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skeeweeaka Thu, Aug-21-03 21:42

Hey guys just checking in...worked in the garden today for an 1 hour...boy was it grueling...sweated like a horse...

Looks like everyone is doing well...keep up the good work all...

angelicsim Thu, Aug-21-03 22:37

hi all
Hi all
sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been so tired lately I just been sleeping mostly. I did exercise today 2hr and 15 min of tennis I had so much fun. Take care ladies I hope everyone is doing okay:yay: Thursday

red1cutie Fri, Aug-22-03 06:28

Hi everyone! It's Friday! :yay: :yay: Hope you guys had a good week.

Amiee, the water challenge is a great idea! :D

My Workout:
40 minutes Cardio 2.8 miles
Abs--6 sets--25 reps 7 minutes

Be safe all.


skinnyme Fri, Aug-22-03 06:32

OK Ladies,

Here is a little update on my results after switching from Atkins to CADS.

Week 1= .28 pounds lost . CAD's says to expect a slow but steady weight loss and I am happy with this (if you look at my journal and see what I had for my reward meals you might wonder how I did not gain 5 pounds)

My plan for week 2 to is to limit the junk food and add more fruits and veggies. I am trying to move towards balance and health. I think just knowing I was allowed to eat junk food kind of made me go a little wild.

Hope all is well.

20b430 Fri, Aug-22-03 07:24

Good Morning Ladies!!!!!

Just checking in to say hi!!!! Last night I only did about 5 mins on the stair stepper which equaled to about 50 steps for me.... I picked up the dumbbells and did about 10 mins of upper arm weight training.

I didn't do a lot wasn't feeling the best.(but something is better then nothing).....I have been soooo bloated. My feet are swollen, my hands, and even looks like my face is....Really weird...I did do something stupid. Got on the scale 166!!!! :eek: But I know it's WATER,,,,I was perfect yesterday as far as eating and I drank water, maybe not enough......77 oz. So how do you gain 4lbs in a day!!!!

Take Care Ladies and have a great weekend.


amiee3377 Fri, Aug-22-03 12:49

20b430: Yes you can gain water weight. Did you eat anything with a lot of sodium?

I am fasting today. I felt like I wanted to try it out. I've lost 5 lbs. with kiss lcing this week. I am aiming to fast for 24 hours but I hope that I can go a little longer.

Chantel30 Fri, Aug-22-03 13:06

I just happened on this thread and If you don't mind I would love to join I know you guys started a while ago but please let me know what I need to do. Although I am double the size. I still hope I will be welcomed with open arms:)

Chantel30 Fri, Aug-22-03 13:09

And Aimee3377- I brought those Walk-Away the Pounds express....... I work in an office of women only and we brought them for here, but have yet to work out on them. I found that I do better when I wake up to working out the first thing in the morning!!!!

amiee3377 Fri, Aug-22-03 13:34

Chantel--Size does not matter.You don't necessarily have to do WATP. That is the exercise that I am doing. Everybody is doing there own thing. Have you started it yet?

Chantel30 Fri, Aug-22-03 14:02

Yeah I have started it and I have been off and on it since about May. I work full-time, have a part-time job as well as a full-time student!!!! I know you are wondering how in the world is she so heavy. Well I wish I could blame it on having a child but I dont I jam the type that has to eat when she is sad or glad, I have come to realize this and am now working to only the meats if I do feel this way. Thank the Lord above for Mr. Atkins God Bless He Soul. Today I have only had 6 carbs and am on my first diet rite of the day. I am going to trash it before I finish it.. I have to go pick up my sister from work, but I have drank 80 oz of H2O. I'll talk with you once I get home....... I am at work....... I know shame on me. C U

skinnyme Fri, Aug-22-03 21:26

Welcome Chantel. Glad you found us.

red1cutie Sat, Aug-23-03 05:42

Hi everyone! Have a good Saturday!

Welcome Chantel! Glad you decided to join our group. :D

Congrats Skinny on being down .28 pounds.
:yay: :yay: :cheer: :yay: :yay:
It all counts. I am glad CAD is working for you. Keep on!

