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ALEKA Tue, Aug-17-04 12:54

Just a quick stop by to say Hi!!!

Hope you have a great day today!!!

diemde Tue, Aug-31-04 20:22

Tuesday, 8/31

Ok, my work on the rental property is complete, so I can get back into my workout routines. I decided to do 3 sets of 8 for everything and start with lower weights.

Squats - 3 sets of 8, no weights
leg extensions - 3 sets of 8, 5 lbs
Knee lifts - 3 sets of 8, 5 lbs
Standing leg curls - 3 sets of 8, 5 lbs
Side latteral raises - 3 sets of 8, 5 lbs
One-arm rows - 3 sets of 8, 10 lbs
Seated shoulder press - 3 sets of 8, 10 lbs
Seated one-arm curls - 3 sets of 8, 10 lbs
overhead extensions - 3 sets of 8, 10 lbs each arm
Ham stretches

diemde Wed, Sep-01-04 20:38

Wednesday, 9/1

WATP, 23 mins of the 2 mi walk, no stretchy band

diemde Thu, Sep-02-04 17:26

Thursday, 9/2
35 minutes

warm up - first 4 mins of 2 mile WAP
Squats - 3 sets of 8, no weights
leg extensions - 3 sets of 8, 5 lbs
Knee lifts - 3 sets of 8, 5 lbs
Standing leg curls - 3 sets of 8, 5 lbs
Side latteral raises - 2 sets of 8, 5 lbs
One-arm rows - 3 sets of 8, 15 lbs
Seated shoulder press - 3 sets of 8, 15 lbs
Seated one-arm curls - 2 sets of 8, 15 lbs, 4 at 15 lbs & 4 at 10 lbs
overhead extensions - 2 sets of 8, 20 lbs, 1 set of 8, 15 lbs
Ham stretches

I can see that I lost some strength, but I'm sure I'll build back up.

diemde Sun, Sep-05-04 08:14

Sunday, 9/5
39 minutes

warm up - first 4 mins of 2 mile WAP
Squats - 3 sets of 8, no weights
leg extensions - 3 sets of 8, 5 lbs
Knee lifts - 3 sets of 8, 10 lbs
Standing leg curls - 3 sets of 8, 10 lbs
Side latteral raises - 3 sets of 8, 5 lbs
One-arm rows - 3 sets of 6, 20 lbs
shrugs, 3 sets of 8, 10 lbs
Arnies - 3 sets of 6, 15 lbs
Seated one-arm curls - 3 sets of 6, 15 lbs
overhead extensions - 3 sets of 6, 20 lbs
Ham stretches

I did great on the squats today. It's hard for me to tell, but I think I'm getting close to parallel. I could feel it today. I'll have to have DD video them again.

I tried the Arnies today. Kept weight the same as last time, but only did 6 reps since I wasn't sure how I'd do. I could feel it by the end of the 3rd set, so this was the right amount.

We are going swimming this afternoon at my sister's cookout. I normally wouldn't plan a cardio session the same day as lifting, but I think it'll be ok. I'll load up on the protein. And I might even have a few extra carbs before swimming.

Edited to add that I swam (played) in the pool twice today. Each time about 45-60 minutes.

diemde Tue, Sep-07-04 19:47

Tuesday, 9/6

My muscles are still too sore from Sunday to do much. I did about 15 minutes of the 2 mile WAP, but I wasn't giving it my all. Now, I'm sure it was from the squats I did Sunday. I then thought I'd try some upper body work and found that those muscles are still sore, too. That's probably from the swimming. At least I tried. :D

diemde Wed, Sep-08-04 16:52

Wednesday, 9/8

warm up - first 4 mins of 2 mile WAP
Squats - 3 sets of 8, no weights
leg extensions - 3 sets of 8, 5 lbs
Knee lifts - 3 sets of 8, 10 lbs
Standing leg curls - 3 sets of 8, 10 lbs
Side latteral raises - 3 sets of 8, 5 lbs
One-arm rows - 3 sets of 8, 15 lbs
Arnies - 3 sets of 8, 15 lbs
Seated one-arm curls - 2 sets of 8 and 2 sets of 6, 15 lbs
overhead extensions - 3 sets of 8, 20 lbs
shrugs - 3 sets of 8, 15 lbs
13 minutes of cardio, HR up to 127

I'm forgot that I had gone on up to 20 lbs on the one arm rows. I need a gym log book that I can take into my workout area with me, but haven't found one I like. I don't want to constantly have to rewrite the exercises and all the ones I've seen make you do that.

