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addicted2s Tue, Jan-06-04 22:03

Hi All,
I just found out I made a hugh banking error.. aahhhh
All I want to do is eat , eat and eat.I decide to come here and post instead , maybe it'll help.
Back in Nov. I had to write two post dated checks to the college DD will be attending . I forgot to write them down when I transfered to a new account register. DH is not going to be happy.
I'm so mad at myself , and upset. My brain is saying feed me , It'll make you feel better. I am totally an emotional eater. I know it won't make me feel any better and then tomorrow I'd feel even worse for going off the WOE.
Worse things could happen . So I should just fix the mess, pay the bank fees , and go on .
Well since I can not trust my self not to eat , I'm going to jump in the tub then go to bed . So I won't even get near the kitchen.

Thanks for letting me vent.

angieK Tue, Jan-06-04 22:24

Tina--good choice--staying away from the kitchen

Mossling Wed, Jan-07-04 00:10

Tina, I'm sorry to hear about the entry mistake; and boy can I relate! Where is your DD going to go? My two just HAD to pick Boston University and New York University for their undergrad...which put them both on the other side of the country in schools which are, shall we say, NOT the cheapest? And, somehow, transportation didn't come out as low as projected in the "can you afford college" profiles!

And brilliant idea:

Originally Posted by addicted2s
Well since I can not trust my self not to eat , I'm going to jump in the tub then go to bed . So I won't even get near the kitchen.

You definitely can't eat with soapy, soggy fingers!

Adukart-- wk#1...129..wk#2...128.5..
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..wk2..191.5
Kat --wk#1..169..wk#2..169
Lise-- wk 1... 203.. Wk #2... 200
Liv2004 --wk 1...232..wk#2..232
Michelle--wk 1...162..wk2..162
Mossling-- wk#1...278..wk2...276
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210..wk#2..207
Nikki-- wk#1...188..wk#2.. 186
Teresa--wk 1...197..wk2..198
Zuleka wk.1...171..

stacysheil Wed, Jan-07-04 05:59

Good Morning all,
I was just wondering if any of you had the new low carb cookbook from Avon. I would like to find a cookbook that has normal ingredients not all the atkins brand stuff because my store doesnt have any of that stuff and I dont want to order it online.

Will post more later.

Have a great day.

Maureen, have you exercised yet? Stop reading my posts right now, get off the computer and exercise. JUST KIDDING

rodmick Wed, Jan-07-04 06:58

WELCOME to the new members.
Mushyroom, I wish I had a 10 for everytime I fell off the LC wagon. I'd be rich! But you know what I still have lost. Just keep on plugging away!
I got on the scale. I just felt like I lost. After 3 days f good eatting I'm up 2. I hate pms!

Tina, call the bank, explain the mistake and ask them to remove the charges. I made a mistake and bounced 3 checks before christmas(the bank covers them but charges). I explained how it happened, they looked up my history (to see if it's a habit or an accident). They removed all three charges just by me asking. 30$ per check. I doesn't hurt to ask!

TerryLynne Wed, Jan-07-04 09:00

Originally Posted by Mossling
You definitely can't eat with soapy, soggy fingers!

Originally Posted by angieK
By the way your meal wasn't all bad--butter is allowed. LOL
I just love you guys, talk about support and encouragement!!!! Thanking God AGAIN for ALL of you!!!

Sheila, you asked how I broke my stall (6 weeks at 249/250 with no inches lost)... Actually I didn't change a thing except vitamins (will explain in a sec). I thought about all the things I could try, more carbs, less carbs, more calories, less calories, more fat, planned cheat, fat fast, more exercise, recording food on fitday... drove myself crazy analysing what I ate and was doing and decided to "just keep swimming" (Dory from Finding Nemo) because I truely felt what I was doing was right. Also 250 is a weight I've weighed for over ten years, (my start weight was a short term high) and I think my body didn't believe me that I was serious. I had taken the Atkins vitamins for two months and ran out for the first 5 weeks of my stall. I read about CoQ10 helping someone who'd stalled so I bought that and more of the Atkins vits (Basic 3, Essential Oils, Advantage) and a week later my stall broke. Coincidence??? Who know's ... If anyone wants to try the Atkins vits, the cheapest I've found them is at and Walmart(more than vitacost) (My official weigh in for my signature weight is tomorrow so I can hardly "weight" to record my new loss there)

mushyroom Wed, Jan-07-04 10:26

Rodmick and AngieK Thanks for the encouragement. I am going to start again, counting today as "day 1". For breakfast I had 2 eggs, with 1 T of mayo and 1 T of ranch dressing and a cup of coffee. Fitday counts this as 4 carbs. Okay, I'm off to a good start.

