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Meadow Tue, Aug-20-02 20:20

Wow Linda!!!

Just look at the progress you have made!! You should feel wonderful about yourself right now.

I will be seeing my oncologist this month and I'm going to ask if it's safe for me to do things like crunches and such. I would sure like to develop some tummy muscle. I have concerns about herniating something as there just isn't the support there that most people have. I hope to get the go ahead. :)

Bike riding is good cardio, but it doesn't build the muscle or tone the body in the same way as weights or resistance training.

You are an inspiration girl!

Hugs, Lark

adnil53 Fri, Aug-23-02 08:26

Week 5, day 35, Lower and middle body
Thanks Lark! (Meadow) It feels good! I have a goal and I plan to reach it! I will to. Haven't done my w/o today yet, but have been steady doing them... I am most defiantly getting stronger. I now have a bench so my upper body w/o should be even more productive.

P.S. Tomorrow starts the begining of week 6 :D I have been thinking too... I have no goal to end this w/o routine. My goal is to get to my ideal weight (what ever that may be!) And get in the best shape I can get in and stay that way. I hope it happens at the end of the first year... but if not, well I just plan to keep going!

adnil53 Fri, Aug-23-02 17:35

Ok todays w/o done. I didn't have time to do all of the sets, so I did one each... just zipped through them quickly [for me anyhow!] It took me twenty minutes to do Lower and Middle... tired and sweaty now... I do think that was cardio!

Meadow Fri, Aug-23-02 19:29

You zipped through them??? How long does your w/o normally take?? Wow, I would never be able to find private time to workout for that lenght. LOL!

adnil53 Fri, Aug-23-02 23:31

My w/o usually takes about 45 minutes when I do all 3 sets of each twinset. The better I get at them, the faster they will go. :D I can tell you it is a challenge to find the time! Normally I do them either early mornings OR late at night! I would like to do them only in the mornings... hummmm, maybe I will work on that. My stomach is empty then and I like them better on an empty stomach! And I read they "work" better or you get more from them if they are done on a empty tummy. I really believe if a person really wants to do this, they will MAKE the time, even if they have to get up early to do so! But then to, a person would have to be committed! It has taken a long time for me to "find" the commitment to do this! But I do have a goal I want to reach and for me it makes it worth it. Some days, I just do not want to w/o out and sometimes I don't, BUT I remind myself, if I don't do them... well I will not succeed! It takes work as everything in life seems to. I am working at getting back up to all three sets and I will be doing that soon. I want to get my muscles back and I want to grow old with a toned body and mind! I want... I want... Yes and I am going to have it too! Because I have decided that this is not just going to fall in my lap, I am the only one that can do this for me. Kinda like my WOE, no one can do that for me either. I am the only one that puts food in my mouth... only me. [more ways than one... lol]

My Grandmother is 94 years old and it has only been the last couple of years or so that she has really started slowing down. Can you imagine what would of happened if she had of known what we know now? I think she could of lasted into the 100's before she had to "give" up! The quality of her life now, I believe would be better now. I might add she smoked untill about 10 years ago! I want to live to a ripe old age and keep my faculties about me as well!

Gee, I was just going to tell how long I worked out... Oh well, I guess I wanted to "talk” and tell what I was feeling... teehee!

Hope you don't mind my jabbering Meadow! Thanks for stopping by and the encouragement! Because when you do, it really does encourage me to keep on, keeping on! :wave:

P.S. My legs are SORE!!!!!!!

adnil53 Mon, Aug-26-02 10:14

Week 6, day 38, Lower and middle body
I’m still at it… Saturday was my day off of w/o and yesterday I did all 3 sets of each exercise. Used 5 pound weights for each set. Most of the exercises, the last one was to or almost failure. Didn’t stop for a 15sec rest, just kept at them… took me 50 minutes with about 10 minutes of stretching before the w/o started. I still have not got back into walking :( But hope to get that going again soon.

With having a bench now, I believe my Upper body w/o should be more productive than ever... I am just using the 5 pound weights, right now, but am going to up that to eight pounds soon for the last rep in each exercise. My middle body... I am just doing so good on! I am still amazed at how far I have come!

Tonight I will be doing my Lower and middle body... I will try to get in all 3 sets of each exercises for my lower and continue with all 3 sets of my middle... I am determined! :D

Meadow Mon, Aug-26-02 10:58

Linda you are inspiring!!! I admire your commitment. I know that is what it takes to succeed. I guess I'm not at that point yet with the exercise. I think it's partially due to the fact that the exercise seems to agravate my arthritis which affects my muscles and tendons as well as the joints. Last month I was commited to bike riding, and then was forced to stop for a spell because of health. That really puts a damper in the commitment. I find it hard to get all reved up about something and then have to stop and then have to start over. Now I'm NOT making excuses. Just explaining the obsticals (sp). I WILL get back in the grove....I will! (I'm convincing myself. lol)

In the meantime... I'll keep looking to this journal for inspiration.


adnil53 Mon, Aug-26-02 11:18

Meadow… I can imagine if I had those problems, I too would have a very hard time doing this and being as committed as I am… Have you looked at cher’s journal? You may get some inspiration from her. I do… She has fibromyalgia, which you may already know, is a extremely painful disease. Her even trying is inspiring to me. But she has a goal and is working toward it the best she can. And you know, that is all we can do. I don’t know much about arthritis. But I hope, if you want, you will be able to join us in the goal of getting our body’s in shape, and in turn maybe improving our health. My health problems are not as many as some, but they are there none the less. I want them gone as much as possible, and I believe by strengthen our bodies we help get rid of some of those problems. Mine for instance is chest pain. When I first started doing exercises… it made me puke… now I seldom have problems with it at all. But it is not gone, I am hoping it will be gone after awhile…