The workout felt good tonight. I probably pushed a little too hard again on the squats, but they felt right. I'm still not parallel, but getting close. If I'm sore tomorrow at least I'll know I made progress. :D

diemde Fri, Sep-10-04 18:25

Friday, 9/10

30 minutes of the 3 mile WAP, HR up to 132

ALEKA Fri, Sep-10-04 19:04

Doing great Dianne---I assume you are using dumb bells?? And the WAP is also a killer!!! Keep up the great job and have a good weekend.!! Alice

Built Fri, Sep-10-04 19:07

Good job on easing into the squat world! You really have to go slow to ease into them, especially if you don't weigh, like, a hundred pounds when you start... :rolleyes: but they're totally worth taking the time to grow into.


diemde Sat, Sep-11-04 09:22

Saturday, 9/11, 56 minutes

warm up - first 4 mins of 3 mile WAP
Squats - 3 sets of 8, no weights
leg extensions - 3 sets of 8, 6.5 lbs
Knee lifts - 3 sets of 8, 11.5 lbs
Standing leg curls - 3 sets of 8, 11.5 lbs
Side latteral raises - 3 sets of 6, 8 lbs
One-arm rows - 3 sets of 8, 20 lbs
Arnies - 3 sets of 8, 15 lbs
Seated one-arm curls - 3 sets of 8, 15 lbs
overhead extensions - 3 sets of 8, 20 lbs
shrugs - 3 sets of 8, 20 lbs
10 minutes of cardio, HR up to 124

I had a good workout today. I wore my HR monitor and noticed at one point my HR had gone up to 119 during the lifting. Had a few extra carbs pre WO since it was so early in the day. I also tried an experiment post WO. I added 1 Tsp of Nestle's Quik to my cottage chese (it was the only quick high carb thing in the house). That brings the carbs to 6 for post WO. I want to see if it makes a difference on how quickly my muscles recover. I'm not sure how I'll really know, though. :lol:

Squats were great today. I felt like I had good control up and down. I think I finally hit parallel, but will confirm it when I can have DD capture it on video. I wish I had some mirrors in there.

I struggled with the last 2 on the curls on both arms - had to have the other arm assist getting the DB up. I think it's because I'm doing the other arm work before them. Next time I'll drop back down and do 2 sets of 8 followed by 3 sets of 6 to see if that helps.

Built Sat, Sep-11-04 09:43

Hey there

Couple of things:


You REALLY need to watch your form and symmetry when you train. It's not JUST because we're vain that bodybuilders use gyms with wall-to-wall mirrors. :lol:

Your workout does quads, hams, shoulders, back, more shoulders, biceps, triceps, and more back (upper trap).

You may wish to break up your workout into legs and an upper body part, say, quads, then shoulders chest and triceps, and then maybe hams, with back and biceps, and alternate between the two.

You may also wish to switch up the order of your workouts - it can be very helpful to do a lagging bodypart first - if you want to build up a part, do it before you do the rest of your body. Generally, we do back before biceps because back is the larger muscle group, but it's not gospel - I've made excellent gains in my biceps by doing them first for about a month of workouts - it's great for busting plateaus.


diemde Sun, Sep-12-04 11:16

Sunday, 9/12
50 minutes

3 mile WAP, including light stretchy band, HR up to 130

I was only going to do the first 30 minutes of the WAP. I don't like doing this much cardio, but I was really feeling good so I just kept going and going and going. :lol:

My muscles were not in the least sore today from the workout yesterday. I got in 127g of protein yesterday, so it was either that, or the post WO carbs I took.

I'm finally coming to the conclusion that the best time for me to workout is on the weekends. I just feel like I can really focus on it and take the time I need. I don't have all the other priorities calling my name. :lol:

Built Sun, Sep-12-04 11:18

Good job on your endurance, kiddo!

