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cinner76 Tue, Jun-03-03 21:03

Going good today, still tired (not sure if that is because of the baby though)
Ate well today ham, chicken, spinach, snow peas, cheese , lots of water...and i was bad and had one diet coke.

Hubby is sick really grumbly...but he still wants to stick to it Good sign.

tired now I'm going to try to get in a couple of minutes of sleep....

Where do i see your pics bubu?

cscharlie Tue, Jun-03-03 22:04

okay, here I am, the end of day 2 and still 5 carbs shy of 20 carbs....bad planning on my part. I just got in from work, and I need to eat, so I'm figuring out what to have to take up the carbs. also, fitday doesn't count net carbs do they? because I'm seeing a difference in what they have and what my pocket counter says. :daze:

well, today the sweets craving was absolutely awful. but I managed. My daughter had popcorn, and I was good, I didn't even want it. But the peanut's calling meeeeeeee... :devil:

well, off to eat and then read for a bit before bed.

:wave: :wave:

Clybella Tue, Jun-03-03 23:39

Where in Ontario do you live? :wave:

bubu Wed, Jun-04-03 07:08

Good morning all !!!! :daze:

Am gonna be iin and out of here just wanna answer you question Jess........Basal calories.....are those your body burns just for being alive....i.e. keeping you organs funcitoning and you temps in control etc etc....your lifestyle of course corresponds to either sedentary, partially or active and achiever types.
This all depends what u logged in at the sign up .

if u take your body weight time 15 u pretty much come to that total number of calories you are using per day.
So if u take you goal weight times 10-13 it will show you how many calories you are saving per day.

Hope that answers what u wanted to know Jess.....have a

G R E A T D A Y :thup:


tristesas Wed, Jun-04-03 07:11

Mornin ladies
Mornin ladies,

LAST DAY OF TOM!!!:hyper: It was rough seems like it was much worse this time, I'm assuming it was because of body changes and diet but of course it could be my fibroids too no telling...I will be soooooooooo glad to get these things out of me. I'm hoping I will lose more pounds when their gone too because one is the size of a 4 month pregnancy that sucker has to count for at least something. Now lets see BUBU I am basically in a similar situation, my 8 year old son weighs 115 pounds and is constantly teased at school and is already so aware of his being overweight that it just kills me. He will actually check the labels on foods he eats because he doesn't want to consume too much sugar, he refuses "fast Food" he absolutely hates being fat and he wants me to put him on a diet but I can't put him on LC he needs more then that. He eats only fruit snacks and drinks gatorade then his 3 meals a day, I know his problem is lack of exercize he constantly is playing his video games so I have initiated a "plan" for us to get more exercize, walking and any other 'fun' exercize I can think of for him which will also benefit me. It's a sad situation because kids are sooo cruel. Here's an idea I was thinking about for my son might work for your daughter is (roller skating) their getting the exercize and don't even realize it cause it's a fun thing to do, also my son will not join any "sports" but I was thinking karate, a friend of his was somewhat overweight and got into karate and seems to have lost quite a bit of weight. I think something fun for them to be doing is a way of having them get the exercize and not dread it or hate it because it's a exercize you know what I mean? You can't tell your kids to lose weight, their fat because it will probably cause them to gain more just look at cinner and I know you or I BUBU would never do that but we can help them somehow right? What about dance classes I know most 14 yr olds love to dance and just think about all the calories burnt doing that right?? My son loves spanish salsa music and I will put that music on and dance with him and he's laughing all the time....Just some ideas.....Now I need help ladies I have to go back to the dreaded 'orlando" tomorrow to take my in-laws on business there and son-in-law has invited me to breakfast "out" and I'm not quite sure if I want to do the egg omelette thing again......but 2 eggs and a couple of pieces of sausage does not fill me up....any ideas?

bubu Wed, Jun-04-03 07:22

Hi Cinner.......

Great to hear you are having a good start at it. !!!
Make sure hubby drinks enough water, takes all the carbs and u all take a multi vitamine.
The pop I weaned myself from as well.....just take a sip maybe every other day to have a diff. taste in my mouth, or maybe have a trident .

My picture is in my Journal "Bubus B~B u can click onto the journal link in this post to get ther. Its as an attachment in the first post I believe. Put it there to look at it and motivate myself lol.

