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Agnes Thu, Aug-14-03 13:09

Actually, I used top LOVE "langoustine" when I was still in France. They look like baby lobsters and are larger than shrimp, scampi, prawns or whatever you call them... yum with parsley aand garlic butter sauce. This gives me an idea for tonigh, although I'll use the shrimp in my

strokerace Mon, Aug-18-03 08:45

Help. Atkins muffins??
How do you put Atkin's blue berry muffins in I through away the package and have no idea what they are made of. Dose anyone else eat these and count carbs with fit day. I only eat one muffin in the morning when I do not feel like cooking.

Thank you so much,

In God We Trust.

Rosebud Mon, Aug-18-03 15:29

Hi Tina,

You'll need to put the info (calories, fat, carbs and protein) into "custom foods."

You'll find the nutritional info on the Atkins site. Are they the "ready to eat" muffins? If so, you'll find the link to the nutritional info here. If they are made from a mix, try searching the Atkins site - I know the info will be there somewhere! :)


andrea7 Thu, Aug-28-03 08:10

just joined fitday
I just joined fitday and put in all the info they ask for and I want to lose 40 lbs by my birthday which is 2-4-04 so that would be very slow at only 1.75 lbs loss per week.

Anyway it is really cool tool to use.

The one thing that I am still doing which maybe I shouldnt be is chewing Extra SF gum. But I guess as long as I figure it into my carb count I should be ok right????


strokerace Thu, Aug-28-03 08:37

Hello andrea7,
I am sure it will be okay if as long as you are keeping track of the carbs.

Marlaine Tue, Sep-02-03 09:44

Originally Posted by andrea7 that would be very slow at only 1.75 lbs loss per week.


There is nothing "slow" about 1.75 pounds a week!! Most doctors recommend that you lose about 1 pound a week. If you manage an average of 1.75 pounds a week, that would be a very good weight loss.

Originally Posted by andrea7
The one thing that I am still doing which maybe I shouldnt be is chewing Extra SF gum. But I guess as long as I figure it into my carb count I should be ok right????

A couple of reasons that you might consider quitting the gum are these: Some people experience a slowed loss when taking in artificial sweetners and secondly, gum chewing keeps the digestive juices flowing and may tend to make you crave sweets and increase hunger. The limited carbs that we eat, really need to come from the foods with the highest nutritional content.


andrea7 Tue, Sep-02-03 09:51

Good point. I will try and get off the gum. It's just that I take this medicine that give me really BAD dry mouth and it helps a lot but I also drink tons of water for that too.

Patt Sat, Sep-06-03 10:13

[QUOTE=beccacat]Since the issue of being good with PC's & Mac's has just been raised, I am itching to ask this. I do my Fitday work on a Mac, and I find it extremely frustrating that sometimes I click on "Add this food to whatever it says exactly" and nothing happens. Multiple times in a row. (...grrrr...) I have to leave the site & then come back.
As always, thanks in advance,

Hi ~rebecca~ and Marlaine,

I'm also on a Macputer. I thought I'd crawl out of my skin waiting for the food items to register, and I have cable connection. My little round curser was stuck in the spin mode, and but the time I got all my food entered and picked myself up off the floor after seeing my miscalculations for the day, the clock had gone from Friday to Sat.

I, too, can not get my text to turn to color, though, I have seen my smilie faces appear. With all the wonderful features on this ( I'm surprised there isn't a spell check. I know, I'm greedy, why do you think I need a sight like this... However, I'm VERY grateful for this site as is. I have Java turned on, using IE 5.1, but not sure either what it will take to be colorful.

Patt :doah:

Patt Sat, Sep-06-03 10:20

Originally Posted by Marlaine

A couple of reasons that you might consider quitting the gum are these: Some people experience a slowed loss when taking in artificial sweetners and secondly, gum chewing keeps the digestive juices flowing and may tend to make you crave sweets and increase hunger. The limited carbs that we eat, really need to come from the foods with the highest nutritional content.


Boy, I'm just getting started on the site, forgive me if my posts are SO out of order.

I'm almost afraid to ask this question, since I've been stock piling these little items, ie, eclipse and listerine breath sheets. I don't use them for my breath, I'm alone most of the time, but they do help me take the taste of food out of mouth which I use to do with sweets. Is there something harmful about them? They appear to have zero of anything for contents.
:rolleyes: Patt

Marlaine Sat, Sep-06-03 10:30

Originally Posted by Patt
I'm also on a Macputer. I thought I'd crawl out of my skin waiting for the food items to register, and I have cable connection. My little round curser was stuck in the spin mode, and but the time I got all my food entered and picked myself up off the floor after seeing my miscalculations for the day, the clock had gone from Friday to Sat.


