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catinhat Fri, Jun-07-02 07:06

Ivory, you are halfway to your big goal - congrats! I just hit 10% this morning myself, so I'm feeling pretty darn good! I have to head out for work, but I just wanted to send you a big "YAY!!" Everyone here is doing great!!

-Catinhat :wave:

Corrie Fri, Jun-07-02 08:20


Corrie Fri, Jun-07-02 08:22

WOW- what the hell happened??

Anyway! Ivory - Congratulations!!
You will be way down before you know it!!

I haven't had a chance to eat today - need to get a second to do so. I hate my Dr. scales - they weigh me1 pound heavier than at home......Must be the clothes I have on.

My son graduates from high school today - I should have worn waterproof mascara!!!

have a great day -

Ivory Fri, Jun-07-02 09:14

Its hot out today! I just went for a power walk, it had to be shortened because I got called into work early, but I'm gonna do a bit of weight stuff and then get dressed for work, and have some lunch. I had 2 hot dogs(sans bun), cucumber salad and a couple slices of cheese for breakfast, I've already had a litre of water this morning, I'm doing well. Its amazing how inspiring progress is!

Thats great about your son graduating! Congrats to him!

I can't wait to be all the way done losing weight. I want to see what I look like thinner!

Corrie Fri, Jun-07-02 09:20

Looking thinner....
There is NOTHING like the feeling of throwing all your size 22's away!!!

There is NOTHING like the feeling of buying yourself that size 6 party dress at Christmas time.

There is NOTHING like showing off your new look on New Year's Eve!!

I keep a picture of the skinny me and the real fat me where I can see what I used to look like and what I will look like!

And DO throw your big clothes away when you cannot keep them on anymore. It's is part of the commitment. It's is like shedding an old worn out skin!

molmerlin Fri, Jun-07-02 11:10

morning, or afternoon, or whatever

catinhat. you are exactly rightand that is why I said it is my choice to eat popcorn. That is part of the package going to the movies. I have no problem skipping the candy, I drink a diet pop,
and I eat popcorn. I am ok with it.

corrie, you should wear waterproof mascara to your son's graduation. my son graduated about three years ago and my daughter two years ago (or something like that) The second they start that graduation music, you become a lost cause. And then when you see your baby out there (surely the most beautiful intelligent clever and creative graduate there) you cannot believe he is grown up. so bittersweet. :cry:

Ivory, way to go girl. Incidentally, you started a fabulous thread here

Stopped at the Y, got their schedule. Ok there is one class that I can consistantly make It is called guts and butts. hello, is that not calling my name??? we shall see
I didn't eat breakfast, I just couldn't stomach eating anything, I just ate some of the leftover roast from last night, and four devilied eggs. I feel like something special for dinner, so i am gonna go over to the recipe section and see what's up :wiggle:

Ivory Fri, Jun-07-02 11:12

I still have my 'big' clothes in my closet but only because I'm too lazy to do a closet clean out yet, at the end of the summer I will.

Off topic, I love the sunshine!

Corrie Fri, Jun-07-02 11:45

corrie, you should wear waterproof mascara to your son's graduation. my son graduated about three years ago and my daughter two years ago (or something like that) The second they start that graduation music, you become a lost cause. And then when you see your baby out there (surely the most beautiful intelligent clever and creative graduate there) you cannot believe he is grown up. so bittersweet. ....

I know what you mean - I cried like a baby on his first day of kindergarten - and again the first time he walked to school by himself......And how did you know he is the most clever, and creative creature ever to walk the face of this planet???

