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dane Wed, Mar-02-05 03:50

Day 19 HIIT
Egg breakfast ~10am, HIIT at 10:50am.
30 minutes on the stationary bike. ~300 cals
Using the progressive program....2minute warm up, L2/3/4/5/6x5,did 1 min on 7(!), then 2minute cooldown.
Post w/o cottage cheese. Liter of water.

galatia Wed, Mar-02-05 07:32

Hi-- great to be back. I am so looking forward to getting back to lifting today. I feel really great, and motivated. What are your results so far with CKD, weight loss, etc.? I ate so badly yesterday-- a good guess would probably be 6-7,000 calories of pure junk. So I should do great lifting today :rolleyes:. I will get back to TKD today. I really liked doing that the few days I did it before the trip. Taking the Hoodia, I hope it will decrease my "desire" for food. I want to eat healthy and moderately. Enough to take care of my needs, but not so much I can't lose fat, which is the big Goal here.
Talk to you later. :)

dane Thu, Mar-03-05 05:14

Day 20 HIIT
Egg breakfast ~10:30am, HIIT at 11:30am.
30 minutes on the stationary bike. ~300 cals
Using the progressive program....2minute warm up, L2/3/4/5/6x5,did 1 min on 7(!), then 2minute cooldown.
Post w/o cottage cheese. Liter of water.

Session flew by....was watching CNN's Larry King Live, and his panel were all attorneys discussing the Michael Jackson trial. Bad MJ, Bad!!

galatia Thu, Mar-03-05 09:29

You said: Bet that workout felt was your strength? Did you feel like the time off helped you, or no change?

The Leg Press is the only exercise I miss, from my gym days. I wish I could come up with a realistic version of it. Looks like you're maxing it out already, though........what will you do when you can do sets of 220lbs ad infinitum?
I did feel strong, and my work out lasted 2 hours-- that was all total of course, weights, floor stuff, cardio.... it was great! :)

Reading about the MJ trial reminds me I need to have a talk with my Mom--while we were gone, ds went over and had dinner with her and he told me she thinks MJ is innocent :rolleyes: . She also thought Scott Peterson was. I think she just hates to think anyone could be so evil, but like I told her during the SP trial-- "Mom, somebody did it, and all the evidence points to him." And my feelings on MJ-- if he did nothing but sleep with children, he needs the maxium punishment. No other 45 (or however old he is now) man would get by with that kind of deranged stupidity.

dane Fri, Mar-04-05 05:00

Day 21 Depletion and Carb Up
Breakfast ~9-9:30, skinless chicken leg; coffee w/cream;125g prunes; 15g crystalline fructose

-circuit format.....
-4 to 5 circuits done, 10-20 quick reps (1 sec up/1 sec down)
- as many reps possible in 60s.; 30sec inbetween exercises;3 min between circuits.

Began: 10:45am

Leg Ext: 3plates (30lbs)
Flat Bench: bar +2kg (22 lbs)
Hammer Curl: 5lb DB
Seated Row: 3plates (40lbs)
Incl Flye: 8lb DB
Calf Raise: 8lb DB
Incl Bench: 8lb DB
Lying Leg Curl: 5kg
Crunches, Ass'td: BW
French Curl: 8lb DB

Finished: 12noon
1hr15min not bad. I feel depleted, but not as weak as last week's. Feeling tired, but strong. :) Now for some carbs. :yum:
ETA: had 1.5 scoops PP in water, w/4T raspberry syrup, and a cup of Jello.

BadgerGirl Fri, Mar-04-05 06:13

Originally Posted by dane wrote in BadgerGirl's gym log:
OMG, I still suck at push ups.

About the abs and weights....yeah, they mean to hold a plate or DB against the chest. But, I heard that lifting heavy makes for bigger muscles, and that's not what I want there. Anyway, I think the key to doing abs is getting the moves correct, and having variation. That's why I like using the ab portion of exercise videos (the Firm is great..... I want to get the 5 Day Abs one I've heard so much about!). Even my idol, Arnie, said he used to take a few aerobics classes just for abs.

Regardless........ the best way to do them is to do them, heh heh. Glad you're exercising on auto-pilot!

