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want2bfit Mon, Nov-24-03 20:39

You all are such a blessing to those of us that don't always have the chance to post. The children and I have been sick the last couple of weeks. I have enjoyed reading all of your posts. The reunion sounds great. I just love the way you all encourage each other. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

My good cholesterol (?) went up but so did the bad one. She is giving me 3 months to improve it before she gives me medicine. Help with any suggestions.

Terry, congratulations on your families amazing accomplishment. I am so happy for all of you. Last week one of my daughters classmates said she looked like she lost weight. She was so thrilled too.

Terry & CindyLynn, are you both still doing induction?

Congratulations to all who have hung in there.

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174...11/17-173#
Fishburg ..Week 1..11/1-241..11/10-241..11/17 - 241..11/24-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172-wk 3 11/17-171 wk 4 11/24-170
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#...11/24-223
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245...11/24-243
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175, wk 3...176, wk 4.. 174.5
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253,wk3...11/24-250
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5 wk 4...11/17-197.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235 Week 3...11/17-235 Wk 4 11/24 233
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216, wk3...11/17-216, wk4...11/24-213
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

CindyLynn Mon, Nov-24-03 21:29

Basically, I am still doing Induction. Alot of it stems from the fact that I am pretty sure that I have Candidia. Because of this I can't eat certain foods. Most days I have trouble getting to 20 carbs. It's a struggle. Some of the foods I can't eat are ones my body is intolerent of like dairy products. So when I say I'm allowing extra stuff for Thankgiving, one of the things I allow is some cheeses that are less moldy like cream and mozzerella cheese. Because of the Candidia, I am also sensitive to sweetners, and sugar alchols. So for me lc deserts (like the pumpkin cheesecake I'm making for thanksgiving) are a rare treat. Also I don't eat the lc bars, ect unless it's the only thing I can eat. (Like this afternoon when I took the ACT, I was there during lunch and there was no way I was going to make it home if I didn't eat something.) Basically, what I eat is meat, veggtables, oils/butter, carb control shakes, and nuts(sometimes, cause they mold easily). Most days I don't reach 20 carbs, and when I do it's cause I eat peanut butter. Quite honestly I haven't been as strict as I am normally this weekend, because I was extreamly stressed about my test. I never went off lc, I just didn't stay strict with myself. But my test is over, and I can concentrait on eating right instead of studying all day long. I hope my ramblings explained what you wanted to know.

want2bfit Tue, Nov-25-03 05:58

Dear Cindy,
I am so proud of you the way you are so focused on making a healthier you. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Maureen

fishburg Tue, Nov-25-03 06:17

Maureen - Just talked to a friend that lost just over 20 lbs with Atkins since Sept. She had just got her cholesteral results and her good went up and the bad went down 20 points. Last time she was checked was six months ago and her doctor threaten her with med at that time. Now her doctor is telling her to stick with the Atkins plan!!!!

Good Luck!!

TerryLynne Tue, Nov-25-03 12:18

Maureen - I am trying to keep my carb level around 20g but I do eat nuts, peanut butter, and blueberries and strawberries. I have probably 3 big cups of 1/2caf coffee w/ cream and splenda everyday. I just try to not have anything with very many carbs at a time, but I don't log or keep track of what I'm eating. This is part of why this is working for me, I am not focusing on the food. I eat lots of broccoli, cabbage, salad, cauliflower, all meats, cheeses, cream cheese, olives, eggs, bacon, sausage... did that answer your question?? :) also i cut out all sugar alcohols.

stacysheil Tue, Nov-25-03 13:57

I went to the Dr. today and she still cannot believe I am losing weight and taking Depo. Blood Pressure still down 120/78. That makes me 6 months without B/P medicine. That alone is worth staying on the WOE.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

I am off to make my DH a birthday cake. Oh help me get through it without taking a bite. I am going to down my peanut butter before I even start, lol.

