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jraz Mon, Feb-17-03 19:59

I can not for the life of me imagine the amount of snow some of you are receiving... I don't think I've ever seen that much snow... I'm more like 6" is a lot for me.

Not much new for me... same thing different day... Just trying to stay focused...

What happened with the notices in our mailbox? I miss them being there, and like a dodo had deleted all of them and of course had deleted the deleted.... <shame on me>!

Blessings to All....

liz175 Tue, Feb-18-03 07:32

We have a lot of snow -- my husband measured 24 inches on our back deck yesterday -- and I am looking out the winder and seeing more flurries coming down. I am tired of this! My daughter had two friends sleep over on Saturday night and here it is Tuesday we still haven't been able to get them home. We've been having fun -- husband, 17-year-old son, 3 13-year-old girls, and I -- but food supplies are running a little low. I wasn't planning to feed two extra mouths for the duration of a blizzard! Actually, that's not totally true, there is plenty of food in the house, people are just going to have to get more flexible about what they eat and I'm going to have to get a little creative about cooking. I understand that the main roads are clear and they are starting to work on the subdivisions, but it might take them a few more days to clear everything. I hope they get to us soon.

summer10 Tue, Feb-18-03 08:12

Good morning,

We ended up with 27.5 inches of snow yesterday. They are saying this is the biggest storm EVER in Boston. It stopped early this morning so of course I had to come to work! We only have about 20% of the staff here, most people called in and took vacation time. There weren't too many people on the roads. The govenor announced last night that state workers could stay home. Of course private industry doesn't do things like that!

I hate to keep complaining but I am so tired of winter!!!

Alyx, Thanks for the recipe, I'll have to try it on the weekend. Thanks for your suggestion too Darklotus. I have been making an effort to vary my menus. I made the lasagna yesterday and brought a piece for lunch today. It looks good but I haven't tasted it yet.

Everyone have a good week!


AlluraD Tue, Feb-18-03 09:27

Hi.......I haven't read the entire thread yet. It's a strange thing for me............I know I have lost a lot............and it has sometimes been a rough road...........but in my heart........I relate to being over 300. There is a frantic pain involved for many. Would I be welcome to post here? Regardless of what the scale says today I have been there...........still am there in many ways~

jraz Tue, Feb-18-03 10:18

Post away.... the more the merrier.... I'd love to hear how you lost your weight and you will probably be an inspiration to me and others in here... This group is like family...

I am sneaking this in.. I am at work, so I better get back to doing it so I don't lose my family here.. LOL

Blessings to all.... God Bless You...

Serendipit Tue, Feb-18-03 11:52

Hi Group !

Although, I have not been lc-ing for 6mos or more I hope this will not disqualify me from joining in on this group.....
I am looking to lose around 140 lbs total and am looking for any additional avenues of support, advice and motivation on this site. :)

I really :rheart: this site and have found my journal helpful but am in need of a little more support...
I began a quest or mission of sorts to begin going through the member directory to try to find others from Ohio to see about setting up a support group locally and although I have came across a couple of individuals there isnt that many out there. I was really hoping to get a group up and running by the first week of March. (and have become a little discouraged in this venture)
I have really found that the more you read & know and talk about really helps
So any additional avenues I can become apart of the better off I will become and hopefully can give back ten fold......
Will check back again to ensure I can become a part of this group as well.......

Hope this message finds all the readers staying strong !!!

Take care -

Serendipit Tue, Feb-18-03 12:04

Hi Group !

Although, I have not been lc-ing for 6mos or more I hope this will not disqualify me from joining in on this group.....
I am looking to lose around 140 lbs total and am looking for any additional avenues of support, advice and motivation on this site. :)

I really :rheart: this site and have found my journal helpful but am in need of a little more support...
I began a quest or mission of sorts to begin going through the member directory to try to find others from Ohio to see about setting up a support group locally and although I have came across a couple of individuals there isnt that many out there. I was really hoping to get a group up and running by the first week of March. (and have become a little discouraged in this venture)
I have really found that the more you read & know and talk about really helps
So any additional avenues I can become apart of the better off I will become and hopefully can give back ten fold......
Will check back again to ensure I can become a part of this group as well.......

