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bubu Thu, Nov-27-03 21:11

So how did gobble day go for everyone.
We decided not to count carbs but to stay with the foods we knew to be lc friendly.
So here was my plate, with tidbits of it all. I cooked almost two meals.....lots of work but worth it.

turkey and ham
mashed faux tators
lime jello
brussle sprouts
lc pumpkin cheese cake
Mich Ultra lite

and am feeling pretty good, was not stuffed but able to try what I wanted.
The rest added to that corn, real tators, yams and we also had choc cake for a birthday boy, and 4 different pies.

we had 17 people here, so in all a good holiday.

Back to the usual fare tomorrow.

Laters bu

fishmonkey Fri, Nov-28-03 07:03

Lily..............Lost 7 pounds
petcrazed.....185/183 loss 2 lbs ( since noveber 10 6lbs)
Heather........171/168=3lbs lost
sabrina g......126/124/124/122.5 = 3.5lbs lost total
Rachelle....... 140/138/137/135 ( 5lbs lost total)
ricky............165/167/162=3lbs lost
mossygyrl.....147/149/148/146 (1lb lost total
Fishmonkey....162/162/163/159 3 lbs lost

Somehow got knocked off the list
Have a great weekend everybody!

determine3 Fri, Nov-28-03 07:15

down a pound since yesterday-yay!!
Just wanted to post that I'm down a pound, so I now weigh 161 (goal is to weigh 140-145.

*ehem* noone has replied to me regarding joining your thread so I just want to make sure new members are welcome. I don't want to jump in so late without permission as I see you started a while ago.


Rachelle Fri, Nov-28-03 10:08

Tasha.. everyone is welcome here.. so Welcome!!

on another note...
I cheated on Turkey Day :( see my journal for details... but i am back on the wagon.. the scale isn't up yet today... so i am drowning myself in water and hoping that helps :) wish me luck... how did everyone else do??

Bubu you menu sounds delicous... I should have come to your house .. hehe :)
Have a great day everyone...

Sheila771 Fri, Nov-28-03 11:28

Hi. I going to do the challange to. I will try 4x week 30 min to start that add up. Christmas is coming. It is now November 28 so I think twenty pounds might be a bit hard but 10 would be great. Check back soon.

skinnyme Fri, Nov-28-03 14:44

I would love to join. I do really good then fall off always about a week prior to TOM then it takes me another week to get back on track. I would LOVE to be down 10 pounds by X-mas. My goal is to be high 120's low 130's maybe 127-132. I could be really happy with that range.

Today my weight is 142.4 :rolleyes: alittle over a week ago I was 137.4. :rolleyes: Anyways, I think this challenge could keep me focused. Please feel free to come by my journal anytime. Also, how often do you all weigh in?



ricky47 Sat, Nov-29-03 05:39

Getting right back on that horse.
Jump on in here Tasha & Shelia --- the water is fine ---This is a challenge and 1/2 due to the holiday preperations. Tempted to wear rubber gloves so I can't lick my fingers when I make cakes & frostings. Luckily, my 17 & 7 yr olds are always nearby to help with the cleaning the batters up.
I ate everything, pumkin pie (no crust) bananna bread, sweet potatoes, chocolate covered cherries, egg nog...the only thing missing was the booze. But I ate it in moderation, thinking it is just the taste, the flavor, the crunch, I miss and not the food. Food is fuel, and at my age I don't need that much.
Refuse to get on the scale until Sunday. I did a double cardio w/o wednesday just so I could have the extra calories Thursday, and I intend to get a cardio and go to the weight room today. I do aerobics at least 3 days per week, and weights 2. Trying to get that up to 4 & 3 at least until I knock off this 20#'s. Got a little winded last week trying to do it on induction. Felt weak because of the low calorie intake I suspect. The energy was there, just not the stamina.
Took a look back at my old journal to see how induction affected me before, and compare it to this last week. Looks so similar, the 5th day was weakness then too, but I thought it was because I started a 5 day/week aerobics regime. This time, I am so much stronger. I'm on a step and I can really isolate those muscles and make them work harder rather than just having the fat be resistance..LOL really have come a long way since May.
Ya'll enjoy the rest of the weekend. Gotta do my duty and get this blood flowing. Keep up the good work & I check in with ya'll monday.

bubu Sat, Nov-29-03 10:50

Hi all and welcome Tasha and Sheila....the more the merrier.

Have good new on my end, with Thanksgiving I had a 5 pd whoosh total. 3 of those before the holiday itself. Have to say I am close to Tom and that usually makes me drop a few right before only to gain a couple back...sooo we shall see.

