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izzyfit Thu, Sep-06-18 04:18

Good morning ladies, I totally forgot to post yesterday. I am doing good but having lots of cravings. It is very hard when you have two teenagers that eat all day. They do eat pretty healthy and mostly fruits and veggies, we keep bag of chips for them to bring to school with their lunches or to snack before dinner.

Today, I am making my own version of crack slaw; cabbage, carrots, onions, ground beef and hot sauce. I sautee the cabbage, onions and carrots in ghee add a bit of salt or adobo then add the cooked ground beef and mix it with some Cholula hot sauce :)

Maral, the other day I was thinking on making Kaylin's white chicken chili, I made it once and it was delicious.

janetkind Thu, Sep-06-18 09:14

Hi Girls. Glad all is doing well. I'm doing good 2.
Izzy what is Ghee? Is that like butter?

Lisa, how are you doing?

Going to get a 4 mile walk in today.
Went to eye Dr. and eye is doing much better.
Keeping cals. 1,000
Going to make some type of low carb green smoothie .
Yesterday I had 4 .5 oz.of Chicken made with Almond flour.
and 2 slices of cheese.
Lunch was soup and 2 rice cakes.
1 boiled egg
1/4 avoco.
Have a great day girls.
We are doing very well.
I know we all will have something off by end of month..


izzyfit Fri, Sep-07-18 04:14

Happy Friday!

Janet- Ghee is clarified butter (pretty much you take the protein out of the butter) So glad to hear your eye is healing.

I wake up yesterday with a lot of pain in my knees and my back started hurting too. It seem like I have an arthritis flare up. My back is bit better today, but my knees are still tender so I need to take it easy today. Today, I need to go to shopping. I need an entryway rug, some pillows for my living room and a centerpiece for my dining room. I can also do it tomorrow, but dh travels M-F and I like to be free on weekends so we can spend it with the boys and dh.

For dinner I am planning on making chicken, with broccoli and a side salad.

janetkind Fri, Sep-07-18 09:27

Hi Izzy,I need to change things in my house also. Just to give diff. look.
Like pillows bedding and so on.
Wash windows to before closeing house for late fall and winter.
Time sure passes.I hope your back feels better and knee.
Just keep loseing weight and getting fit and move that body.
We can age heathier as long as we treat our bodies with good foods and exercise. Just some times those slips hurt.
But I think we all have choices. eighter start changing or stay same or go down hill.
Today big salad and soups, and smoothie.
If u see me useing the word Blast{It is a smoothie. I just call it a blast.
It helps so much to keep posting. even just to say hi. and when we do fall.Post{but hey we said no slips this month.ha
,How are you other girls doing.?

maral427 Sat, Sep-08-18 00:56

good morning ladies,
havent posted in a bit so i just wanted to check in. since getting back from washington things have been very crazy. i am managing to stay on plan. hoping to have a decent weighin sunday.

i can see why those in the low carb community use cauliflower. i have been regularly using it for my mock mashed potatoes and tonight i made a mock risotto using mushrooms and cauliflower. i will post the recipe but it was delicious. i am thinking of getting some cauliflower at the farmers market, riceing it and tossing it in the freezer. in the winter months cauliflower is very expensive. thinking of doing the same with zucchini as well. maybe ill hit the farmers market in the morning.

I have not been hungry lately. I am not sure why. I have had to force myself to eat snacks and the other day I skipped lunch. I am not really sure what is going on? I am on phase two. Today I had about a half cup cooked oatmeal(1/4 cup dry). Nervous about adding carbs back in even whole grains. Tomorrow I weigh in. Please wish me luck.

hope this message finds you all doing well!! glad to see you ladies posting on here. just want to thank you for being here and for all of the support you give.

izzyfit Sun, Sep-09-18 13:44

Good afternoon ladies, I hope you all are having a great Sunday!

Maral, I hope you did well at weight in. Yes, there is so much you can do with cauliflower, my favorite is riced cauliflower and I sauteed it with different veggies and then I add shredded chicken and hot sauce. I didn't know you could froze zucchinis. Not being hungry was one of the things I noticed last time I did SBD. but I only noticed during phase 1. I was told that happens when you are in ketosis and that is normal. As long as you are eating the right amount of protein, fat, and carbs it is ok if you don't have snacks every day. Good luck with PH2.

