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pegm Sun, Jun-23-02 19:40

I have read that you get a better work out from free weights than from machines. Well, I really believe that's true! I was so SORE after working out with the free weights. I can leg press over 200 pounds on the machines, 200 pounds on the multi-hip machine, and 130 pounds on the rotary calf. But, after using free weights on Friday: Squats, lunges, calf raises, and abs, my leg muscles were so sore that it was like I had never worked out before! I am seriously considering going back to using free weights instead of the machines.

Saturday I took the day off and just lounged in the pool!

Sunday: 30 mins. pool jogging. I know that Monday will be too busy to get in a weight session, so I did UBWO at home with free weights.

Bench press: 12 x 15, 10 x 20, 8 x 25, 6 x 30, 12x25
Flys: 12 x 20
Seated Dumbell press: 12 x 10 10 x 15, 8 x 20, 6 x 25, 12 x 20
Side Raises: 12 x 20
Dumbell Row: 12 x 20, 10 x 25, 8 x 35, 6 x 40, 12 x 35
Lat Pulldow: 12 x 65
Lying Dumbell Extension: 12 x 10, 10 x 16, 8 x 20, 6 x 30, 12 x 20
Pullover: 12 x 20
Seated Dumbell Curls: 12 x 10, 10 x 10, 8 x 15, 6 x 15, 12 x 10

Tomorrow I hope to pool jog 1st thing in the a.m.; otherwise I'll do treadmill if it's raining.

pegm Mon, Jun-24-02 10:51

First Time!!!! Weather cooperated and I was able to do pool jogging 1st thing this morning (4:30 a.m.). It was great! So peacefull except for the splash of the water at first. Then I could watch the sky lighten and the birds started singing! The only drawback was that it was so hard to quit and go into the house to get ready for work -- I wanted to keep going a lot longer!

Also for the first time I counted the number of laps I did in 30 minutes (I could keep track because it was so quiet and there was no one else around to distract me). Based on the circumference of the pool and number of laps, I did 1-1/3 miles in the 30 minutes. On the treadmill, I do 2 miles in that same length of time, but I have the resistance of the water in the pool to slow me down. I am not at all sure if that is a good pace for the pool or not, and I don't really know who to ask. Guess I'll just try to keep track from now on and strive to increase the number of laps in the 30 minutes so I know that I am pushing my body more each day and not just doing the same things over and over by rote.

pegm Tue, Jun-25-02 09:18

Raining this morning (surprise, surprise!), so used treadmill. 2 miles in 30 mins., 4 mph, incline 4, 5 & 6.

Day off work (grandson is sick), so did LBWO at home with dumbells:

Squats: 12 x 20, 10 x 30, 8 x 30, 6 x 40, 12 x 30
Leg lift: 12 x 60
Lunges: 12 x 20, 10 x 30, 8 x 30, 6 x 40, 12 x 30
Straight leg deadlifts: 12 x 30
Calf Raises: 12 x 20, 10 x 30, 8 x 40, 6 x 50, 12 x 40
Angled Calf Raise: 12 x 40
Crunches on Ab Ball: 12, 10, 8, 6, 24

Trying to increase protein, so using more shakes w/protein powder. Have some Myoplex (low carb one), Atkins, and Carb Solutions. Been trying to get them in 3 times per day to increase protein.

pegm Wed, Jun-26-02 11:11

Rain stopped by morning, so 4:30 a.m. -- pool jogging for 30 mins! We had some storms and winds last night, so I spent 10 mins. netting all of the debris out of the pool -- leaves, twigs, and seeds from the birch tree -- before I could run.

pegm Thu, Jun-27-02 06:27

Yesterday I came home from work and did another 15 mins. pool jogging to make up for the slow start in the a.m. from netting the debris out of the pool.

Today: 4:30 a.m. -- 2 miles on treadmill, 4 mph. at #5 incline most of the time, sometimes up to #6 -- occasionally sprinted to 6 mph. This pushed the display from the top end of 'fat burn' to the lower end of 'endurance' for a good part of the time! Only drawback is that it took me longer to cool down afterward, so I got to work 15 min. later than I would have liked, but it's worth it! I'm finding that I drink a lot less coffee when I do the cardio in the a.m. (only had 1 cup today)!

pegm Sun, Jun-30-02 18:17

Friday I babysat my 11 month old grandchild, so I did not get in any workouts.

Saturday I did 30 min. pool jogging and 60 sets of Tae-Bo kicks in the pool.

Sunday, did LBWO in pool -- 60 Tae-Bo kicks and full LBWO -- I could really feel it -- had a hard time climbing the patio deck steps when I was done!

pegm Mon, Jul-01-02 11:42

Monday 4:30 a.m. -- 30 min. pool jogging. I really love watching that sum come up and listening to the birds sing while I'm out there running in the pool!

I'm going to do UBWO at home later on -- it's 95 degrees and HUMID -- I want to go have fun in the pool right after work, then I'll do weights. Great pool days are so rare in Wisconsin -- don't want to waste a minute of time.

pegm Tue, Jul-02-02 11:58

Monday night:

Did Tae-Bo kicks in pool -- 3 sets of 3 on each leg at each of the 20 'stations' (pool supports) -- total of 360 kicks! Wow! Didn't seem like that much! Also added a few 'water aerobic' type exercises for lower body. Then, just laid back and soaked up some sun for a while.