Annie-Pie Wed, Nov-26-03 12:07

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174...11/17-173#...11/24- same
Fishburg ..Week 1..11/1-241..11/10-241..11/17 - 241..11/24-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172-wk 3 11/17-171 wk 4 11/24-170
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#...11/24-223
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245...11/24-243
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175, wk 3...176, wk 4.. 174.5
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253,wk3...11/24-250
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5 wk 4...11/17-197.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235 Week 3...11/17-235 Wk 4 11/24 233
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216, wk3...11/17-216, wk4...11/24-213
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

Hi everybody, I'm sorry to have neglected this site lately. I think of you all every day, but I have been so busy with my marketing. I was accepted yesterday by a Canadian magazine, and began writing another article last night. I try to write one article every 2 weeks. Lots of work involved.

Trying to pop in and read, even though no posting.

This is one of those weeks where people noticed I had lost weight but the scale stayed the same. Works for me, right?

I sure do love all of you. So happy to see Maureen on the mend, and Sheila's weight such a hit with the doctor.

Terry it sounds like you and I eat the same way. Although when I hit a time of no loss, I do what Nat490 here does. I go up to 30 grams. Boy does it ever work!

Fishburg your friend must feel so good about herself.

For everyone here, have a truly thankful Thanksgiving. Let's remember to say thanks and a special prayer of protection for the many men and women protecting us while we're sitting around our cozy table of feasting.
Hugs to you all, and God bless you richly.

Annie-Pie Wed, Nov-26-03 12:12

Terry, congratulations to both you and your son. Sounds like a party at your house. Glad you have each other. :dazzle:

Karen, Don't get discouraged with that darn scale. I keep seeing the same ol' numbers every now and then. Do NOT give up. It will work.
Hugs, Annie

want2bfit Wed, Nov-26-03 13:51

Sheila, hope your birthday year is as special as you.:Party:

We have all received so many gifts that we should give thanks for this year. For one we have found each other and are experienceing a healthier lifestyle. Remember Friday is a new beginning. Have a wonderful day and for many have a great long weekend. Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving, Maureen

TerryLynne Thu, Nov-27-03 07:09

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy all your family and friends and be Blessed by ALL we have to be Thankful for!

Somehow I messed my weight thing up on here so I just fixed it and recopied it.

Let's do December together too! Maybe something about giving ourselves the Best Christmas Present... Love you all,

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174...11/17-173#...11/24- same
Fishburg ..Week 1..11/1-241..11/10-241..11/17 - 241..11/24-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172-wk 3 11/17-171 wk 4 11/24-170
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#...11/24-223
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245...11/24-243
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175, wk 3...176, wk 4.. 174.5
Terry...Week 1..11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253, wk3...11/17-252,wk4...11/24-250
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5 wk 4...11/17-197.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235 Week 3...11/17-235 Wk 4 11/24 233
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216, wk3...11/17-216, wk4...11/24-213
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

angieK Fri, Nov-28-03 18:32

So did everyone eat lots of turkey? Being Canadian we already had our thanks giving a while ago. I will join you Terry for December. All help is very appreciated, especially since I will be going to my sisters for Christmas--she has lots of junk food hanging around during normal times--christmas is going to be worse. I have already forgave myself if I go off track christmas day, somehow that keeps me from cheating or as I like to say indulging in the NO_NO foods.
got to run

addicted2s Fri, Nov-28-03 21:03

If we do it in Dec I'm in. I'm sure this month is going to be a struggle for me. Besides you guys are great to hang with.

want2bfit Sat, Nov-29-03 08:01

Definitely count me in for December. You all mean so much too me.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. The meal was great, we did not overstuff ourselves (which was a change) and have no regrets. My daughter said she was even proud of herself for not overeating. We were like vultures though on the chips. It was really an icky feeling to see that. There is much to be thankful for this year so we are trying not to make food the focus this time of year, yet be conscience enough to know what's best for our health.

Have a great weekend. Blessings, Maureen

CindyLynn Sat, Nov-29-03 09:04

Count me in for December too! This has been awesome. And the encouragement has really helped. Thanksgivng I stayed lc. I did go over on calories, but I'm being good again. I felt pretty good on Thanksgiving. I was really full though. But I didn't eat anything that made my bloodsugar spike, so it wasn't a roller coaster ride. :) I was happy with myself, cause I got up that morning and worked out. It made me feel good, and then I had a really good day. You all have a great day, and keep up the good work! ~CindyLynn~

Annie-Pie Sun, Nov-30-03 18:00

Ok, everybody! Looks like we had such a great month!

