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truckgirl Wed, May-10-06 11:42

Wednesday 5/10/06
Cardio 30 min
Knee having fits

truckgirl Fri, May-12-06 10:03

Barbell Curls
40 X 5/5/5
Too tired. :(
Two 10 min and one 5 min intervals of cardiac arrest
25 min of warm up and cool down

truckgirl Mon, May-15-06 15:27

45 min-
three 10 minute intervals of hard stuff
15 minutes of warming up, cooling down

truckgirl Mon, May-15-06 15:33

Flat Flyes
20 X 5/5/5
Chest Press (fw)
55 X 5/*failed* :( :tears:
50 X 7/6
Cable Pulldowns
50 X 8/7/7
Pullovers on Ball
35 X 8/7/7
Dips 84 X 6/6/5
2 min warmup
15 min hard hard hard
1 min cool down

truckgirl Tue, May-16-06 10:16

Lifefitness Machine
2 min warm up
20 min as hard as I could
2 min cool down

truckgirl Wed, May-17-06 09:59

115 X 10/10/9
Leg Press
Hyper Extentions
me + 25 X 5/5 (my gosh, I'm WEAK)
Good Mornings
45 X 10/10/10

2 min warm up
8 min around 160
10 min jogging, around 170-175
2 min cool down

truckgirl Wed, May-24-06 10:57

30 min Cardio, *weak*

Lots of short walks

truckgirl Wed, May-24-06 11:06

(not in the order performed, but broken into muscle groups)
Good Mornings
45 X 10/10/10 (freezing cold, trying to warm up)
Me + 25lb plate X 8/8/6
Leg Press
250 X 8/8/6 (high placement/mid placement/low placement)
Walking lunges with 20lb dumbbells
2 times up the ramp (seems about 2 miles long!)
Some Moron Big Boy put the bar up on the highest notch (about 6') and no one in the weight room was tall enough to get it down. This was AFTER I had put plates on the bar at my height and walked about 10' away to get the manta ray to put on the bar and he walked over and 'stole' the rack! Now, I had done a set on another machine in the same room and know for a fact that he had not been using it!
Leg Extensions
90 X 6/6/6
20 min The walking luges should count toward cardio, in my book! When I got on the cardio machine, my heart rate was at 150 to START!

BF% holding at 26.4%. Jayson wants me to do a high carb, high protein, low fat plan that his bodybuilding girls are on, but I don't want to. He knows that I really don't want to have anything to do with it, but that I'll think about it. Obviously, something needs to change, but that would be an absolute traumatic change for my body, I think. It would have to be changed slowly, that's for sure. Embarrassed poor Jayson half to death! :lol:

truckgirl Sun, Dec-17-06 22:09

Shoulder Press
70 X 8/8/8

25 X 4/4/5

Tri Ext (Paired with Con DB Curls)
40 X 8/8/8

Con DB Curls
27.5 X 6/6/5

Pushdowns (paired with Preacher)
32 X 6/6/6

40 X 8, 45 X 6/5

Jogged for 10 min, warmed up 2 min, cooled down 2 min

truckgirl Tue, Dec-19-06 00:07

Chest Press
80 X 6/6/6

Rack Pulls
90 X 6/6/6

Flat Fly
17.5 X 8/8/8
Go up next time

100 X 8, 110 X 6/5
100 seems reasonably smooth and like I'm not quite working hard enough, but 110 kills me. :confused:

37 X 8/8/8
Still very tough for me to pull off

Weight Assisted Pull Ups
68 X 6/6/5
I'm not getting anywhere with these, even with the better breathing, I get so lightheaded, I have to stop at a low number because the room starts going black. :rolleyes: I need something else to do.

Electric Chair Thing
10 X 15/15/15

Rotary Torso
Level 6 X 8/8/8
Mucho betta than last time

Swiss ball crunches

Jogged 5 min
Rode bike 15 min

galatia Tue, Dec-19-06 08:12

100 X 8, 110 X 6/5
100 seems reasonably smooth and like I'm not quite working hard enough, but 110 kills me. :confused:
Do you ever do "drop-sets?" Do as many as you can with good form of the 110 weight, then immediately drop the weight to 100 and finish your set. See what you think of that. :)


Weight Assisted Pull Ups
68 X 6/6/5
I'm not getting anywhere with these, even with the better breathing, I get so lightheaded, I have to stop at a low number because the room starts going black. :rolleyes: I need something else to do.

