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Skamito Fri, Mar-28-03 15:36


Can't wait to see your stats if you're gonna post 'em. It's encouraging to look way back to the beginning and see how much change there really was, even if it didn't seem like much from week to week.

I would definitely take Nat's advice. Give yourself a break and you can come back stronger than ever! :) Congratulations... I'm only on week four and have already missed 3 cardios. :thdown: Whatever. I would prefer to miss them than pass out from sickness while doing them! :)

So happy for you. Congratulations!

:cheer: :cheer:

Natrushka Fri, Mar-28-03 16:11

Hey there Evilone ;) Was good talking to you this afternoon. Looking forward to the C1 results! Enjoy that week off, you've earned it. Let the body have a mini holiday and if you feel overly deprived work extra hard planning C2. Extra sleep, extra rest and no stressin!


DarkLotus Sat, Mar-29-03 08:30

Ok, I weighed in at 242 after a big mug o' coffee this morning. No change from last week. That's ok though.

So, here it is, my measurements before C1 and after. I did measure both arms, legs, etc. they seem to be about the same size 98% of the time. Not enough to note different measurements for each. I may redo my arm measurements on Monday, I'm all swelled from spider bites. Really swelled, I'm allergic. So those could come down say 1/2 inch on Monday. My calves went up anf down during the challenge, at one point they were 15 inches, but I've managed to put on some muscle there, lost a good amount of fat on my below the knee, even though my thigh measurements don't show squat! :D

Waist 36/34 =2"
Hips 45.5/45 =.5"
Forearm 11/10.5 =1"
Bicep 16/15.5 =1"
Calf 16/16.2 =+.4 (see above note)
Upper thigh 23.6/22 = 3.2"
Lower thigh 17.75/17 =1.5"
Bust 41/39 = 2"
Wrist 6/6
Total Inches Lost= 10.8 (provided my computer calculator worked right! :p )

Weight 240/242
Body Fat % 26.5/24.2 = 2.3% reduction in BF! :hyper:
Pounds of fat left 64/59 = 5 lbs of fat lost
LBM 176/183 = 7 lbs of muscle put on! :cheer:

So, I did what I set out to do, reduce body fat and increase LBM. My weight went up 2 pounds, but I'm fine with it! :D I think it was a success! Not worthy of a BFL award, but I think I did well. I'm going to put this in my regular journal for people who might want to see the results and don't check here.

Natrushka Sat, Mar-29-03 16:34

Nice numbers!
Those numbers make me think of my C2, DL. I put on more muscle than I lost fat and I lost about 10 inches :) Just think, you're 350 calories richer with those 7 lbs of muscle. Or 350 more in the hole, depending on your point of view!

Nice job, Toots. Enjoy the week off - C2 is only 7 days away!


lperk002 Mon, Mar-31-03 16:21

Saw your BF% over on the fitness thread and I just wanted to come by here and say I am duly impressed by that and your LBM!

I know if I posted anything on the fitness thread it was bound to get lost in the explosion of posts over there ;)

Pardon my laziness for not scrolling back, but what were you doing prior to BFL?

And what is wrong with me? I love cardio... :lol:

DarkLotus Thu, Apr-03-03 15:33

Since I'm off this week, and it's killing me....I thought I'd figure out what I am going to start off with on Sunday. I'm thinking a mix of incline workouts and the next flat bench for a few weeks. I picked up some new 35 lb DB's yesterday that I can't wait to punish my bi's & tri's with :p Criticism, as always, is welcome! :D

Incline BB bench press
60 X 12
70 X 10
80 X 8
90 X 6
80 X 12
Incline DB flyes
25 X 12 (upping 5 lbs and see how it goes, it had been a bit easier last WO)

DB Upright Row (maybe my wrist won't pop!)
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8
30 X 6
25 X 12
Side Raises
25 X 12 (these are always tough!)

Wide grip pulldown
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8
80 X 6
70 X 12
DB Shrug
35 X 12

DB extension
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8
35 X 6
30 X 12
DB Kickback
30 X 12

Standing DB curls
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8
35 X 6
30 X 12
Concentration curls
35 X 12

red1cutie Sat, Apr-05-03 20:19

Hi DarkLotus! Your BFL challenge is still going great. :clap: You are so dedicated. What were your results like from the first one? I am looking for some more know, a success story from you.

I have not started yet, I am restarting tomorrow. I am just trying to get my workouts organized. At the start, I want to try and do my weights in the morning (at home because I cant go to gym in morning before work) that way I can do them before I eat until I grow out of the sizes I have in dumbells. If you know a site where I can see how some of the ab for my workout are done let me know.

BTW, why do you have a week off from working out?

DarkLotus Sun, Apr-06-03 15:01

C2 Underway!
Ok, got up early and did UBWO early, as I had a busy day planned. I was expecting some strength decreases after having a week off, but nope, I'm right back in the groove of things it seems. Which is great! My pecs and triceps are sore now though.