I worked my hiney off the day before and expected by all good 'little' and preparing and haven't worked out all that week maybe its some muscle/water loss during all that too. However, I will change my stats to remind myself, will still weigh in on monday though.

I made all the usual fare turkey, ham, mashed tators, glazed yams,stuffing, lime jello salad, cranberries, corn and sis in law brought pies.
For daughter and I, I made faux mashed tators, lc stuffing, brussle sprouts (she loves them), coleslaw, lc cranberries and lc pumpkin cheesecake.
We ate those items incl ham and turkey and also some of the lime salad. Just too bad we didn't have leftovers hehe....which of the other stuff we have plenty of.
I also had a couple of Mich lite beers...which was a treat.

Today we are off to the gym...should have gone shopping, with those crowds out there it would have been a workout. Oh well.....

Laters Gators

AFwife Mon, Dec-01-03 03:42

Weigh in day....

Lily................No change

ricky47 Mon, Dec-01-03 08:52

Lily..............Lost 7 pounds
petcrazed.....185/183 loss 2 lbs ( since noveber 10 6lbs)
Heather........171/168=3lbs lost
sabrina g......126/124/124/122.5 = 3.5lbs lost total
Rachelle....... 140/138/137/135 ( 5lbs lost total)
ricky............165/167/162/164 =1lb lost
mossygyrl.....147/149/148/146 (1lb lost total
Fishmonkey....162/162/163/159 3 lb lost:

:cry: I saw the scale hit 158 wed, after a week of strict induction. I did not over eat, did an extra aerobic class, drank lots of water, lost an inch, but the pounds won't leave the body/scale. Feeling pretty disgusted. Want to blame it on the full moon or the new moon ( since I don't have TOM anymore) but that's a cop-out.
I'm sorry to be so negative this morning, Ya'll keep the good news coming and talk me out of this bad mood. Please no insight that "muscle weighs more than fat." Muscle should also burn more fuel, thus tipping the scales in my favor. The whole scale of justice is just off for me. Gonna stand strong with lc though, and believe this is only a plateau that will break ---eventually.

HeatherElo Mon, Dec-01-03 10:11

Hey guys--
I hope everyone had a nice holiday. Question: any opinions out there on Atkins and pregnancy. I want another and last baby. My doctor said that at 36 I better go for it now..or never. Anyone have any opinions about being pregos and low carbing. I was thinking that I surely do not need any sugar or high carb things but more fruits and veggies could be in order.

Rachelle Mon, Dec-01-03 11:10

Hi Guys... the scale didn't move for me.. but it didn't go up either with my cheat on turkey day.. so it is positive one way or another...
Ricky... don't be so down on youself.. as i tell everyone.. i would rather weigh more and be skinnier.. then weigh less and feel fat... you are losing inches.. that's all that matters.. keep your head up.. and don't be discouraged...

Heather.. I am not sure about being pregnant.. have never been.. but i've seen posts on here that address that issue.. i would put that in the search.. i am sure it would bring up lots of useful tips...

Lily..............Lost 7 pounds
petcrazed.....185/183 loss 2 lbs ( since noveber 10 6lbs)
Heather........171/168=3lbs lost
sabrina g......126/124/124/122.5 = 3.5lbs lost total
Rachelle....... 140/138/137/135/135 ( 5lbs lost total)
ricky............165/167/162/164 =1lb lost
mossygyrl.....147/149/148/146 (1lb lost total
Fishmonkey....162/162/163/159 3 lb lost:

sabrina g Mon, Dec-01-03 13:40

More good news this morning. I hit 121 today. I was hoping to be 120lbs for my trip, so hopefully I will get a woosh and lose one more pound before Thursday. I bought some new shorts for the trip, both pairs in a size 5. When I tried the first pair on I thought they must just be a size 5 that fits big, but no when I tried on other pairs I needed a 5 in other brands also. :yay: The last time I was a size 5 I weighed around 110-115lbs so I guess all the weightlifting has helped me. I can wear a smaller size a heavier weight. So don't be a slave to the scale!!!!

Lily..............Lost 7 pounds
petcrazed.....185/183 loss 2 lbs ( since noveber 10 6lbs)
Heather........171/168=3lbs lost
sabrina g......126/124/124/122.5/121 = 5lbs lost total
Rachelle....... 140/138/137/135/135 ( 5lbs lost total)
ricky............165/167/162/164 =1lb lost
mossygyrl.....147/149/148/146 (1lb lost total
Fishmonkey....162/162/163/159 3 lb lost:

Keep up the good work everyone!! Without everyone else positive energy I don't think I would have done so well with this challange! Thank you all :)

petcrazed Mon, Dec-01-03 15:07

well thanksgiving has come and gone and well it added 2.5 lbs to me :lol: oh well the food was great. plus its TOM so i might have gained wight from that so this week I will say i did not gain nor lose i will stay at 183.