I personally didn't lose that much, but stayed faithful and grew in my confidence because of the support from you all.

Terry you're right: We're not about to lose this group!

Maureen suggested "Remember December". I like yours' too: "The Best Christmas Present". Should we go with yours since you suggested it formally on the forum? I don't think Maureen will mind one hoot. The important thing is that we are here for each other, throuh thin and thin. HAHAHAHAHA that was a joke.

Ok, let's see everyone tomorrow at Remember December...4 to 8# loss.

Okeedokke everyone?

Hugs to you all!

stacysheil Mon, Dec-01-03 05:42

hi everyone, you may think you know me but you really dont. i am new to the forum as of today. JUST KIDDING but I did however fall off the wagon so hard a made a hole in the ground. I am not posting my weight this week just because I am so ashamed. It wouldnt be so bad if I could just cheat and stop but I cant. One cheat and I think I have to eat everything in the house. I did ok for 2 days after thanksgiving but then it started all over again. Yesterday was horrible. I have decided to start fresh and act like I have never done atkins before. I have a big family get together on Dec. 20th and I am not about to let them see me gaining weight. All of them say if you stop atkins then you will gain it all back, well, of coure you will if you eat like a horse, which is practically what I did. Anyway today is day 1 for me.
I will be joining for the December Challenge. I havent done to well in the other months but maybe this will be my month.
You all have a wonderful day and see you in the new challenge.

liddle Mon, Dec-01-03 05:50

Well, here I am..... holding my head down in utter shame and embarrassment.
Hi, my name is Heather and I am a carb addict.

Left for NJ on Tues. Packed all my LC stuff. Had every intention of sticking LC except for Thanksgiving. All went well. Thanksgiving, I ate candied sweet potatoes and that was the end of me. Those damn things put me on a carb for all! Put it this way, I ate about 6 mini packs of M&M's last night! I thought come Friday I could get back. Sounded good till the kids brought home a 2 ft. italian hoagie from WAWA. We don't have WAWA's in the south and their italian hoagies are to die for. Anyway, thought I'd end it with a bang, ate about 8 mini frozen snickers then Chinesse food for dinner. Grandfather chicken, could it be any sweeter? Sat. the ride home. Thought for sure I'd be back on track, oh forget it, I just blew it all the way. I have to get back! I feel like shit! HELP!!!!!!!!!!! I have to start induction today!!! This cannot go on! I mean really, I ate till I wanted to puke. That should be a HUGE wake up sign!

I need to go back and read my own advice! Only problem is I kept thinking one more day, lets end with a bang! I just need one day of induction under my belt to get me started. Just one day to prove I can do this!

Thank GOSH we're continueing into December! If not, I'd surely be as big as the Christmas Ham!


want2bfit Mon, Dec-01-03 06:05

Okay everone. We are starting a new month, new goals, new friends. We just got off the wrong exit of the journey. Let's get back on the highway and travel to our destination. My suggestion is to have ample appropriate food on hand. We are going to be busy, stressed and not want to make descisions about what to eat. How about gift #1 to ourselves this month is to have a meal or 2 prepared and in the freezer so we can just pop it into the microwave.

I am going to post this also on the December challenge (if I can figure out how to do it) but wanted to finish with the weigh in for November.

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174...11/17-173#...11/24- same
Fishburg ..Week 1..11/1-241..11/10-241..11/17 - 241..11/24-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172-wk 3 11/17-171 wk 4 11/24-170
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#...11/24-223
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245...11/24-243...11/20-242
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175, wk 3...176, wk 4.. 174.5
Terry...Week 1..11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253, wk3...11/17-252,wk4...11/24-250
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5 wk 4...11/17-197.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235 Week 3...11/17-235 Wk 4 11/24 233
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216, wk3...11/17-216, wk4...11/24-213
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

Zuleka Mon, Dec-01-03 08:30

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones. I don't know how I did it, I lost 1 pound! :yay: I pigged out with my daughters for Thanksgiving, but one thing I did do is workout everyday. I do know one thing, I felt awful after eating all those carbs and sugars.