Tomorrow is cardio. Sort of looking forward to it, imagine that! :p

1-5: 3.5 mph walk w/gradual incline increase of 2 each minute
6: 6 mph wind sprint
7-9: 3.5 mph walk w/gradual incline increase of 2 each minute
10: 6 mph wind sprint
11-13: 3.5 mph walk w/gradual incline increase of 2 each minute
14: 6 mph wind sprint
15-18: 3.5 mph walk w/gradual incline increase of 2 each minute
19: 7 mph wind sprint
20-21: 2-3 mph cool down

Red, I'll answer you in your journal ;)

DarkLotus Mon, Apr-07-03 15:56

Did cardio even though I had a bad day at work and didn't sleep well. I'm such a whiner sometimes! :rolleyes:

Tomorrow is LBWO and I think I am going to keep it the same, I really like what I have got going. Upping squats 10 lbs, they need a damn good shock I think. I am going to lower deadlifts by 10 lbs and see if I can eliminate a brief rest on my set of 8 & 6 reps. Think I'm pushing myself a bit at 130 now, but my forearms are looking better thanks to it! Also upping the weight a bit on 1 legged calf raises, as I have 35 lb DB's now :D

BB squats:
110 X 12
120 X 10
130 X 8
140 X 6
120 X 12
Leg extensions: 70 to failure (I wanted to change this, but can't find a good replacement yet)

Straight leg deadlift:
90 X 12
100 X 10
110 X 8
120 X 6
110 X 12
Good morning: 40 lbs to failure (gonna start at 40 and see how it feels, have no idea where to start on these weight wise)

One leg calf raise:
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8
45 X 6
35 X 12
Angled calf raise: 45 to failure

Cable Seated Crunch:
20 X 12
30 X 10
40 X 8
50 X 6
40 X 12
Floor crunches 12 to failure

Skamito Mon, Apr-07-03 23:06

Dark, you really need to convince me to do my cardio, too. You seem to be good at forcing it, even when you don't want to. I won't miss a weights day, but with my tiredness and schedule, I'm finding it harder and harder to do the cardio. I'm going out of town this weekend and hopefully the weather will be nice enough to go for jogs. My poor little self is just tired in life. :)

Anyway, you're doing great as usual. Go challenge 2!

DarkLotus Tue, Apr-08-03 15:33

Hey Angela :) I put a note to cheer you on in your journal! I have my share of days where I just want to come in from work and crawl under the cover too. But, being healthy and fit is important to me now. So, I am doing whatever it takes to get there. Someday I'm going to look in the mirror and not look away in disgust. Doing things I don't always want to do is the road to that better body! :D

Today was LBWO and I successfully upped my squats! Woohoo! 10 lbs too! I did everything I set out to do today with one slight glitch in the plan. Good mornings. They didn't feel right. I am going to watch the online videos again. The bar was digging into the base of my neck and it didn't feel right at all, so I stopped at 9 reps. Wonder what I'm doing wrong. :confused: I'll figure it out. Deadlifts were killer today! Owwwwie! I feel that week off doing those! Ok, enough rambling from me.

Cardio tomorrow......BLEH! :lol:

DarkLotus Wed, Apr-09-03 17:06

Today was cardio. And I very nearly didn't do it. I am in agony from yesterday's workout. I hyped myself up and talked myself into it though, it wasn't easy! :p Anyways, I did a 20 minute program on the treadmill with an incline. I felt like someone cut my hamstrings and they were hanging by a thread and felt likr I was getting stabbed in the hammies every step I took. Usually, cardio makes ya feel better, today was not one of those days. But my energy level is up, and I am glad I didn't blow cardio off.

Tomorrow is UBWO. Planning to do incline bench for benchpresses and flyes, my dad is supposed to spot for me and work out with me. I had to say to him "hey did you give up on working out or what?!?!??" to get him to say he'll do it though :p I don't want his blood sugar getting high again....

Incline BB bench press
60 X 12
70 X 10
80 X 8
90 X 6
80 X 12
Incline DB flyes
25 X 12

DB Upright Row
15 X 12
20 X 10
25 X 8
30 X 6
25 X 12
Side Raises
25 X 12

Wide grip pulldown
50 X 12
60 X 10
70 X 8
80 X 6
70 X 12
DB Shrug
35 X 12

DB extension
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8
35 X 6
30 X 12
DB Kickback
20 X 12 (weight was too much last time after extensions killed my tris)

Standing DB curls
20 X 12
25 X 10
30 X 8
35 X 6
30 X 12
Concentration curls
35 X 12

DarkLotus Sun, Apr-13-03 08:15

Today is LBWO.

BB squats:
110 X 12
120 X 10
130 X 8
140 X 6
120 X 12
Leg extensions: 70 to failure

Straight leg deadlift:
90 X 12
100 X 10
110 X 8
120 X 6
110 X 12
Good morning: 40 lbs to failure (figured out what I was doing wrong, gonna try again today)

One leg calf raise:
25 X 12
30 X 10
35 X 8
45 X 6
35 X 12
Angled calf raise: 45 to failure

Cable Seated Crunch:
20 X 12
30 X 10
40 X 8
50 X 6
40 X 12
Floor crunches 12 to failure

DarkLotus Mon, Apr-14-03 14:31

Cardio. Bleh, Bleh, Bleh. It's nice out. And I want to take a nap with my kitties.......some windsprints will take care of that urge ;) Tomorrow is gonna be almost 80 degrees out. Gonna switch a few small things around for UBWO tomorrow after I do cardio I'll finalize it. Nothing earth shattering, little changes.

Scale says 242 this week, not sure if I'm retaining water, could be...I did measurements today, my forearms are up a whole inch since 2 weeks ago, my calves are up half an inch. No losses anywhere, just gains this week. I left the info on LBM and bodyfat at work. I don't believe it much anyhow.

DarkLotus Tue, Apr-15-03 14:46

I did do cardio and felt better afterward. I did well too!

Today is supposed to be UBWO, but I have a migraine that I'm trying to get rid of. So, I may end up switching tomorrow's cardio for UBWO. Then do cardio Thurs and LBWO Fri. That will work I think. Off to relax and have some coffee.

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