Lily..............Lost 7 pounds
petcrazed.....188/185/183/183 = lost 5 lbs
Heather........171/168=3lbs lost
sabrina g......126/124/124/122.5/121 = 5lbs lost total
Rachelle....... 140/138/137/135/135 ( 5lbs lost total)
ricky............165/167/162/164 =1lb lost
mossygyrl.....147/149/148/146 (1lb lost total
Fishmonkey....162/162/163/159 3 lb lost:

bubu Mon, Dec-01-03 20:50

Lily..............Lost 7 pounds
petcrazed.....188/185/183/183 = lost 5 lbs
Heather........171/168=3lbs lost
sabrina g......126/124/124/122.5/121 = 5lbs lost total
Rachelle....... 140/138/137/135/135 ( 5lbs lost total)
ricky............165/167/162/164 =1lb lost
mossygyrl.....147/149/148/146 (1lb lost total
Fishmonkey....162/162/163/159 3 lb lost:

Had dropped down to 165 on wednesday, but right before Tom thats what happens. Kept it thru the holiday and this morning is back up to 168, am thinking it will stay here until next month. Seems to be how I a going...although I am doing the visual thing....dreamin' about it hehe. not gonna tell you muscle weighs more....already did that :) BUT when u work out alot the muscle that gets torn will also make you hold water for the repair process.
Best example would be 'moi'....I contribute part of my loss with giving my body that weeks rest. Not good in the long run but it let go of alot of that water right then, besides tom being on the way of course.
I am a full believer that when our bodys are ready they will respond....until then they are confused and hang on.

Laters all and CONGRATS on all the good stats !!!

skinnyme Mon, Dec-01-03 22:41

Hello Everyone-

I'm new to your challenge so let me know if I post the information wrong.

Todays weight 142.0 :rolleyes: Would really like to hit the low 130's so I think this buddy/challenge will be good for me :thup:

AFwife Tue, Dec-02-03 02:52

Welcome, you can do it!

Lily......always late a day with weight coming off..down 2 pounds


HeatherElo Tue, Dec-02-03 07:36

rachelle--thanks for your help did a search and got good info.

petcrazed Tue, Dec-02-03 13:02

well my thanksgiving cheat did not add any wieght to me i am back down to 183.5 and with TOM i will loss more by next week hopfully once all the swelling goes down.

yea now i wont feel as bad cheating on my birthday! :yay:

ricky47 Wed, Dec-03-03 08:13

I'm having my doubts about meeting this challenge of 20#'s by January. The way it's going, whether I like it or not, I'm in the slow lane of OWL, praying for 4#'s per month (getting 2) and that would make it nearly June before I hit the goal. This website is great for tips. Found a few articles about plateau's, & ketone sticks, and I think I found my sticking point. NOt enough protien and/or food while adding weight training and an extra aerobic class that circuits w/weights. My measurements are just about what they should be at 150 (diary 2001) lost 8" with 6#'s in 14 weeks, vs in the beginning I lost 21" and 27#'s in 10 weeks. Looking at it like that gives me hope that with enough time, I will be fit and healthy for the rest of my life. It's just going to be realllllllly slow. Got to remember Progress not Perfection. I'm just working out so hard, I hope I can cut down to 3 days a week to maintain, and not have to do 5 days a week for nearly 1 1/2 hrs. (now) to keep it off.

determine3 Wed, Dec-03-03 09:23

Good and bad news to report.

Bad- I went off track and actually gained weight instead of losing weight.

Good- I'm back on track and WILL meet the goal (or lose weight while trying:wiggle: )
I went out and bought new exercise tapes so I have new challenges. So far the exercise is good and the eating is well. I went back on induction so I know I'll have good things to report soon.

ouchy...have a headache...... oh well. I also need to drink lots and lots of water to help me along (damn, I really hate water!!)

For everyone who doesn't think they will make the initial goal of losing 20 by jan, try anyways. The worst thing that can happen is that you lose a smaller ammount of weight which is also successful so don't give up!!!!!!!


2B-ABLE Wed, Dec-03-03 22:18

hey eveyrone just checking in a gain..sorry i dont check in as often .. im just pretty busy.. but neway... Everything is going pretty well. I have restarted induction after Thanksgiving (the fri. after) and am doing well. N headaches or anything ... I have been excercising everyday. so hopefully (if i havent hit a stall or gained muscle from excercising) i will have gone down come sat.