rainopal Wed, Jan-07-04 11:14

I miscalculated. To my dismay I gained 7 lbs over the holidays, not only 4. I may stay on induction this time until I have lost those 7 pounds.

Tina, it sounds like you handled a very stressful situation magnificently. Congratulations.

About those 2 cinnamon bagels - we're surrounded by temptation, if we slip up once in a while it doesn't mean we are undeserving or weak. You're still here and still trying. That makes you a winner in my book.

want2bfit Wed, Jan-07-04 12:24

Mushyroom congrats for a great start. Hope I don't insult you by saying your breakfast sounded really yukky. What did you do with the mayo and ranch. If you made egg salad that doesn't sound bad but I am imagining scrambled.

Terry, you are an awesome lady. I have been stuggling in the 240's for at least 2 months now. I have not been faithful to this WOE. My goal for Jan is to be in the 230's. Your whole family is doing great.

Sheila, When I saw your message I signed off. Didn't come back on til I did the 2 mile WAP. Thanks so much. That is exaxtly what I need.

Angie, please help me name my journal. I feel it would be a huge accomplishment.

DD is home today. She asked me to play with her so I will chat with you all later. Have a blessed day friends, Maureen

want2bfit Wed, Jan-07-04 12:27

Forgot to mention that I went to the surgeons today and when he walked in to the exam room he said "You lost weight didn't you". I was so shocked but it really made my day. I have an appt with him in 3 months. Hopefully I will lose a few more inches by then.

Nat490 Wed, Jan-07-04 12:30

Good Morning Everyone,
Wow I am so proud of you all, your advice and the way your handling yourselves is awesome. So inspiring to me and I bet to others.

Hum did I hear there was a new cookbook out by Avon for LCing. Does anyone know the name of it. Perking up ears and flashing eyes across the screen. <giggle> If so pass along the name of it please.

Nothing new here so far. Anthony is all packed for Florida for his 3 weeks of fun in the sun. <giggle it is raining there> He is looking forward to spending time with his Dad who will be 89 on Thursday. This man is younger then all of us and never stops at 89. It is amazing to be around him. But when he is around and being Italian he is always saying EAT EAT you need to EAT. (snicker) So I am glad just Anthony is going and not us too this trip. At 2pm will run Anthony to get a pedicure and then off to Simi Valley to our Daughters and then to LAX tonight for a redeye flight. Boy do I hate driving the LA freeways even at midnight. I have a box of new Hersey sugar free and carb free candy for the ride. (Note to self don't eat the whole box or you will not be able to go anywhers for 2 days,)

Rainopal, I too gain 7 pounds over the holidays with bad choices but have already drop 2 of them 7 pounds. So we will get there, just will take a little longer. I know in my heart we all can do it.

Well I better get to making my bed. Don't want to come home to a dirty house.

katlynweb Wed, Jan-07-04 12:44

Checking in
Just dropping by to check in. Thanks for all the welcomes and thanks for including me on the list (this computer stuff is still new to me! :rolleyes: ) Still on Induction and will stay on it until I see some substantial weight loss! I keep reading about people who lose at the beginning and then hit a stall, or lose very slowly or lose too fast, etc.etc. I am the only person I know who has lost ABSOLUTELY NOTHING throughout my (5 weeks so far) Induction. If anyone has any tips how I can jump start this thing PLEASE feel free to advise me! You are also welcome to visit my journal and leave tips (please). I DO have hypothyroidism and have been stable with meds for most of last year. Recent blood tests (after starting this WOE) showed I was out of whack again so now on new dosage of Synthroid (Dr. keeps warning me that the regulation of my thyroid is not a "magic" cure for losing weight...but hey! I can HOPE :lol: )

stacysheil Wed, Jan-07-04 12:56

Nat I will get you the name of the book, I sell Avon, but I have to get my bok out and get the exact name.