Hope this message finds all the readers staying strong !!!

Take care -

liz175 Wed, Feb-19-03 07:46

Hi ladies,

I thought all of you with over 100 pounds to lose would all appreciate this quote which I found under a thread in the Atkins area of this forum:

Originally posted by LOL Mom
I will be so happy with 6 more lbs. I've been dealing with these pounds for as long as I can remember! -- years. It's just as hard for us to lose 5-10# as it is for somebody to lose 150. In fact, I think it's worse because we can look in the mirror and think, "I'm not too bad......I'll give in to my cravings today and maybe start again tomorrow."

Since I don't want to get kicked off this forum, I'll refrain from commenting on the quote. I will say, however, that I think it illustrates why we need a separate area of this forum for people with over 100 pounds to lose.

Bess, you are of course welcome to be part of this group and to post here. We need to get some more dialogue going, so please post away!

Serendipit Wed, Feb-19-03 08:16

Stella got her groove back but what about me ?
HI All-
Sorry for that double posting earlier...I dont know how I did that... :confused:

Here is my question that I am hoping someone out there will have the answer for....
When I began this journey around 1/19/03, the first 2 weeks seemed so hard to me...but at some point I think in the middle to end of that second week - beginning of the thrid I began having this great burst of energy. It was a high that is indescribable...everything just seemed to flow perfectly.
I felt great!
Variety is an issue for me but it has gotten better. I have had a little more time lately to explore and experiment with recipes. I feel like I am doing really well, I am losing pounds (not so much inches) my ketones vary from slight to high but no worries as long as I am showing I have some....
SO are you wondering yet what the problem is ??????
Me too ???
I have lost that groove or momentum I was in...I have no energy...feel very tired...(not weak) but sleepy somewhat...Just no drive or will or strength....just no energy....
I have totally lost that high......
* I keep back tracking my thoughts to try to figure out what has occurred that was different recently then before and I really cant come up with anything in particular that sticks out in my mind.
My job is stressful ....but it is all ways hectic and stressful (nothing new there)
No changes in family situation...hubby is supportive as are the kids and no complaints in some of the differences in menu planning for them as well. They all want to experiment and try the new things I try...
Weather has been incredibly snowy and cold as we got hit with the snow storm but I really havent been snowed in. I've been able to get out quiet a bit (and I dont mind the snow...I love the beauty of it) I am not feeling that cabin fever this just a normal cycle you experience as you continue to go through this journey ???? Burst of energy....then a low....
(Please know I dont feel like this is any type of is this lack of energy and that momentum/high that is gone that I am questioning)

liz175 Wed, Feb-19-03 08:38

Hi Bess,

I think a lot of us start out really enthusiastic about this way of eating and then at some point it sinks in that we have a really long journey ahead of us to get to our goal and we start to feel a little down. I've often thought it was similar to developing a crush on someone -- all you see at first is how wonderful they are and then you start seeing all their faults and problems. If the relationship is worth anything, you hang in there and start to see the good again, and I think the relationship with low carb eating is worthwhile. I've certainly gone through periods of being negative and come around to seeing the good again in this way of eating.

I've been low carbing since July 8 (seven months and ten days) and I have lost almost 70 pounds. My energy levels and enthusiasm have gone up and down. I've gone through periods of being disgusted at how fat I still am even with all the weight I've lost and periods of being thrilled that I can wear clothes that I could not wear a few months ago. I've gone through periods of being very energetic and periods of being very tired.

Losing a lot of weight does put a strain on your body and will make you tired at times, no matter how well you are eating. I have found that when I am very heavily in ketosis and losing more rapidly, I tend not to sleep as well and I feel more anxious. Much as I want to lose all this weight immediately, I feel best when I lose about one or two pounds a week -- any more than two pounds a week and I start to feel really run down.

I should note that I'm 45-years-old and I am going through early stages of menopause, so I'm never sure what is a low carbing symptom and what is a menopause symptom. I know from blood tests that my levels of estrogen are declining and that can contribute to sleeping problems and feelings of anxiety as well.