Ivory Fri, Jun-07-02 21:07

Am I determined to sabotage myself??? Do I just want to stay big forever??? I can't beleive it, I cheated again tonight. My dad bought pizza and I had some...why!?!?!? I was stressed and just had some, grrrr! I hate when I do that! I was doing so well for the first 3 months of LCing and now I just seem to be screwing up. I do okay most of the time, but this week has been just BAD and I don't know why! Sorry to rant and rave here, but I'm really mad at myself right now.

molmerlin Fri, Jun-07-02 22:00

Ivory, don't be disappointed in yourself.....although I know we all get that way. Look how far you have already come. You are halfway there. Tell me that is not awesome. And it was really a lot easier than you thought it would be, wasn't it? I think everyone agrees that sometimes we just need to blow it, :agree: sometimes that even seems to kick start our losing. In any case, tomorrow is another day (to quote scarlett o'hara)
I haven't eaten since that meat and eggs at noon......ok, darnit, I did make microwave popcorn that is all i have eaten today, and i know i need to do better. i seem to do better on work days, cause i go out for a decent lunch.
My pants are baggier, but i really can't wear the next smaller size yet, this is the awkward part. The good part is that the pleats in my khakis are actually pleats, instead of extra room for my gut to fill up.....lovely visual for you all i am sure.
I think I am gonna take a nice bath, wash hair , put lotion all over(lemongrass sage from bath and body works, smells lovely) and get some shuteye. It will be busy this weekend at work, that helps too..... :cheer:

Ivory Sat, Jun-08-02 06:14

Hopefully I can keep on track from now on, I really want to get through the other half of my weight loss! I want to be thin!

I hate that stage where your pants are too loose, but the next size down are too small still. Its incredibly annoying.

I am so tired this morning. I have to work at 9 and I didn't get home from work last night until like 10, I might take a nap this afternoon.

Have a good weekend :D

catinhat Sat, Jun-08-02 07:16

Dear Ivory,
Everything we do is done for a reason. Is there something about right now that is different from the last few months? You are not the same person you were when you started this!

Maybe you are 'celebrating' that you've reached the halfway mark, and easing up on the 'rules' for a couple days. Another possiblility is that there's something a little scary about getting thinner, and you're protecting yourself.

Many people both hate and rely on their excess weight. It can be protection (people make me nervous, but when I'm heavy, fewer people approach me) or even an excuse (what's the use of trying for that promotion at work - they'd never promote someone who is overweight). I do not mean to imply that any of this is going on with you, but I have read lots of examples where people were conflicted about losing weight and being 'different'. Sometimes it was an expectation, other times a bit of a fear.

Every single one of us put on excess weight for a reason. We were doing our best to handle things at that time. Sometimes there are underlying beliefs or feelings that we need to look at. I hope this is helpful, Ivory. You are doing so well - I'm sure this is just a little 'bump in the road'.

Take care,
-Catinhat :wave:

kalondra Sat, Jun-08-02 08:50

Ivory, :spin:

Do not be upset with yourself about your mess-up. We all mess-up once and again. ;) Just know that you can get right back on track tomorrow. Trust me, I know. The week before last, I cheated about 3 times during the week and I think I even gained a little. Yes I was disappointed to see that the scale had went up, but I know that this WOL works. I wouldn't let the scale discourage me. I just hopped right back on track like I should. So far I've been 4 whole days with no cheating. So don't you fret. Plus we are all here for you. :there: Have a nice LC day! :sunny:

kalondra :rheart:

Ivory Sat, Jun-08-02 14:32

Thanks everyone for your encouragement!

Catinhat, I think you may be right, I think right now I'm obsessing about things, and that I can't remember ever being thin and it worries me that I might still going to be big even after all the weight loss. I guess in some ways I look at it that if I'm still big after, what was the point? Even though I know that being healthier and thinner is good, I guess I'm worried that my expectations of myself have been too high, even though I'm over 30lbs from my first major goal...I dunno, I just hope that I am happy with the results at the end.

Anyway I just want to thank everyone again for the encouragement. If I hadn't found this website, I would have given up a long time ago, its nice to have support from people in the same boat.

mal Sat, Jun-08-02 14:38

hi im a new atkins dieter from england just finishing my second week on lc, i have read through all 7 pages of your thread and think it is wonderful, you are doing sooooooo well and giving each other such support i wondered if i could join in? i 2 cant wait to be 199 lb's its gonna be a great milestone. thanks mal

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