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Esther Sun, Apr-07-02 12:15

Updated profile
Hi Meri
Thanks for the instructions. I did update the profile. My email address should now be visible.
I would love to come to next event.
I have been on Induction for 6 days. So far, lost only 2 lbs. (I had bad planning and started last Monday and so did my period)
I haven't cheated at all and I've been drinking all the water!
I'm looking forward to more losses next week! I'm not expecting any "slips".

meri Sun, Apr-07-02 15:03

Gosh 'Never' Say ONLY!! :D
Those 2 pounds are a victory!!!!!!!!!!! Celebrate! You didn't lose those 2 the week before right?

The TOM has a lot of water retention in it for me. The week after I feel thinner and all. So I suspect you will find happy results next week.

You may find it beneficial to start a journal Esther. Recording what you eat, fluids, supplements, exercise.... I plan to even document my poor choices so I can track what's going on. Also, I find it encouraging when folks stop in and provide input and encouragement! I am committing myself to make my journal the last of my evening routines so I can be aware of my progress and challenges. I think this will really help me focus and my goal is to help myself toward a strong consistent approach. So tracking will encourage that!

You are doing are 4% closer to your goal! I have been encouraged to measure myself, as there will be times your body plateaus and the continued loss of inches will be a great encouragement when the scales don't change down the road. The body is in a challenge mode and at certain points holds onto the weight...not wanting to starve by giving it up. Seems like it gets the input from the consistency in intake and recognises 'all systems go' and releases more.

There is such incredible info on this site, the new site, and the have recipes, and great info. The latter has a chat group which I find helps me see others succeed, and defrays my sense of being on my own in our threads do, but more directly. Also, has a calculator of foods, so you can track calories, fats, carbs daily which I am continuuing to learn how to use. Ummmm, one person who uses it consistently is Marlaine. She's consistent and records nightly. You may want to browse and see what suits you.

Well, there's always more, but these are the highlights of my current wanderings ...hope they help! Meri :wave:

Esther Sun, Apr-07-02 15:49

I didn't really mean ONLY
Hi Meri
I know that 2 lbs is a victory and I did celebrate. I understand why it wasn't more, and I'm ok with that.
I do keep a journal of everything I eat and I keep a running total of carb counts. I learned to do that from another group.
As for exercise, that has to be put on hold for just a while. I was taking a cholesterol lowering medication and it has caused muscle weakness. I can't even walk around the block right now without severe leg pain. I'm not taking the meds anymore and am going to the doc next week to find out how to fix it. I love to walk, and I really miss it.
talk soon

dizzyd Mon, Apr-08-02 14:58

Just checking in...
Hi all,

I am looking really forward to this Saturday. I have been meaning to get out for walks for the last couple of weeks and I just can't seem to get the motivation up to actually do it! So this is just the thing that I need! Once I've been out once and my body remembers that it really does feel good to move, that should be that!

As for the lunch, I will bring some chicken wings. I'll make them myself, so because of the whole candida thing they will only have some seasoning on them and no sauce of any kind. Sorry. I'll bring my own salad dressing as well.

Looking forward to this!

Judi, as for the low-carb products, is there wheat in the low-carb cereal? If not, I would love a sample of that if the offer still stands? That's the thing I would be most interested in buying if I like it!

Thanks all!

See ya soon!!

meri Mon, Apr-08-02 20:48

Hey there Donna, thanks for the journal note!
There are a lot of apartments up in James Bay and Fairfield, the university students are getting ready for summer!

I don't know what places you've been looking at, I saw some great ones last fall. What's your range for rent? You ought consider down here...with the parks, ocean and beaches right at hand. Seriously, there are a lot of nice places around here. Saw many signs go up this month.

It's great for my energy and sense of well-being!...and yes, I'd walk with you, practice yoga...and do water aerobics!...It's always easier for me with a partner....grin.

I just found out my son't first ball game is on Saturday at 1:30 so I am going to have to be focussed and makes sure we walk and visit within that 3hr time frame. I seem to be the 'leader' when it comes to introducing my little guy to new things!....and I'd like this to be a fun event for him, he's never joined a team before. Imagine Tee-ball! IF he's well enough, he's been quite sick since Easter and his energy is not yet back. We'll have to see! :daze:

Yes, I started a journal quite a while ago, and need to acquire a daily habit entering. My meal planning has affected my woe success, and that's my first goal.

Thanks Donna!

Meri :wave:

IslandGirl Wed, Apr-10-02 21:42

DizzyD, I think you may be getting the ExpertFoods not/Cereal mixed up with the FlaxOmeal, which I don't carry. I believe the FlaxOmeal has some wheat bran in it... for details, has the Ingredients Label, I think.

The not/Cereal is actually a vegetable gums based 'extender' and pseudo-hot-cereal mix. There's nothing BUT soluble fiber in there. It doesn't come in sample sizes, but I can whip up a sample or two for tasting right at the potluck from my own bag of the stuff. Could be fun, come to think of it. I'll bring some recipes along for the various Expert Foods products, as well.

There are informational links for all 3 of the product lines I carry thus far on the webpage (couldn't be easier, just click on the logo below my "signature" line). There's a lot more information there than I can answer in a brief note.

I'm working on the KETO product line to add to the webpage but don't have any real samples here yet ... except for a very few of the BISCOTTI :devil: which I am bringing along.

jamnut Wed, Apr-10-02 22:20

An addition to the walk
Great news - my cousin is probably going to join us for walk/lunch. She is having a back problem right now & might not be able to do too much walking but I told her we could park her on a bench & pick her up when we pass by again. She has been on Atkins for about 2 months now & has lost approx. 26 pounds.

