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cartmanis Thu, Mar-13-03 09:43

Hey guys,

Well, the FATMOVER officially took up lodgings at my place this last week. Started feeling ill Friday, by Monday I was in to the Docs. Strep throat, which I'm still feeling horrible from, but am starting to be able to think straight again.

The positive side, down to 283 this morning. (1 week ago, I had just dropped to 292)

So, if you don't mind feeling wretched, I've discovered the best weighloss plan is to run fevers for nearly a week, go out and French kiss the next person you know with a sore throat :)

Warning: please don't try this at home, not worth it :) :) :)

Anybody Thu, Mar-13-03 10:11

Congrats cart!.. sorry to hear about you being sick..but hey you stuck to your eating plan and lost a good portion of weight.


Anybody Thu, Mar-13-03 10:13

Re: Take it the hell away...
Originally posted by DWRolfe

...that's the sound of the FATMOVER backing out of my driveway this morning with 2 more stinky, unwanted pounds of Donaldlard.

Donald :wave:

Way to go Donald. Thats just awesome brother. :)

Luxsit Thu, Mar-13-03 13:58

Hey Guy's,

Well I am official back in induction on day 4. Pounds are flying off and I'm feeling pretty motivated right now. Thought I'd see if you wouldn't mind some additional company. I think I'm the fittest fat guy at the gym, maybe in the state. Blew through another 80 minute Cardio session this morning :D . Anyway see you around.

Lux :cool:

MaineDaddy Thu, Mar-13-03 16:11

Glad to have you Lux
Welcome to the Men's Room! Don't bother putting the seat down!!

Way to go Cart! If I was not losing well right now I would take your advise. There are two scales at the gym but they are all over the place. My official scale is at a friends house and I only get there so often. I was low on the gym scale today and I feel like I'm losing so if I can get to MY scale tomorow I'll have some stats.

Anybody- you getting more snow or what? We are here but Mass is supposed to get more than Maine LOL!!!

Guess I missed a good movie, never saw Super Troopers. I could go for a mug though...

In my best Homer Simpson "MMMMMMMM Maple-y"

MaineDaddy Fri, Mar-14-03 11:21

I seem to be on a roll, I have lost another two lbs this week.

Knock on wood but I see 199 arround the corner! I have been working out regularly but I have been eating like a king! Have I mentioned that I live this WOL. I would have sworn that a person would have to gain weight with the ammount of Bleu-Cheese dressing I have consumed. Not to mention the pepperoni I snack on!!

Thank-you Dr. Atkins!!

I am lifting three days a week, running three miles four times a week, and Monday I start Spinning 1hr three days a week. Sunday I am running in my first road race in over ten years. I am still 40lbs over my college race weight, but two months ago I would have said it was impossible. I'm a long way from the runner I used to be but i am so looking forward to getting out there Sunday.

Oh and lastly.....60% Yeah BUDDY!!

DWRolfe Fri, Mar-14-03 16:06


Have a great time on Sunday and continuned success to you...

BTW, I know exactly what you mean about how awesome this WOE is. I was thinking the same thing last night as I plopped a big dollup of whipped cream in my mouth... :p

Donald :wave:

MaineDaddy Fri, Mar-14-03 16:12

Homer Simpson says

"MMMMMMMMMMM Whipped Creammmmm!!!!"

Luxsit Sun, Mar-16-03 09:27

Well it's official now. I start the week at about 428. I hit 422 which is my Posted weight a couple days ago, but I did really want to celebrate since it was just getting back to where I was before the LC vacation I took.

This morning I'm 417! Yep that's 5 official pounds with many more to go!!! The 400 barrier is in my sights.

Today's plan is to get bicycles out of moth ball and get my family out for a bike ride. I haven't been on the new mountain bike I bought last spring since last summer. My legs should be in a lot better shape now.

Lux :cool:

bywaterr Sun, Mar-16-03 16:57

Is this the men's forum?
I have read quite a lot of the forums over the last 12 months. I have been inspired by so many people with their honestly and their motivation to keep going. Since Xmas I have been slipping a bit and can't quite get back to being strict and doing what I know is the proper thing.

It tends to be mon-fri eating the correct foods and sat-sun off eating a bit too much carbs. But as you all know weight does like to go back on faster than coming off.

Hopefully if this being the write forum I can get motivated.

I am impressed by Anybody who is doing really well. I was interested in your "Body for Life" excercise program. I have recently purchased this book but I find the excercises too demanding and always taking longer than say 42 mins to complete.

Maybe you can give me help with this!!

I try and train 5 days a week. Usually weights for 30 mins then circuit training 45 mins 3 times a week and the other 2 days 10k run.

By committing to writing to this thread it will help me focus.

One final thing. How do I bookmark and notify myself of updates to the thread please!! I always seem to have to stumble across threads without being able to notify myself of these updates and going straight to the forum I want!

mean rn Mon, Mar-17-03 07:18

Hi all down another 2 lbs over weekend. I have been walking 2 times a day which is starting to feel very good. Any other walkers here?

Anybody Mon, Mar-17-03 08:37

Good morning all... I need to join in throwing 4lbs of fat into the fire! Burn Baby Burn... Back that fatmover up and lets roll!

bywaterr, I'll stop buy your journal and you can show me what you attempted for a BFL work out.


MD... you rock bro.. just rock...and congrats mean rn :) Oh and a big hello and welcome and congrats to the flounder guy Lux :)

MaineDaddy Tue, Mar-18-03 16:09

I ran my race
Well I ran my road race on Sunday. It had been over ten years and 40+ lbs since my last race. I wanted to run under 28min for the four mile course. I finished in 26:40. I was psyched. I went out real fast so my pace was not a steady one. I was on 6:15 per mile pace after two miles and then slowed way down but finished at 6:40 pace.
I am really glad I found this LC WOL because I believe that without it I would never have run again. I still have a long way to go but I am even more focused now. My goal weight is about 20lbs away but I know I will continue to lose after that. My college race weight was 168 and I will see how close to that I can come.
I feel like another person, one I hardly remember being. I have started a spinning class to get more cardio without carrying the weight on my legs. Yesterday was my first day and I was wiped out from running and barely made it through the hour. I think it'll be a good addition though.

I'm already looking forward to weighing myself this coming weekend should be closing in on 200.

Anybody Wed, Mar-19-03 09:04

Congrats on the road race MD... your going strong. :)

And to the rest of you slackers... Nope.. you didnt lose me.. just had a crappy week or so.. but Im back and Im bad baby :)

bywaterr Wed, Mar-19-03 16:18

Well done MD
Keep up the good work MD. Looks like you will soon be at your target weight.

It's great when the weight keeps coming off. Gives a great boost to the ego.
I'm off to the gym tonight and will do about 45 mins of weights followed by 45 mins of circuit training.

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