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kimberlyw Tue, Feb-15-05 01:53

I am new here, I admit it. I also see 'discussion' is not wanted in this thread. It's your way or the highway. I choose the highway. No time or temperment for close minds. ANd I certainly don't need >>

And I didn't ask you to come in here, on a thread I started, where the title blatantly states: A RANT and throw the gauntlet down.

Look around these boards. Look at how many people stall because they eat that junk. I am not saying YOU can't.

I am saying, that if you look around, you will see that MANY people can't have JUST ONE. They eat the whole bag.

Look and see for yourself.

So, since I didn't say any of this TO YOU on any thread YOU posted on, who's flaming who, here?

I did not even disagree with you, I said: ONE of ANYTHING is not the problem. It's the more than one or all of something that is.


kimberlyw Tue, Feb-15-05 02:00

To Lessara:
Why am I hiding behind my weaknesses? Its one thing to forgive you for a dive of the wagon once in a while, but weekly??

Because you are human. You are not perfect. None of us are. We all make mistakes and life happens. Because we are human, we are also afraid. Afraid of change, afraid of challenges because we are used to things as they are now. We know what to expect. We know the road and we don't need a map for the one we're on.

You are a super sweet person, I have read many many of your posts.

I know you can succeed Lessara. I know it. I think you know it too. I think you just have to believe in yourself as much as your friends here believe in you.

Bug Hugs,

kimberlyw Tue, Feb-15-05 02:09

but if the posts DO annoy then skip over them, there will be other people to offer encouragement or a swift kick in the butt if needed.

That's the thing. How can you skip them if you have to READ them to know what someone is talking about?

Also, if you see all the posts I have written, you will also see that whenever I can, I reach out to help people and offer suggestions.

When I cannot or when I know that a suggestion is not really what someone wants? I keep my mouth shut.


dane Tue, Feb-15-05 02:29

Kim.... :rheart:

runnr Tue, Feb-15-05 08:17

This has been a great discussion. Just wanted to enter my comments

I am probably more on the CAD diet than the Atkins - basically, with all my running I find my carb needs higher than most of you. I have really been drawn to Atkins though as a way to control my hunger - not to mention it has helped me realize I have a gluten sensitivity. Also, I do have a few pounds I'd like to lose

Even though I've overhauled my WOE, I'm not a saint about it and I have no interest in being one. If you look at studies of people who've lost weight and kept it off for 5 years or more, one of their characteristics is that they allow "treat" foods in moderation. I don't think anyone can conform to a standard of absolute perfection when it comes to food. I enjoy food, even sugar which my system doesn't enjoy so much. But once in awhile, sure, I'm going to have something sweet

Having said that, I can definitely understand the frustration of someone who is in diet mode who is continually failing. The pleasure of food really does pass very quicky but you are left with the reprucussions much, much longer. And its so much more fun gaining weight than losing it. But while some of you have slayed the "cheat" demons, you have to remember that some people aren't quite there yet, and there is a lot of power behind the phrase "If at first you don't suceed, try, try again!"

So have a little patience, even if its hard :D

That being said, what a civilized and thoughtful discussion!

Mousesmom Tue, Feb-15-05 09:00

Originally Posted by runnr
If you look at studies of people who've lost weight and kept it off for 5 years or more, one of their characteristics is that they allow "treat" foods in moderation. I don't think anyone can conform to a standard of absolute perfection when it comes to food.

I agree with runnr here - perfection just ain't gonna happen for the overall majority of us because we are human. BUT, having said that, when we are somewhat less than perfect (however we define that for ourselves) we are still accountable for what we put in our mouths.

If I make a CHOICE to eat that which I know is bad for me, we all know who is going to suffer the consequences: ME!!! No one can stop me from making less than perfect choices sometimes but at least I take responsibility for my actions.

As runnr suggested, only people who learn how to maintain are going to maintain. That's the whole point of having 4 stages to Atkins. You have to relearn how to eat. It's not for now, it's forever.

Those people who are only looking for a quick fix by using bars and shakes (starvation/pills/the magic oil of the month) to drop those 10# or whatever haven't learned anything and they are the ones who turn around and whine when they pack it back on afterwards because they didn't actually DO Atkins at all. When they "fall off the wagon" and binge on (insert junk food here) because they can't stand the deprivation any more, they blame everything else in the world instead of looking in a mirror to see who really screwed up.

I think personal responsibility is key here.

I didn't mean this to turn into a rant, but it's my little soapbox.... The only person who can fix or change you IS you.


nikotyme Tue, Feb-15-05 09:03

I'm not berating anyone for using frankenfoods, if it works for them, more power to them, I just know it doesn't work for me.

I've probably tried and failed at every diet known to mankind and after all these failed attempts, I've finally found a way of eating that cuts out the cravings for the sweets and starches, so for myself, I don't want to jeopardize it, set myself up for another failure, this way of eating works for me, doing it this strictly is what has helped me so far.

I don't adhere to it 100% of the time, but the cheats I have had were more in the form of liquor, not that often either, those darn margeuritas don't only get me to singing they also have the effect of making me hungry for the wrong things.

I reckon we each have to do what works for us and in stating so maybe I came off sounding like a purist or anal, what I tried to do was show what worked for me, not insult anyone because they choose to do things differently.

I look forward to Maintenance as the time when I introduce the "treats", but I first need to learn control in order to be prepared to not let myself enjoy the treats too often.

This isn't a diet to me, it's a way of life I plan to follow for the rest of my life.

