greens and mushrooms and other veggies I'm sure I'm forgetting. Karen demonstrated how to prepare an artichoke and how to get to the artichoke heart. All in all, it made me very hungry and I'm going to try several of her suggestions.

Wishing every one of you another successful week of NO CHEATING!!


TheBetty Sun, Aug-18-02 17:14

Oh yeah, you betcha, baby!

Just wanted to get that outta the way. :D

It seems that everyone is doing really well. Congrats to us all! :yay:

Cher, I want to thank you for taking the time to acknowledge all of our posts so personally. It's really sweet of you. :)

Marlaine, party on, chick! :agree:

Tina (dayspring), glad you decided to c'mon along! :)

You are all an inspiration to me. :thup: Thanks for the encouragement.

And now for something completely different........

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: It was running away from Betty, of course (you see, it was a tender, juicy, plump little chicken that looked great dressed up in Betty's Gorgonzola cheese sauce).

Tanyaskees Sun, Aug-18-02 17:19

Ok, I am happy to report that today was definitly better then yesterday. Even though I still have the munchies, I am keeping them under control. As we speak, I am baking Donalds deep dish pizza, I can't wait to try it, it just sounds sooooooo good. But I will only have a small piece and leave the rest for tomorrow. Wishisnk everyone a great NO CHEAT week.

adnil53 Sun, Aug-18-02 18:46

OK everyone...
I know I cheated awhile back, but... can I come back, huh? huh? Please Oh Please... Really Cher said it would be ok... ;) So I am here... haven't cheated for a couple of days.. and want to continue to Labor Day! Progress Not Perfection! :D

Princesspp Sun, Aug-18-02 19:09

Hi everyone ....
It was really really really really tough .. but made it through another weekend .. and didn't cheat!!!!


I didn't cheeee-eeat
I didn't cheeee-eeat
I didn't cheeee-eeat
I didn't cheeee-eeat
I didn't cheeee-eeat
I didn't cheeee-eeat
I didn't cheeee-eeat
I didn't cheeee-eeat
I didn't cheeee-eeat
I didn't cheeee-eeat
I didn't cheeee-eeat
I didn't cheeee-eeat

Oh yea .. I was good alllllllllll weekend too !!!!! :agree:

Talk later all!!!:rheart:
Love ya all!!!:rheart:

dayspring Sun, Aug-18-02 19:36

yaaaay sally!!!!!!

i have made it through 7 days without cheating and feeling great.

here's to another cheat-free week!

tina :rheart:

qcchevyman Sun, Aug-18-02 21:12

Well another NO CHEAT Day for me today. But I had a Bad Day of Eating. I didn't eat near enough today.

All I had today was some left over Sausage mixed with some Corn Beef Hash and around 4 oz of Cheese.

I drank 70 oz of Water and 1 1 liter diet pepsi.

I left the house this afternoon and it was late when I got back home, so I didn't stop anywhere to eat anything.

I have to Admit I was Proud of one thing. I went to my Niece,s house for a Visit and she was out getting Pizza. Anyway she came back home and wanted me to eat some and Believe it or not I just wasn't interested in it. So I just said no and Passed on it.

I did have a Ball Playing with the Puppy. Her name is Jersey. She's the one I'm holding in my arms in my Avatar. She's a little Maltese and she runs the house or so she thinks.

She sure is a little bundle of joy.

OK tomorrows Monday so I'm happy to say I made it through another weekend too. I need to do some shopping in the Morning. I have to restock on Veggies.

OK Everybody. It sounds like your all doing well. Take Care. We have 15 Days to go on the Challenge. Don't forget to Post in this Journal on Sept. 3 so we can come up with a Total weight loss.

Regardless how much each of us has Lost or even if we didn't lose anything it has Been a Blast having everyone Focused on thier Program. Take care.

j. mcadams Mon, Aug-19-02 05:33

Monday morning....
Cher or Sally, which day are we on I have lost count. However, I have not, not , not, not Cheated. Did I metioned I have not cheated?????????????????????????????????????????????????
I wrote this in my journal but it needs repeating, just in case, Heaven Forbid, that someone actually does not come by and visits in my journal.
One of Bob's DIL's was here yersterday after I got home and came with a pkg. of cookies and they happen to be my favorite. Well, she tells me that Bob had mentioned that I had not eaten sugar or starch for over two weeks and that he thought I was really getting a handle on my sweet tooth. So she says, ''I THINK IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO HAVE SOME SWEET STUFF, SO I HAVE BROUGHT YOUR FAVORITE COOKIES''. WEllllll, I thanked her for them and took them to the kitchen opened them and ran them down the garbage disposal. Don't like wasteing food but I am looking at cookies as not being food, but for me a ticking time bomb. Now was she being mean, partly. Now why do I think this. Well, her DH is still out of work, she is a high school teacher and school has started and right now she is PISSED off at the whole world. So after the disposal work, I turned to her and told her how good the cookies were. Her DH even asked her why she brought them knowing that I am trying so hard to stay away from carbage. Anyway I think I handled that very well and felt I delt with this the only way I could, cause if I had left them till they were ready to go home, there was this chance I would have tasted just one then two then yep, the whole damn package.
Going to exercise this morning and planning anouther NO CHEAT day. Everyone have a wonderful day. Much love and support Joan :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

donnaj Mon, Aug-19-02 08:47

just checking in
Hello everyone, I am so proud of you all for your will power and commitment for the challenge. I have not cheated but ate to much fat yestersday and my stomach is paying for it today. I was under stress worrying about my blind neighbor and I ate a whole pound of bacon. Oh boy, I will not to that again. So today, I made another committment to myself. I will stick with 3 meals a day with meat and salads and leaving the bacon alone. Hope everyone have a great low carb day.
Donna :wave:

