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Meg_S Wed, Nov-05-03 13:42

Hi everyone! I've been visiting home (Canada) and have had a lot on my plate, working on not getting sick for the last 2 weeks (you know when you can feel your body sittin gon the fence, and if you push it you'll be sick - if you do the right things you won't?)

Am back :)

korry1977 Wed, Nov-05-03 14:02

Cool... how was the trip?

korry1977 Wed, Nov-05-03 19:00

Switching my game plan:

Atkins ----> The Zone (40/30/30)


P.S. At least temporarily...

Hol Wed, Nov-05-03 22:07

why the change??? Hope it is working out for you. I read that we may need to taylor make our low carb diet to what works for us as our bodies may respond to one better than the other.

korry1977 Wed, Nov-05-03 22:12

Originally Posted by Hol
why the change??? Hope it is working out for you. I read that we may need to taylor make our low carb diet to what works for us as our bodies may respond to one better than the other.

Oh... Stressing out over studying for this test I have to take in a couple of weeks... LOL...

Thanks for the kind words...

Have a good one,

Hol Thu, Nov-06-03 21:23

Hi all well today is Thur. I am looking forward to weigh in I have used the fitday and calculated my carb and I have been very close to 20 I really want to do this. Lets stay focused on the days ahead. We will get there inch by inch or pound by pound don't let things get you down and if ypu do feel down we are here for each other right!!! I will post my results soon. Holly

CindyLynn Fri, Nov-07-03 07:33

I've had a pretty good week. I've stayed hardkore with my eating and my exercie program even though I'm coming down with a yucky cold. :) I've also been busy studying this week, trying to up my scores on a college entrance exam. Actually studying for the test is makign my life a little more full right now, but it's going to make actually taking the test a whole lot less stressful!

I weighed in today at 141! I've reached my next mini goal. I'm not checking my BF% til next week, so we'll see how thigns go this week! :)

I've got my fingers crossed thateveryone else is as happy a looser as me! :cheer:


korry1977 Fri, Nov-07-03 07:46

Weighed in at 200 lbs... which was fully expected... due to the change in plans... LOL..

have a good one,

red1cutie Fri, Nov-07-03 10:53

Hi everyone!

Congrats Cindy. Awesome that you reached your next goal.
:cheer: :Party: :cheer:

My next goal is mini goal 132 pounds.

Well TOM is gone and I had put on a pound (went to 135) before it came and now I am back down to 134. I am patiently waiting for a whoosh or even better some inches to be gone. If anyone has been in contact with the whoosh fairy tell her she needs to visit me ASAP. :lol:

Have a good Friday!


korry1977 Fri, Nov-07-03 14:57

Congrats to all....


Rasputin Sat, Nov-08-03 05:25

I'm a pain. Always late with my post into here by a day.

Anyway - down to 195. Woohoo!

Total of 13 lbs gone since 13 Oct. :)

Looks as if I am deffo on target to hit my 31 Dec goal.

Well done to everyone else in here!!! Keep it up!!

korry1977 Sat, Nov-08-03 14:42

Rasputin: Great job... keep it up...

Rasputin Sat, Nov-08-03 15:00

Cheers, Korry! And right back at ya, babe!

red1cutie Sat, Nov-08-03 15:15

Hi Korers! Hope you guys are enjoying your weekend and ofcourse sticking to your goals.

Congrats Rasputin on your loss! WTG! You will definitely meet your December 31 goal.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

I did my BFL cardio today. I love the cardio. I did some abs after as well. Felt great. I am contemplating increasing my cardio, dunno yet.

Take care.


Rasputin Sat, Nov-08-03 15:37

Allo Red!

I must admit I do adore my cardio in comparison to weights, but the weights session are gaining more favour with me.

Just out of curiosity, why are you thinking about upping your cardio?

All the very best to you!


Hol Sat, Nov-08-03 16:11

Hi all,
Well here it is another week and I have lost 2 pounds and now weigh in at 259 I am soooooo Happy. I will do my measurements this weekend and post them later. Hope we are all having a good weekend and congrats to all the ones who lost and for those who did not keep up the good work and keep on tract. I was tempted many days to eat and eat what ever I wanted and even had people trying to get me to eat things that I did not want. I thought it was a victory that I even passed the goodies up. With these victories it will be easier to stay on track. Take Care.

korry1977 Sat, Nov-08-03 18:17

HOL: That is great progress...

Trainerdan Tue, Nov-11-03 10:05

Holly ...

That is fantastic! Overcoming those small temptations is the biggest victory in this whole thing.

I hope everyone else is having a good week ... I feel GOOD this week! I think it's going to be a good measurement week for me ...

Rasputin Wed, Nov-12-03 03:19

Yeah Dan! I do indeed hope you have a GREAT measurement week.

I slipped up yesterday with social libation (eggnog latte in the afternoon and 2/3 a bottle of red vino after work). I hope it hasn't upset my ketosis too much. On the water intake today hard & heavy.

Ah - and wee bit more exercise for me today. The elevators are busted in office. Up 4 flights of stairs. Not a bad thing really that I should be made to climb them. Should just do it anyway regardless of the state of the elevators!!