Amiee, congrats on losing 5 pounds this week.
:yay: :yay: :cheer: :yay: :yay:
Could you tell us about KISS?

20b430, every little bit of exercise counts. At least you did something. Yup, all the signs of bloating probably because of TOM. Drink your water, it will go away. Don't worry. Remember I was up this week too. Now I am happy to be back down to 146. I need to watch my sodium from now on.

Could you guys tell me more about Walk away the Pounds? What type of workout equipment is needed? What exactly do you do? When I checked the net I found alot of Walk Away? Which one (name) is the one you use or have bought?

Saturday's Workout:
Lower Body Workout & Abs 38 minutes


Chantel30 Sat, Aug-23-03 08:06

Good Morning my Sistah's I am very proud of myself I woke up this morning and WATP's for 1 mile ( I can not hit the 2 miles yet like you Amiee) but I have had a great morning so far and I wanted to thank you for allowing me to join your group!!!

Way to go Amiee on that 5 pds.
How often does everyone weight them selves.. Like I said earlier I am way heavier than all of you.. But I do belong to the TDC and they are VERY supportive!! I just have to make sure I sit up my Fitday sometime today so I can have all those things on this web link and not have to go on to Atkins. Well I hope you all have a great weekend!!! I will be on here again later.

amiee3377 Sat, Aug-23-03 08:42

Red1cutie--Kiss is a way of low carb eatting. You only eat real meat and vegetables. No processed meat like bacon and sausage. No lunchmeats at all. No dairy. That includes cheese and cream cheese. Walk away the pounds are walking tapes created by Leslie Sansone. You may want to try and do a search under her name. It's basically walking in place.

Chantell--What is TDC? You've found us and we a very supportive too.

I survived my fast. Thank God. I fasted for 37 hours. Can you ladies believe that. No food for that long. I fasted before but not for that long. It felt like I was in control. I needed that. Fasting makes you more consicous(sp) about what you put in your body.

Chantel30 Sat, Aug-23-03 08:47

Hey Amiee- TDC is the triple digit club those of us who have to lose 100+ pds.
That is great with the Fast- you did good and it will bring you closer with the Lord we do that at our church but I have never done it for that long that. I was supposed to be getting off here but as you can see this place is addictive....... I enjoy talking with people

amiee3377 Sat, Aug-23-03 09:02

I fast for religous reasons too but I've never fasted this long. I kind of felt as though I was cleansing myself

Chantel30 Sat, Aug-23-03 09:12

Hello Beautiful Sistahs
I just to let you, a little about myself I am a 30 year old woman who have issues with food and has have for all of my life. I am from the Dirty South, which they should call the obese south. So fried chicken, collard green , mac & cheese, cornbread have always been a part of my eating habits....... I have now finally asked the Lord to take that desire from me. But I am on Atkins New Revol. and I will be on Induction for 6-9 months, (I have LOTS to lose)
I eat burgers for breakfast, salads and meat for lunch....... which I feel that I need to eat something in between time..... I eat cracklin but I do have HBP and am on Meds. so I really do watch my salt intake. I am not going to sit here and say that I have not cheated on this in the past but that is the ONE goal that I have when I started (This time) and now that I can correspond with my SISTAHS I pray that it will be easier. I do get on the forum EVERYDAY I made that committment as well, I am VERY hones with my eating habits so If something goes wrong I WILL tell yeah.
I drink 80-100 oz of H2O everday. I wish that I could blame on size on a child but I can't I do not have any kids.

I do need lots of support and in return am willing to give it........ Thank you ladies for listening ....... but I will be back on here later tonight. Have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

red1cutie Sat, Aug-23-03 11:52

Red1cutie--Kiss is a way of low carb eatting. You only eat real meat and vegetables. No processed meat like bacon and sausage. No lunchmeats at all. No dairy. That includes cheese and cream cheese. Walk away the pounds are walking tapes created by Leslie Sansone. You may want to try and do a search under her name. It's basically walking in place.
It sounds like a stricter Induction because it does not allow processed meats.

Okay, who wants to try it with me from tomorrow until the August 31st. Are you still doing it Amy?

No processed meats
No dairy
No cheese
No nuts

Let me know.

