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Elizellen Sun, Mar-08-15 02:57

Welcome to the board, Ruth! :wave:

As long as the list of ingredients for the pickles doesn't list sugar in any of its many guises or any other non-induction ingredients, dill pickles and pickled banana peppers should be .

Just count them as part of your vegetable "allowance"

RuthyRuth Sun, Mar-08-15 12:25

Originally Posted by Elizellen
Welcome to the board, Ruth! :wave:

As long as the list of ingredients for the pickles doesn't list sugar in any of its many guises or any other non-induction ingredients, dill pickles and pickled banana peppers should be .

Just count them as part of your vegetable "allowance"

:wave: Thanks so much Elizellen I am happy to be here! I am really hoping that I can get this right. Congrats on your weight loss! :thup:

Elizellen Mon, Mar-09-15 03:11

Thank you, Ruth!
I am sure it will not be too long till you have similar results.

Eddy Wed, Mar-18-15 00:17

Guys, is a daily cup of boiled lentil (daal), chickpeas etc allowed in this phase of atkins ?

Meme#1 Wed, Mar-18-15 00:37

No legumes, too much starch.

newlcer Tue, Jun-02-15 11:27

Thanks for posting this list...I've been low carbing for a couple of weeks now but have been eating healthy, whole foods such as fruit, barley and quinoa. Obviously, this is why I haven't lost too much.
Going back to good oil' induction (Phase 1) next week, once all this fruit is out of my house ;)
Loving this forum!

Elizellen Tue, Jun-02-15 15:53

Originally Posted by Eddy
Guys, is a daily cup of boiled lentil (daal), chickpeas etc allowed in this phase of atkins ?
Acording to my fitday account one cup of cooked lentils has about 23 net carbs!!
Once on the legumes rung of OWL the portion allowed initially would be about 3 level tablespoons of cooked lentils

1DogDay Fri, Jun-12-15 13:52

Originally Posted by Just Jo
I have/had to go "cold turkey" all the way to ultra low carbs (6 grams daily) right off or I would never get rid of the cravings for the killer carbs (sugar, pasta, bread etc) and I would not lose the weight -- which is one of the major reasons for doing this WOE.

what did a days worth of food look like then Jo?

Meme#1 Fri, Jun-12-15 19:42

Atkins Induction Acceptable Food List
List on Page 1:

Steph48 Sun, Dec-27-15 12:49

Did anyone answer the stevia question? Personally I'm good with the Splenda, but it's a curiosity Q.

Kristine Sun, Dec-27-15 14:31

I can't find anything in DANDR about it, but I really don't see why you couldn't use it, as long as you stick to the same serving limits (3 during induction, IIRC) and make sure what you buy has minimal carbs. Stevia has different forms, like Splenda and other sweeteners. You want to avoid anything that's labelled "for baking" as it's bulked up with maltodextrin - carb city. :exclm: Anything in a dropper bottle should be okay. Choose water over alcohol or glycerin if you can, but we're talking traces of alcohol or glycerin in a single drop.

nwwaterboy Sun, Jan-10-16 00:36

Hi folks....I'm back to induction and starting over....I'm excited!

If I remember correctly - and I did read through most of this thread - is the lettuce/salad/veggie total per day (on induction) generally about 3 cups? I know that it depends on what types of veggies but I'm thinking it could be like 2 cups of salad then 1 cup of veggies. Or 2 cups of veggies and 1 cup of salad/lettuce. If that's true it doesn't seem like much. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Elizellen Sun, Jan-10-16 07:14

You are right - 3 cups of induction veggies (2 from the salad list and 1 from the other veggie list or 3 from the salad list) don't amount to much!
I've just completed a "clean induction" week on another board and the veggies really seemed sparse after eating at a much higher OWL level for many years.
You can make it seem more substantial and get maybe 12 net carbs from them by choosing something like sweet red peppers (about 7 net carbs per cup) or onions (11 net carbs per cup) instead of chewy water (aka lettuce) for your 3 cupsworth.

Mrs Plaia Sun, Jan-10-16 12:26

Originally Posted by Steph48
Did anyone answer the stevia question? Personally I'm good with the Splenda, but it's a curiosity Q.

"Stevia is an all-natural sugar substitute which has been used in South America for centuries. Very recently Stevia Extracts of high purity have been approved in the European Union, United States and Australia for foodstuff purposes.

There have been more than 200 scientific studies conducted, all of which have confirmed the safety of Steviolglycosides. In Japan it has been one of the leading food sweeteners since the 1970s with a market share of 25-40%. This plant has also long been used by native South Americans for a variety of uses.

