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Wannabeski Mon, May-05-03 11:50

"I need a push to keep me to my
exercise program. I only worked
out 1x last week as the new pool
is just too inviting."

Tanya, if you're swimming that certainly is great exercise! If not, you should, and since it's so inviting.. it shouldn't be too hard :D I'm also on my TOM and it's been really really hard to stick to this but I have. I've been hungrier than ever so I'm just ready for TOM to leave! But get that exercise, I've found that if you have cramps, the exercise really helps. AND.. Maybe even after TOM leaves you'll get a whoosh (that's what I'm hoping for :p )Good luck, you can do it!

tgill32177 Mon, May-05-03 14:03

Thanks Wanna,

I know that swimming is exercise,
but it did not feel like a workout.

Alas, I have strengthened my resolve
to firm up and eat right. Any movement
is better than the sedentary lifestyle I
had before.


tigeraspen Mon, May-05-03 16:25

Hey Tanya,

A pound is a gooood thing!

Hang in there. Make sure you are eating enough.


tigeraspen Tue, May-06-03 05:09

I am having a mini swoosh! Down another pound...and that is after the scale did not move for days and days.

I am waiting for the South Beach Diet to arrive from Amazon and then will try that.

Mother's Day is coming up and that means a barbeque for my extended family. I got through Easter OK and plan on doing the same. I will bring the salad, grilled veggies and a SF cheesecake...then we have grilled chicken wings, sausage and steak.

Hope everyone is having a good week!


SiriusT Wed, May-07-03 07:55

I'm back...
Hi everyone!

Boy it sounds like everyone's doing well. New pool Tanya? That's great. You'll lose quickly if you're swimming everyday.

Jolie - good for you on getting out to run. It's tough to get up but isn't it nice to have it over with for the day?

Red - welcome! I'm trying BFL. It's tough but I'm seeing results from the weight lifting. I'm having a hard time giving up on my running though.

Ellen - a whoosh! Yay! I'll be interested in hearing what you think of the South Beach plan.

Hi to everyone else!

I just got back from Marco Island :sunny: where we had an absolutely FABULOUS time. I exercised every morning, ran 3-5 miles and did BFL work, then hit the beach from 10 - 6. ALL DAY LONG WITH NOTHING TO DO BUT READ, SWIM, DOZE and DRINK RUM AND DIET COKES! I read 4 books which was wonderful. :read: I'm a librarian who's usually too busy to read much. This was heaven.

I went into vacation planning to eat "relaxed low-carb". I didn't count carbs or calories but tried to stay with allowed foods. I did allow myself a cheat daily. One piece of bread, a couple of french fries (neither one of which was worth cheating on). I did greatly enjoy a pina colada on my first and last day though!

So anyway, I lost 1 pound! Not as much as I'd like but I'm certainly not complaining!

Sorry for the long post!

JolieFleur Wed, May-07-03 08:06

Glad you had so much fun on your vacation Amy! Sounds like it was great.

I have been on a plateau for about a week and a half now! I'm totally stuck... I thought perhaps it was due to TOM, but I just started back on the pill so there is no telling when that will be. My body is pretty haywire at the moment. It seems to really like the 172 - 175 range, but my mind does not!!! But I'm in ketosis and I'm on a 10 K training program, so perhaps I'll start back on my way again soon.

Glad to sense the positive vibe in this group - it's rubbing off on me quite a bit, which is so valuable to my progress! Thanks for the extra energy! I'll try to generate some to bounce back to you all. :roll:

HLFAN Thu, May-08-03 15:01

give it up
Ok Tgill, give up your secret!!! You are doing so amazing. Any tips for us old, slow losers would really be appreciated.

You have lost so much so fast you must have a few tips. Maybe the swimming does it. Whatever you are doing, I want some too.

Good luck and see ya soon. HL

:cheer: Tgill is awsome.

SweetSheri Thu, May-08-03 16:39

I wanna Know too!
Hlfan Im with ya,I wanna know the secrets too lol.She is doing GREAT! :D

SiriusT Fri, May-09-03 07:59

How is everyone this morning? I'm feeling pretty happy since I finally dropped from my plateau to 179. Boy does it feel good to see a new number!!

What is everyone planning for the weekend? This may be my first Mother's Day without children at home. :( But my daughters will be home soon for the summer and that'll be the best Mother's Day present.


tgill32177 Fri, May-09-03 08:01

It's No Secret
Hlfan and Sweetsheri-

I led a REALLY sedentary life before
I started LC'ing. I had been shot in
the leg due to a hunting accident
and gained 20lbs over the Christmas
holidays because I couldn't move
around much. Don't worry the bullet
went straight through my FAT thigh
so I had a little extra "liposuction"
there. This is one instance where
being fat worked to my advantage.