Thanks for thinking of Sammy (my daughter).......yeah I don't want to push and try hard not to. The thing is we are all very active, except for hubby who with trucking has been limited and it shows now.
Also I was hoping she would get a signal as the boys and I are very active but I feel she feels stressed by that, as in we are so far ahead she can't keep up anyway. So I think the example thing isn't working YET...but am not giving up hope.
I don't comment on her weight much, I will make comments as in replace the pop with water or tea.....or limit the candy to maybe every other day......your money will last much longer. lol
Then watching Dr Phil or Oprah when they have shows regarding weight (and others so it won't be so obvious) she hears lots of people struggling and am hoping she gets the message that it's not going away on its own.

As far as talking about WHY......gosh I don't think she knows. To her food tastes good, she has no problem at all in school (I keep in touch with guidance counslor) In fact she used to play football with the boys...and they really like her. She isn't into the make up prissy things...thats why...Sais she wants to be herself.

I am hoping like you guys that it will come to her, from her. But darn its tough to watch.


bubu Wed, Jun-04-03 07:26

Mornin' MRS> Charlie lol

Congratulations on the popcorn de la resistance.......

You watch're not gonna hanker for any of that stuff anymore. And if it really hits have like we did about 3 strawberries and whipped cream......darn it really helps my husband for another day.
He doesn't way but he is losing for sure. for that matter I know I am too....hey am getting a waist back lol


bubu Wed, Jun-04-03 07:40

Gosh I hope u guys don't feel like I am taking too much space here just long winded I guess.

Hey tris......Glad tom is over for you ....I am headed that way....thought was closer but naaaa....prob another week.

I'll let u know if it is the lc or maybe your fibroids...Sure hope u can get rid of them things.....they sound huge.

I have had trouble with TOM since Sammy was born, heavier and crampier....but I do relaxation breathing and try to work out harder then they are not as bad.

Great suggestions on fun things for kids to do. I see one difference and that is you son seems to WANT to do something about it. Sammy is lazy, but I can get her to play badminton and I think the fun comes when I let her do better than I can.
Not to the point of letting it show ....but I moan and groan at times and we tease alot.....Just been raining all week so no good.
Otherwise I can barely get her to walk with me....and she hasn't been teased about her weight or she would have been mad enough to say so. I just don't see that from her classmates
We live in a small town...pop. 600 ...and all we have to offer here is the wellness center at school and school related sports..
She does Volleyball, but quit basketball.....too much bench time during games. She used to play softball til she didn't like the new coach, who actually was the one who teased her about getting ANOTHER ice cream one day.....which was only the second in the week.
She used to go swimming during summer and was a fish until she grew boobs and outgrew her bathingsuit every year then got self concious.
Its a darn domino effect for sure as with all of us. But I agree whole heartedly.....its got to be fun, and will only be fun once she does it .......GET her off the couch to do it, thats the challenge lol

If I am brave I will go swimming before the summer is over too lol


PS....Order the 3 egg omlette with sausage patties and salsa on the side.
They will fix anything u put together I am sure and in the number you need it....just tell them no toast etc. and a big jug of water.....I wouldn't be too shy on the coffee.....but thats up to you...I can handle coffee. Think I am immune to the stuff.

off to house work

grrrrrrrrrrrr :(

cscharlie Wed, Jun-04-03 07:44

morning everyone!! and here I am, day 3...actually feeling pretty good this morning. about to have breakfast..2 egg omlette with a little cheese, a little red onion, a little peppers and celery. trying to make sure I'm not left at the end of the night coming up with left over carbs!

going to do a decent shopping on the weekend and come up with some new things to eat. going to try some of the recipes I've seen, ie the scrambled egg muffins..

hubby's actually being somewhat supportive. he's figured out why this is important to me. now if it could just become important to him. he's a baaaaad diabetic, overweight, sedintary, etc etc. I'd like him to be there when our girls get married you know? :(

anyway, nagging doesn't work, he's just got to decide for himself.

