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lkonzelman Thu, Feb-13-03 18:53

Dani - you are very pretty at that size.

diget77 Fri, Feb-14-03 11:01

Thanks so much for your replies...looks like it may be a couple days before I get the current photos. DH was too busy last night to snap the shots.

I am a little mad at myself today, gained another pound. I think I will check for the carb fighting pills that gal told me about...I also heard an ad on the radio. I figure if I am eating lc, the pills may help with the carbs I do eat. I didn't get any exercise in today. I will try to get something in tonight.

Thanks again! Lisa that is very kind of you to say that I am pretty...I never associated that word with me...Although I feel I can have my moments of good looking. I had a bit of a hard time picking the photos....I was always hiding from the camera, so most of the shots taken, were ones I wasnt prepped for.

Talk to ya guys soon!!!

diget77 Sat, Feb-15-03 12:07

well, I lost that pound I gained...was really bad yesterday, so I expect the pound + sum to come back. I had several choc. covered strawberries that I made for my DH. and I was sooo upset with my boy yesterday and with how the day was going...ate many chips.

It shouldn't be so bad, because I expect it to come back. My DH is going to take photos for me today, so I hope to have them posted tonight or so. Talk to ya guys later


diget77 Tue, Feb-18-03 09:41

I did 20 min. aroebics this morning. I also took my first helping fight carbs pill, although I don't think it is the right one that the gal told me about. I will see if it helps any though. I am kind of stuck where I'm at weight wise. Of course, my woe has been way off. I did do some shopping, so I can get back on track. I do hope to get my new pic up soon. I mat wait a couple weeks. Have been wanting to get my hair permed again and can do a new pic with the totally new look..

Well, child calls...will touch base later


lkonzelman Tue, Feb-18-03 09:43

See... you got back on track right away.

diget77 Wed, Feb-19-03 13:08

Well, didn't get much done exercise wise this morning. I will walk all 4 kids to the post office today. Had some jerky for breakfast. I found out why I have been having carb attacks lately. TOM is coming within a day or me cravings for chocolate and giving me the munchies.

I have to have some pics of my son tomorrow for a meeting with a modeling agency, so I will take some of me too, so I can post them either tomorrow night or Fri. morning. Well, I do have a bit of chores to do today, although not as much as I have had in the past.

Oh, I did find the pills I wanted to get, the ones I think the gal I met told me about. They are called carb cutters. They are supposed to help burn the carbs that you do eat, before you burn other things, It is supposed to work best with a lc wol because you aren't taking in as many carbs as you would be with a hc woe.

I'll finish the bottle I have now, then try the others. I do seem to be stuck at my weight right now. Although I am happy with as far as I have come, I only hope that I can get a bit further. I know that it is most likely TOM that is throwing me off....not to mention the carbs I have been taking in. hehehehe oh well....

diget77 Fri, Feb-21-03 16:53

ok....the last couple days have been so crazy.

Yesterday, I didn't get any planned exercise. I did do over an hour of walking...then did a short hike up a very steep hill (like san fransico), carrying both boys.

I didn't get much to eat. Did have 3 small hotdogs when I finally got home. I was so upset with my one son, I munched on a cheap version of gold fishes.

Today, I made myself 3 eggs with some grated cheese and a small amount of onion....The dog enjoyed it!
Then for lunch, I made a large salad with grated cheese, ranch, and chicken...had about 1/2 before my son dumped it on the ground. I figured I have to lose something since nothing has really gone in today. Oh well...hopefully dinner will be better. I am planning on plain hamburgers.

Well, TOM arrived today, which explains my crancky mood! Atleast I have lost the last 2 days, not much, but not a gain or the same, like it has been the last several weeks.

Chat later

diget77 Sat, Feb-22-03 20:36

whew!!! I'm wiped. I didn't plan any exercise today, just some grocery shopping at several stops. I was so bored since DH was working and will be until late tonight, and some family members I thought about visiting, had other company.

Well, I got home and started on the garage, a project I have been putting off for weeks/months...hehehe
Got that completely cleaned up. I am able to see where all of my stuff from my store is, I have access to all freezers and frig., and I was able to get the car in. DH likes to pile everything into the back. I used the sides as well as the back and everything fits great. DH doesn't think it's a garage unless he can work in it and have room for a car.

I then took my energy into the house. DH walk in disaster room/closet. We have this hall closet that is long and narrow. DH keeps his work clothes, camping gear, computer stuff and a catch all for almost everything. I got that cleaned out, so you can see the clothes, and find the storage tubs on the floor.

I also had the neighbors help me move my Grandmother's dresser from the garage to the front of the house. I figure this way it can make it upstairs if DH has to see it in front of the house and we are expecting snow next week. The dresser already started to get water damage from being in the garage. I already brought the drawers upstairs, that took about 6 trips. So now I am WIPED, and still have the basic parts of the house to clean. I was so bad today. I had about 3 banana bread muffins, and a kit kat bar (to satisfy TOM) And 1 bottle of water and 2 cans of diet sunkist. I am planning on a nice large pork chop for dinner.