I also have a stressful job and two kids at home. I find that I really need to work to make time for things that I enjoy doing, but making that time is very important for keeping myself on track.

I hope this post was helpful. I thought about posting it in your journal instead of here, but it's probably a worthwhile discussion to have in a more public place. I would guess that there are other people who have had similar experiences.

Julie Huck Wed, Feb-19-03 10:10

Hi Bess :)

My advice is a little more physiological. Have you been taking your vitamins. Most especially, other than a good multi vitamin, you need potassium and maybe calcium / magnesium. Really pay attention to what atkins says in his book about supplements. During the first two weeks on Atkins you lose a lot of water. Then things slow down a bit. That's because of you store water along with the glycogen in your muscles. Once you burn that glycogen off, the water leaves too. That big rush of energy in the second week was your body switching fully over to burning fat rather than using the glycogen. Also, you should know along with the water, a lot of vitamins get flushed out of your system too. Lots of people get low on potassium and get tired or get muscle fatigue or leg cramps. best advice at first would be to have you check your vitamins first.

Also...just so you know... Atkins says that vitamin deficiency can cause a log jam in your weight loss. You will never lose as fast as you do in the first two weeks but you can take various steps to keep it fairly steady. Good vitamins is one of those steps.

Hope that helps :)

Julie Huck

Serendipit Thu, Feb-20-03 02:12

Julie & Liz-
Thanks so much for sharing....both of you were very helpful.
Wednesday I hadnt eaten all day and when I finally did eat dinner (around 6:45pm) immediately after I ate I had to go to bed...
Prior to being on the lc woe...this was common to my day to day living... 99% of the time I only ate one meal a day which typically was dinner and then would immediately go to sleep....
Because of this bottoming out kind of effect I would get when I would eat was the main reason why I wouldnt eat during the day prior to this lc woe.
Wednesday after dinner was the 2nd time in the last week I felt that bottoming out kind of effect....
Wow...I thought those days of bottoming out were over....

I do think I need to look into additional supplements as well. I am taking a multi-vitamin daily but probably need something in addition to that.
So, potassium/magnesium and a calcium supplement in addition would be the best kind of supplements to add ??

Any advice .....

Thanks again guys :)

PaulaG Thu, Feb-20-03 09:08

Just what I needed to hear!
Hi ladies, :wave:

I just wanted to say Thank you.

You don’t know it but all your advice, honesty and posts have gotten me through some rough days. This new WOL is sometimes a challenge for me. I fight with my self on a daily basis to not go back to the way I was living. I know it's only a matter of time and this WOL will become second nature to me, but in the mean time I have to fight the highs and lows.

I always want fast results, when I should really be thankful for finding this WOL in the first place. This is the first time that I’ve actually lost weight without any fancy drugs.

I haven’t lost any weight in the last few weeks and I’ve been looking for something or someone to blame. As of today I’ve decided that nothing is wrong and that I need a positive attitude.

I’ve come a long way. 52 pounds lost in less than 4 months. I’m looking forward to a healthy long life (and maybe having a little one next year) . I just had to say Thank You. I promise to not let things get me down and be thankful and appreciative of what I’ve already accomplished.

By the way your all an inspiration to me keep up the excellent work. :cheer:


jraz Thu, Feb-20-03 09:32

You sound like you are living inside my skin. Wow... are we twins that were separated at birth.... I am having those same feelings right now.... I was on such a high and now I've lost it somewhere and I feel the old carb cravings coming back... NO< NO NO........... I was doing so good.... but I am sure I know what is causing this.... I've started adding splenda, equal, etc to my diet and it's causing me to have those "sugar cravings" again... and I am almost out of control again (with sugar-free stuff) this time.... Tell me to stay out of the recipe area... especially the sweet area... LOL... Not funny but it's true... I even went to the store last night and was looking to buy all the sugar free stuff I could fine... sugar-free ice cream, popcicls, pudding... grrrrrrr and chocolate.... and getting depressed going up and down the isle and seeing all that I can't have... and want again.... No this is not a good thing.... . I have to take back my control and get back to where I was.... or... maybe it's in the water... hahahah
I've been trying not to get depressed either thinking about my husband Bob... Bob has MS and has been diagnoised for 3 years now and he's in a remission again.... and is thinking of quiting work and going on dissability... ( I don't blame him) he's a locksmith at the casino we both work at and has a lot of walking to do and it's getting harder and harder for him... BUT... I blame some of this getting worse on him cuz he is not supposed to smoke having MS and he sneaks and does it.... grrrrrrrr and to me there is nothing worse than a sneak... plus it's killing him... and then I'm angry because he's chosen to do this and when I mention it to him he lies and tells me he's not... (I CAN SMELL IT... and his mother is doing the same thing...(sneak smoking).... and they are both sick (heart problems) from it.... <cry, cry, cry>... I just have to tell someone how I feel... ANGRY for him not carrying enough about himself or me to give up those cigaretts that are helping kill him... Am I wrong....he's always been the one there for me, he's my blessing and now I have to be the one incontrol and take charge.... he can't drive... (believe me, you don't want him driving....),.. HAHAHA He drives like a drunk and that is how he walks too....
Ok, enough ranting... I'm at work and just want to cry... so better stop before I do....
Thanks for listening anyway.... or just for letting me get this off my shoulders....
Blessings to all...............

liz175 Thu, Feb-20-03 11:18

Originally posted by Serendipit
Wednesday I hadnt eaten all day and when I finally did eat dinner (around 6:45pm) immediately after I ate I had to go to bed...

Bess, If you are not eating all day, it is no wonder that you are feeling tired and exhausted. Even if you are not hungry, you need to make yourself eat breakfast and lunch -- Atkins says not to go more than six waking hours without eating. If you don't eat all day, you blood sugar goes crazy and you feel lousy.

Judi, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. The situation must be so difficult for you. Smoking is such an awful addiction and I know so many people who should give it up for health reasons but are unable to do so.

I think you are probably right about all the sugar-free stuff causing cravings. I've stayed away from all the dessert recipes on this site for that reason. I know that I need to eat plain, simple food to keep my cravings under control.

Paula, Welcome! 52 pounds in less than 4 months is a wonderful rate of loss. Most people who lose that quickly in the beginning seem to go through a stall for a few weeks as their body gets used to its new size. I know that my rate of loss has been very uneven -- some months fast and some months very slow. The important thing is definitely what you said -- keep a positive attitude and trust that you will continue to go in the right direction.

PattiK Thu, Feb-20-03 14:41

Hi everyone!
Hi - I'm new to this thread - I too am looking for an area to post in regularly. I'm having a hard time to follow up without the email notifications - I joined 2 days before they turned them off and I was so happy to be able to easily follow posts. I have to be careful not to spend too much time on the computer - but this forum is so encouraging, it really takes discipline!

I am feelinlg soooo fat today, and actually for the last month. I haven't lost very fast since I started back just about 2 weeks ago. I am wondering about cream cheese - I know it says it is about <1 g / oz - but can it be too much to eat 4 oz a day?

I am doing so much better this time around - I haven't even cared at all about having bread or anything with sugar. I have had some splenda and an occasional small cup of diet soda (nutrasweet) - but no bad cravings. I guess I need to get some ketostix and see how I am doing there. Do others check their ketones on a regular basis more so than the first couple weeks?

Hope you are all having a great day - I am excited - get to go to the city this weekend to visit my good friend, do some scrapbooking, girl talk - she too is doing LC.


A thin me! Thu, Feb-20-03 18:29

Hi Everyone..........
Sorry I have not posted, but ever since the board stoped the notifications, I forget where I have been.... must be that carb fog!!

Induction is going okay, limiting those pesky diet sodas and trying to drink more water but it is so hard, and then trying to time those bathroom breaks......

I know that I am going thru the withdrawal of carbs, as today I feel draggy and tired and my head aches.

I promise to write more, soon.


KRJKRJ Thu, Feb-20-03 20:07

SwedenSM receipts
Please post any receous that you may have. Trying new foods helps keep us on track. I am going to try doing your cake roll as soon as possible. Thank you so much!

summer10 Sat, Feb-22-03 12:41


I haven't been here in a while, alot of catching up to do!

