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Just Jo Thu, May-08-14 03:11

Originally Posted by Sereen
Jo: Thanks for the response and congratulations on achieving goal weight. :)

Thanks Sereen and if you have any other questions, please ask. I just hope my journey will help others...

Wishing all of us continued success on our personal LC WOE journeys!!


:cheer: I've lost 1/2 myself (125 lbs) in 41 weeks!! :cheer:

“Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal.
It’s the Courage to Continue that Counts.” Winston Churchill

Just Jo Thu, May-15-14 03:48

Wow I've lost another pound. I'm down to 123 now. I guess it's time to up my carbs again -- which always scares the crap out of me.

Wishing all of us continued success on our personal LC WOE journeys!!


:cheer: I've lost 1/2 myself (125 lbs) in 41 weeks!! :cheer:

“Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal.
It’s the Courage to Continue that Counts.” Winston Churchill

lowcarbedd Thu, May-15-14 09:20

Originally Posted by Just Jo
Wow I've lost another pound. I'm down to 123 now. I guess it's time to up my carbs again -- which always scares the crap out of me.

so know whatcha mean

Molly B Thu, May-15-14 11:24

WOW! Great job!! That is an incredible amazing loss in such a short time!!

Just Jo Sun, May-18-14 04:59

Originally Posted by Molly B
WOW! Great job!! That is an incredible amazing loss in such a short time!!

Thanks Molly, it's been an interesting journey!!

Wishing all of us continued success on our personal LC WOE journeys!!


:cheer: I've lost 1/2 myself (125 lbs) in 41 weeks!! :cheer:

“Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal.
It’s the Courage to Continue that Counts.” Winston Churchill

Just Jo Sun, May-18-14 05:03

Last May 2013 = 265#
I was just writing in my journal this morning, that usually this time of the year for the past 14, I'd start motivating myself to lose the tonnage -- what with the end of school year and all. Last year at the end of May, I weighed 265 lbs and yo-yoed around until I got my act together 5 July and really committed 100% to becoming a healthier, happier and thinner me!!

Get started, entrenched into eating LC during summer break, return to school 20-30 lbs lighter and continue until I made my personal goal weight.

And I'm telling myself, HOLY HANNAH, I don't have to do that this summer, I just have to reap the bennies of being 123 lbs and stay the course. I am mentally so tuned to staying LC that even the thought of eating carb crap makes me ill. :D

Wishing all of us continued success on our personal LC WOE journeys!!


:cheer: I've lost 1/2 myself (125 lbs) in 41 weeks!! :cheer:

“Success is not Final. Failure is not Fatal.
It’s the Courage to Continue that Counts.” Winston Churchill

Just Jo Mon, May-19-14 05:22

Monday 19 May 2014
I have no delusions of ever eating crappy carbs again -- that's why I've been chronically morbidly obese my entire life. I'm a recovering carb addict and I have portion control issues. I can't say STOP. I've yo-yo dieted so much throughout my life that you'd think I'd have hung myself with all the string...

Today is the beginning of week 46 of my 100% commitment to following this WOL and I have not had a craving for any of those toxic, poisonous, insidious, killer carbs in all that time (well, except for the 3-day Thanksgiving Fiasco of 2013).

CARBS = killers because they kill the best parts of me: my health, happiness and self-esteem.

lowcarbedd Mon, May-19-14 10:03

Originally Posted by Just Jo
I have no delusions of ever eating crappy carbs again -- that's why I've been chronically morbidly obese my entire life. I'm a recovering carb addict and I have portion control issues. I can't say STOP. I've yo-yo dieted so much throughout my life that you'd think I'd have hung myself with all the string...

Today is the beginning of week 46 of my 100% commitment to following this WOL and I have not had a craving for any of those toxic, poisonous, insidious, killer carbs in all that time (well, except for the 3-day Thanksgiving Fiasco of 2013).

CARBS = killers because they kill the best parts of me: my health, happiness and self-esteem.

I soooo get this!

Just Jo Wed, May-21-14 04:17

Originally Posted by lowcarbedd
I soooo get this!

It's taken me until this time around the LC dance floor to finally figure it out, lowcarbedd. I wish I knew what "clicked" really clicked back in July to take this seriously... if I knew, I could bottle it and make millions... The revelation and I guess the self-talk to myself that I will never be a "carb-eater" came later. I finally had a reality check with myself.

Wishing all of us continued success on our personal LC WOE journeys!!

Just Jo Wed, May-28-14 04:14

28 May 2014: Update
May 1- 13 = 124 lbs
May 14 - today (28 May) = 123

Today is Day 14 (2 weeks) without weight loss!