I cheat at pushups. ;) Right now I'm doing them facing the stairs with my palms on the second riser. When I can do that easily, I'll move to the floor and do them on my knees. When that gets easy I'll move to the macho toe position! AAARRRRRGHHHH!!! Fierce!

The Firm does have excellent ab workouts. I have several of their vids, so I'll give it a go. I still have the original Volume I workout that I paid over $50 for in the early 90s with Susan Harris. I love that workout. She's a willowy thing, but she can lift some serious weight! I bet she could flip me!

I'm also thinking Tae-Bo is good for the abs with all that knee lifting and crossing in front of your body. Good for obliques and lower abs. His "students" on the video are ripped, but I think they probably do more than just Tae-Bo.

galatia Fri, Mar-04-05 19:45

A little whining, contemplation, and opinions.
I like crossbench pullovers--depending on what I'm concentrating on, I can make it work abs, chest, or back-- Today I did those rack pulls-- (I don't like them, and so I'm not going to keep trying to), anyway-- I was using my lifting straps and I think I may have messed up my right wrist. I'll know at about 2:00 a.m. I already have carpel tunnel problems, so they don't like being put under too much stress.
I don't know about a planned refeed, I have so many unplanned ones :rolleyes:. The only thing I was doing with TKD was eating oatmeal 30 mins. before lifting. Other than that my plan was to just stay low carb. I have to start planning what I'm going to eat everyday. This is the weak link in my chain. I know I eat too much fat, and not enough protein. No I don't like cottage cheese, unless there is something you can mix with it that disguises it. I keep buying it like I'm going to figure something out, but end up throwing it away unopened after it expires.
I can't believe anyone would even try to compare what MJ does with normal situations. I agree, with you, my son has spent many a night on a pallet in the floor. Not that anyone could sleep with him anyway-- he is so rowdy in his sleep. :)

GypsyAngel Sat, Mar-05-05 09:43

Originally Posted by dane
Sounds like a one-arm row, which is a great upper back/arm exercise.
Brad's got a really nice mix for you. Looks like fun, actually!

Ahhhhh.... one arm row! That looks like it! Thanks Dane!
I do like what Brad is having me do. I know a lot of people will think it's not much and not enough weight and too easy but I want something I will enjoy and actually do. I don't want exercise to be a punishment. We actually talked about that. He said he could be standing over me yelling and making me lift more weight but he wants me to keep coming to the gym. Not scare me away. So even of it's not a ton of lifting at least it's some exercise and the best thing is I'm enjoying it. :D
Have a great weekend!!!

dane Mon, Mar-07-05 03:55

Days 22 and 23
Day 22, Sat., Carb up, no formal exercies, although we did go to dog school and let the beast play, :)

Day 23, Sun., back to keto. Did 45 min LILD on the stationary bike while reading the forum, :) Empty stomach..........felt fine. Eggs soon after.
Later, did a family walk......1 hour.

dane Mon, Mar-07-05 05:23

Day 24 Lower Body Tension
11:00am: Glugged 1 scoop PP in water, w/splenda, banana extract. Meh.
1min between sets; 2min between exercises

ATF squats, BB bar +8(16kg, 35.2 lbs)5x5 good, hard
For the weight plus no squat rack, I think these are better 3x10

SLDL's BB bar+8,1x5;b+9,1x5;b+11(41.8lbs) 3x5 very good

Good Morning, bar only, 3x10 good, recheck form
ss w/Single Leg Calf Raise, 2 10-lb DB 3x10 good, tough

Leg Ext 7plates (70lbs) 4x5;1x8 (failure) bump weights
ss w/Lying Leg Curls 7kg 1x5; 9kg 4x5 good

Lying Cable Pullovers 2plates 3x10
ss w/Crunches 1x20, Twisting crunches, 1x10 per side,Reverse Beetles 1x10

Seated Row 7plates 5x5 good
Finished:12:25 55min, including some fiddly farting w/weights
note: next time, cut lying leg curls, and instead ss ext. w/rows.

eat cottage cheese
go get Dom
pre-lunch LILD, 30-45min?

