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BeccaResRN Tue, Dec-31-02 01:29

Hey all
Vivi said this was the place to be!!! And it sure seems that way.

I totally lost my way while gone to indiana for christmas.

I did great wed, thurs, fri and then sat we went to my honeys dads house and he was making steaks. Great I thought that will work. I said I will bring a big salad but I was told that they already made one and don't worry. Well I get there and salad... they made corn and garlic bread insted...that will be ok right they say????!!!! :(

Well that was the beginning of the end....I ate the corn and garlic bread and desert and a coke, regular and semi binged ... definetely total cheating sat, sun, mon, tues, wed, thurs and finally on friday the day I came home I was able to regain control.

Well I was 4.5 pounds up :thdown: ....1 gone now!!! working on the others.

:idea: I could have just said no to the corn and garlic bread and I don't know why I didn't. I drank no water and only exercised twice while gone. As much as like going home to see family its good to back to my own house with my own food and schedule.

Well bye all going to bed :wave:

Demi Tue, Dec-31-02 05:46

I just want to wish everyone - Wendye, Carol, Vivian, Ela, Lori Jo, Atrsy, Jude, Atkid, Joan, Gretchen, sewcrazy, Richard, asugar, jedigddss, Maggie, Rebecca (hope I haven't missed anyone, that's quite a crowd!) and anyone else who joins in the thread - a very Happy and Successful Low Carbing New Year!

Together we can do it !!

I intend to begin tomorrow on strict induction. I will also weigh myself first thing in the morning and will eidt my stats accordingly:tears:

vivi621 Tue, Dec-31-02 06:33

Demi.. Good job in naming all of us.. :D Thank you and same to you and your family.. glad Wendye put us all toghther so we can conquer/celebrate our " soon to be " weight loss toghther....

So can I complain a little first before I begin.. How DARE you ALL have fun with out me.. Gee Wizz I go out for dinner one night and you guys are here making pages and pages of funnies HOW DARE YOU!!! HUM.. I am sooooooo insulted...

Okay I am better now....

Now About that B&J's Ice Cream Nothing beats the ulitimate of all ultimates. is...........Number 8. on CCA's list..

Phish FoodŽ Ice Cream .. number one in my book.. yummy yummy,

I was out to dinner last night and the waiter whom was adorable.. bright but not bright enough.. he told me that he too was once Lc'ing.. the BFL.. program and he lost all this weight.. he was 205 I thought he was perfect.. He says to me I lost all of the weight and I stopped and I gained it all back.. And I said to him that.."Well the first thing you should of realized it is a Change of Life .. " hence the name Body For Life... DUH.. (there's that fl again).. he said your right.. We talked and he was so sweet..

Now meantime there is this woman listening to the conversation, real snootie type.. boy I can take care of them.... Lived with them my whole life...

(her) It's a FAD diet.. real whinny like .. (ME.) well you must of been just a FAD too, huh?? continuing.. I said a thirty year FAD I am so glad this is a FAD.. I nicely told her NO.. NO FAD.. it is a change of life.. The studies and research's that have been done.. Atkins has been right.. Her again .. Well you can have liver problems and stones.. Me.. Well let's see would I rather have a stone in my body that can be passed by some discomfort, or just a little lazer bath or be fat and huge or a massive heart attack, stroke and possible death, (using my hands as a scale ) HUmmm let me think about that one..

After, she turned back into a correct color, she said sorry for the intreruption..... :D Not a problem.... double :D it was nice meeting you.... .. her... you too and good luck..

We ordered dinner and had a very peacefull meal after that...

Girls we have to admit to ourselves we can not ever go back to eating the way we once did.. we have to change the inside and the outside.. right?? Are we doing this??? I am ready.. so let's go.....

hugs :bhug:

Wendye Tue, Dec-31-02 08:21

Exacatly Vivi!! Well put - this is a new way of life with a new way of eating - esp. ifyou have heaps to lose and are a real carboholic like me.