Anybody not able to eat coconut??

meri Thu, Apr-11-02 00:45

She's very welcome!
parked on a bench or walking...hey, I'm sure some of us will be crawling, others may be real good speed demons :devil: , just as long as everyone is happy and doing what works for them!

My son's baseball game has been changed to Sunday! So we can visit all we like! No time constraints now for me! Yippee!

For myself admittedly I've been eating as if I have no food restrictions. Am really struggling with sabotaging my own dreams of a healthy strong body at a sensible weight....

Am beginning, re-beginning induction and so on. Dont worry if you make something with coconut or what have you ...if I am on induction I won't be eating 'dessert' anyway! Grin

With wings, salad, and cheese there is plenty for the strict low carber, and there will be more lc foods besides, so have fun with your creation Janet. Just have to be our own best monitors!...grin if any food we bring has anything in it that causes you to stall, grow yeast or stir cravings....please please please....don't eat it! grin....

I won't be worrying about anything brought. If I'm in induction I will stick to my list. That's my commitment. My greater worry is being able to set up my food supply preprepared so I can't keep goofing up! That's my stumbling block.

Hope everyone can come Saturday! I have caffeinated coffee, and decaf, herbal teas galore, tap water...LOTS OF THAT! :p ...bring your water bottles for the walk!

We are going to have fun! Meri

Esther Thu, Apr-11-02 13:05

a couple of questions
Sounds like you guys are going to have a whole lotta fun!
I'm so sorry I can't make it.
I have a question and maybe you all can help me.
I started Induction on April 1st.
My period also started April 1st.
I have lost 2 lbs total.
I am still spotting.
I should not be. My period usually last 6-7 days and stops. This is day 11 and while it isn't much, it is still happening. I looked in the index of the book and couldn't find anything in there that would answer a question on Menstrual cycles. Is there something I can do? I have heard from other people that the reason my weight isn't coming off as per everyone else is because I'm not eating enough. I'm trying to fix that.
Also, I have heard that losing your hair is a side effect of this WOE. I haven't experienced that yet, but is it temporary, or is the hair loss permanent?
Any help would be appreciated.

meri Thu, Apr-11-02 17:59

Hi Esther!
I am no expert, so hopefully one will pop in shortly! I cannot for a moment think you longer menses are woe related. Maybe more to do with our age hun, ask the gp? Also, you must must must make sure you eat no less than 1500 cal. Make sure you eat the amounts A advises, including your salads, fats etc.

I had read some threads re hair loss. I am not convinced just yet that following the woe properly would cause that. Undereating, no vitamins, etc makes sense...but there isn't anything related to ones hair condition and stopping eating refined flour, sugars or any flour....refined foods etc. I haven't yet gone to research what specificly causes hair loss but plan to. It's important to keep your intake of water, food, vitamins and exercise up to par kiddo.

we have very confused bodies with the way they've been treated. I think panic, and hold fast to fat is it's first line of defense. Increase your intake following the guidelines, they are very specific, drink, drink, drink. Plan your vitamins and exercise and begin that too!

I never lose well while on my period, it's a very bloaty time for me, with water retention. If you stick with the plan you will have a very nice surprise shortly I am convinced.

Does this help at all?


meri Thu, Apr-11-02 18:01

Also....water must be water!
How is your salt intake? That can hold back water loss.

I have heard huge negations of sugar substitutes also. And these are not allowed in following induction accurately.

Just a thought...less salt, sweetner, and add lots of water by itself! Can't drink too much!....grin ...well ....maybe!


Esther Thu, Apr-11-02 19:55

thank you, Meri
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me. I appreciate all your help and advice.
It certainly could be my age, 46, but seeing as this is the first problem with TOM, it is rather suspect. I am seeing the doc on Monday and will certainly mention it to her.
My salt intake is practically zero, I've never really been a fan. I have only 1 cup of coffee in the morning with 1 packet of Splenda. (that's down from 6-8 cups with sugar)
I drink 80+ oz. of water every day and take my vitamins religiously.
I am trying to excersise, but with my leg pain it is almost impossible just now. (The doc is going to fix that, too! LOL)
I think that I stick pretty close to plan. I just don't eat enough. As of today, though, that has changed. I'm stuffed!!
Anyway, thanks again.
Talk soon

IslandGirl Thu, Apr-11-02 22:01

Actually, it's been my experience that there ARE interactions between insulin (changes) and estrogen... well, there are 5 major endocrine hormones, and shifting the balance on one of them DOES have some effect. Whenever I go into or out of ketosis big time (starting induction definitely qualifies) there are changes in my cycle. This probably has a relationship to the Insulin Resistance that's at the root of PCOS, according to the latest research (if you want to do a websearch, check out "Kidson" and "insulin resistance" and "PCO", I haven't got the exact reference here).

Good news, this usually does balance out, the spotting or changes in cycle time. A lot of changes going on right now, so give it a bit of time.

It's also perfectly 'normal' to not lose weight (or much water) during your menses or period, regardless of the W.O.E. or dietary plan.

Some hair loss often occurs in ANY major dietary change, something to do with the metabolic shifts and the changes in the amount of protein. I've never heard of it being permanent, and as a matter of fact, usually the hair starts growing in thicker and shinier in some reasonable period of time as the 'old' hair is pushed out by the new more healthy (cuz of the increased protein quality and quantity) hair.

Hope this helps!

PS: Lowcarbing and on EMail Lists and advising since 1998... in case you're wondering :confused: about my 'qualifications' :D

meri Thu, Apr-11-02 22:13

see Esther....
...just have to wait a bit and an egg-spert will come along! Thanks for the input Islandgirl!.....

Meri :wave:

Esther Thu, Apr-11-02 22:36

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
I can tell right off, you are the one to talk to about this stuff!
I feel so much better!

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