Way to go Maureen, I havent gotten my walk in today, I have been too busy changing the living room for my DH so he can hang his pictures he bought last night. We have deer and turkey hanging on our walls and he wants them all on one wall so I had to adjust everything.

Dont feel bad for gaining through the holiday, about 2 months ago I was 170 and look at me now. I should just kick myself if I could but instead I am back to low carbing and I think I have lost 5 of them at least. I didnt get to weigh this morning but I weighed 180 yesterday morning.

Talk toyou all tomorrow.


mushyroom Wed, Jan-07-04 13:21

Originally Posted by want2bfit
Mushyroom congrats for a great start. Hope I don't insult you by saying your breakfast sounded really yukky. What did you do with the mayo and ranch. If you made egg salad that doesn't sound bad but I am imagining scrambled.

:lol: It was egg salad. :lol:

angieK Wed, Jan-07-04 13:24

Okay thinking of a name for journal--how about
--want2bfit in 2004 or
--want2bfit for life or
--My life, My exercise plan, My WOE.
--Let's shake things up for 2004
Feel free to use any or none.
Nice that your doctor noticed and said something--it does make your day.

Nat nice to hear from you. You seem so busy and you still have time to cook. wow.

Mushyroom that's the spirit
Shiela you are doing well and back on track.
Kat that sounds so frusturating--keep going it has to pay off soon.
Terry I am soooooo proud of you--you over came a stall by staying true to this WOE and it has paid off.

I am off today because of our snow/rain storm. Went out this morning to shovel and get my exercise in. So I plan to just sit around and do not too much the rest of the day. I still have a couple of christmas decorations to put away.

Nat490 Wed, Jan-07-04 14:09

Please do and then I will have to find a Avon person here in the desert lol
orrrrrrrrrr you can email me private
Same user name and I can buy it from you!

CindyLynn Wed, Jan-07-04 14:31

I feel so yucky! Our computer has been broken for the past 2 days and I had to fix. And I got off my plan!

I was KISSing, and in the past two crazy frustrating days I had things like pepperoni, bacon, peanutbutter, cheese, and atkins bars. It was all legal. But that plus returning to my weight routine was caused me to put on a bit of water and feel bloated. I'm going back to KISSing as of right now, and hopefully I feel alot better really soon.

Annie-Pie Wed, Jan-07-04 15:46

Boy did we have one doozy of a winter storm. Schools closed again today for the 3rd day. Looks like they'll be back tomorrow, even though we still have about 5-6" left. The main roads are icy/sloshy in parts. 2-1/2 weeks is long enough, made worse when we can't go anywhere.

Tina, that is too bad about the checks. I've done that myself and could kick myself. Good decision in checking in with us instead of grabbing the food--which would only make things worse!

Terry Lynne do you feel al difference when taking the supplements? Right now I don't take any. I know the Atkins program recommends them.

Sheila don't feel bad about the weight gain. I did too but am back on track. We will win.

Cindy I haven't paid attention to the KISS Method at all. Are the foods you mentioned giving you problems?
Nat I can just see you driving down the CA freeway and having to stop at every rest area. Don't eat the whole bags like I did a few months back--in a half-hour's time. BAAAAD mistake.


rodmick Wed, Jan-07-04 16:36

Hi all just a quick check in. Good day as far as lc. I am getting pms cravings. They won't win. It helps that there is no junk in the house I like.

Want 2 be fit, how about "getting fit in 2004", "fit and healthy in 2004", "fitness, my gift 2 me".
I guess just not "want to be" because YOU WILL BE!

huggs2ewe Wed, Jan-07-04 17:37

Well looks lkie there are a few of us here on the West Coast that have had an interesting time with the weather. The funny thing is that here in Chilliwack although we got some of it, we seem to have missed all the stuff you guys in Vancouver and Washington State got. It's just like we are in this little cacoon that starts both east and west of us. We did get some snow again last night but not the foot they were predicting. Hopefully we will not see the freeze tonight because then we could be in trouble with the rain right now on top of the snow left over.