Hi Becca -- climb aboard we'll pull you back on the wagon - pity about the salad - don't you just hate that!!!! Better luck next itme - anyway as Viv says - tomorrow is another day.

Hi Demi - how nice to wish us ALL a happy new year - thanks

Good news gals and guys!!! :) -- I have been lurking in journals and in Lisa's journal (jedigddss - Hi !!!) I saw Donald had been there showing off his woosh fairy!!!! -- well I kidnapped the fairy -- so we can get the benefits in the new year. Lets face it we can use any help we can get - right??? It is already 2003 in Sydney - so here is Donald's woosh fairy and we know how successful he has been for Donald!!

Also I thought for motivation - once we all sstart losing - I'd post a weekly loss for the thread - you will just have to tell me/us what you lose - I reckon we could lose at least 50lb this month - at least!!!

What do you all think???

ginkirk Tue, Dec-31-02 11:59

Hi! I'm here! With my FrontButts in tow & on tap ->
Finally made it. I read the first page or two of this thread. What a positive lot of folks you guys are. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful.

As for joining this group of VPPs (Very Positive People), I think I won't be able to take my comfy seat on the wagon, realistically speaking, until Jan. 2. The kiddies are off to Grammy & Grampy's tonight so dh & are going to live it up. I'll probably have a glass of champage or two or three, maybe something fried (dunno 'bout that) & a few Michelob Lights. Yes. I'm going to indulge (this would be my word for "cheat") this New Years Eve.

As for 2003 LC goals & Plans:

Summertime Short-Term Goal: Down to 150 (I've gained since my stats, I'm sure.)
Lose more FrontButt
Long-Term Goal (hopefully 2003): Down to 140
Lose more FrontButt
go down a bra size!!!!!
Wear, dare I say it, a size 12 Levi's

finding a wider variety of easy to make & cheap to buy LC foods/recipies. It is really important for me to not feel like I'm suffering (which so far, I'm not). For example, my daily egg routine is really starting to get to me - especially in the arm pit area, if you know what I mean (??). So, I'll be cruising this site & more looking for recipes.

Give FitDay another try while I'm trying to lose weight. Laying off during a maintenace phase might work better. I get sick of putting all my food in there & figuring out the equivalents. I'm not one for measuring my food either.

Walk more when the weather is good

Drink more water at home.

Be flexible & not freaky.

I'm sure there are more but this'll do on New Year's Eve.

asugar Tue, Dec-31-02 12:22

Would somebody PUHLEEEEEEZE tell those leftover from Christmas stale old peanut butter cookies with the chocolate kisses on them to stop tormenting me? :mad:

Wendye, please tell the Whoosh Fairy that I am very sorry about all of the 4 letter names I called him a couple of weeks ago. I was so good for so long and I didn't lose another ounce so I called him every vile vulgar name I could think of. :eek: He hasn't been around since. :( I don't think he wants to listen to anything I have to say. Tell him that one of my New Year's Resolutions is to not call him anymore ugly obscene names.

I hope all of you have a very Happy, very Prosperous New Year and I hope the Whoosh Fairy spends some time with each one of us!
asugar :wave:

Carol CA Tue, Dec-31-02 12:43

Thought for the Day... F-Words
OMIGAWD!!!! She tied up a skinny blonde fairy with pink ribbons! Well, Wendye... I've changed my mind. I don't think I'm going to need tying up. I'm feeling stronger today for some reason. It's STILL morning... so we'll see how the day goes! My intent is to begin TODAY. I weighed myself this morning... and, to my horror, I'm UP 5.5 pounds from my low weight just before Christmas. This just isn't fair. There's ANOTHER F-word! Is it me... or are there an inordinate number of F-words related to our world? Fat... Fluffy... Fair... FUDGE... FrontButt... Favorite... Fit... Firm... Flab... Flat... Fanny... Flatulence (Maltitol Farts)... Fish! Can you think of others? Besides THAT one! :lol:

Becca... that same thing has happened to me when I've been invited to my BF's dad's house for BBQ. I offer to bring a salad... and when I get there, he's serving baked potatoes and french bread! Is this a conspiracy... or what! I don't ask anymore. I just bring what I can eat!