Hi to all the new posters.

Allura, you are doing great. How long have you been LCing?

Bess, I know what you mean about support - checking in here really helps and being able to communicate with other people who are experiencing the same feelings makes you feel less isolated. I've had the bursts of energy that you describe too but I don't really feel any more tired than I did before LCing. I agree with Julie regarding the vitamins.

Paula, 52 pounds in 4 months is awesome. You should be really pleased with yourself.

Judi, I am sorry to hear about your husband. You can rant here anytime, sometimes just talking about things helps. It's funny how we all have this common goal of wanting to lose weight/be healthier but you never know what else is going on with people. I know that it's hard to focus on your own body when you're taking care of everyone else. Having support helps you get through - so we're here for you.

Liz, you are doing great. Are you actually counting the days? I wish I could average 10 pounds a month like you. I am going to check out your journal to see what you've been eating and maybe get some ideas.

Patti, I'm actually having a "fat" day today so it's funny I read your comment. Do you think "thin" people have "fat" feeling days? Somehow I don't think it's the same thing.

ATM have you tried having a small slice of lemon in your water, that may help to get more down.

I 'm looking for some help - I've been LCing since April, TEN months. I don't mind this WOE but I haven't lost anything since November. I started working out with weights in January and I increased my exercise but I can't get the scale moving. I am feeling a little discouraged. I really thought by the one year mark I'd be at least 1/2 way to my goal. Does anyone want to check out my journal and give me some feedback on food choices? I was basically eating the same thing everyday for lunch (M-F - chicken salad) but I've started to vary it. I've even made some of the recipes on this site. But I just can't get the scale moving. I do plan on reviewing the induction chapter in the Atkins book to see if I can get back on track but I thought some "real life" feedback would be more helpful. I appreciate anyone taking the time to look.


SwedenSM Sun, Feb-23-03 10:18

a question

Is it okay to post recipes here or do I have to post them in the recipe boards? I don't want to break any rules or anything.

Believe it or not, it's melting here! We've been in the plus-single-digits for most of the week and hopefully it will stay this 'warm' (well, 2°C is certainly warm for Sweden in February) for a while. I have no illusions that winter is over yet, as we have at least 2 more months to go, but I hope this lasts a long while. I'm so sick of cold and snow.

AlluraD, I agree with jraz, the more the merrier. I would LOVE to hear your story! :)

Hi Serendipit and welcome to you too! :wave: I'm fairly new here. My name is Alyx. I have a metabolic disorder (Syndrome X) and I'm low-carbing to avoid diabetes, heart disease and stroke-- but also because I want to lose weight and get of my high blood pressure meds. I love eating low carb. I would go totally Paleo if I didn't have to give up cheese :p I moved here from northern KY (I've lived all around the States) and I was just a 20 min drive from Cinti. I hope you can build a support 'family' --- I would love to have one here too.

Liz175, I'd just attribute that quote to ignorance (not stupidity, but the fact that this person just doesn't KNOW) and most days I can let it roll off my shoulders. But I'm glad we have this little group...I feel so welcome here. I agree totally with you that LCing is just like a relationship-- in the beginning there is passion, then indifference. After that, if you want to stay in the relationship, you have to realize that some days there'll be passion again, some times you want to call it quits, sometimes you fit together like comfortable old shoes and sometimes you're bored out of your head! And just like love, if you enjoy the good times, stick through the bad times and just keep in mind why you're doing this in the first place and what the big picture is, you'll be just fine. ;)

Wow, Paula! 52 lbs. in 4 months :D :thup: Absolutely great! Man, I would love to do that...I may be able to visit my family in the States in about 4 months time and I want to look good. I hope you get your baby wishes...