Rachelle Sun, Dec-07-03 01:39

How's everyone in here doing on induction ??? that is if they cheated on Thanksgiving??? I am still going strong..and wanted to makes sure that everyone is getting the support that they need to make it thru this rough time :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

mossygyrl Sun, Dec-07-03 22:26

hey guys,
checkin in here, also to report bad news on my part.
ive been slowly falling off track as i have cheated wtih
some cake early this week and two cookies yesterday.
damn the roomates for leaving that around! i am considering
going onto induction for two weeks due to this. though i havent
weighed in due to fear that ive completely jacked my diet.

ricky, wondering, you mentioned losing 8inches wtih the
six pounds -- really? six pounds could really translate into 8 inches?

i also am having doubts about the 20#.
im having trouble losing even 2!

quick survey,
what are you guys each averaging in terms of loss per month?
i am averaging maybe 2#.....


happy monday all -

AFwife Mon, Dec-08-03 05:26

Weigh in day.......

Lily..............was 270........down to 268

I'm averaging 2-3 pounds a week now. Was at first averaging 5 pounds but's it's slowed down.


ricky47 Mon, Dec-08-03 06:49

Lily..............Lost 7 pounds..270/ 268 = 9# loss
ricky............165/167/162/164/162 =3# loss

Taking the liberty to put the last weeks stats in so ya'll can fill in the new week. We're all sucessfully, yet gradually "whittling our middle" and I'm very proud of ya'll .Exercise and LC is a lifestyle commitment, and with this kind of support - success is eminent. We're gonna be bathing suit babes this summer. I went ice skating for the 1st time in 20 years, and because of the torso stabalization, and the weight loss, I was able to stay on the ice with my daughter for 2 hours, and no soreness the next day. I would never have been able to do that last winter. What a great side effect....I can play with my 7-yr-old...YIPPEE

petcrazed.....188/185/183/183 = lost 5 lbs
Heather........171/168=3lbs lost
sabrina g......126/124/124/122.5/121 = 5lbs lost total
Rachelle....... 140/138/137/135/135 ( 5lbs lost total)
mossygyrl.....147/149/148/146 (1lb lost total
Fishmonkey....162/162/163/159 3 lb lost:

2B-ABLE Mon, Dec-08-03 11:50

Hey just an update... Im down from 165 to 162.5(2.5lb loss) So I met my minigoal of 163!! So since starting this challenge (173) I have lost 10.5 lbs. Ya but I have the flu... but I hope to be better very soon!!

petcrazed Mon, Dec-08-03 12:06

fell off the wagon
well I feel off the wagon this weekend. we went down to Los Angeles and visited our familys and they all wanted to take us to dinner. we had steak each nigh but I also endulged in the fries and some bread, and the chocolate that my mom had too. :(

Oh well I am up 2 lbs and well i dont see that going away soo as the holiday season has started in full and we have to go out with clients and such, and my birthday is on wednesday and even though i shouldnt I am going to have a slice of cake. but instead of making a whole cake I am going to go to a Local hotel (the world famous Madonna Inn) and buy a slice of cake there and share it with my DH.

any way my new total is 185 i have lost 3 lbs. I am alos going to start my exersicing up again this week. so that might help.

Some happy news I am waring a pair of jeans right now that i have not been able to fit in to in over 2 years!!

bubu Mon, Dec-08-03 13:48

doing great, I see. Congrats to all you lahoosers....
Mine showed 165 again the other day I changed my reg stats, today am putting it in here to make it stick...(hehe..I hope )
Been fairly busy and seems like the stores are carrying nothing good lately so thats helped.
Prices are still going up, now of course for baking goods incl. eggs. Pretty soon us LC-ers won't have any savings anywhere. Meat is still terrible, it will be interestiing how long this plays out.

Lily..............Lost 7 pounds..270/ 268 = 9# loss
ricky............165/167/162/164/162 =3# loss
petcrazed.....188/185/183/183 = lost 5 lbs
Heather........171/168=3lbs lost
sabrina g......126/124/124/122.5/121 = 5lbs lost total
Bubu............170/169/171/170/168/165=Total loss 5#
Rachelle....... 140/138/137/135/135 ( 5lbs lost total)
mossygyrl.....147/149/148/146 (1lb lost total
Fishmonkey....162/162/163/159 3 lb lost

My loss averages out to 1 pd/week OVER TIME. It never shows until a month cycle is around the corner i.e. Tom. Until then it swings back and forth. This is with workouts everyday. If I dont' I seem to drop a couple pds quicker (water).

you all have a terriffic day....

skinnyme Mon, Dec-08-03 17:31

weight 140.2 :rolleyes:

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