Components of the Stevia Plant

The most important components of the plant are the glycosides, molecules that are 250 to 400 times sweeter than sugar. They also have the added benefit of being non-caloric. They are completely soluble in water what makes the extraction of these components from the leaves easy and natural. The two most important glycosides are Stevioside and Rebaudioside-A and are also heat-resistant up to 200°C. It is these two components that are critical to creating commercial Stevia products.

The dried leaves of the Stevia plant are 15 to 30 times sweeter than that of cane sugar. Steviol Glycosides are what makes the sweet taste on the Stevia plant leaves. The two components that comprise the sweetness of the plant each have their own unique properties.

Stevioside is more heat resistant than Reb A, but has a slightly bitter aftertaste. Rebaudioside A or Reb A is sweeter and doesn’t have an aftertaste. There are also other glycosides present in Stevia preparations such as Rebaudioside C (R-C), Dulcoside A, Rubusoside, Steviolbioside and Rebaudioside B (R-B).

Reb C also contributes to a bitter aftertaste and for this reason, Stevia should have over 90% Reb-A to reduce this taste. Reports also state that certain acids will reduce lingering taste of Stevioside. They include citric acid, acetic acid, lactase acid, malic acid and tartaric acid.

Stevia is unique from all other sweeteners and is definitely a tasty alternative to sugar. This all-natural sweetener enhances the sweetness of foods and beverages without the addition of calories, making it an amazing plant to have in our midst. While it has been readily available in many countries for years, the recent push towards organic products is inspiring consumers to seek wider availability of Stevia products."

Stevia is great and contains Zero carbs and is all natural. Important thing is to source it from a quality manufacturer. I order mine from they are a German company but there is an English option on the site

LCF2016 Mon, Feb-29-16 22:43

New member
great list! helpful :)

jude Thu, Apr-21-16 17:08

Well Thanks goodness for this forum, and especially this thread. I started back on Atkins a few days ago doing things just as I was taught here on the forum back in 2002.....20 carbs a day, learn to love fat again and don't forget protein. More or less keep carbs at 5%, protein at 20 to 25% and fat at 65 to 70%.** I've been doing that for 4 days now (lost 3 lbs by the second day). Today I decided I should take a look at "The New Atkins Made Easy". Doctor A must be turning over in his grave. I'm staying with what works.

**PS And stay away from franken food ! (as in frankenstein)

jschwartz Tue, May-17-16 19:28

I want to be sure I'm doing this right.

Yesterday I ate:

1/4 lb. Roast Beef (Boars Head)
1./4 lb. Pastrami (Boars Head)
Smoked Salmon
Antipasto Salad from restaurant (included 2 slices mortadella, sopressata, prosciutto, 2 slices provolone, 2 slices fresh mozzarella, 4 olives, 2 slices tomato)

Turkey Pepperoni (package said 0 carbs per serving)
Asiago Crisps (package said 0 carbs per serving)
Sugar Free Vintage Flavored Seltzer (0 carbs)
Grilled Chicken salad (iceberg, tomato, cucumber, 10 green olives, olive oil, red wine vinegar)
3 Italian sausages in tomato sauce (from a takeout place)
Diet Pepsi

I've been drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Am I doing this right for the induction phase, or should I be mindful of serving sizes and calories. Today, I counted 650 calories and 0 carbs from the pepperoni and Asiago crisps. Am I doing something wrong, should I modify, or am I doing good?

Meme#1 Tue, May-17-16 20:03

Your food looks good but it seems like I've read that many men eat about 2-3 times that amount of calories.

jude Tue, May-17-16 22:58

Hi J....welcome to the forum. Your food list is a good start, although the tomato sauce from the take out place likely had sugar in it. Eating out isn't easy, especially in the beginning. I'd be suspicious of the asiago crisps. Have you registered at Fitday? It's free and a great website to record the food you eat. It's true that calories aren't a big factor with Atkins, however if you record at Fitday, you'll very likely learn that your calories are too low. You need to eat more fat. A good bit of advice I was given years ago was "Shop the perimeter of the store." That's where all the 'real' food is.

Here in the forum, check out "Atkins Induction Acceptable Food List". It's the first sticky on the Atkins thread, which is under Daily Low-Carb Support.

There's so much support and information here that my best advice to you is "Explore" Good Luck and eat well !

JEY100 Wed, May-18-16 03:10

Welcome, you have the hang of it though note that cheese is limited to 3-4 oz. As you have already realized, cheese is calorie dense (not that you need to count calories) but that is why in Atkins there are limits on dairy and cheeses (in addition they are way too easy to overeat because they are so tasty). Including those Asiago chips...the Whisps from Costco read <1g, so yours are likely just that allowed labeling variation when by package/serving size used, 0g is allowed on the label.
The version of Atkins I use the 3 cups of vegetables are not only allowed limits but Required, as is 2 cups of a salty bouillon. Your digestive system will thank you to go lighter on the cheese and add some more vegetables and salt.

jschwartz Wed, May-18-16 14:46

I didn't detect sugar in the marinara sauce (I don't order from chain places. I live in Brooklyn, and order from real Italian-owned restaurants. Sicilians don't put sugar in the "gravy"). But I certainly didn't go over 20 net carbs yesterday.

