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sunshine2 Fri, Feb-08-02 10:10

Hey Gilta, 2 lbs huh, thats not bad considering TOM. I usually put on around 4 and have gone up to 8 before. So don't worry about it, just drink up on your water and flush it out.

Yes, back to my exercising routine, will be going tonight, Have been exercising about 3 - 4 times a week, but trying to do around 5-6. I just feel better when I do.

Got up this morning, and the scales were back to the 190.5 mark, yesterday they were 194.5, then Wednesday 193.5, Tuesday 194.5. So I was happy to see they listened to me yesterday when I told them "give me back my 190.5 or I'll tear out your freaken batteries". I think I scared 'em. Anyhow, it worked. ;)

So, cross your fingers, I'm hoping the whoosh fairy visits this weekend to put me below the 190 mark. I'm really really hoping.

Everyone, have a great weekend.

PS Marlaine - how was the steak? Did the mouth handle it okay? And Study study study, school is your buddy. (thats what I tell my kids). Good-luck on your test, I know they are a killer. I'm thinking about going back to get my Masters, but the thought of "mid-term" kills me.

donnaj Fri, Feb-08-02 18:14

Good evening ladies
How is everyone this evening? I am okay except I feel real light headed. Took my blood pressure and it was 107/80 and pulse 102 and then I thought it was my blood sugar but it is 102. Everything is okay except for my pulse. The only thing I can think is I cut back on eating allot of sodium. Well sorry about running my mouth.

Gilta, 2 lbs is not allot for TOM. I remember gaining 10 lbs almost every month. I am glad those days are gone. In a couple of days your be even skinnier.

Marliane, Oh, I miss school except for mid terms and finals, oh course. Hope you ace thems. What is your major?

Sunshine2, I hope the whoosh fairy comes and takes away more weight than expected.

Well ladies I am going to go lay down for awhile and see if this well go away. It might be the flu again. Oh, Lord please no.
Everyone have a great weekend.
:wave: Donna

Cher Fri, Feb-08-02 21:27

(((((Sunshine))))))) Way to go! That medicine is gone from your body and you're back to 190.5 (YAY Sunshine)! You're may be under 190 on Monday...I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Whoosh fairy visit's all of us!

Marlaine...glad to hear that your mouth is feeling better...I still haven't scheduled that dental appointment...guess I'd better stop running away and get that done. You have such a great attitude regarding BFL and your exercise routine...good for you! What are you studying in school?

Gilta... you did good with only 2 pounds during that sister just called me (so upset) cause she went up 7 pounds. But, it went away within about 3 days. I'm glad when that TOM falls on a tuesday...that way, I don't have to weight till the next monday (LOL).

DonnaJ...hope you're feeling better... I'm just the opposite of everyone, if I don't add salt I have major blackouts. But, apparently my blood pressure drops really low and your's sounds perfect. Well, hope you figure that one out quick! Please feel better soon :daizy:

donnaj Sat, Feb-09-02 04:25

Thank you
Thanks for your concern. I have always had low blood pressure when I was at my normal weight. I even had low blodd pressure reading when I had the stroke. The doctor was amazed. I ate some salty pork rinds and the faintness went away thank God.
I have a feeling the lower my weight my normal blood pressure reading of 90/60 well soon appear again. So, I have a doctor appointment on Monday. I will tell him about it and he will probally drop my water pill. How have you been doing? Fine , I hope. I am sure lucky to find all these wonderful :angel: on this forum. With all of your support it really help me through the day.
Well I better get up and get started it is going to be one busy day. Well email later.
Donna :wave:

Marlaine Sat, Feb-09-02 17:18

Cher, Donna...

I'm taking a Developmental Psychology course toward my BA. I'm about half way there. I'm planning to go into coaching/counselling.

I posted my results from the first four weeks of BFL, in my journal. I'm very pleased with the progress and would recommend it to anyone. The beauty of it is that it accomodates everyone. No previous skills required. I also like the relatively minimal investment of time. It's wonderful to feel this good and to have it happen so easily!

I think when the time comes, we will have to start a new thread to accomodate our 180's.