There are (as we well know), many joys to being on a Mac. For instance, we can laugh in the face of the threat of a virus since there hasn't been one written for a Mac in about 10 years! There are, however, websites that challenge our Macs.

I have no difficulty with Fitday, but I do have some problems with this forum. I usually manually enter my smilies as it seems that the Java isn't working for me. I too am running IE for the Mac as a browser and my experience is that anything MS doesn't run very well for me.

As far as the clock on your computer going off like that...I believe that is an indication that the back-up battery needs replacing. Have had a similiar thing happen to me where my sleeping computer shut itself down and when I turned it back on, the date and time were waaaaaay off. Did some research to find out what that could be caused by and turned up the thing about the battery.

Hope this helps.

Patt Sat, Sep-06-03 10:40

As far as the clock on your computer going off like that...I believe that is an indication that the back-up battery needs replacing. Have had a similiar thing happen to me where my sleeping computer shut itself down and when I turned it back on, the date and time were waaaaaay off. Did some research to find out what that could be caused by and turned up the thing about the battery.

Oh dear, I think I miss worded my message. The clock changed because I had gone past mid-night. But, you are also right, I do need a new battery. I had become so encrossed with trying to figure out both this site and the other that before I knew it, my Friday entry was now Saturday. I'm pretty computer savy on a macputer, but each time I join a new forum, it's like moving into a new town, can't find a thing and can't seem to fight my way out of a wet paper bag. But, eventually, I catch on. Good thing I work at home.

Thanks for the support,

Patt :daze:

I can make the smily icons appear, but the animation never seems to work. Oh, well... and they are so much fun too.

Patt Sat, Sep-06-03 16:08

I would love to know how to turn ON my html. I've looked and looked, and can not locate the switch. That could be why things are working so well for me. I did notice something, however where is concerned. I switched to Netscape 7, and I didn't have the same problem of watching my curser spin. Could be dumb luck. Normally, I don't use Netscape except to view sites I build, hated it since NS 6, but now...??? AND! I've figure out how to customize my food products, even rename them. I'm feel like I'm swinging today.

Grinning Patt


Lacey O Mon, Sep-22-03 19:58

fitday not working
Hi I have been using t for awhile, and now it will not let me get to the food tab. Any ideas?

doreen T Mon, Sep-22-03 20:03

Originally Posted by Lacey O
Hi I have been using t for awhile, and now it will not let me get to the food tab. Any ideas?

hi Lacey,

Apparently Fitday is having some technical problems with the website or database at the present time. Everybody is having the same problem as you. Hopefully it will be back to normal by tomorrow :)


Lacey O Mon, Sep-22-03 20:05

thank you
thanks for your help.

BabsTLC Thu, Sep-25-03 13:40

I dunno guys... this fitday thing sounds like a lot of trouble. Is it really worth it?

gilibel Sat, Sep-27-03 21:15

Are you kidding? :D
Fitday is brilliant. Please don't miss to give it a try. Once you've learnt to manoeuvre it you can't live without it. I love it, I love it. If it would also massage my feet I'd marry it.

Some general thoughts.. I feel windy today... :lol: Maybe it will help at least someone...

As for customizing food which has been discussed here... it seems like some of you, when making batches of something, f.ex. 12 servings of a dish, sit and tediously manually calculate one twelfth of the total in order to make it into "per serving" in Fitday. That's not necessary. Just set the amount to "12" and "servings" in the top boxes, dump in the whole batch and Fitday will automatically divide the correct amount for each serving. Next time you chose that food, Fitdays default will be "1 serving" out of 12. :)

When I customize food, I also like to put the no. of servings in the Title bar, just to remember - for instance "Chili marinated Chicken Breasts, 6 pieces = 6 servings" or "Ovenbaked Anchovy Steak, made from 980g raw beef, 4 servings". A good reminder for later tweaks...

I also keep all recipes intact at a reserved space in Fitday for future recipe tweaks. Either chose a month way back (that hasn't been used "for real", the method I stick to now) or create a separate account just for recipes (unpractical, since I then have to go over the whole process of registering the custom food incl all RDA% again as they can't be "lifted over" to another account automagically - which would've been great BTW.) Then I make a note in my LCjournal/recipe book of which day it's registered in Fitday. Makes it easier to go back and trace.