Thanks :dazzle: Chantel :dazzle: for sharing. We know you can do this and we will support you in any way necessary to achieve your goal.


amiee3377 Sat, Aug-23-03 11:56

Red1cutie--this weekend I'm going to do atkins then I'm going back to kiss on Monday. I need to build my body back up a little bit. I will do kiss until August 31 if you want me to do it with you.

Atkins05 Sat, Aug-23-03 12:34

Hi ladies, I didn't get to check in yesterday but I did work out 2 hours (1 hr spinning ....1 hr upper body & abs)

Welcome :yay: Chantel30.....glad your here :-) In fact we're practically neighbors. You're in Lexington, KY :Party: I'm in Huntsville, Al. (what's that 100 miles?)
Take care,

red1cutie Sat, Aug-23-03 12:45

Red--this weekend I'm going to do atkins then I'm going back to kiss on Monday. I need to build my body back up a little bit. I will do kiss until August 31 if you want me to do it with you.
Thank you be great Amiee. :D Please tell me they types of protein you eat, how often and other stuff you eat and how much fat you take. Thanks.


amiee3377 Sat, Aug-23-03 12:58

Here are some links for you to check out.

amiee3377 Sat, Aug-23-03 12:59

One more thing no salad dressing.

red1cutie Sat, Aug-23-03 16:14

Thanks Amiee! :D

Chantel30 Sun, Aug-24-03 05:15

Good Morning Ladies
Okay now I have been reading about this kiss thang.........I what caught my eat was NO SALAD DRESSING oh child.... the dressing is like my weakness, but I am sure the results are quick and enjoyable. I am going to do a little research and see what to eat in place of my beautiful dressing........
Atkins05- Thanks for your welcome and I looked at your attachments gal have great bods.... I kinda feel bad because here I am just now finding your women and I have like triple your weight to lose. But I must admit you have made me feel welcomed, and I can tell that all of you are close........even being hundreds of miles away.

Question does anyone feel a little bloated sometimes after a few days of drinking a gallon of water? I don't know if it has to do with my bp or what but I am kinda not liking that feeling. I did say that I would stop by again last night....... but did not I was tired and it was getting to after 9 and sista girl did not want to eat that late cause I knew I may over do it.......... So I went to sleep. Calvin( my finance) was like why are you going to bed to early....... I have to keep from eating to much, He has been VERY supportive but like I have before he only weighs around 160 or so maybe less 155, but hey how can I not love a man who looked pasted ALL THE WEIGHT.

angelicsim Sun, Aug-24-03 05:37

hello ladies sorry I havn't posted in a while. I kind feel like I'm at a stan still between 183 and 186 back and forth I do eat a lot of processed foods so I want to try kiss also. I did work out saturday only 30 min though. I'm going to check out the links to the web sites you posted amiee I hope this works for me.

hope everyone doing okay

sophotia Sun, Aug-24-03 16:54

Hi ladies, glad to see this thread around. Will make sure to check on you ladies everyday. BTW I'm 35, married, mother of 2 girls and live in Columbus OH.

Chantel30 Sun, Aug-24-03 17:07

Howdy Sophotia

How are things going for you, I am new myself and you will like these ladies are very nice and have made me feel very welcomed.

20b430 Sun, Aug-24-03 18:20

Hello Ladies..........
Just checking in.....Welcome Chantel and Sophotia :wiggle:

I haven't done anything all weekend but worked :rolleyes:....

Since 30 is coming up this week,,,I'm taking a break,,,from atkins. (starting Thursday), and I've prepared myself for the consequences..I'm still going to watch it however,,but it's time to enjoy myself. I might actually be doing the CAD since I will be eating what I want only for one meal:) . I have 3 dinners to go to starting Thursday! But I will be getting my workouts in this week.....

As far as AF haven't seen her! Well maybe tomorrow.

Take Care all,,,,and Keep up the good work.


amiee3377 Sun, Aug-24-03 19:20

2 miles
Welcome Sophia!!

I will do the totals for the exercise challenge tomorrow. I hope everyone has had a blessed day.

20b430--you need a pregnancy test. :) When some people have cheats they actually break their stalls. Hope that works for you.

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