((((((((Judy)))))) Hugs. I have a good friend Pat whose husband also has MS and it must be soooo hard for you. I know that Pat goes through a lot with Don. Do you have some kind of instant messenger? I have just about all of them: ICQ, MSN, AOL, Yahoo (you name it). Let me add you to my list and anytime you see me online, just chat me up! I'll be glad to talk or just listen. We have to help each other... it's the only way to live. Just let me know, okay? Or if you want to drop me a line, my email is

So many new people since I last checked in! I love it! :D I was looking for a place to keep a running conversation, if you know what I you can see, I'm quite a yakker LOL. I am sort of a shut-in and this is my social hoo.

Welcome to you too, PattiK! Do I see your virtual model? I have mine at different weight stages too and I took the JPG and altered it in Photoshop so it would have my own face... it's encouraging to me to 'imagine' what I'll look like at each 10% lost. Did you get it at Am I making anyone's head spin yet? :daze:

I have all kinds of recipes and would love to share! Any requests? I even have LC crockpot recipes for you working ladies (aren't we ALL working ladies???) Here's a good a friend sent me-- REAL BREAD:

Gabi's World-Famous Bread


* 1 pkg dry yeast (Rapid Rise/Highly Active)
* 1/2 teaspoon sugar *
* 1 1/8 cup "baby bottle warm" water (90-100°F)
* 3 Tablespoons olive oil
* 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 Tablespoon Splenda
* 1 cup Wheat Gluten Flour **
* 1/4 cup oat flour
* 3/4 cup soy flour
* 1/4 cup flax seed meal
* 1/4 cup coarse unprocessed wheat bran

For bread machine:
Pour yeast into bottom of bread machine pan. Add sugar and water. Stir, and let sit. (This is "proofing" your yeast to see if your yeast is alive. If it's not bubbling, it's dead and you can replace it without wasting all of the other ingredients).
In the meantime, mix all other dry ingredients together in a bowl. Add oil to bread machine pan. Add mixed dry ingredients. Set your machine to the basic cycle (3-4 hours) and bake.
Cool on a rack and enjoy.

* The sugar is totally consumed by the yeast and does not contribute to the carb count. I keep a few packets of restaurant sugar on-hand for this purpose so I never have to have a supply of actual sugar in the house.

** "I've had best results using "Bob's Red Mill: Vital Wheat Gluten Flour". Whatever brand you use should be 6 grams (no fiber) per 1/4 cup on label and approx. 75% - 80% protein. It works great, keeps the taste and texture just like bakery bread, and keeps the carb count very low." - Lora

Makes 16 slices. 3.4 carbs per slice.

Follow the recipe in the same order as for the bread machine.

After you mix and knead all of the ingredients together, put the dough in a clean bowl and set it into a warm, draft-free place for about 45 minutes to an hour (one option is to turn on your oven for a pre-heat for a minute and a half to get it warm, then turn it completely off before setting the dough in to let it rise in the oven.) The dough should rise to about twice its original size.

Afterward, knead slightly (do not over-knead - the gluten content will keep this bread from rising well the second time unlike "regular" bread! You'll want to be careful not to handle the dough too much after it rises the first time.) Put it in a loaf pan, cover and set in warm draft free place for another 30-45 minutes, and then bake at 380 degrees until done. (35-45 minutes - depending on your oven, you may have to shorten or lengthen the time.)

Summer, I haven't been doing this long but if you like, I'll take a look at your journal. Maybe I can make some suggestions to vary your menu a bit.

summer10 Sun, Feb-23-03 16:42

Hi Alyx,

That would be great if you have any feedback for me. I did re-read the induction chapter last night and am going to get back to the basics and see if that helps. Darklotus also gave me some good feedback so hopefully I'll be seeing some results soon.


summer10 Mon, Feb-24-03 18:53


Thanks for your feedback in my journal - I'm responding here because you don't have a journal - you've got to get one - then people know where they can find you!

I just started putting my food into fitday so that I can better track my calories/fat/protein/carbs. I hope that will help.

I started induction today and have given up the soda for now. If induction produces some losses and I want to add things back in, I'll have to do so one at a time so that I can identify the problem(s).

I am interested in your recipe for protein bars - I like to cook but will have to wait until after I've done induction to try it out.


jraz Tue, Feb-25-03 09:55

Just Checkin' In....
Dropping by to say Hi.... I've been so busy.. but hopefully within the next week things will settle back down and I can get back to here to post most....