Now I am off to get me a mid-morning snack... I am hungry! :D

adnil53 Tue, Aug-27-02 10:33

Week 6, day 39, Upper and middle body
Monday, August 26th... day 38
I worked my lower body and middle. I must confess... I HATE WORKING MY LOWER BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think because I find them very hard to do. But I did them, only one set each and I only did one set each of my middle as well. For one thing last night the smoke from the fires were bad and I felt like I couldn’t breath. I will be glad when these fires are put out... total summer of smoke... YUCK! Air quality is NOT quality! Strange because Oregon prides itself on good quality air... but this cannot be helped. It has evolved into emergency status I think. No evacuation yet... but it is really bad!

Natrushka Wed, Aug-28-02 06:47

Hi Linda :) this post should answer your question about gaining weight earlier on when you start a lifting program. Since you're in week 6 it makes sense that what you're seeing is muscle :thup: - 6 weeks is typically how long it takes for muscle growth.


adnil53 Wed, Aug-28-02 11:28

Week 6, day 40, NO w/o
Thanks Nat... That was a big help!

Tuesday, August 27th... Day 39
Worked my upper and middle... but somehow here, I have got my routine mixed up... I was suppose to be doing my lower... but I did that yesterday! Way it goes, I guess! I will just get back on track Sunday!

Wednesday, August 28th... Day 40
No w/o today my day off of working out :)

adnil53 Fri, Aug-30-02 10:20

End of week 6, day 42, Upper and Middle body...
Thursday, August 29th
Lower and middle body again... Well I still didn’t manage any more than one set of each exercise! I am steading working on that one, I guess I am just stuck here for a bit… My middle I only did two sets and my abs were screaming… yup now I know what that means!
Friday, August 30th
End of first six weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joyce Vedral says, if you are 50 or more pounds overweight:
In six weeks definition will continue in your shoulders and upper back. Your biceps muscle will begin to appear, and they will feel a lot firmer to the touch. You will be able to make a muscle, and people will begin to be impressed. Your body may begin to feel slightly harder to the touch, depending upon how overweight you are. Your triceps will begin to show some change as the fat diminishes and muscle begins to form. Your stomach and buttocks will begin to go down in size, and your thighs will begin to feel firmer.

Is that the way it is?... Well, for the most part, yes!... My shoulders and back continue to get stronger, but still not real noticeable. It feels firmer on my upper back and there is not as much fat... Now that I have a bench, I believe I will make better progress. I am sure in the next six 6 weeks there will be a big change. My breast are continuing to improve as well, at least I think so! I can definitely make a muscle and it can be seen as well now. When I showed my daughter she felt it and her eyes got big and she said WOW [ya got to remember, I did say she was my daughter... teehee] My legs are much firmer, but I haven’t worked them as hard as I should. But my middle body still feels soft and flabby! It is not a firm fat anymore! But that is good... means there is less fat and my skin just hasn’t caught up yet... :lol: Around my ribs and under my breasts... there is less fat there. I can feel my ribs! My triceps are getting smaller and firmer, there is still a tons of fat on them, they don’t giggle as much, but still giggle though. My posture has improved a lot. My tummy is flatter and even though my waist hasn’t went down much, there is not as much fat on my lower belly. My external obliques are getting stronger because my waist is starting to show, not much, but it is there. Now my butt... well, not sure I want to talk about that, teehee, but... don’t know... I thought I say a change, but... not sure! My Mother seems to think it is improving... Will be able to see more progress in the next six weeks, I‘m sure. I guess I should try to really work harder on that part if I want a nice sexy behind! Is that possible at my age???? :D I am determined to show a very real difference in my lower body this coming next six weeks! That is my new mini-goal!

I weighed in this morning... and I am 209. Now I know that is muscle gain and not fat! About 3 weeks into the program I weighed in at 215... so I know I am losing. Besides the pant'o'meter tells it better than the scales! These next six weeks I know will show a tremendous change. Just something I know will happen! I will be posting my 6 week pictures in the next couple of days... then you will see what I am talking about! I think there is a positive change! Maybe not a LOT but noticeable.

Meadow Fri, Aug-30-02 10:31

Wow Linda!! Just look how fantastic you are doing!!! I'm really impressed. I can't wait to see your new pics.

My triceps are getting smaller and firmer, there is still a tons of fat on them, they don’t giggle as much, but still giggle though.

And just WHAT are your triceps giggling about???? ROFLOL!! I know that was a typo...and you meant Jiggle so please don't take offense... I just thought it was so cute I had to tease you about it. LOL!! I sometimes think my body "giggles" at me too. :D


adnil53 Fri, Aug-30-02 10:42

OMGosh Meadow... they must be "giggling" about me! How funny and I didn't even catch it! :lol:

adnil53 Fri, Aug-30-02 21:41

Pictures are up!!!!!!
I posted them in my journal. Not a lot of change, but some! the newer pictures are closer to the camera and so I think that is what makes me look bigger.

I did my Upper and middle body workout. I did all three sets, except for my middle, I only did two. I swear they are getting harder! My muscles are soooooo sore, I thought they would be better by now. Maybe I am working them harder. I know it doesn't take me as long to get through the w/o even when I get all the sets in. I seldom take the 15 second rest, just keep going.

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