If you are doing these for back: When you are doing these, what is your form? If you're not already....try them with your shoulders pulled back, back arched, looking forward and a little up.

truckgirl Wed, Dec-20-06 14:47

Wave Loading

Beginner/low level single waves:

Size based single wave:

1 x 10 ~ 60kg
1 x 8 ~ 70kg
1 x 6 ~ 80 kg (descending)

Strength based single wave:

1 x 6 ~ 80kg
1 x 8 ~ 70kg
1 x 10 ~ 60 kg (ascending)

galatia Wed, Dec-20-06 19:01

Did I see that can do full squats with 200 lbs.? I am in awe of you my friend!! :)

galatia Thu, Dec-21-06 11:33

No way I will ever be able to squat are soooo strong!! I might do "walk-outs" with that weight....but I wouldn't even attempt to squat it. VERY impressive girl!! :)

I'm frustrated over not making any gains.....I maintained at best. I'm not lifting as much as I was. I think most people looking at the comparison think the green shirt is the latest picture! So....a year later, I looked better a year ago.

But thanks for caring, my friend. :)

galatia Wed, Jan-03-07 05:40

Hey there! Thanks for the very encouraging words in my gym log. You are such a sweet friend, and I really appreciate you. :)

truckgirl Thu, Jan-18-07 12:01

Started learning how to swim with Angie teaching me, 1/9/07.
Today's workout:
1 X 50 Kicks
1 X 50 Backstroke
1 X 50 Easy Swim

1 X 50 Kicks
1 X 50 Backstroke
1 X 25 Fingertip Drags
1 X 25 Zip ups

1 X 50 Kicks
1 X 50 Backstroke
1 X 25 Fist Swim
1 X 25 Crawl

1 X 50 Kicks
1 X 50 Backstroke
1 X 50 Sprint :rheart: + 170

1 X 50 Kicks
1 X 50 Backstroke

Total time: 27 minutes

Next goal:
1 X 50 Kicks
1 X 50 Drill

1 X 50 Backstroke
1 X 50 Drill


To build cardiovascular endurance.

truckgirl Thu, Jan-18-07 13:18

Bust: 37
Waist: 29.5
Hip (at bone): 37
Took 1000mg CLA today.

Si Belle Fri, Feb-09-07 08:35

Exercising in water is excellent. It's easy on your joints AND you are building muscles and endurance too.
Way to go!

galatia Thu, Feb-15-07 15:47

ONLY this week. Tomorrow ends it. Since this was TOM week, I figured it would be pretty much a bust anyway. :D

Next week I have another work-out planned. I'll eventually get back to BGB, but I'm mixing things up for a while.

I'm glad you revealed your eating situation at TOP. I hope someone is able to shed some light on something that helps. :) I've been mystified by it. I can't relate to it, or understand it. :lol:

truckgirl Tue, Jul-10-07 12:09

Second week back on BGB after tri training:
Week of 7-2-07
Day One
Horizontal Plane Back (pull)\
T Bar Rows
35 X 8, 45 X 8/8
Seated Cable Rows
50 X 8, 60 X 8/8
DB Row
30 X 8/8/6/2

Horizontal Plane Chest (push)
BB Oress
40 X 8/8/8
Flat Flyes
17.5 X 8/8/8
DB Press
20 X 8/8/8

Seated Leg Press for Calves
195 X 20, 215 X 20

Day 2
I misplaced my notes. Will look for them. :(

Day 3
Vertical Plane Back (Pull)
Weight Assisted Pullups
69 X 6/6/6
Lat Pulldown
90 X 8/8/8
PO with cable
45 X 8/8/8
Vertical Plane Shoulders (push)
Shoulder Press
50 X 8/8/8
17.5 X 8/8/8
DB Press
20 X 8/8/8

Day 4
High placement leg press
215 X 6/6/6
Pull Throughs
30 X 8/8/8
25 X 8/8

60 X 8/8/8

Step ups
30 X 10 on each leg/10 on each leg

galatia Tue, Jul-10-07 17:54

Hey there. :)

What happen to your 5 x 5s? The beauty of BGB is you work everything twice a week whether direct or secondary, AND, mixing heavy 5 x 5s usually compounds, with higher rep. ranges in the acc. exercises. :)

Week of 7-2-07
Day 1
Horizontal Plane Back (pull)\
T Bar Rows
35 X 8, 45 X 8/8 I'm thinking that was pretty light for you. And this is where you'd want to do the 5 x 5s.
Seated Cable Rows
50 X 8, 60 X 8/8
DB Row
30 X 8/8/6/2

Horizontal Plane Chest (push)
BB Press
40 X 8/8/8 5 x 5s here
Flat Flyes
17.5 X 8/8/8
DB Press I'd make these incline
20 X 8/8/8