I think I've found my maintenance threshold for daily kcals and carbs which are 1200-1400 kcals and 11-13 carbs.

Just Jo Wed, May-28-14 04:27

From 265 to 123 lbs
I cannot explain how overjoyed I am to have met and exceeded my personal weight goal. Originally, my goal was to weigh 150 lbs (I have never weighed this as an adult) and I achieved that in 6 months. Then I was looking at the BMI charts and it said:
Height: 5 feet, 4 inches & Weight: 150 pounds

Your BMI is 25.7, indicating your weight is in the Overweight category for adults of your height.

For your height, a normal weight range would be from 108 to 145 pounds.

And I’m thinking to myself, well dang girl, let’s lose some more instead of starting maintenance. My second goal was 140. When I reached that on 2 February 2014, I decided that 130 had a nice ring to it. I reached 130 lbs on 10 March 2014.

I then decided that I would lose a few more pounds for tweaking the maintenance part of this life-long journey. It would be nice if I had a 10-pound cushion. But I’ll settle for 123 lbs for right now. My life-long goal is to never ever go above 130 lbs.

Gagadijob Wed, May-28-14 11:44

Congratulations Jo!
What a great accomplishment! I am so happy for you. I hope that this time next year I will have accomplished the same. Thank you for your inspiration!

Just Jo Wed, May-28-14 15:52

Originally Posted by Gagadijob
What a great accomplishment! I am so happy for you. I hope that this time next year I will have accomplished the same. Thank you for your inspiration!

Thanks Gaga!! It's been a very interesting journey so far! I figure if I can do it, anyone can!! Wishing you heartfelt success on your personal LC WOE journey!

CMCM Fri, May-30-14 11:18

Jo, I'm so excited and happy for you, and I know exactly how you must feel! I want to tell you again, reading your initial posts about your weight loss really really inspired me to imitate what you were doing, and it is working wonderfully well for me too, so THANK YOU! I finally got my head solidly in the space of knowing what to do and doing it. In 30 days I've dropped 7.4 pounds, which is better than I've ever done. Your experience has showed me exactly what I needed to do to get my own weight loss going, after years of trying to figure out the "magic formula" for myself. It has turned out to be the same as yours: A72, really low carbs, and fairly low calories most of the time. Most important was how your journey showed me that if you do this the right way and get your head on straight about what to do, this works wonderfully well. So now I know my carb level for losing, and I can't wait until I'm at goal because I now know and BELIEVE it is going to happen by the end of this summer! I was never able to set a goal time before, either, and now I can!

Also....I've adopted your SEAL motto, it works! :)

Just Jo Sat, May-31-14 04:52

Originally Posted by CMCM
Jo, I'm so excited and happy for you, and I know exactly how you must feel! I want to tell you again, reading your initial posts about your weight loss really really inspired me to imitate what you were doing, and it is working wonderfully well for me too, so THANK YOU! I finally got my head solidly in the space of knowing what to do and doing it. In 30 days I've dropped 7.4 pounds, which is better than I've ever done. Your experience has showed me exactly what I needed to do to get my own weight loss going, after years of trying to figure out the "magic formula" for myself. It has turned out to be the same as yours: A72, really low carbs, and fairly low calories most of the time. Most important was how your journey showed me that if you do this the right way and get your head on straight about what to do, this works wonderfully well. So now I know my carb level for losing, and I can't wait until I'm at goal because I now know and BELIEVE it is going to happen by the end of this summer! I was never able to set a goal time before, either, and now I can!

Also....I've adopted your SEAL motto, it works! :)

Thanks for this, Carole!! I keep trying to tell people how wonderful A '72 is and how it really WORKS. It's so simple IF you are willing to follow the plan as written -- w/o cheats. I know I've modified the plan to fit my needs (i.e., low kcals) but I've done this so often, I can quote you the acceptable food list for induction in my sleep and tell you where hidden carbs are...

I had an epiphany the other day thinking about this being almost a year of doing LC WOE the right way. I think I understand why I never really took it seriously. This is going to sound like insanity, but it's gospel. I knew if I gained the weight, I could always fall back to the TRIED and TRUE A '72 (oh my gosh that rhymed). It really has worked for me every single time I've done it -- without exception. A '72 works 100% of the time for me, but I failed to follow it 100% of the time by refusing or ignoring or goodness knows why, doing the last most important step: maintenance.

But I GET IT now -- wow it's taken decades, but I finally figured it out. Okay so I'm a slow learner... :)

You know Carole, I am over here :cheer: cheering you onward and downward... if I can do this, anyone can!!! :)

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