Big CHEER for all of us because we are STILL here, keeping on!!


donnaj Sun, Feb-10-02 19:33

Need help ladies
Calling all my low carb angels. I have been stalled and have try everything. I reread the book, I haven't cheated so why am I still not losing. Here is what I ate.
Breakfast: low carb shake 2 carb2fiber
Lunch: Salad made of 1 cup shredded romaine lettuce with 5 slices of cucumber, 1 radish, 4 cherry tomatoes. I made a dressing of 1 tbsp. of wine vinegar and 1 tsp. of oil and package of splenda.
Dinner : I had two hamburger, 1 cup of green beans and the rest of the salad that was let over at lunch.
Snack: 1 8oz of tuna, 1 tbsp. dill pickle(2 carbs) and ate the whole thing with pork rinds.
I have drinken 64 oz of water. 2 cups of coffee for breakfast.
I had one low carb mini bund cake(3 carbs). I will have an herbal tea before bed.
Ladies, am I just on a platue or am I eating too much or too little.
If anyone could help I would appreciate it.
Donna :(

Marlaine Sun, Feb-10-02 22:07

Re: Need help ladies
Originally posted by donnaj
Ladies, am I just on a platue or am I eating too much or too little.
If anyone could help I would appreciate it.

Hi Donna....

A couple of things jump off the page at me.

Low carb imitations of high carb things like "low carb mini bund cake(3 carbs)" often are a cause of stalls. If the shake you are having is LC rather than a low carb Protein shake I'd quit it too.

This is the other: "8oz of tuna, 1 tbsp. dill pickle(2 carbs) and ate the whole thing with pork rinds. " SALTY!! Salty things can cause a stall.

I'm not certain about the quantity you are eating. Have you put it through to get totals for the day? That would be more revealing.

If I were you I'd clean up the food I eat, back to induction foods. I wouldn't be so concerned with keeping carbs under 20, but I would definately be cutting out anything that isn't allowed on induction. That alone should give you a boost.


donnaj Mon, Feb-11-02 02:02

I was thinking about that last night after emailing the thread. It is strange that after you put your thought down they become more clearer. So, this morning, I am going back on induction and just eating induction food. No more process food, salty food and no more bund cakes. I have only ate one but the low carb shake is protein. I am even going to give it up.
So this morning:
I am going to have sausage and eggs
Lunch: 1/2 cup of tuna with hard boiled egg and 1 tbsp. of mayo on lettuce
Dinner: 2 hamburger steaks with 1 cup of green beans
I am going to uptake my water intake to 128 oz of water.

Marlaine, thanks you so much for your response. I was seriouly thinking about having a big mac attack with frys. But then I come to my senses and decided to email my friends and a special friend came to the rescue. Thanks agian.

I better get to bed, I have a doctor appointment early this morning.

Donna :wave:

Gilta Mon, Feb-11-02 07:03

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I have tried not to get on the scale until Friday. I hope the weight I gained from TOM is gone by then!

DonnaJ - Sounds like you have a good plan. I thought the same thing as Marlaine did. I am losing slowly, but increasing my water and lowering the salt is helping.

Marlaine - Did your mouth feel ok for a steak?? I don't think I could go back for another degree. I have my BS and I did it remotely so it took much longer.... yuck I hated those papers!

Sunshine - How are you doing this week? Are you back to your regular routine?

Char - How was weigh in this morning?


Cher Mon, Feb-11-02 19:47

YeY! Good Weigh in
Well, this was a good weight in...182 pounds, down a total of 14 pounds for the Valentine's day challenge and 48 pounds total. It's funny though...I've felt sort of sad I have so much more weight to lose....type of sad or maybe I should say impatient! I'm sure that I'll snap out of it quick, but, wow it's really hanging over my head right now. I tried on a dress this weekend that I haven't been able to wear for a long time and it fit...not even snug...sort of lose. Then I tried on another one thinking that it was about the same size and It's gonna take about 1 -2 more inches of weighloss (in all areas) before it fits. But, I looked at the size and it was an, there you go...that was pretty good considering the size...LOL

Gilta...I don't blame you for waiting till Friday to weight...why put yourself through that "temporary TOM" weigh in!

Marlaine...Developmental Psychology sounds good! Congratulations on being half way through your BA...and you have so much energy (That's pretty cool)!
Obviously, BFL is really helping! We will need to start a new thread soon...isn't that cool :)

DonnaJ...I'm with Marlaine regarding the stall. The things that jumped out to me were coffee (since Dr. Atkins talks about that in the book...unless it's decaf). The low carb shakes and mini bund cakes...they seem to stall a lot of people....and the salt issue was a good one...darn, we still have to watch that temporary salt weight gain (unfortunately, I have to add salt to keep me from blacking out...but, I will gain if I have a lot). Otherwise, it sounds like you're doing great. It's funny, when I went through an 8 - 10 week stall, I added 5 grams of carbs instead of going back through worked thank goodness. But then I stayed at induction for almost 3 months (Silly me...I didn't think I would lose if I went above 20 grms a, I'm at 40 grams of carbos a day).