ETA....danm, got so busy I forgot the cootage cheese! :eek: Ah well. Guzzled another scoop of protein powder in water as soon as I got home, waited about 20 minutes, then did the LILD on the stationary bike, level 2, 128 ave HR, 35min, 327cals burned. Then had lunch :yum:

galatia Mon, Mar-07-05 05:48

I'm glad you looked at my meal plan and thought it was good, I was hoping you'd give me your opinion and suggestions, thanks.
You asked: Oh, and the egg crepes.......... is that just beaten eggs cooked thinly in a crepe pan? :idea: I might try that!
Yes. I just cook mine in a small nonstick pan with oil. It takes 1 egg per crepe. I do add some "Morton's Lite Salt" to the egg before cooking it. Then I just mix 8 0zs. cream cheese with 1/3 Cup Splenda--sometimes add fruit-- a little cream, and whip it up so it's not so heavy. I put about 1.5 T. (guessing) creamcheese mix on each crepe. They really are good. Problem is, I have a hard time not eating the rest of the creamcheese mix the same day.

Have you looked at Built's usual routine? That is what I've been doing lately-- check it out and see what you think. You would have to substitute some things. If you want to keep doing basicly what you are doing now then, I'd probably do this: If it was a regular set--then go 5x5 or 5x6. If it's a superset or drop set, etc.-- then I would go 2x5 (which ends up being a combined set of 4x5)... of course that "5" is what you're shooting for, but your first set may get more, second and so on sets, that or less. But I'd go heavy for everything. Now, for calves and abs. I do high reps on those, but I know not everyone agrees with that. Anyway, that's my opinion, but I'm sure if you asked at TOP, you would probably get better advice, and I suggest you do that. :)
I was looking over some of your routines, and I notice you have quite unique supersets going. I usually pair opposing muscles or same body part groups together. :)

Have you looked at Terry's gym log: You were posting while I was, and I noticed you didn't like the 5x5 squats as well. As I've said before, I lift by feel, so I would certainly go with what felt best. Terry's lifting methods may be more to your liking. And she looks great. She's not around anymore, but you can look at what she did.

galatia Mon, Mar-07-05 07:42

Here is an interesting link. You can put in what you are working toward and it gives you several work-out ideas.

dane Tue, Mar-08-05 04:50

Day 25 Upper Body Tension
Glugged a scoop of PP in water~ 10:50.
Start: 11:00am

BB flat bench 48.4lbs(14kg+bar) 3x5, bumped to 15kg,1x9;17kg(55lbs) 1x8(failure)

DB incl flye bar+4.5,1x5;bar+6.5(19.8lbs)4x5...woooooo hard...left side weaker, hmmmm....
ss w/DB incl press bar+4.5, 1x5;bar+6.5,4x5...good

arnies bar+2.5kg (11lbs) 3x10 good, last few reps hard
ss w/upright rows bar+2.5, 3x10 good, last few reps hard

alt. seated DB curls bar+4.5kg (15.4lbs) 1x3;bar+2.5(11lbs) 4x5
switch to conc. curls

incl DB curls 8lb DB 1x10, 3x5
ss w/hammer curls bar+2 1x10; 8lb 3x5

side lats bar+2.5kg (11lb) 3x6 hard.....left side lagging
ss w/french curl bar+2.5 1x10;2x20 bump next time
Finish: 11:52am
Notes: yep, biceps are a weak part. So, train first after bench.

now: drink water, eat cottage cheese, take Z to ped, go get Dom, then pre-lunch LILD cardio on the bike, or maybe a walk.......we'll see.

dane Tue, Mar-08-05 08:42

Ended up just doing LILD on the stationary bike........35min level2, 325 cals.

I'm not thrilled that the scale is still up, and measurements unchanged. I know, I need to wait and see what Friday brings, but I'm itching to tweak the program. I need to learn Patience. :help:

galatia Tue, Mar-08-05 09:16

I'm itching to tweak the program. I need to learn Patience.
You sound like me....LOL. I hope I can give my new plan a couple of weeks before tweaking-- but if I don't start seeing immediate results of some kind, I get anxious. I feel like I'm wasting time with a non productive plan. I was rewarded with .5 lb loss this morning-- but then TOM also arrived during the night. I'm still focused today, however. And my appetite usually abates also. I feel SO good today!! :)

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