Lilys-mom Tue, Feb-15-05 09:58

Kim :lol:

Listen, I know this is a rant so for that reason alone I think it is great that you put it in a place like this instead of on a journal or some other place and honestly I DO agree with you in theory too! There are gonna be times I deserve a swift kick in the hiney too and I HOPE that instead of mollycoddling me I hope someone is real enough to tell me to get my a#% right back up on that wagon and quit whining!

I think this is an great discussion and I think I will come back and read it every so often when I am having trouble or feel like that 'one bite' won't hurt!

I will admit, I have lost those cravings so much now and I am enjoying this life, I know there will be times of being tempted but for now....I AM IN THE GAME and I am going to finish this, no more excuses, this is my life from here on out.

Thanks Kim..and EVERYONE who replied to the thread, I think it was all a great motivator for those who are serious about a lifestyle change!

sugarjunky Tue, Feb-15-05 10:58

Since I started this WOE I've never once "cheated" or eaten the "frankenjunk." I made a permanent decision to change my lifestyle, and I have. I don't believe in "treating" myself to a pre-packaged, processed piece of junkfood, whether the wrapper or label says, "Low Carb!" or not. I make everything myself, relying on no one but myself to be responsible for what goes into my mouth. If I don't know how to make something, I learn how. Restaurants are infrequent, but if I do “treat myself” to eating out, it’s fine dining, with excellent cuts of meat and a wonderful healthy salad. Why blow my money on something I will regret in 5 minutes?

Ultimately I feel that this thread is flame bait for those who feel the need to defend or justify eating unhealthily, or who continually make poor choices that will set then back and/or harm them in the long run. I do understand that the initial post is based on opinion however, and I size it up accordingly.

When all is said and done, to each their own - live and let live. I live by example, not by trying to be an evangelist.


grandpa Tue, Feb-15-05 15:22

Flame-bait? First time I've heard that, I like it. That is why this forum (and the media watch) are so interesting to read.

kimberlyw Wed, Feb-16-05 03:10

Regarding "Evangelism" and so on:

And yet, if Dr. Atkins (or any other authors of the various LC plans) chose to "lead by example" (I guess you meant lead by example? Or?) instead of being "Evangelistic" in that he published a few books about it for all of us to be able to read, we wouldn't be here now to discuss it. We instead would be eating too many carbs every day and remaining overweight and wondering why. Just like we were before we read that book/those books and learned something.

It's pretty hard to lead by example when you're in a forum where no one will have an idea of what you do or think unless you *tell* them.

It's not like you're sitting there AT THEIR HOUSE while they watch the weight drop off of you and then can ask: How'd ya do that?

Know what I mean?

As for flame bait? Well I guess anything that someone else might not agree with could be considered that, couldn't it?

I didn't go post this link EVERYWHERE looking for people to come and fling their spare change around. The title is VERY descriptive and concise. If people come in here and read this, it's because they want to. Their choice, not mine. Just like everything else. These people are not fish and this is not a worm. People are intelligent and they can choose what they read and/or respond to.

As an aside, I think that's it's funny to call anything "flame bait" because it seems to me that just takes the blame off the person typing that response and puts it on the original poster. I am not in control of what other people choose to say or think. That's their deal. I think a person can share their point of view among others of like mind without worrying that "OMGS! is someone going to flame me?!" Also? If someone is afraid that someone would flame them for stating a few opinions, then I guess they need a thicker skin or should keep their fingers shut.

That's the thing about life. We make our choices and in turn, we reap what we sow. We all have the choice to do one thing or the other all the time.

Read the post or don't read it. Eat that junk or don't eat it. Those are your choices. DO a thing, or do not do it. Totally up to each of us to choose what is best for us in our lives. After all, who else can make good choices for us if we cannot do it ourselves?

That said, have a super day!

Glendora Wed, Feb-16-05 09:49

Originally Posted by kimberlyw

Read the post or don't read it.

That's true, Kimberly, but you don't have to read the posts that bug you either...

That said, you express yourself really well in writing. You brought up a lot of great points.

I do think one of the most painful things a person can experience is wanting very badly to change, but having his/her body, mind and emotions screaming at him/her constantly to go back to the Bad Old Days. It is incredibly painful. A person may screw up "over and over again" but not out of lack of willpower or weakness. You get all kinds here; all stages of health, all stages of ANA, all stages of being mentally "there" with Atkins. It takes all kinds. :)

kimberlyw Wed, Feb-16-05 10:04


Most post titles about which I am speaking say something like: HELP!!! or some other thing similar to that in the title and you never know if it is a HELP my physical went BADLY or a HELP! Any ideas for Sunday Dinner? Or "Help! I just ate 3 slices of pizza and washed 'em down with a poptart."

In order to understand what they need help WITH I have to read the post.

When I see posts where the topic (title) is something that I know I don't want to read, I don't read it. Obviously. :)

If the topic was "OMG! I ate 3 slices of pizza again just after I did last week!!!1!!!11" yeah. You can bet I would not read it.

This title otoh, is QUITE explicit and the reader has an idea of what they will find inside, before they click on the link.

See what I mean?

Anyway... :)


Glendora Wed, Feb-16-05 11:01

I do see what you mean...but given the varying nature of human beings, it would be impossible for any one forum to be set up in such a way that every person delivers exactly the correct information in the "Title" line, no more nor less, to please every person.

Especially when it comes to the point that a person is at the end of his or her rope, he or she might not be able to think clearly about how exactly to post his or her title, that will please everybody. (Sorry for the bad grammar.)

But I do appreciate that this is a rant. :D Just answering with my own thoughts.

dstartz Wed, Feb-16-05 12:19

Originally Posted by Kimberlyw
Help! I just ate 3 slices of pizza and washed 'em down with a poptart.

Too funny! Too often true!

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