Sunshine... :daizy: how are you doing? That Acapulco trip is getting closer and you feel ready for your cruise?

donnaj Tue, Feb-12-02 09:48

Good morning
Cher, I know what you mean about being impatient but isn't it wonderful that we can try on clothes that fit again. You have done so wonderful on losing. I went to the doctor yestersday and my blood work came back. Everything is normal except for cholestrol and he upped my liptor for a three month to see if that well lower and with this WOL he knows it will be normal in three month. I talked to him about my stall. I had gained to 175.5 and he said he was afraid to say stop using salt. I am like you I need iodine. So he said just watch the salt shaker. One thing he did say and I am celebrating :Party: I am now offically a non diabetic. My diabetes is now normal. Yea.....I love this WOL.
We talked over my menus and he said to stop eating any process food, no cheese, no low carb made food. He wants me start with proteins. Eat it for two days and record my intakes and foods and then weigh in everyday. Then on the third day, start adding one food a day and record the finding and wait two days and add another. Well, yestersday, I ate 6 sausage patties, 2 chicken breast and quess what the whoosh fairy came last night and when I weigh in this morning I am down to 172.5 :daze: So tomorrow I will add lettuce to my menu. My allergy test came back and it showed that I am allergic to sugar, flour, milk, chocolate and peanuts..... :eek: Well ladies, I will be back on this evening after I finish with house work. Hope everyone have a great day. :wave:

sunshine2 Tue, Feb-12-02 10:23

Hello All
Hey there. Well, I didn't weigh today and probably won't weigh until Valentines day, since I challenged myself to 10 pounds by Valentines day, will go ahead and weigh to see what I've done. I don't think I will hit the 10 pound challenge but I have made progress.

I am focussed now on not worrying about my weight and being so compulsive with the scales. When my body is ready to shed some weight it will. It has too. I find myself so depressed over what the scales say, that its just not healthy for me. So, I'll weigh only when I really feel like I should, maybe once a month, or every couple of weeks. I am exercising at least 3x a week, usually 4 or 5. last week was only 3, this week it will 4.

My Acapulco trip is getting closer, I got my itenerary this morning with my flight schedule and it really got me pumped up.

Cher - Congratulations is in order for you, BIG TIME. 14 pounds is nothing to be sad about, that is a very very successful month for you. Focus on how far you have come, not how far you have to go. You have come a long way baby.

Donna - That is so great, we can see the importance of this WOE health wise, it cured a very dangerous situation for you. Diabetic is nothing to play around with, but now, you are cured!!!! That is great!

Oh one other thing, Marlaine - your 4 week results were truly inspiring, thanks for sharing and we are looking forward to your 12 week results. PS - I'm taking your advice on the and will record my stuff in my journal probably on Thursday. I'll list my food for Tuesday and Wednesday complete with results.

donnaj Tue, Feb-12-02 14:35

Well deserve praise
Sunshine and Marlaine, you both are really doing wonderful. You both are so inspiring. I didn't join the Valentine Day challenge but I would like to challenge you and the ladies to a St. Patrick Day Challenge. I am going to try for 10 lbs. I would love to get into my new Easter Dress this year.

Sunshine, I bet you can wait for your trip. I know you will enjoy it tremondously.

Well everyone, I have a chicken to cut up so everyone have a good evening.

Donna :wave:

Cher Tue, Feb-12-02 14:39

OMG...that's awesome about the diabetes more diabetes....that's pretty incredible! I am so inspired by that! You should post that in the successes...because that's huge and a real testimony to the benefits of this WOE. Congratulations :cheer: Also, I'm extremely impressed with the way your doctor is working with you...he really sounds good and it sounds like he has a good understaning of the program. Although I just had my spinach artichoke dip (which I love) it wouldn't hurt me to go off the cheese with you for a few days. In fact, I think it's a great idea...So, I'll try and start that're not
alone...WOW! I'm still really impressed by the diabetes info. WTG Donna :) and you're exercise commitment inspire me! The exercise is so much more important than being on the scale. I was working out 4 - 6 times a week in Oct, Nov and Dec. Then in January and February it moved to 2 - 3 times a week because of the pain. That's probably why the scale went down faster, I may have lost some of the muscle I was working so hard to gain. I'd much rather have the muscle because that helps to increase the metabolism....and, I'll look better when i finally lose all my weight! So, it's my goal to get back to 4 - 6 workout a week again....even if It increases the scale. I've only lost 1 inch in the waist since the beginning of Janaury and I did so much better in November and December.