Today, I think I'm pretty much safe.

I had a salad with tomato, lettuce, green pepper, and a few black olives with Caesar dressing, and 2 bacon cheeseburgers on a bed of lettuce with tomato from another takeout place for my late lunch/early dinner.

I'm on the go all the time so being able to shop and carry around food is something not really feasible for me, but I want to do it.

I was tempted to buy peanuts to eat before I got on the train, but I figured it's not worth breaking the rules of induction for a salty 6 net carb snack. I'm trying to not eat anything in between meals, to break compulsive eating patterns. I'm super satisfied now, and maybe for dinner, I'll have some protein.

For tomorrow's dinner, I thought of cooking some broccoli with garlic and olive oil, chicken breast cut up, and some Italian sausage (no nitrates or sugar) and red pepper flakes, topped with some romano cheese.

Granny.65 Thu, Oct-13-16 06:48

Thank you for this info. I printed it out for my binder.

SKOL Wed, May-10-17 09:33

Good read. Thanks.

Eccentress Thu, May-18-17 11:10

Okay learned folks, let's see if I'm doing this right.

Today thus far:
B: 2 egg nests with a sprinkling of cheddar
Coffee with a splash of HWC & SF Coffeemate Italian Sweet cream

L: 2 oopsie rolls with tuna mixed with mayo and a couple of leaves of mixed greens
1/3 cup of canned asparagus

Water throughout the morning.

D (planned) Hamburger patty w/ mixed greens, mayo, mustard on oopsie roll
Mashed cauliflower

Yea or nay?

JEY100 Fri, May-19-17 04:45

Eccentress...that menu sounds perfect to me! I'm not a fan of the coffeemate due to the corn syrup and soybean oil in it...but those coffee creamer flavorings are allowed on Atkins. If that or one diet soda a day is what keeps you Low Carb with a good meal plan like above, then go for it. :thup:

Eccentress Fri, May-19-17 05:51

Originally Posted by JEY100
Eccentress...that menu sounds perfect to me! I'm not a fan of the coffeemate due to the corn syrup and soybean oil in it...but those coffee creamer flavorings are allowed on Atkins. If that or one diet soda a day is what keeps you Low Carb with a good meal plan like above, then go for it. :thup:

Thanks! Yeah the coffee-mate is a guilty pleasure. SF wouldn't have corn syrup in it though, would it? I could read the label myself I guess :lol:

I feel really good with the exception of the morning headache and the carb cravings in the evening. The headaches aren't exclusive to the change in my WOE though, because I've often had them. A couple of Advil usually sort that out fast. As far as the carb cravings, well...sugar-free jello (I bought a big flat of those pre-made) with some homemade whipped cream sweetened with Stevia and a splash of vanilla have been my go-to. It's sort of a band-aid on an amputation, but it helps a tiny bit. Nothing like withdrawal...ugh....

JEY100 Fri, May-19-17 06:44

The diet itself is dehydrating and everyone becomes dehydrated a bit more during sleep. I drink a half liter of water before drinking coffee in the morning. With all this water coming and going, also be sure you are getting enough salt..both may help with the am headache.

Get Your Salt:

Eccentress Fri, May-19-17 07:34

I'm pretty sure sinus issues combined with dehydration (I've always had an issue keeping my H2O intake where it should be) are the cause. I think I consume quite a lot of salt, but maybe not? after reading that thread, I'm thinking it's something I should look at. But I only have 1 kidney so have always been a bit cautious about sodium.

bluesinger Sun, May-21-17 16:31

I live in the desert and have been struggling with my allergies, much worse for the past entire year. I drink lots of water, but I have dry eyes, dry skin, dry everything.

One thing none of the doctors or anybody else mentions is using humidifiers.

I had an "aha" moment, got mine out of the garage and started using it in the bedroom at night. Everything got better, so I got another one for the ground floor of the house. I've been able to cut out my allergy meds completely, using Nasacort spritz every morning before my walk among the pollen shedders. Some days I don't even use that, as I don't like relying on medications.

Just an idea which might also help others.

dyana1960 Mon, Jun-05-17 06:44

hello again! maybe its a silly question but I wonder if salami and sausages are admitted? thank you very much for your patience and forgive my English I'm Italian

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