Your body is getting better at recovering, plus the appropriate nutrients around your workout helped do their magic.

I'm so happy for you! You're really working with this process!

ALEKA Sun, Sep-12-04 11:23

Sounds like you have a good plan Dianne. Maybe just do your WATP during the week and then lifting over the weekend.
Have a great Sunday!!

ALEKA Mon, Sep-13-04 11:10

Happy Monday Dianne--

Just got back from doing my Cardio. Puff-Puff!!!

Hope your Cardio goes great for you!!!!

diemde Mon, Sep-13-04 21:04

Monday, 9/13
50 minutes

3 mile WAP, including light stretchy band, HR up to 136

ALEKA Tue, Sep-14-04 12:58

Hi Dianne--

Just stopping by to say hi and let you know I really did push myself today. I actually did 5 minutes straight of the elliptical and Burned and burned!!! Don't look forward to that again tomorrow during cardio :(

Anyway--hope you have a great work out this evening.

ALEKA Wed, Sep-15-04 14:49

It is Wednesday and no post for last night----Am I going to have to send the low carb/calorie cops over here?????

diemde Wed, Sep-15-04 19:25

Wednesday, 9/15, approx. 50 minutes

warm up - first 4 mins of 3 mile WAP
Squats - 3 sets of 8, no weights
leg extensions - 4 sets of 8, 6.5 lbs
Knee lifts - 4 sets of 8, 11.5 lbs
Standing leg curls - 4 sets of 8, 11.5 lbs
Seated one-arm curls - 2 sets of 8, 2 sets of 6, both at 15 lbs
Side latteral raises - 3 sets of 6, 8 lbs
One-arm rows - 4 sets of 8, 20 lbs
Arnies - 3 sets of 8, 15 lbs
overhead extensions - 3 sets of 8, 20 lbs
shrugs - 3 sets of 8, 20 lbs

I put the curls earlier. I still struggled with the last rep in each of the last 2 sets, primarily on the left arm. I was thinking that next time, I could start off the first set with 1 curl at 20 lbs, then go back and finish that set and the rest of the sets with 15 lbs. Sound ok?

I don't yet have a 25 lb weight, so I went ahead and did 4 sets of one arm rows. On the leg items, I'm using 3 different ankle weights to get to the 11.5 lbs. :lol: I'm going to have to do something soon with getting some real equipment. I don't think I'm going to be able to hold off til we move. Any other ideas on how to do leg curls without equipment?

One question on the leg curls - when I do them, it almost feels like I'm going to get a cramp in the hamstrings. Is that normal? I've never done much with those muscles, so I haven't a clue what it really feels like to work them hard. I don't get a cramp, it just feels similar to the start of a cramp.

Alice, I did my workout, so you don't have to send the cops. But, if you want to send a good looking one anyway, just wait til after I get my shower. :lol:

Built Wed, Sep-15-04 20:55

Hey, your weights are really coming along!

Dunno about the leg curls - I've never done 'em standing up.

How about doing deadlifts for your hammies? Like with squats, start with NO weight, two sets of 4, see how it feels. You ever done deads? I like them this way:

Note how the butt is out, the chest is out, the head looks forward, and the weight is DIRECTLY over the feet.

diemde Thu, Sep-16-04 05:51

I am not a bit sore this morning. I guess that means I have to work harder. Now on some of these, I lifted to failure. I litterally had trouble getting the muscles to do the last rep. So I'm not sure how I could work even harder. I guess I'll have to try shaking it up a bit... maybe go to a higher weight and less reps in some cases.

ALEKA Thu, Sep-16-04 08:53

:lol: :lol: Hi Dianne--Happy Thursday--

Way to go on the work out. As I understand it--once you are able to lift a weight relatively easy--it is time to move on to more reps or higher weights. I just started moving mine up again.

I also felt like I was going to get a charlie horse in my calfs --What I did was make sure I was getting enough potassium or calcium/magnesium combination. Don't know if that helps but I had run out of potassium and hadn't taken it in a while.

Anyway--If I knew any good lookin food cops I would surely share them with you, Unfortunately--Bill is always hanging around here so those hunks steer clear of my place.:lol: :lol:

Have a good day and work out!!!!