Today, I need to work on a menu plan for this coming week. I want to finish everything I have in the fridge before I go to the store. I have a head of cauliflower and some mushrooms that I need to use before it goes bad. I also have a some lettuce and cabbage. I just need to check what protein we have in the freezer. Do you meal prep for the week? I always try but most of the time I end up making something totally different than what I plan :lol:

maral427 Wed, Sep-12-18 19:01

Hello everyone! I know protein shakes for most of the day is not and but I figured I'd post anyway. Going to do this until Saturday to see if it kick-starts anything and then I think I will go back to sbd.

izzyfit Thu, Sep-13-18 05:40

Maral- good luck with the protein shakes. What brand are you using? Make sure you are also drinking a lot of water some protein shakes are high in fiber and can cause bloating.

janetkind Thu, Sep-13-18 10:40

Hi Girls.

Some times Lisa, we just have to redo plans and reset body. Just make sure your shakes are heathy as you can make or buy.
I'm on day 3 of hitting harder and cals>600 cals. But yesterday was 670
Got on scale and was down other lb.
Now to lose 3 lbs and I will be back to normal weight for me.{At the high end.
My weight for me is 90-123 lbs. I'm tiny bone{
But I'm going to get to 110 lbs and No more then 108
That way It will give me a play ground.
Today makeing a Big pot of cabbage soup with lots of veggies .
Going to boil eggs.
I just have to get this moving back to what I had off.[Getting closer.
I got a veggie burgar that was> Black bean spice and it was good.
[Glad to see you girls are still hanging in and posting.
We can and we are.
Do not for get to move that body .
I think next week ,I will start getting in sauna and restart detoxing.
I have to get my vitamins together.
and should make tea.
So glad to talk to you both.
Just maybe soon we can get others here.
And Lisa, You post no mater what.

maral427 Thu, Sep-13-18 12:42

hello ladies,
really good to read your posts!! I am glad you both are here and that we are getting this board going. I went shopping for clothes the other day. I was able to buy leggings that were size 11-13 and womens shirts in medium. I used to be a 3x top and 32/34 pants when I started. guess I need to look at this as a victory even though I am struggling with the numbers on the scale. hoping for good results when I weigh in on sunday (keeping my fingers crossed).
went to the gym yesterday. they were having a grand opening celebration. got some really cool stuff! they gave out a bunch of protein bars, samples of protein powder, a shaker cup, water bottle, gym bag, coupons for the health food store in the same plaza. they had food there but served pizza and cupcakes so I skipped that and grabbed a bottled water along with the healthy stuff/goodies they gave out.
this weekend I get to spend some time with my two grandbabies. I am a 46 year old grandmother of two -one boy one girl from my daughter, who is my only child, all of which I spoil terribly. I am engaged to my daughters father. we split up a very long time ago and have rekindled our relationship. we have been together about four years now. we have set a date and will be married in august of 2020.
for protein powder I drink eas 100% whey. I get a big bag at my local warehouse club. its very reasonable and you get 30 grams of protein in each shake with not lots of sugar or carbs. I also drink the premier protein ready to serve shakes . I get them at the same warehouse club I belong to as they are much cheaper there as well. my favorite is chocolate and banana.
ive been much better at taking my vitamins since ive been on this board. I have been taking a multivitamin, a hair skin and nail vitamin, and vitamin d. when I had my physical my labwork showed that my vitamin d levels were very low so the doctor prescribed vitamin d pills. everything else with my labs came out perfect so that is amazing news!!
the beginning of October I get to go back to the biggest loser fitness camp in java ny. this time for three days. last oct my job paid for me to go there for a week. I pay nothing when I go. this is will be the fourth time I am going there that work is paying for it. its really wonderful and nothing like the show but you do workout a lot and they give you very healthy meals!! its really nice me time and every time I go I always learn something and try to incorporate it in my life. I don't have to cook, clean, or really do anything but workout and spend time on myself. last time I was there they added a room with massage chairs and we have access to essential oils. I plan on using that a lot along with the pool and fitness facilities. its amazing that this is free!!
well ladies done ranting. thank you for bearing with the long post. hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!

janetkind Sat, Sep-15-18 20:28

Hi, Ladies.
For some reason this site was a no show. It did not work. At first I thought I got cut off.
Oh Lisa, That is so wonderful on getting into new sizes. It makes you feel so good and gives you a big push.
I know the feeling also.
I went shopping for a outfit in Nov. to go to wedding. And I was shocked that I got into a p size 4
and On jeans Skinny jeans as they call them now>6p