Well, talk to you all a little later! :wave: :wave:

cscharlie Wed, Jun-04-03 07:45


bubu Wed, Jun-04-03 08:54


I was told fitday net carbs figure = carb count minus fiber plus sugar alcohol ct.

tristesas Wed, Jun-04-03 10:06

Back Ladies finished with the papers and now am waiting for daughter to show up with granddaughter, I love my little grandaughter to death she's a year and a half but why is it people have a tendency to just dump the grandkids on grannys when they go to their houses??? I've noticed my daughter from the minute she gets in she expects me to keep her busy and tend to all her needs including changing diapers which somewhat bothers me because as long as their here I get nothing esle done. Does that sound mean? I mean I'm relatively new at the grandma stuff but I guess I never expected being a grandma was such a job and not a total pleasure. I can't say anything to my daughter without insulting her so I keep quiet but it seems like I'm being alittle taken advantage of especially when baby makes such a tremendous mess and I'm left alone to clean up afterwards. Is this still PMS or what ladies? BUBU I'm gonna order the egg omelette and sausage or something meaty that ought to get me by tomorrow but still I worry when I'm away from home. Hubby wanted to go to mexico for a couple of weeks this summer but I don't think this is gonna happen I can't imagine being stuck in car traveling a total of 6 days plus being over there I will not be able to have at hand all my LC's so I am putting that idea out of his head. Charlie you just hold on and you'll see those carb cravings will disappear I was much worse I was having panic attacks I had to come here and type all the time just to get those ideas of cheating out of my head. Clybella the fibro you have sounds like a difficult obstacle and let me tell ya I know all about that comfort eating but basically losing the weight will lessen alot of illnesses and hopefully it helps yours. I know my lower back pain from the fibroids has somewhat lessened already.
Cinner your doing fine and dandy ohhhhhh to be young again and have such a spirit and not too many aches and pains yet lol.

cscharlie Wed, Jun-04-03 10:29

you know tristesas, I wouldn't even think about letting my mom change diapers unless of course she was babysitting and I wasn't there. she did her fair share when my sibs and I were babies, so why should she have to now? Same at my inlaws. Though, they tend to try and take her over when we get there, which is fine too, because they love doing stuff with the girls. So in that case, I do just sit back and let them...but if it looks like I need to step in, I do. It would be a touchy subject though, wouldn't it?

well, back to house work and maybe a little ab work!

:wave: :wave:

bubu Wed, Jun-04-03 10:37

lol tris.....

thats exactly how I picture my grand baby experience........not here yet, the two want to get married first next year haha
but I can see it now.

I guess I have already told my boys a while back just like my mother told don't think that I am a built in babysitter.....grandmas can spoil and pick when they want their grandbabies lol.....

If I were in your shoes right now is......if its the diaper change....I'd say " come here sweetie.....oh u need a diaper change.....and hand her over to mama and say....Mommy will take care of it while grandma does.........

or otherwise say I'd love to some other time as in babysitting ....but.....
and then just say why don't u check first and I'll see what I can do.

That way you are leaving the option open without hurting feelings but are still getting a suttle message accross.

I used this tactic when I had mine all small yet and people that...oh well she has 4 kids whats one or two more to babysit.....well to me that was LOTS lol.....esp. my furniture...ouch.

laters....just finished wiith to laundry again and then living, dining and kitchen, bedroom...and hopefully curtains down.


JessiTru Wed, Jun-04-03 10:54

Hi you all! Sounds like everyone is doing great. THanks for answering my question on basi carbs cinner and bubu. I was just wondering because I went to the report in fitday that compares the calories you took IN for the week verses calories that went OUT. And I haven't exercised that much at all, just gardening and stuff, yet my calories I burned was way higher. And I did enter sedentary when I first resgistered. So, I was surprised at that.
I enjoyed a few strawberries cut up in my jello last night and my husband did too. That was a nice treat. He was fighting buying something sweet at the store, and he said..nah, I ll just have jello. So, although he isn't doing this diet, I think he is working on improving eating habits on his own. He has diabetes in his family so its a concern for us.
Its so interesting to me to see it from a grandma's point of view and to listen to Cinner talk about feedings and stuff cause we are going to start our family in the near future. Im really getting a lot of in sight.
Well we my paint the outside of our house tomorrow so I think we are picking up paint and supplies today. How funny that most of us are painting
Well, I will keep checking in. Have a great day girls. Jessi

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