Went inside and did UBWO with free weights (weights are total weight for both hands, not weight in each):

Chest press: 12 x 20, 10x30, 8x30, 6x40, 12x30
Side Raises: 12x30
Shoulder press: 12 x 20, 10x30, 8x30, 6x40, 12x30
Side Raises: 12x30
Row: 12x20, 10x25, 8x30, 6x35, 12x30
Pulldown: 12 x 65
Tricep: 12x20, 10x30, 8x30, 6x40, 12x30
Kickback: 12x20
Seated Curls: 12x20, 10x20, 8x20, 6x30, 12x20
Standing Curls: 12x20

Went back into pool after supper with friends and just chatted and sipped Diet Rite Raspberry soda -- was very relaxing.

Tuesday 4:35 a.m. (had a really HARD time getting up this morning -- I really wanted to sleep later!!!!):

Pool jogging for 30 mins. Today's sunrise was really spectacular out there and the birds were more musical than ever -- it really was worth missing a few minutes of sleep for!!!!

pegm Mon, Jul-08-02 11:34

Was gone out of town until Sunday, so could not post. Did pool jogging on Wed. for 30 min. Thur. was the 4th, so took the day off and went to the park -- walked around the park a lot, so did get some exercise!

Friday -- went to Mall of America, and walked around the mall for hours! Of course, I was not wearing my walking shoes, so my feet hurt!

Saturday -- went to Valley Fair Amusement Park -- walked all over the park several times in the HEAT!!!! It was so HOT and HUMID!!! Only 1 water fountain that I found with warm, yucky water, so we bought water ($2.50 for a 16 oz. bottle of water!). Did not drink enough, so I knew I was retaining water -- could not get my rings off until Sunday night, and they're usually loose!

Sunday -- went downtown Minneapolis to City Center and Nicolet Mall -- walked around a bit. Then on to a large strip mall at Woodbury suburb (on the way home), and walked around there.

No weight training for the past few days, unless you count carrying packages around the mall, and suitcases from the car to the hotel and back.

Monday: 4:30 a.m. -- pool jogging for 30 mins. and got in 3 sets on each leg, 20 reps of Tae-Bo kicks in pool before the storms reached us and I had to get out of the pool. It's clearing off, so hope I can finish the sets of kicks tonight when I get home from work, and do UBWO.

It's supposed to cool off after tomorrow through Friday (Wed. highs in the 60's!!!), so might need to do treadmill for a couple of days until it warms back up!

pegm Tue, Jul-09-02 11:05

Monday it did stop raining after I got home from work, so I finished the Tae-Bo kicks in the pool. Also did UBWO, same as last time.

Tuesday: 4:30 a.m. -- 30 mins. pool jogging -- have increased number of laps in 30 mins. by 10 in the past week!

pegm Fri, Jul-12-02 16:35

Wed. 30 min. pool jogging at 4:30 a.m.

Thur. -- overslept :mad: , so did workout when I got home -- 25 min. pool jogging; 15 min. LBWO in pool -- Tae-Bo kicks, treading, etc.

Friday: Too cold for pool!! Only 52 degees in the morning! Did treadmill -- incline varied between 4 and 6, speed between 4.0 and 4.4 mph, 2 miles.

UBWO w/free weights at home after work.

pegm Mon, Jul-15-02 11:25

Saturday: day off (unless you count walking all over the fairgrounds several times with the grandkids!)

Sunday: 30 min. pool jogging; 360 Tae-Bo kicks in pool (3 kicks each leg times 3 sets, and I've added the uppercut punch with the kicks now);

UBWO with free weights:

Chest Press: 12 x 20; 10 x 30; 8 x 30; 6 x 40; 12 x 30
Side Raises: 12 x 30
Rows: 12 x 20; 10 x 25; 8 x 35; 6 x 40; 12 x 35
Shoulder press: 12 x 20; 10 x 20; 8 x 30; 6 x 30; 12 x 20
Pulldowns: 12 x 65
Tricep: 12 x 20, 10 x 30, 8 x 30, 6 x 40, 12 x 30
Extension: 12 x 20
Seated Curls: 12 x 20, 10 x 20, 8 x 30, 6 x 30, 12 x 20
Standing Curls: 12 x 20

On Balance Ball: 60 Ab Crunches

Monday: 4:30 a.m. - 30 min. pool jogging (increased laps by 10!); 360 Tae-Bo kicks w/punches in pool. It's getting light later now -- didn't hear birds until 4:45. It was so great out there watching the sky get light and hearing the birds sing -- it was really hard to stop -- wanted to keep going!

Great news! My stall has finally broken -- lost 4 pounds this last week!!!!! Bought a new pair of crop pants in a smaller size (I haven't worn this size for a lot of years!!!) :cheer:

pegm Tue, Jul-16-02 06:14

30 min. pool jogging at 4:25 a.m. Plan LBWO for after work, and saving the Tae-Bo kicks for after work also (want to go in pool after work, and just laying on a lounger is too boring, but it makes a great reward for after a workout!)

pegm Wed, Jul-17-02 06:25

Today: 30 min. pool jogging; 360 Tae-Bo kicks and punches in pool. Was not the best workout I've ever done -- had a very hard time getting up this morning (was a very long day at work yesterday and I'm beat in spite of going to bed earlier last night).

pegm Fri, Jul-19-02 11:02

Forgot to post yesterday, so here's Thur. and Fri.:

Thur: 4:30 a.m. 30 min pool jogging; was going to do UBWO when I got home, but parents needed my help, so I missed this one. I'll try to make it up today when I get home.

Fri: 4:30 a.m. 30 min. pool jogging; 360 Tae-Bo kicks/punches in pool.

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