VictoriaT Mon, Aug-19-02 08:49

Was looking at your stats-you are doing great! Keep up the good work--you are almost there girl!

starchile Mon, Aug-19-02 10:14

Great Weekend, ready for the week!
JOAN-- I think you did an EXCELLENT JOB!!!! You are incredible!!! In that situation I think it was more important that you do what you needed to do to get the temptation out of the picture!!! It sounds like she was just being nasty b/c she is feeling bad about her life! I'm glad you held strong and didn't allow her to bring you down as well!

Hey you know what I just realized???? That I started LC on September 1!!!! That just gives me MORE motivation to make it to Labor Day w/out cheating!!!! It will be my Year Anniversary!!!!

Have a great no cheat day Everyone!!!!


j. mcadams Mon, Aug-19-02 13:19

Star I was just looking at your stats and you have done wonderful. Can you believe it will be one full year for you on Sept. 01, WTG.
The more I think about the cookie thing the more I know I have done the right thing. Always before I would accept these tokens and finally give in and finish them off. No MORE, I am not a human garbage disaposal. So harsh as it may seem I had to take a stand. GEEEEESSSSHHHH, look what turning 50 has done for me....ROFLOL...joan

lisacc Mon, Aug-19-02 14:56

Hello everyone. I have really missed you guys. I have had a great no cheat week-end. My size 9/10 jeans are getting big so I should be able to squeeze into a 7/8 and then let them grow and get bigger. I like to use clothes as my guage of weight lose.

Joan you go girl. That was a wonderful thing to do. I pray that we can all do the same thing in light that the holidays are coming up. My office will be filled with goodies everyday after Halloween. All the employees bring goodies in, but our vendors send us the real good stuff. We have french imported candies it is the real good carbage. I pray for God to give me the strength not to put those chemicals in my body.

Today has been a total of 12carbs so far. I plan to have chicken for dinner and spinach salad. I should come well under the 20 grams I have allotted for each day. I haven't figured out my cardio work for the day. I have my lower body to do today for my weight training. I ride the bike today, I'll run tommorrow.

Tanyaskees Mon, Aug-19-02 16:00

Hi all, good day for me so far today. Went to chinese for lunch, ate chicken wings, no breading..just fried. I feel like I will take off and fly.....I guess I ate too many.....LOL. Just has a protien shake for a snack and will have another for dinner. So far so good....keep it up everybody :)

qcchevyman Mon, Aug-19-02 16:51

Another No Cheat Day.

Breakfast: 1 Small Mock Danish.

Lunch: Mixed Salad with Lettuce, Tomato, Celery, Bell Pepper, 9 really small Green Olives and 3 tablespoons of Lite Italion Dressing.

Dinner: 2 1/3 pound Hamburgers With 4 oz of Chedder Cheese melted on it topped with a couple Squirts of Yellow Mustard on it.

Water: 90 oz so far.

OK 14 Days to go until Weigh In. Good Luck Everybody.

adnil53 Mon, Aug-19-02 17:47

No cheating for me today either!

Pepperoni Mon, Aug-19-02 17:55

Still Truckin! No Cheats....

chrisews Mon, Aug-19-02 18:46

OK, today is Monday, I went to the gym and the tape didn't work, so I left the class, went right next door to the workout room, did 5 miles on the stationary bike, did the universal, then hit the tread mill for 20 minutes, I got my 50 minute workout and didn't waste my time. I am very proud of myself. and NO CHEATING. We leave on vacation Wednesday, so I made myself a loaf of Atkins bread to take with me for munching when I need to. Actually to road is not too bad, You can go to any of the fast food restaurants and they'll give you a hamburger or whatever they sell on a plate without bread, and Subway will give you any sandwich as a salad, so.o.o. driving's not bad, it's those times when you visit people that are tough. Wish me luck. I'll be back to report on Labor Day... no cheat til labor day. chris

Princesspp Mon, Aug-19-02 19:23

It was a close one, but still no cheats .. I was doing some really monotonous work today, and was falling asleep at my desk, and wanted something soooo bad ... but kept refueling my water bottle .. and I made it ...

26 carbs for the day ..

Most of those being the last of my strawberry margarita cake though .. but now that's gone ...

I did it by the hair of my chinny chin chin!!!! :D

Okay .. gonna sign of for now .. everyone's doin' great !!!!
Talk later all....
Love ya all!!:rheart:

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