Seated Leg Press for Calves
195 X 20, 215 X 20

Day 2
I misplaced my notes. Will look for them. :(

Day 3
Vertical Plane Back (Pull)
Weight Assisted Pullups
69 X 6/6/6 5 x 5s
Lat Pulldown
90 X 8/8/8
PO with cable
45 X 8/8/8
Vertical Plane Shoulders (push) Here I'd take out the shoulder press and db press, make Arnies your 5 x 5s, and and do side laterals and some bent over flyes. (I usually superset the last two.)
Shoulder Press
50 X 8/8/8
17.5 X 8/8/8
DB Press
20 X 8/8/8

Day 4 Day 4 should have triceps included? And 1 quad acc., since you felt the step-ups more in glutes, I guess you did do 1 quad acc. :D
High placement leg press
215 X 6/6/6 5 x 5s
Pull Throughs
30 X 8/8/8
25 X 8/8

60 X 8/8/8

Step ups
30 X 10 on each leg/10 on each leg

Day 2 would have been quads and biceps.

truckgirl Tue, Jul-10-07 21:46

Dang it, I printed off my workout before coming back here, so didn't see this in time.
Day One
Horizontal Plane Back
T Bar Rows
60 X 5/5/5
Seated Cable Rows
70 X 8/8/8
DB Row
32 X 8/8/8

BB Press
50 X 8, 60 X 8/8
Flat Flyes
17.5 X 8/6/6
DB Press
22.5 X 8/8/8

Standing Calves
80 on each leg sep. x 8/8/8

truckgirl Tue, Jul-10-07 21:53

Originally Posted by galatia
Hey there. :)

What happen to your 5 x 5s? The beauty of BGB is you work everything twice a week whether direct or secondary, AND, mixing heavy 5 x 5s usually compounds, with higher rep. ranges in the acc. exercises. :)

I have never done 5 X 5s in the past. It seems so time consuming. Do you feel it makes a big difference?

Originally Posted by galatia
T Bar Rows
35 X 8, 45 X 8/8 [color=blue]I'm thinking that was pretty light for you. And this is where you'd want to do the 5 x 5s.

I did 60 tonight, but I barely got through the third set. I've lost a lot of strength in my back...and everywhere else but my arms and shoulders.

Originally Posted by galatia
DB Press I'd make these incline


Vertical Plane Shoulders (push) Here I'd take out the shoulder press and db press, make Arnies your 5 x 5s, and and do side laterals and some bent over flyes. (I usually superset the last two.)

Day 4 Day 4 should have triceps included? And 1 quad acc., since you felt the step-ups more in glutes, I guess you did do 1 quad acc. :D
No, I messed up and did biceps instead, which I forgot to post....
I did con. db curls and preacher.

galatia Wed, Jul-11-07 13:27


I have never done 5 X 5s in the past. It seems so time consuming. Do you feel it makes a big difference?

I just do what I'm told :lol:.....well, most of the time :rolleyes:, but the people I trust to know what's best, think they make a difference, therefore, I believe. :D
Your set will probably be more of a 6-3 reps. It's not that much more time consuming. :)


I've lost a lot of strength in my back...and everywhere else but my arms and shoulders.

It'll come back really fast. :)

truckgirl Thu, Sep-06-07 22:14

50 X kick
200 X 1
25 X sprint
25 X sprint
50 X backstrock
200 X 1
50 X backstroke
100 X 1

truckgirl Tue, Sep-11-07 22:51

OH Press
50 X 6/6
Chest Press
90 X 6, 80 X 6
Seated Row
70 X 6/6
WA Dips
X 6/6
Front Lat Raises
5 X 10/10
50 X 8/8
OH Tri Ext
27 X 8/8
Eliptical 45 min
didn't weigh in, on day two of TOM, not a good idea ;)

truckgirl Fri, Sep-14-07 13:38

Leg Press
255 X 8/8/8
90 X 8/8/8
Leg Curl
90 X 8/8/8
Leg Ext
80 X 8/8/8
Eliptical 15 min
Bike 15 min

truckgirl Sat, Sep-15-07 22:52

8 mile bike, 30 min
18 holes of mini golf :D

truckgirl Wed, Sep-19-07 16:08

Leg Press 255 X 8/8/8
Squats 90 X 8/8/8
Leg Curl 100 X 8/8/8
Leg Extention 80 X 8/8/8
Step Ups 20 X 10 both legs
Eliptical 40 min

Vert. Chest Press 90 X 8/8/8
Shoulder Press 50 X 8/8, 60 X 8
Vert Pull Down
90 X 8/8/8
Front Raises
10 X 8/8/8
OH Tri Ext Sep
12.5 X 8/8/8
Elip 15
Bike 25

truckgirl Mon, Sep-24-07 18:06

Leg Press Mid Placement
255 X 8, 275 X 8,8
Leg Press High Placement
255 X 8, 275 X 8/8
90 X 8, 100 X 8,8
Leg Ext
100 X 8/8/8
Leg Curl
100 X 8/8/8
Elip 15 min hard

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