Well, kids are fighting, and I have the living room and kitchen to clean. Maybe I can get some help and get the dresser upstairs before DH gets home. He plans on being home between 9 and 10 tonight. We'll see. I hope he notices how much I have done today....I hope the scale notices a bit (by not moving up)....I won't be surprised if it does though, so I won't be upset. I had moved up 2 pounds today I figure btwn my bad eating habits and TOM this week will be bad. Hopefully next week will be better. I have to make my Jerky...I have the meat, just have to make my marinade...I hope that the brown sugar twin doesn't taste so bad. I will make teriyaki and spicy jerky.

Well, I will go and report in tomorrow....I guess I am trying to avoid the boys for now....I should make dinner and get them fed.


catspaw Sun, Feb-23-03 20:45

When you tackle something you don't fool around, do you? I got tired just reading your journal!!! :p

Ah the fun and frustration of young children - I know the feeling. Right now, with the kids 8,000 miles away, the kids are little angels. I'm sure as soon as I get home, they will transform themselves into their usual selves again.

I wish I had your energy - it was all I could do yesterday to clean the bathroom and kitchen, much less a whole garage!


diget77 Sun, Feb-23-03 22:39

was bad, so bad today...didn't get any exercise really. I haven't even really cleaned the house..jst picked up somethings here and there.

I hate TOM..makes u eat things u normally have control not too and makes u eat alot.

It seems that I have been up 1 1/2 pounds one day and down 1 1/2 the next. At this pattern I should be up tomorrow. I hope to do better eating wise tomorrow.

I still have been too lazy to get my jerky made...Oh, reminds me gotta go, make chocolates for b-day gift

talk to ya tomorrow

diget77 Mon, Feb-24-03 09:26

Ok..yesterdays being very bad really hit. That's ok. By the end of the day, I had eaten so many carbs.

I figured I would hit back with agression. I did 30 min. areobics, and pushed it hard. I then added 40 leg lift crunches (20 each leg) and 20 reg. crunches.

I plan on ham and eggs for breakfast, ham salad for lunch, and chicken something for dinner. I am pulling my meat today for jerky. I have to find my recipe. Will have cheese slices for snack.

I hope I can get myself pulled together. My stomach aches, I am sure it is due to the mega load of carbs my system took on. This should help prevent my from overloading again.

Catchya later


diget77 Tue, Feb-25-03 10:15

well, yesterday didn't go as planned. I ended up making some jerky and ate it all btwn DH and myself. So I had that for lunch and a salad for dinner. Today I am snacking on some ham for breakfast. I did get in 40 more crunches las night and like 10 this morning. I was down again today, but only 1 1/2 pounds of the 2 1/2 I had put on. I hope to be better today. I know I say that every day, but DH is at work today, so I should be a bit better, back to my routine. It is snowing. Unfortunatly, not enough for me to get a workout shoveling. Maybe it will snow more today. If I don't have to watch the extra kids, I may walk to the post office today. Catchya soon


catspaw Tue, Feb-25-03 19:52

Hang in there
There are very few of my days that go as planned. Keeps things interesting, I guess. I hope your weather turns nice again, it's good to be outdoors. I know how hard it is to stay on track when your routine gets messed up. At least you still sound positive. I get frustrated way too fast. I think you're doing great! Good luck :wave:

diget77 Thu, Feb-27-03 09:22

Well, I have been getting some crunches in before bed and am still doing them in the morning. I try to do the areobics when I can (while the kids are still asleep) Unfortunately they have been up by 6.

I am pleased to find that I think I am back to my old body habits of fluctuating during TOM. Since I started lc I haven't changed, where as I used to fluctuate up to 5 pounds. I figured the up and down 2-3 pounds this last week must be TOM. I have stayed stable yesterday and today. I hope that that is all it is, and that I don't go up again tomorrow.

I have added in a reverse crunch, pull my knees tight, then lift whole rear and legs up. I have been trying to add in a few crunches during the day. I have gone back to having my salads, atleast for either breakfast or lunch.

Today I have my neice and nephew as usual, plus another nephew and possibly this little girl that comes every couple days for just about a couple hours. Anyway, I have some sweeping and vacuuming to get done this morning.

We got a new dusting of snow (only maybe 1/2 in) last night...Supposed to snow today, but it looks like the sun may come out and melt most of it.

My goal this week is to break my weight by atleast 1 pound. I haven't been below this weight since my wedding. I really don't know what I was at my lowest weight in college. I know I weighed less then than ever. I would guess around 120 or just below. So that is my next goal! I really hope I can get down to that. It would be nice to say that I had 2 kids and am at my smallest weight ever..hehehe I also want to be really small before I decide to have another baby. Seems like everyone around me is preggie. Sis-in-law, good friend's wife, and old high school friend. Not for me yet anyway!!

Well, I have gabbed enough. Better get the house cleaned up, so the kids have a clean area to mess up..hehehe

diget77 Fri, Feb-28-03 10:42

well, got in 20 min. areobics this morning and several crunches. Continued to do crunches throughout the day yeasterday. I plan to do the same today.
The scale hasn't budged...and in my case that is a good thing! It didn't go up. I have been the same for 3 days now, no more yo-yo! I really hope that I can see a 4 (as catspaw puts it) by Sunday...I'm not holding my breath though

Catchya later...Yippee it's Friday!! I can get out of the house tomorrow!!!!

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