Sorry about the complaining yesterday...I already feel better and feel so inspired by both of your success!

sunshine2 Tue, Feb-12-02 14:49

Re: Well deserve praise
Originally posted by donnaj
Sunshine and Marlaine, you both are really doing wonderful. You both are so inspiring. I didn't join the Valentine Day challenge but I would like to challenge you and the ladies to a St. Patrick Day Challenge. I am going to try for 10 lbs. I would love to get into my new Easter Dress this year.

Sunshine, I bet you can wait for your trip. I know you will enjoy it tremondously.

Donna :wave:

Donna: I would love to do your challenge, but I think I am going to lay off myself with the challenging part for awhile. I'm doing some experimenting with different menus so that will surely slow down my weight loss, or it could pick it up. But since the Feb. 14 day challenge, and I didn't reach it or I don't think I'm going to reaach it. I decided not to try and rush myself. I will accept the fact my body loses slower than most, and accept any weight loss it give me. I am trying not to focus on the scales. I find myself too depressed over it.

Yum, chicken huh? You'll have to share some of your recipes.

and yes, I am very excited for my trip, its in 31 days. :spin:

Gilta Wed, Feb-13-02 06:46

Valentine's Day Challange
I joined late for this and also changed scales, so who knows if I reached it. I have lost 11 lbs since Jan 2 and I think that is ok. I am on the Spring time Challange right now, you should join us! I am really trying to get exercise in, but I just run out of time and energy.

I know that is a poor excuse, but it is true. I am hoping next week, I will be able to get into a routine. I am leaving for Jamaca 4/13/02. I am hoping to break the 180's by then! I am going to an all-inclusive so I won't have to worry about the cost and carbs! I told my husband I would allow myself the drinks with the umbrellas for the trip, I know there are tons of carbs, but I think I deserve it for 1 wk. There is a gym there so I will work out to burn them off. I have 8 wks to lose 6 lbs, so I think I can do it. I am hoping for 12, but I will take 6.

What i really need to do is to come up with a meal planner in advance. Is ther any sites that offer this?

thanks, Gilta

Cher Fri, Feb-15-02 00:10

Gilta...11 pounds since January 2nd is awesome! Congratulations. Where is the spring time challenge? Is it posted somewhere under that title. I'm not sure what i want to do right now...I'd like to set a goal for Easter, but, since it's only 6 weeks away...I'm thinking of something like 6 pounds by Easter. But, what i'd really like is to be down 20 - 25 pounds by the beginning of! That would be great :dazzle:

Sunshine...I left you a message in the "bikini Babes" thread...hopefully, you'll have a chance to read it soon. But, be really proud of yourself...the fact that you've kept such an awesome workout schedule just enhances how you look. You must have lost a lot of will be so toned when you've reached goal! That's awesome :bhug:

DannaJ..I've told everyone about your succes with the diabetes. That is just so awesome...I'm still thinking about it :)

Marlaine...hope all is well. I know that you're constantly on the go. Just thinking about you and hoping that you're doing great! I keep saying that I need to find your, I'll have to go search for it. Also, I really liked the fact that you've shared your progress with so many on the success thread! I'm going to take your advise and post there also...just have to sit down for a second to write my history with this WOE.

Gilta Fri, Feb-15-02 12:03

Cher, the spring time challange is another thread under the countdown club. There are quite a few of us. I just keep track of what I am doing. So far, 1.5 lbs and 1.25 inches off. I am committed to getting this "mass" off before I go in April on vacation.

Have a great weekend everyone and I will chat with you later.


Cher Fri, Feb-15-02 17:21

Springtime Challenge
Gilta...thanks for that clarification. I definitely want to lose at lease another 20 pounds by the beginning of this challenge might keep me headed in the right direction :)

donnaj Fri, Feb-15-02 19:31

Hello ladies,
Just checking in with everyone. My husband was on the computer most of the day playing a game.

Cher and Gilta, I do would like to be a least down to 140 by summer. Then I would only have 20 lbs to lose.

I hope everyone had a great VD? I know I did.

Well have to go for now but well be back on soon.
Donna :wave:

Gilta Mon, Feb-18-02 07:33

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaad w/e
It was really bad. I can't believe how bad I was. At least I exercised. It was so bad I refused to get on the scale this morning!

2 1/2 glasses white wine
sliver of homemade chocolate cake with macadamia nuts
breaded chicken

2 beers

And that is just the bad food I ate. I decided to go back on induction this week. Hopefully that will help take it off by Friday.