I am so feeling positive and pumped with this WOE in the last couple of days... loosing over the holidays gave me back my momentum... though I am walking around at night feeling like I should have more than the nuts to snack on. got used to the snacking on the lc chocolate that I made. Almost bought some the other day, but need to keep away from it... I want to keep it as simple as before the holidays.

Kat if your thyroid is out of wack that would explain the slow wt loss, the thyroid has such an effect. But I bet if you get your levels in check and keep to this WOL you will find that you get back down.

and if anyone wants to remind me to get my you know what off the couch after diner and get on the Treadmill, I will be grateful... the couch is becoming my favorite spot next to being on line checking the forum.... NOW if we could figure out a way to surf, read and post while walking on the treadmill.... Hmm now there's a thought LOL

Well I best sign off for now and finish up my work... slacking off :)

catch you all later!

want2bfit Wed, Jan-07-04 18:12

Heather, so glad to here it was salad:lol:

Cindy, those processed foods also make me retain water. I am trying to stay away from them but they are so conveinent.:cry:

Great attitude, Michelle.:dazzle:

Had a great day. Exercised, played monopoly and cards with DD, played the piano a little (teaching myself), stayed on plan, didn't weigh myself (had DD hide the scale), cooking a great dinner, Mexican Chicken salad from Atkins site & pumpkin curry soup. I felt like I actually accomplished something but tired now.

Ok, here's the deal. :idea: You all can choose the name of my journal. This small stuff stresses me to much. Your votes must be postmarked here by Friday 1/9 10:00 a.m. (Hope someone votes:yay: ) You may choose one off the following list or add one to it. You all are just the greatest. This is silly but I get so excited when I see someone has posted here. Thank you all.

1-want2bfit in 2004 or
2-want2bfit for life
3-My life, My exercise plan, My WOE
4-Let's shake things up for 2004
5-Getting fit in 2004
6-Fit and healthy in 2004
7-Fitness, my gift 2 me
8-Enjoying life more in 2004

Wenzday Wed, Jan-07-04 18:27

I choose 7. Also you will enver see the name and I dont think most ppl do either! ;) most ppl just click your journal link when they read a post by you and are interested... ;) I have no idea what mine is even called... lol

Marieshops Wed, Jan-07-04 19:01

Hello Everyone,
Want2bfit - I vote for #2
All of you in the snow, you have my sympathy. It is supposed to be below freezing here tonight, which is unusual. I couldn't deal with all the snow and ice. It would be pretty for a day or two and then I would either hibernate like a bear or move to Florida!
I can't believe I actually did it - I joined a little gym near my home. This is from a person who doesn't do "exercise" very well, but I have got to start. If I could learn to eat this new and wonderful way, I should be able to lift weights and get in better shape somehow. Hopefully, this will help or at least provide something for the other gym people to laugh at!! :)
Take care all,

TAK Wed, Jan-07-04 19:49

Want2bfit, I like #6 - I think it is good to always remember the "health" aspect of weight loss.

It is chilly in NE Indiana, but it is sooooo icy. I hate walking on ice.

Well, since my weight gain of one pound after one week, I'm now on day two with no nuts, deli meats, cheese, or nutrasweet. Since I always try to eat "real foods" and since not I'm not eating a ton of veggies, I guess I'm actually pretty much on induction again then, aren't I? Hopefully, this will jump start me! I'm taking Friday off, and I'm getting blood work done to check on my cholesterol. I also plan to re-read some of my Atkins book.

Good work everyone!

huggs2ewe Wed, Jan-07-04 21:15

Tak - make sure you are getting closer to 20 carbs or your body won't let go of the fat it will think it's in starvation mode.

Want2befit - I like # 2 or 7. I wish that I could change my journal title it's really boring... when I started it I had no idea it would be my journal title ... "My first try at journalling" how boring... I would love to change it to something catchy.