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174...11/17-173#...11/24- same
Fishburg ..Week 1..11/1-241..11/10-241..11/17 - 241..11/24-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172-wk 3 11/17-171 wk 4 11/24-170 WK-5 11/29 - 169
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#...11/24-223
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245...11/24-243...11/20-242
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175, wk 3...176, wk 4.. 174.5
Terry...Week 1..11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253, wk3...11/17-252,wk4...11/24-250
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5 wk 4...11/17-197.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235 Week 3...11/17-235 Wk 4 11/24 233
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216, wk3...11/17-216, wk4...11/24-213
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

angieK Mon, Dec-01-03 09:00

Okay guys Thanksgiving is over and time to get on track. I had a good week, it must of been all those Christmas presents I had to get out in the mail by Friday. Running to the store each night.
Shiela and Heather we are here for you--step away from that food.
Tina I am going to make sure I have a couple of meals prepared in my freezer.
Zuleka--keep working out each night.
Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174...11/17-173#...11/24- same
Fishburg ..Week 1..11/1-241..11/10-241..11/17 - 241..11/24-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172-wk 3 11/17-171 wk 4 11/24-170 WK-5 11/29 - 169
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#...11/24-223
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245...11/24-243...11/20-242
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175, wk 3...176, wk 4.. 174.5
Terry...Week 1..11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253, wk3...11/17-252,wk4...11/24-250
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5 wk 4...11/17-197.5wk5...12/1 194.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235 Week 3...11/17-235 Wk 4 11/24 233
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216, wk3...11/17-216, wk4...11/24-213
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

swsunny Mon, Dec-01-03 09:56

Well, I'm also holding my head down in shame this morning. I did pretty well over the holiday, but yet I still gained 2 lbs. Really, the only cheating I did was to have a bit of mashed potatoes and stuffing at Thanksgiving dinner and a piece of birthday cake. And that was it! Somehow, I still gained and I'm not pleased... oh well, I guess I'll just have to keep pluggin' away at this! And join the new Christmas challenge! And now, it is with much sadness that I post my weight... :(

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174...11/17-173#...11/24- same
Fishburg ..Week 1..11/1-241..11/10-241..11/17 - 241..11/24-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172-wk 3 11/17-171 wk 4 11/24-170 WK-5 11/29 - 169
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#...11/24-223
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245...11/24-243...11/20-242
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175, wk 3...176, wk 4.. 174.5
Terry...Week 1..11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253, wk3...11/17-252,wk4...11/24-250
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5 wk 4...11/17-197.5wk5...12/1 194.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235 Week 3...11/17-235 Wk 4 11/24 233
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216, wk3...11/17-216, wk4...11/24-213, wk5...12/1-215
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

fishburg Mon, Dec-01-03 10:00

Hi Every One!!!

I had a nice surpise on Thanksgiving!!! My Sister-inlaw and hubby are now low carbers too (south beach)!!! So it was so easy to stick to a low carb diet!!!!! We had turkey, prime rib, 24 hour salad, green salad and fresh green beans. I just wish they had mashed cauliflower to go with the wonderful drippings. For desert we had strawberries dipped in bitter sweet chocolate - to die for!!!!

My weight is still stuck!!! I have been at 241 for over two months!!! It has dropped down to 238 then back up to 241!?!?! December will be the month for change!!!

CindyLynn Mon, Dec-01-03 11:34

I didn't go off Atkins for Thanksgiving. I just raised my carbs for the day, and allowed myself to have legal things that I don't normally eat. My carb were about 65 on Thanksgiving, and my calories were insane. I felt really good, and my blood sugar didn't spike at all. And I even exercised Thursday morning. I'm holding on to water weight from Thanksgiving, plus I've been eating around 30-40 carbs the rest of the weekend. We had lots of leftovers and no salad for part of the weekend. So I tried some lc stuff I've been wanting to try, and allowed myself to have a higher carb weekend. It's with me in water weight this morning. Last night I finished the last of the pumpkin cheesecake, so it's not here calling me. This morning, I'm back to my regular way of eating 20 carbs, no dairy, no sweetners, and no nuts. I need to get through today, and I think I'll be good. And one good thing there is no peanut butter in the house to tempt me this week.

I lost 4 pounds on the last challenge, and I am so proud of myself! Thanks for all the encouragement.

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