How did everyone else do this w/e? Is everyone healthy now?


Shirlfe Mon, Feb-18-02 10:40

Hi, I have been fooling around with the different low carb plan's and I have come to the conclusion that I am going to have to go strict Atkins, in order to get any weight off, at all!!!
I am back again!!!! This time for good.
I can do two week's of induction, I know I can!!!
I am aiming for 40 pds. in 4 month's. Shirl. :thup: :wave:

Gilta Mon, Feb-18-02 11:14


Welcome back! I know we both can make it through induction again!


Marlaine Mon, Feb-18-02 11:19

Hi there Gilta and Shirl,

There is a very interesting thread, posted by Karen, with information from Atkins newest book, regarding repeating Induction, here:

I think it's well worth reading.


Shirlfe Mon, Feb-18-02 12:28

I have a question. Can a person get to much potassium, if they take a supplement? I don't want to get cramp's. How much do I take? Thank's. Shirl :q: :wave:

Gilta Tue, Feb-19-02 08:01

Shirl - Sorry I don't know the answer, but did you try a search? I think I saw some threads on that.

Marlaine - I knew you would write that! I did read it and decided not to go fully back to induction, but to lower my amount of carbs. I have not been really losing anything, only about 1 lb/week. I know anything is good, but since I have so much to lose I thought I may be metabolic resistant. I am trying to keep my carbs under 15 until Friday. I promised I would not get on a scale either. I am hoping this helps with the resistance.


Betsy Tue, Feb-19-02 22:42


I just started my food plan and weighed in at 199.5 which got my attention fast. I chose to use the Carbo Addicts plan so I could have the one meal a day that would include my grains, calcium, etc. At this stage of my life I wanted something that would be a plan for life. I'm 52 and menopause is here. In just 4 days I've lost 3 lbs. and the bloat feeling is leaving me. Thank heaven! I eat 4 oz. protein only at breakfast, same for lunch, then have a balanced meal of my choice for dinner. For me this is something I can live with, but that's just my opinion. I know me, and I know I don't do well feeling deprived. This plan for me addresses that.

My goal is 145. I made a dessert last night of 1 sliced apple with 1/2 cup high grain cereal with nuts, stirred it up and baked for 30 minutes, added some cool whip on top. Filling, healthy and good!

donnaj Wed, Feb-20-02 03:25

Good morning ladies,

Marlaine, Thanks for opening my eyes. I have increased my carb level and am still losing losing. Thanks you.

Gilta and Shirl, I know both of you will make it. When I fall off the wagon so to speak, I just hop back on and not look back.

Welcome Betsy to the forumn. You have come to the right place for support and encouragement. I didn't start to gain weight(my highest was 215) when I started through menopause. I started at 35 . I am now just stoping the hot flashes. :D Good luck on your journey and welcome again.

Well ladies, have a wonderful low carb day.
Donna :wave:

Gilta Thu, Feb-21-02 06:43

Good Morning All
I have been faithful and have not measured or weighed myself since Sunday. Since then, my calories have been between 1600-2000, carbs < 20, fat 60 - 70% and protein around 20-30%. I know my calories should be more like 19-2000, but I just could not eat anymore yesterday!

I am just not sure if I lost anything, but I feel really good that I made it through the week. I did not eat any nuts and was real limited on the bacon. I hope this pays off. I will let you know how I make out.

Shirl, how do you make out?

Marlaine - how's school this week? Are you out?

DonnaJ - If this doesn't work, I may try Marlaine's suggestion that helped you!

Betsy - Welcome. I don't know the program you are on, but I am more than happy to help/support anyway I can.

Cher - Where are you? On vacation?

Sunshine - You must be getting close now to the trip. I am going to Dominican Republic on 4/13. My goal is 15 lbs in 50 days or 7.1 wks. I think I can do it as long as I stay on track. That would be about 2 lbs/week. If this new strategy I have works, I should be able to.


donnaj Fri, Feb-22-02 10:32

Good morning ladies,
How is evryone this fine morning? I am doing great.

Marlaine, How is school? I realy am envious, I really miss school. If I had the money to go back for my masters. I would. Maybe one day my dream will come true. I could be the first every lo carb diet therapist. :D

Sunshine and Gilta, I know both of you are getting excited about your trips. You both well look marvelous by the time you go. Take plenty of pictures and share with us when you get back.

Well today is laundry for me so I better go and get it done.
Everyone have a wonderful lo carb day.
Donna :wave:

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