Not to bad out tonight... hopefully the rain stays away so I can get into the hot tub... been missing my soak. Maybe I should get on the treadmill first...procrastination is my new middle name. :(

Annie-Pie Wed, Jan-07-04 21:49

I vote for #7 because this will be an ongoing journal. You aren't limiting yourself to just 2004.

TAK: Please don't eliminate too many whole foods. Nuts,like unsalted almonds, carry only 1 carb per serving! Yum! And don't worry about cheeses.

You need the fat to burn the fat.
When I was at a stall, Nat told me to go up to 30. I cringed at the thought of it!

But it sure did work. Now I manage between 20 and 30 a day. Any less than 20 a day and your body will hold on tight to that fat.

Whole foods like meats, cheeses, eggs, nuts, veggies and select fruits are so encouraged. Don't forget the cream cheese, sour cream, mayo, butter---did someone say this is a "diet"? LOL

Also drink ahead of your thirst with water, water, water!

Did we tell you yet how pretty your wedding picture is? You look like a model.


Mossling Wed, Jan-07-04 23:45

huggs2ewe, for us to be have an ideal time, where we can exercise AND read/post at the same time, we'll have to get laptops with airports! Sorry, DH and DS are both computer geeks,

Annie, don't know about anyone else, or even if they help w/the weight loss, but I just plain feel better when I've taken my supplements. I have more energy, more zip, and most of the time more brain power. (Today was not a high brain power day...)

Want2befit, I vote for #7. (This is, of course, from someone who doesn't have a journal...) It seems so positive!


huggs2ewe Wed, Jan-07-04 23:58

jude ;),
we could make mega bucks if we could figure out a voice activated way to navigate and type in our responses while on the treadmill. And I say this as once again I didn't get on the treadmill. Got a phone call from a friend in need and low and behold it was after 9 when I got off the phone and too late. My father in law lives downstairs and it would be to late to disturb him.... thats my excuse for today and I'm sticking to it. Tomorrow is another day.

stacysheil Thu, Jan-08-04 04:28

Wow so many posts this morning, there is no way I can respond to them all. I did notice one thread about getting close to 20 carbs. I probably get nowhere near that. I eat plenty and dotn get hungry, I just dont get many carbs in. Like yesterday the only carbs I got was from eggs and mayo. Yesterday was good as far as low carb goes but I didnt get in any veggies at all and I had been working on that. Just seemed like I was in a hurry all day, I had so many things I wanted to get done and didnt have time to stop an think about eating.

Nat you can go to and you can find the book there, you can also order from there. Most time they have free shpping offered, if you ordered from me you would have to pay shipping and I wouldnt want youto have to do that.

I jumped on the scales this morning and they said 177, I knew that couldnt be right so I got on again and again and sure enough it wasnt right. Im satisfied tho because it said 180.5 and I normally dont weigh in til 9:30 so hopefully it will be in the 170's when I do.

I have been getting dizzy of the night times in my sleep, I dont know whats up with that unless I am eating my supper too early. I usually dont go to bed hungry. I guess that is just too long to go without food.

I saw an old neighbor yesterday that Ihadnt saw in about 3 months. I almost didnt know her. She looked like she had lost 100lbs. I asked her how she did it and she smiled and said "Atkins" she said that so many people had been talking about me and that I was on atkins that she tried it. I was really amazed at her progress and it goes to show you that this woe does work. I didnt get to talk to her much but I do plan on talking more about it toher.

My little boy who is 4 just about scared me to death yesterday. He didnt want me walking, he wanted me to play with him so he said, " I know how to make you stop" he then grabbed my knob on my treadmill and just gave it a big turn. Luckily he turned it down instead of up or he would have thrown me off the thing, lol.

I was just thinking that I am losing the same with or without the peanut butter and cheese so maybe it would be ok to add that back in. I read in Annies post that cheese is important and it is calcium too so I think I will eat it today.

Hope you all have a nice day, will check in later.


stacysheil Thu, Jan-08-04 04:28

Oh I forgot to post I vote for #2.

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