Another thing, one doesn't have to put in any calories at all, not even one, to register supplements. I have all mine there, and they're totally zeroed, except for their RDA of course.

Someone mentioned Vitamin K. I was also worried about that (not being able to enter the values) but found out from different sources that the risk of not getting enough Vitamin K from our diet is microscopic, since that's a vitamin we produce ourselves.

Finally, Fitday is odd when it comes to Copper. It shows Copper only in grammes on the nutrition page, but in the registration box asks for daily %. I just solved that with dividing whatever is said on the nutrition page by 2, since 2g is the daily recommendation and thereby get the RDA%. Maybe that's obvious for everyone, just thought I'd mention it.

Just my 2SEK.

The only REALLY odd thing I've stumbled over so far is when I wanted to customize their Pe Tsai/chinese cabbage. I use that quite a lot in my cooking. Fitday already has an entry of it, but I wanted to - at least - add to the title bar that 100g = 1.315 cup (as one of the reminders I mentioned earlier), since I rather work with grams when cooking. Well, I started doing the change (I've done that to plenty of things before) but Fitday didn't want to save this one as custom food, referring to it not matching up with their fat/protein/carb formula! QUE!! It's ALREADY IN THERE for crissake... sheesh... And it's exactly the same figures as carb counter gives as well, and when I sum them up, it meets. So WHAT is the problem here? Well, I will have to stick to my postit-note (pardon the pun) on that one...


mae_west Sun, Sep-28-03 20:55

Ok, what's up with fitday? when I look back at my numbers, my fiber is almost non-existant.
today I tried to enter ground flaxseed, which has 6.0 grams of carbs and fiber (per 2 Tb.) according to netzers book. How do I input these numbers to reflect how much fiber i am actually eating? If I input 6.0 carbs and 6.0 fiber it rejects and says the calories are wrong. Do I have to add the fiber grams to the carbs grams to get the numbers for fiber to be right- but wouldn't the carb numbers be basically wrong? How do I do this?
or is the carb number the only one that matters? I eat my 2-3 cups of salad - which for me is a combo of spinach and romaine- and yet my fiber numbers are minimal. I realize there is a lot of water in lettuce etc, but how can I up my fiber and keep my carbs down? How do I get accurate info with fitday?

Rosebud Sun, Sep-28-03 21:01

Hi Mae,

Netzer must have already subtracted the fibre, because flaxseeds are not totally carb free. ;)
Try just using "flaxseeds" (not as a custom food) and see what Fitday comes up with then. Because Fitday does not subtract fibre, any "custom foods" need to have the fibre added to the net carbs.



kevins7189 Sat, Oct-04-03 19:42

fitday is too slow and cumborsome. If it was a FAST site, I could probably do it. I've never seen a site that processes so slow.

gilibel Sun, Oct-05-03 04:59

Kevin, that sounds weird. I use Fitday all day long, it's extremely fast and I'm in Sweden!!

This board on the other hand, is mega-ultra-slow for me and regularly crashes the graphic card drivers on my computer, causing restarts 5-6 times a day... (due to all the blinking banners and jumping smileys...) Now, THAT's frustrating, since I really love this board. :(

Seems like it's highly individual which connection one has/what browser/computer etc. Hope Fitday speeds up for you one way or another, it's such a great tool.

gilibel Sun, Oct-05-03 09:37

Vitamin D deficiency on Fitday...
Just a note for the folks who like to track down their daily nutrition table on the "reports page" on Fitday and prefer to get stuff in through diet mainly... Vitamin D has been strangely omitted or shown way too low in the three most powerful Vitamin D sources there is: Salmon, Mackerel and Tuna (don't know about other fat fish, haven't checked.)

In 1 oz, boneless, raw Salmon, Fitday claims: 0% RDA
It should actually read: 73% RDA

In 1 oz, boneless, raw Mackerel, Fitday claims: 8% RDA
It should actually read: 73% RDA
(canned mackerel, on the other hand, is shown correctly)

In 1 oz of canned Tuna in oil, Fitday claims: 17% RDA
It should actually read: 33% RDA

(My figures are the official ones from the Swedish "Statens Livsmedelsverk"/Governmental Food Ministry/Board yadda yadda (can't find the proper translation for it, but you get the picture.)

Just thought I'd point that out, since there are such few sources of vitamin D in our daily foodlings (hence the enrichments of it in milk etc.) Vit D is necessary for our body to sufficiently absorb calcium and fosfates. Too much vit D on the other hand, is not healthy and it stores up in the fat depots of the body.