Lessara Thu, Sep-16-04 10:29

Thank you for dropping by and for all that very useful info!! I see what you are doing and am inspired! Thanks so much!

liftnlady Thu, Sep-16-04 17:16

Originally Posted by diemde
I am not a bit sore this morning. I guess that means I have to work harder. Now on some of these, I lifted to failure. I litterally had trouble getting the muscles to do the last rep. So I'm not sure how I could work even harder. I guess I'll have to try shaking it up a bit... maybe go to a higher weight and less reps in some cases.

soreness is not always an indicator of success...if you are going to failure then your are fatiguing the might try changing you tempo. For instance do a 604 tempo...meaning on a bicep curl lift the weight for a count of 6, 0 pause at the top, and then lower the weight for a count of will be surprised how heavy the tiniest of weights become. This is known as time under tension and is sometimes as effective as going heavy.

liftnlady Thu, Sep-16-04 22:27

Di, that sounds just fine...mixing it up is what is key. When you get a little stronger try the 604, that is the preferred slow tempo if you really kills. Funny thing about shoulders, Built and I were discussing that very thing one day...we were both quuen of shoulder pads a few years we have been there, keep up the good work and feel free to ask anything you like I am always here to help.

ALEKA Fri, Sep-17-04 11:11

Hi Dianne, Happy Friday__

Hope you get your exercises lifting in on the weekend like you talked about. I got my cardio in this morning--Ugh!! Just not my thing!!---Anyway--Have a great weekend.

diemde Fri, Sep-17-04 21:01

Friday, 9/17, approx. 65 minutes

warm up - first 5 mins of 3 mile WAP
Squats - 3 sets of 8, no weights
leg extensions - 4 sets of 8, 6.5 lbs
Knee lifts - 4 sets of 8, 11.5 lbs
Standing leg curls - 4 sets of 8, 11.5 lbs
Seated one-arm curls - 2 at 20 lbs, 2 sets of 8, 2 sets of 6, both at 15 lbs
Side latteral raises - 3 sets of 6, 8 lbs
One-arm rows - 4 sets of 8, 20 lbs
Arnies - 3 sets of 8, 15 lbs
overhead extensions - 3 sets of 8, 20 lbs
shrugs - 3 sets of 8, 20 lbs
5 minutes of in place stepping

I decided to go ahead and get my workout done tonight. It went a little long because I went a little slower while watching TV. :rolleyes: I was tired and probably should have waited til tomorrow. It was a good test to confirm that I really do need 2 days rest in between sessions. I really wasn't sure before.

Built Fri, Sep-17-04 21:48

Sometimes there's no other way to know. And hey, at least you got your workout in!

Have a nice weekend Diemde.


diemde Mon, Sep-20-04 22:50

Monday, 9/20, approx. 48 minutes

warm up - a few stretches
Squats - 3 sets of 8, no weights
leg extensions - 4 sets of 8, 10 lbs
Knee lifts - 4 sets of 8, 11.5 lbs
Standing leg curls - 4 sets of 8, 11.5 lbs
Seated one-arm curls - 2 at 20 lbs, 4 sets of 6, 15 lbs
Side latteral raises - 3 sets of 6, 8 lbs
One-arm rows - 3 sets of 6, 23 lbs
Arnies - 4 sets of 6, 15 lbs
overhead extensions - 3 sets of 8, 20 lbs
shrugs - 3 sets of 8, 20 lbs

I'm not pleased with my workout tonight. I can't put my finger on why, but it just wasn't satisfying. I may have to bite the bullet and get a gym membership. I'm maxing out on the leg work I can do with the ankle weights. And I started combining dumbbells again on the one arm rows.

Squats were good tonight... gaining much more control. But the knees still complain a bit. I tried a wider stance and got lower during the middle set. It's just not gonna be a comfortable move at this weight no matter what I do. :lol:

Oh, and I forgot to note that I did 2 hours of walking at the mall... along with trying on dozens of clothes. :D

Edited to add: Maybe the lifting didn't feel right because I did all that walking at the mall. Kinda makes sense. I had eaten a high carb dinner about an hour before lifting, though.

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