DemiGirl... Happy New Year... again! I'm so glad you're here, too!

Vivi... funny restaurant story. You know... you just can't convince them all. I don't even bother. I figure that something's going to do me in eventually. I'd just as soon end my life thinner... and make a better looking corpse! But seriously... this woman... and many like her... don't have a clue how good this woe is. I started out just wanting to lose weight... but there have been so many hidden benefits that I hadn't anticipated! And hey... somebody's got to eat the carbs! We wouldn't want everyone to stop. It would disrupt the global economy!

Wendye! You actually kidnapped Donald's Whoosh Fairy! Good thinkin', girl! I never would have thought of doing that! This is why you get paid the big bucks.... you're a born leader!

Ginkirk... I like this line: "Be flexible & not freaky". AMEN! This could have been my slogan this past year. Although I didn't do as well as I'd hoped... nor as well as others... I stuck with it and made good progress. I'd like to be a bit more "freaky" in 2003, however. Ohgawd... here are TWO MORE F-words! "Flexible" and "Freaky"! Too funny! Another one... "Funny"!!! :lol:

I'm outta here. Later, y'all!

Carol CA Tue, Dec-31-02 12:45

Asugar... ONCE AGAIN we're thinking the same way... at the same time! Scary! Let's add "Four-Letter Words" and "Fairy" to the F-word list!

Happy New Year, asugar!

asugar Tue, Dec-31-02 13:21

Carol, Only a FOOL dressed in a FRUMPY FROCK would put down her FORK only just long enough to give the Whoosh FAIRY the FINGER!

I need to bid this year FAREWELL. Ialso need to open up my FREEZER door b/c all that eye candy is giving me FEVER (FOR the youngsters here, FEVER was a very popular song by Peggy Lee before most of y'all were even born!) and I need to cool my buttFRONT!
asugar :wave:

Carol CA Tue, Dec-31-02 13:31

Oh... THANKS for that, asugar! Now I need to go change my FRIGGIN' panties! :lol:

ginkirk Tue, Dec-31-02 14:15

OK....You're ON!
Fat... Fluffy... Fair... FUDGE... FrontButt... Favorite... Fit... Firm... Flab... Flat... Fanny... Flatulence (Maltitol Farts)... Fish
Flexible Freaky


or how about "ph"

ginkirk Tue, Dec-31-02 14:20

Ginger hangs her flush-faced, fine-frolicked head in fuddled & flustered shame at how out "F"-ed she was by asugar & Carol..... :( ;) :( ;) :( ;) :( ;)

Carol CA Tue, Dec-31-02 14:21

FEW more F-words...
Good job, gin!

Fabulous, in Fact. Is this a Fun Forum or what! So many Fine Friends Found here! Somebody HELP me! I've FALLEN... and can't get up!

ginkirk Tue, Dec-31-02 14:41

I just read that -- what the Heck does "Fine-Frolicked Head" mean. I guess that means I've got an attractive yet lively head? it's time to go home.

Wendye Tue, Dec-31-02 17:41

Oh no the thread has been taken over by the alliteration pair!!!! :lol: I'm gonna write a post with NO 'f' words .

Ginger - a seat is booked on jan 2nd so both you and Jude can join us - so glad you made it here - beats me what that expression means :confused:

Carol CA -- so where are all these big bucks $$$$$$$$$????
Glad you are feeling stronger - fiddle dee dee!!! :lol:

Sugar - I'll get out the megaphone and shooooo off those tormenting beckoning comments - but wouldn't it be easy to chuck them out or confine them in an air tight tin - outta sight (and smell for me!!!) outta mind!! It'll shut 'em up too!!

I'm off to the doctor's to do an official weigh in!!! will post it later.

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