Here's wishing everyone else is doing awesome!

korry1977 Wed, Nov-12-03 13:07

I hope everyone knows friday is measuring and weigh day

Trainerdan Wed, Nov-12-03 18:12

Yep I know Korry ... Can't wait. Feeling really pumped this week!

Hol Wed, Nov-12-03 20:58

Thanks for the encourgement. I really needed that. I have been feeling great alot of energy this week. boy the house got a spring cleaning. This week will be off for me as TOM is about to arrive. But I am not going to let that get me down. Holly

red1cutie Thu, Nov-13-03 10:39

Hi Korers! Hope you all are sticking to your goals for this week. I can't wait to see our results at the end of this challenge.

I took my meausurements this morning, kind of disappointing but some progress. I will post them tomorrow. I lost 1 pound this week also.
Just out of curiosity, why are you thinking about upping your cardio?
Hi Val! I thought that if I up my cardio that would help to lower my body fat/increase me inches lost.

Take care.


Rasputin Fri, Nov-14-03 02:22

Hey Red!

Congrats on the 1 lb loss. The inches will soon follow.

I just realised that my question to you came across as a wee bit daft! *lol*

I was asking b/c I have been reading in other threads about about too much exercise & I wanted to see what your take on it was as you seem so successful.

I have knocked back my aerobic exercise in comparison to my pre-Atkins days, but I don't feel "worked out". Pre-Atkins I was doing like 40 minutes on the Stair Master a couple of times a week but the weight was not shifting which surprised me b/c of my high weight. Now the weight is shifting but I can not tell what impact the exercise is having alone on that b/c of doing Atkins in conjunction. The thing for me is that I just do not feel I am reaching my Nth level of cardio fitness. I guess I just have to find that happy medium for me.

Trainerdan Fri, Nov-14-03 04:16

Made small improvements. I'll take it!

Looks like in less than a month I have:

- Dropped 4 lbs. fat mass and 1.52% bodyfat.

- 1.5 inches from waist. 1/4 inch from most of my other measurements. Gained 1/2 in on thighs. LOL. I swear they grow without training them. LOL.

- LBM stayed at 210 lbs (Whoo!) :dazzle:

Here are the measurements:

Height 75.00 in (1.91 m)

Weight 238 lbs (108.00 kg)

Neck 16.50 in (41.90 cm)

Shoulder 53.50 in (135.90 cm)

Chest 44.76 in (113.70 cm)

Waist 36.50 in (92.70 cm)

Abdomen 37.01 in (94.00 cm)

Hips 39.02 in (99.10 cm)

Thigh 27.52 in (69.90 cm)

Knee 15.51 in (39.40 cm)

Calf 16.73 in (42.50 cm)

Ankle 9.49 in (24.10 cm)

Arm 14.02 in (35.60 cm)

Forearm 10.98 in (27.90 cm)

Wrist 7.01 in (17.80 cm)

Activity Level Extremely Active

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) = 2,117 cals/day

Total Calorie Burn (TCB) = 3,916 cals/day

Waist to Hip Circumference Ratio = 0.94

Lean Body Mass (LBM) = 210 lbs (95.09 kg)

Fat Mass (FM) = 28 lbs (12.91 kg)

Body Fat Percentage (BF) = 11.96 %

korry1977 Fri, Nov-14-03 15:48

down to 195 lb.... will post measurements later...

have a good one

Tashi Fri, Nov-14-03 22:31

Hi All!

Congrats Korry, Trainerdan & Red!! Good job!

I have remained the same, weight & measurements. I have been down and out though with my back. I hurt my lower back and am having difficulty moving at all. I took pain killers and motrin and am feeling a little better today, but I still can't bend or walk without pain. I will be resting all weekend, and hopefully will be able to have a light workout by monday.

Have a good weekend!


Start of Challenge / Current - Same as last wk.
Wt- 243# - 242
Bust- 47.75 - 46.5
Waist- 47.25 - 46.5
Hips- 53.25 - 52.3

korry1977 Fri, Nov-14-03 22:37

what happened to your back?

Tashi Fri, Nov-14-03 22:47

I am not sure, I think I might have pulled a muscle, maybe doing something wrong on the machines. I worked out a couple of days ago and it was feeling a little stiff, and when I woke the next day, I could hardly move.

CindyLynn Sat, Nov-15-03 07:24

I had to measure twice today. The first time I didn't do it right, and I almost cried cause of the results, but then I remeasured. And I'm ok! cause I've lost inches, and 1.2% body fat! I'm happy now, because loosing Bf is my goal not gaining it. Congrat to every one on their losses! Keep up the great work! Have a great day! :)

Height 65.51 in
Weight 141 lbs

Neck 12.01 in
Shoulder 40.51 in
Chest 37.01 in
Waist 27.99 in
Abdomen 31.50 in
Hips 35.98 in
Thigh 23.50 in
Knee 15.00 in
Calf 14.49 in
Ankle 8.50 in
Arm 11.50 in
Forearm 9.02 in
Wrist 5.98 in

Lean Body Mass (LBM) = 106 lbs
Fat Mass (FM) = 36 lbs
Body Fat Percentage (BF) = 25.24 % yay!

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