Also wanted to say welcome to all the newbies...and I've invited my daughter Cindee and grandson Sam to join this forum so I am hoping they will come in.. I know they both started L/C yesterday... Yea.................

here is my email addy and yes I do have IM is

Ok back to work...

summer10 Fri, Feb-28-03 07:16


How is everyone doing?

I've been posting in my journal in the mornings but haven't had much online time this week.

I've been doing induction since Monday - no Advantage bars, no soda, no nuts AND NO LOSS YET!!! It is really hard to be patient when nothing is working. But I'm going to do induction for at least 2 weeks, maybe longer. I've even started putting my food into Fitday so that I can be sure my carbs are under 20/day.

I know I'm driving my bf crazy constantly asking him if he thinks I'll have a loss soon, if he thinks this will work for me, why isn't it working??? I think he was happy to have me leave for work this morning, LOL. He's really supportive, but he has no idea why I'm not losing either.

I guess I'm just venting this morning. With my one year LC anniversary approaching I really wanted to be down at least 40 by then. But I'm not feeling real good that I'll be there.

Hope everyone is having a good day.


Movin down Fri, Feb-28-03 09:02

Hi - hope I found friends!
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and really gettin a lot of encouragement from reading the posts and following the threads. I have 100+ pounds to lose and haven't really thought about a timeline - just getting below 200 is a major challenge for me.

Right now I am struggling with 250 - this morning I was at 255 and would like break the 250 barrier soon. I think it would be a major morale booster for me.

Restarted Atkins this week and so far so good - drinking lots and lots of water.

Everyone have a wonderful - losing day and drink, drink drink! (water only :daze: )

summer10 Fri, Feb-28-03 09:39

Hi Pat,

Welcome, we can use all the input we can get!


PattiK Fri, Feb-28-03 11:04

Hi Alyx!
Alyx - you should start a journal so we can post you messages in it! Yes, I did it at virtual model - that is a great idea to change in Photoshop - maybe I will do that sometime. Hope you are having a great day. Here I am bringing some flowers over....


A thin me! Fri, Feb-28-03 16:32

Hi Everyone............

SOrry I have not posted much, but it has been a rough week and today was the kicker. In the teachers' louge there was wall to wall cake and muffins and etc. It was tough.

I am sort of discouraged, I have been so good and not a cheat has past these lips of mine and my weight is going up...

What is the deal do you think????

I am so blue and wish I knew what is happening. I take so many supplements, LGlut/LCarnite and vitamins, I literally rattle when I walk. I run to the bathroom constantly for all the water I drink.

I make all my lunches/dinners so I know what I am doing and eating, yet, the weight is going up. and up and up.



How are you able to put that lovely photo in? Can you tell me how?


DarkLotus Fri, Feb-28-03 17:05

Maybe you need to add new veggies ATM? Or maybe a little fruit or nuts? Try some new exciting recipes, maybe that will help liven things up. Go for a walk if you can!

Welcome pat :wave:

Julie Huck Fri, Feb-28-03 18:29

Hi Pam :)

I've breezed over your journal and I see you've had a rough go of it. And I see you have not been cheating for 8 days. I'm willing to help you get a handle on things If you want. First I would have to see what you are eating in the exact amounts. EVERYTHING including coffee, diet cokes, crystal light, legal LC treats, meat portions and vitamins and medications and well everything that goes into your mouth. Are you exercising? It's ok if you are not I just would need to know one way or another. Also, I realize you have had a problem with cheating. You will have to make a commitment to not cheat ever. I think you've done that with the last 8 days.

What you need to tell yourself is "I will not mortgage my happiness or my health with one more piece of chocolate (or french fry or piece of bread etc. etc.)." You have to I do about myself...that cheats will kill your success on this weight loss endeavor. So I applaud you for the last 8 days!

Are you in ketosis? How many calories are you getting in a day? How many carbs? What form do your carbs take? You will have to lay everything out so I can help. I really do want to help you. There is a way to make this work I promise you!

I'll help you if you let me :)

Julie Huck

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