Ps. Maybe this has already been covered before and I'm just kicking in an open door - if that's the case, I appologize for wasting your time. :) Also, I'm sorry for crossposting this (Nutrition & Supplements resp. How to's...) since I thought it might be relevant for both subforums/threads.

sugrbuster Mon, Oct-06-03 21:22

Hi this message is really for anybody but, since you're the forum moderator
Marlaine I hoped someone wud just tell me how do I post a message? I didn't
get any ans to that in the FAQ's area. Any help is appreciated. Thanx from sugrbuster.

Rosebud Mon, Oct-06-03 21:59

Hi there Sugrbuster, and welcome!

I'm not quite sure exactly what you're asking, because you have now successfully posted 2 messages. ;)

If you wish to start a new thread, as you did in the Canada subforum, you click on "New Thread," whereas if you are just wish to reply in a particular thread, you click on "Post reply."

All the best!


gilibel Tue, Oct-07-03 02:35

... and if you mean a privat message, a PM to somebody, you can do that after having successfully posted (I think - correct me, someone, if I'm wrong) 25 posts on the forum.

Greets and welcome to this superb hangout, Sugrbuster! Here you'll find fantastic resources of accumulated LC knowledge as well as your everyday friendly support. :)

med234 Thu, Oct-09-03 14:10

fitday could be great
My second day using fitday - which is great in theory - but I won't bother again.
For some items it won't let you say how many ounces you have eaten.
I wanted to say one slice of ham and it only lets you say one portion.
Also I wanted to say 2oz chicken and got to the fourth page of chicken before I found raw chicken, and then it only lets you put a whole one.
For heaven's sake!

korie_99 Fri, Oct-10-03 08:50

I have a questions regarding Fitday, too! I just started using it. I eat a low-carb snack bar for breakfast sometimes but can't find it listed anywhere.......should I just add it in on my own?

Also have noticed.....fitday doesn't seem to subtract the fiber from the carbs, am I right?

Natrushka Fri, Oct-10-03 09:44

Originally Posted by korie_99
Also have noticed.....fitday doesn't seem to subtract the fiber from the carbs, am I right?
Korie, you're kind of right ;)

Fitday will not subtract the fiber from the carbs in the column at the top of the food page where your calories for the day are listed. It will list them however. The total calories from carbs, if you do the math, is for total carbs minus the fiber carbs.

For example: If you ate 35g of carbs in total yesterday, and 10g of that was fiber, then you had 25g of net / effective carbs. Your total calories from carbs would then be 100 calories, or 25g of effective carbs x 4 calories per carb = 100.


P.S. Yes, you will have to enter the LC bar / snack as a custom food - watch out for sugar alcohols, however. While the packaging may say they are not effective and are therefore not counted, they are part of the calorie count, and often the numbers wont add up - fitday will not let you enter the product this way.

gilibel Sat, Oct-11-03 14:00

Most entries in Fitday have alternatives with oz/cups etc, but sometimes the odd one doesn't (like tofu for instance, which gives the stupid values "slice" or "piece" or "block" to choose from, depending on type... *doah*)

Fitday has a quite powerful search engine inbuilt so if you write "chicken raw" instead of just "chicken" you'll get a more narrow result. Or "chicken raw breast" etc. (Also, if you're unsure of the spelling of something, just type the first letters - like "aspa" for asparagus f.ex. - and Fitday will search and find...) But I agree, just stating "breast from 1lb ready-to-cook-chicken" or "breast" as a measurement is a bit vague to say the least. I did use "breast" until I discovered Carbohydrate Counter (among Low Carb Tools on top of this page) and started to use it to customize things like chicken in Fitday with 100g values instead.

As for ham, it surely has entries with oz, there are many different to chose from. I had prosciutto ham today and for that I could chose between "cup", "oz, boneless", "surface inch", "slice NFS" and "thin slice". I always go for raw material weight if possible and normally don't have that much of a chore with Fitday. When I do run into a strange value, I use Carb Counter again and transfer the weight based values into a new "custom food" window in Fitday.

I believe some initial customizing is worth it, since Fitday offers such control over what nutrition you get or not. I use the reports pages daily as well.

Best of luck!


med234 Sun, Oct-12-03 13:30

to customise fitday?
Hi, Gil.
I replied this morning, but my internet was on the blink and it doesn't look like it registered.

Could you please lead me through customising something, eg 70g avocado?

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