I think that is wonderful that you and ex, husband are getting back.
Still Im having a hard time. seem to do well and really talk the walk but I fall after 3 days.
Couple days ago made cabbage soup and been helping.
I have 2 weeks or little over to get something off[That I had regained. This is the hardest year. and I have been doing this Since April 1st 2013. You know Lisa, It gets harder as we age. so great thing you are getting ahead of the game. You just can not go back. Scale messes with my head also.
I have to get with smoothies again and do more plant base with them.
and just reset. I just hope my reset button stops on go.ha
Im going for check up also in few weeks to see were Im at.But so far doing good.
My blood preasure was 107 over 78 so good.
I have been looking at all my diet and health books.I have them all.
I also like health shows
Boy you hit luck withGoing to the Biggest loser fit nesscamp. Is that like show?
You go girl.
And free.
You keep doing it girl.
Come on girls get back here and talk.

izzyfit Sun, Sep-16-18 07:31

Hello girls, I don't know what was wrong with the site. I kept trying to get in but it said it was down.

Maral, the non-scale victories are the best. When I was more active and doing weight training I wasn't losing lbs, in fact I gain 5lbs and I was so discourage. However, my husband was telling me that I look leaner. I measured myself and in fact I had lost lost of inches and I was down a size in paints.
I am so happy for your that you get to experience the Biggest Loser Fitness camp every year. Learn as much as you can and maybe when you are back you can share a few tips with us ;)

On Thursday I received a call from my Rheumatologist letting me know that they had an opening for the next day (my appt was next year in March) so of course I said yes. He thinks that what I have is OA (osteoarthritis) and seem like it is kind of advanced. but that is why I am always so inflamed and lots of pain. He was a little concerned because he said that this type of arthritis is more common on women after 60 years old. I have a whole bunch of test and x-rays to do to make sure I don't also have something else too, and he wants to see me back in 6 weeks.

He recommended me to change my diet, no wheat, sugar, dairy, maybe night shades if I noticed pain after I eat them because this things are the ones that can inflamed my body the most. I need to exercise more but I need to keep it low impact and not to over due it so I don't do more damage that is already done. So I guess is time to be 100% on plan.

Hope you all are having a great weekend. Today is my youngest son birthday. He is officially a teenager today!

janetkind Mon, Sep-17-18 17:07

Hi, Girls.
Was a busy day.been doing good so far.{But I have said that before.
I was looking at my weight chart and I have not loss since May.[In fact regained 7 lbs and it goes down couple and gain .But no more the 7.
so This has to be it for me. I have to get back and get down first to 123 and then hit 120 lbs{Like I was.
today we also went out and I got a* veggie wrap]Wheat and side cole slaw. Cals. were 900 cals.For today.
So that means nothing more today.
going to finish my cabbage soup tomorrow{As that has been my main stay[As u can have all u want.
And that saves me cals.[I like it too.
Going to make more boiled eggs and another pot of cabbage soup.
I have the biggest loser book also. I loved that show.
But I wished they would have had more on types of foods and stuff like that.
Going to y tomorrow. Lisa Do give tips when u get back. That would help.
Just wanted to say. We can and keep moving.
Also muscle burns fat.
and as we age we need to tone. Just have to push our way to healthier road.
As long as we try and do. we will make it.
But I sure thought I would have been to my goal?110 lbs But you girls watch.I will.
Have a great day.

izzyfit Tue, Sep-18-18 04:00

Good morning girls!

Janet- hang in there you will be in your goal weigh in no time. Maybe change your workout routine a bit. The body adapt to routines very easy and they recommend changing it often.

Maral- how are you doing?

izzyfit Wed, Sep-19-18 05:57

Happy Wednesday ladies, I hope you both are doing ok?

Yesterday, I wasn't feeling well, my legs were very swollen and I gain another 2lbs :( I need to prep for my meals better so I don't end up eating what I cook for the boys. Yesterday I made mac and cheese for the boys and I was too lazy to make a salad for me so I ate mac and cheese too. I really need to clean up my diet. All this carbs and hurting me more that I can think, I really don't know what is so hard for me to make better choices this time. I love eating veggies and I am always craving them, but I really dislike cooking and I am too lazy to cook two separate dinners. I really need to plan better.

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