So after topping the scales at 240
my all time high- I decided I was NOT
headed in a safe direction. I was so
depressed. Once the leg healed- I started
climbing stairs at work- talk about some
sore and shaky legs! Then I got serious
about LC'ing. My sister lives next door
and she has a Bowflex so we wanted
to get buff for summer. She wants those
6 pack abs, I will be happy to see a 2 Pack!
Right now I have a KEG. LOL! I am telling
you this- weights will slim you in a hurry.
If I didn't lose much weight I was losing
the inches. I read somewhere where
muscle burns more calories than fat- so
therefore I am building my muscles again.
I haven't seen muscles since High School.

:( I must confess though, that I have REALLY
struggled with eating LC. I have had a few
falls from grace. But I go back on induction
for a week and seem to get back into the
swing of things. I go into ketosis really quick
and feel the whoosh. I love it! I stick to about
35-40 carbs. Some days I go higher and other's
lower- depends on how I feel. I have learned
though from past failures that I do better sticking
to LC when I have my meals planned for the day.
I also learned to keep LC snacks in my desk at
work. I have a long drive home so I have to eat
a snack at about 3'ish so I am not ravenous once
I get home. I eat lunch at noon and get home at
6:30 which is too long to go without eating.
Don't go 6 hours without eating. You need to keep
the fuel burning and so you must stoke the fire.

I just recently got the pool- so I can't attribute
the weight loss to it yet. But I hope to have the
all over tan this year- as we live on 67 acres of
very secluded Florida woodland so skinny dipping
is allowed. (As long as the teenage son is away!)

I gain so much insight and help from everyone
here that it helps me stay focused. I want to
exercise now. I want to get into clothes I thought
I would never fit in again. I want to swim without
wearing the fat hiding shorts. More than anything
else I want to live and not increase my chances
of dying from diabetes or heart disease like many
of my family members. That's reason enough.

I love this forum and the people in it. I would have
quit months ago if I hadn't come across it. You
all keep me going. Thanks!
Be Blessed,

SweetSheri Fri, May-09-03 11:02

Tanya, You are truly an inspiration!Keep up the good work! :D

SiriusT Sun, May-11-03 12:41

Happy Mother's Day!
Hey everyone! Hope you're all enjoying this Mother's Day. We're having a sunny day in Massachusetts and I was served Atkins pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Pretty nice way to start the day.

The next nice thing that happened was I plugged in today's weight and found I've finally reached the 50% to goal mark. I think I may see the 150s before the end of July.


kellielou Sun, May-11-03 16:45

Hi everyone, hope you are all enjoying Mother's Day today.

Amy, Congrats on reaching the half way point, that is awsome! I can't wait until I can say that. I didn't get breakfast in bed this year because I got up before the kids. But I did have a boquet of flowers waiting for me in the kitchen from them and then some gifts. I was spoiled.

I finally got rid of the weight I gained during my TOM, woo hoo! I wonder if I will gain 3 pounds each time :confused: ? I hope not.

Tanya...You were shot in the leg :eek: ? You have such a great sence of humor!!! LCing has been such an eye opener for me. Keep doing what you are doing, you sound like you are doing everything right. I have a problem with the weekends. During the week I am on a schedule, but on the weekend I don't feel like making that salad with tuna. So I am tempted to eat "other things". I am learning!

Ellen, I have never heard of the South Beach diet before :confused:. I just bought myself two of Suzanne Somer's books. I can't wait to read them which is what I will start doing today as I relax on Mother's Day. Take care everyone......Kellie

tgill32177 Mon, May-12-03 06:45

Another 3 lbs lighter!!
I'm a loser this week!!! 3lbs!!! Whooooo hoooo!

I had to back on induction this past week and
stuck to it. Even on Mother's day. It was quite
easy as it is too hot here to think much about

DH smoked a beef roast and made the prettiest
7 layer salad. Then we spent most of the weekend
in the pool in between church services. It was

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day as

Have a blessed day!

SiriusT Mon, May-12-03 06:59

Wow Tanya! 1 more pound to the 60 pound club! Great job! :rose: :cheer: :rose:

I had a nice Mother's Day. Only oe child home but calls from the others. My dh made Beachgirl's cheesecake (with help) and we topped that with strawberries. Our first real dessert treat. Funny, it was good but I'm not sure I'd make it again. I don't really need dessert anymore. I do enjoy one Russell Stover SF chocolate each night though!

Hope everyone is doing well today. Cher, we miss you!


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