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cathy44 Fri, May-04-07 10:16

Wednesday, May 2nd--
rest day

Thursday, May 3rd--
2 mile jog/walk- treadmill :rolleyes:
3 x 12 45 lbs- lateral pulls,
curls, butterfly
3 x 10 pushups

cathy44 Mon, May-07-07 11:05


girlfriend/DD bagged out on me...:rolleyes: so got motivated to get my butt out biking..... did not go for 2 hours like planned cuz rode 8 miles and ended up with flat... walked for 2 miles with bike..then got a ride home...anyways.. to make a long story short:
bike ride: 8 miles,
walk (fast!!) 2 miles
LOTS of stretching

Felt great to get out and enjoy the sunshine. :)
Bike will be fixed today and another ride planned for tonight....

cathy44 Tue, May-08-07 09:56

WEEK 3 of 6 week plan

Monday, May 7th--
Fabulously tough bike ride.. 12.5 miles--took approx 50 mins.. nearly the course of the race, my legs are so sore and my right knee has been giving me problems.. but I kept pushing.. AND I made it up another really tough hill.. so I am really pleased with my progress here-- cycling is doing wonders for my abs and core too.. I can already notice a difference in a flatter tummy.. YAY! I am LOVING cycling-- I think this is going to be my new sport....

After ride... gym-- set of 2 front and back lateral pulls (3x12) & worked on biceps/triceps-

Tuesday, May 8th--
AM: 25 min jog/walk-- started over at week 3 of Couch to 5K... my legs felt like 2 lead stilts this morning.. BUT I did much,much better because I changed my attitude and my mind set...I CAN do this.. and I WILL.. I have to work at this much harder then anything I have ever done, but I will accomplish my goal here and get it done-- I feel confident, focused and positive..... and I feel GREAT this morning!!! :):):):):):):)

cathy44 Thu, May-10-07 10:07

Wednesday, May 9th--
wow... what a ride.. literally... lol!
ended up riding 20 miles on bike last night... it was AWSOME! but OMG.. my legs and butt were so sore last night.. yikes!! The bad news is.. I did not get my sore butt out of bed this morning to run.. so I will get my 2nd run in tonight, will get my 3rd bike ride for week in tomorrow morning, 3rd run in on Saturday morning and Sunday, will be rest day.

Also- did gym workout before bike ride and worked on pushups, arms-- free weights and machines, and abs.

cathy44 Fri, May-11-07 11:08

Thursday, May 10th--
30 min walk/jog,
gym- 30 pushups, abs, more arm weights
my legs last night.. OMG.. sorer then they've ever been....

cathy44 Mon, May-14-07 11:13


25 min jog


Monday, May 14th--
1 SET (3X12) lateral pulls, 45 lbs,
1 SET (3X12) tricep curls, 7 lbs free weights
30 pushups,
100+ variety of ab crunches

I need to work on lunges again.. have slacked on this..... a work in progress I am!! :)

comment: I had the BEST compliment last night from one of my dear friends... he's in his 20's and Mr. Hardbody... (gawd no.. he's like my son!! get your mind out of the gutter.. ) Anyways.. this lady walks into the gym thats about my age who just lost 60 lbs in 4 months... and I was like.. man oh man.. I would love to lose 60 lbs in 4 months... and he looks at me and says... "Cathy.. that lady doesn't even look healthy... just look at you and your skin-- you have much more toner and firmer skin and you look really good and healthy despite the extra weight.. I think you look much better then that lady.. and younger".. OMG.. it made me feel so good... SO...all my work is paying off.. WOW.. just think....WHEN
I get my eating habits taken care of... I'll have it made.. right!! :)

cathy44 Wed, May-16-07 09:55

Tuesday, May 15th--
30 mins elliptical w 7x 20/40 HIIT
20 pushups,
20 mins arms- free weights, machines
100+ abs
1 set= 3x12 forward and sideways lunges with ball
GREAT workout tonight :)

cathy44 Tue, May-22-07 09:52

Friday, May 18th--
really had to push myself tonight... BUT ended up getting a kick ass bike ride in... approx 14 miles,
then did weights,abs,pushups, lunges at gym.

cathy44 Thu, May-24-07 10:16

Wednesday, May 23rd--
great, long (approx 15 mile) bike ride..... very needed, I worked on cadence and stamina, went up total of 6 hills which was very challenging for me.

still really need to step it up with walk/run and will start swimming soon.. but I feel I gotta get the walk/run down first and complete the cycling and walk/run together a couple of times in the next couple of weeks.

Tonight is walk/run and I am hoping to fit in a gym and another walk run in am.

cathy44 Fri, May-25-07 11:14

Thursday, May 24th--
45 min walk/jog... wow.. its been so long.. I am outta shape.. will work on it this weekend between shifts.....

cathy44 Tue, May-29-07 10:33

Friday May 25th--
45 min walk/jog

Saturday May 26th--
20 mins stair stepper... (really hard workout for me)
20 mins elliptical
30 mins: free weights/machines- upper body/arms,
pushups, abs, lunges and lots of stretching

Sunday May 27th--
3 mile jog/walk

Monday May 28th--
day of rest

Tuesday May 29th--
this week I will start doubling up on workouts a couple of x a week:
am- 40 mins fast walk
pm--20 mins stair stepper... (man this workout is frickin challenging for me.)
20 mins of arms- freeweights/machines

geez...ONLY 53 more days until race day......

cathy44 Wed, May-30-07 10:15

Wednesday, May 30th--
2 hour bike ride in 90 degree weather... it felt great and was extremely challenging due to the hotter temps.. but girlfriend and I were glad we went... riding by the lake is soooooooo beautiful and stress relieving! My ol' body is sore today tho!!

Thursday, May 31st--
5:30 am- 50 min walk/run.. beautiful morning!

5:30 pm-- nearly 100 degree temps.. too flippin hot.... so.. walked 20 mins.. then went to the gym:
15 mins elliptical,
50 min bootcamp workout.. been a long while since I have done this.. I missed it.. a different workout for different muscles.. awesome workout.

cathy44 Fri, Jun-01-07 10:57

Friday, June 1st..
WOW.. 1/2 the year already gone.. amazing how fast time flies!

Probably won't get a workout in today,
but I am planning 2 swims a run/walk and another bike ride in before the weekend is over.......

cathy44 Mon, Jun-04-07 09:50

Saturday am- June 2nd-
50 mins walk/run.

Sunday-- June 3rd-
am--- 20 min stair stepper... fantastic cardio workout,
free weights/machines- arms,
30 pushups,
set of 3- ball over head lunges.. (great for arms, core
AND legs!)
15 mins of abs.. incl 1 min plank pull up.

pm-- daughters and I went swimming-- awsome.... I swam 3
laps.. I have alot to learn here.. but this Saturday is a
training day from experts for the swim... I am looking
forward to this.

cathy44 Tue, Jun-05-07 12:20

Monday, June 4th--
13 mile bike ride-- approx an hour-- (I think)
great, great ride.. sometimes going by myself is exactly what I need... just me, my bike and the lake.....

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