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catspaw Sun, Feb-02-03 20:48

It would just be nice if the fat would go away while the muscle was increasing -

diget77 Sun, Feb-02-03 21:37

did pretty good for dinner. I know I need to add more water, so I had 3 large glasses of crystal light. I had 2 pork strips for dinner with probably 1 cup of spinach. Well, that's all it is for now :-)

lkonzelman Mon, Feb-03-03 08:01

It is attainable. You just don't have that much to lose so it will be slow but if you keep with the exercises - you will continue to lose those soft inches.

XOXO Thanks for all your support!

diget77 Mon, Feb-03-03 09:14

Started out this morning with 60 leg lift crunches. Tried to find my old richard simmons tape...figured I need to add some cardio in ... I plan to really push fluids today. I figured I will have some egg drop soup and lots of CL. My DH drank the rest of mine yesterday.

I am figuring that I need to push the cardio and possibly get back to somewhat of an induction pan, with lots of water based fluids. I gained a lb back yesterday. I did sneak a bit of apple crisp...In the past when I have had something off the list, I only stayed the same...not gained. It kind of hit me. I need to get down further. I know it will be slow, and know I have done a lot so far..but just want to get the rest of this fat off so I can really look good. I want to be in a great swim suit for spring/summer. I am supposed to finally really learn how to ski (had been preggy every summer since we got our boat and never got a chance before). Well, can't find the tape. I think I will do 10 reps of 5 or 5 reps of 10 up and down the stairs...we have 12 steps (that should be a good work out). I also really plan on cleaning the house today. I know it's easy to say I am going to do it...I also want to start digging under the house. My DH wants to make a storage room under the house, we have to dig out about 3/4 ft. of dirt throughout...that should be good for the upper body. It may be a bit before I start it, but it would be nice if I can start on that for him and good for me.

diget77 Mon, Feb-03-03 09:59 usual I was a bit ambitious. I did 2 reps of 5 (up and down = 1) of the stairs...I was jogging up them at first, then could only walk. It is a work out. I will have to work my way up to 50. I have accomplished some of the house work..Still have quite a bit to do.

diget77 Mon, Feb-03-03 10:54

Plans have changed once again. I am going to D-land again to get some walking in. Did have 2 bowls of egg drop soup and 1 large glass of CL for breakfast. Not sure what to do for lunch, but will probably have In & Out protein burger for dinner.

diget77 Tue, Feb-04-03 13:37

I am mad at myself :mad: and disappointed. I really blew it the last couple of days. Of course DH didn't help any. I'm not sure what upped the scale yesterday...but it remained up today and I know why. I was so bad, and although I increased my walking, I blew it with the carbs.

I am starting fresh and this time I mean it. My niece and nephew are comeing next week for about 2 months. I figure while all the kids are napping, I will do areobics for atleast 20 min. I actually completed that today. I hope to try for 25 tomorrow. I found the old Richard Simmons tape. I put that in, turned the volume all the way down and turned on the radio. I like the oldies...he just has them extended, I would rather do the 2 different songs to his one. I also got in 40 leg lift crunches this morning and 20 reg. crunches. I had 1 bowl of egg drop soup. Is it bad to cut down on calories as well as carbs?

The meals I have planned for today are low in both.
According to fit day....If I have all of my soup (large pot, about 6+ cups), and a 1/2# lemmon pepper chicken breast with 1 cup spinach, I will be at 11 carbs and 548 calories. I figured I didn't need to add drink in unless I have the CL. All others have no carbs or cals. I feel I need to cut my carbs down, funny thing is even when I enter my own info off the package, fit day said my cals and carbs didn't add up, so someone is worng somewhere.

Well, better get back to work. I am super cleaning the house today!!

lkonzelman Tue, Feb-04-03 13:40

Hard to guess what upping or lowering is if you have no daily stats.

How many calories do you eat daily. How many carbs (- fiber)?

FYI - egg drop soup has lots of sodium so you may just be retaining water....

diget77 Tue, Feb-04-03 14:30

thanks for the advice. I noticed almost everything I eat has a lot of salt, not to mention I am a salt pheen and add it to everything.

How can I get rid of the water gain? I basically at like this during induction and lost a lot the first week, which what I was told should have been mostly water gain. So, now I am confused. Although I am mad at myself, I'm not as upset or depressed as I used to get. Afterall, I can still fit into the 8s and my DH's boss said he wished his wife could be like me. I guess she is trying to lose and has lost a bit, but has platued. He was amazed. I think his exact words were "WOW!! I mean [pause] WOW!!!" He saw me at Christmas and I had losed 10 more lbs since. I guess it helped to be wearing the hip huggers hehehe My DH took it as his boss being jealous of him (having a thin wife who worked hard to get there). The boss' wife isn't overly large...she just told me she has always had trouble loseing.

It did make me feel better to hear someone amazed by my look.

lkonzelman Tue, Feb-04-03 14:32

The only two ways to get rid of water weight is drinking extra water to counter the salt intake OR pick some foods low in sodium for a bit.

Just remember this isn't a real weight gain. Ok???

catspaw Tue, Feb-04-03 18:53

She's right, you know
Unless you ate 7,000 calories more than usual in the past 2 days it is just water weight gain. Carbs soak up water, and so if you increase them, you'll quickly put "weight" on. Get yourself back into ketosis, and you'll quickly lose the "weight."

Good for you for not getting too upset! You've come so far and are really doing so well. I know this is a temporary setback for you, and I've seen your determination go into high gear before, so I have no doubt you'll be dropping again soon.

diget77 Tue, Feb-04-03 19:09

I should look on the bright side, I have motivated myself into getting my house cleaned. Boy i was like a cleaning machine. That's actually what I used to do when I got upset. I con't believe how great the house looks (atleast until the boys get busy again...had to clean their toy room prob. 5 times already.) All the bending and lifting should help some.

Boy we are getting close to the picture posting day. I have some good old pis, unfortunatly it's hard to gage the weight because I was either preggy or not showing my full self. I hid because I was embarrassed, I don't think I have a single shot of my full body. I will have to do a pic or 2 of just my upper half, just to compare. Well, I've got dinner to prep and I prob. should put the sheets back on the beds...hehehe

diget77 Wed, Feb-05-03 09:21

Oh man...just typed long good entry and forgot to hit post when I closed the window..

Anyway, I did start the morning with 30 minutes areobic exercise. Then added 40 reg. crunches and 40 leg lift crunches. All on empty stomach.

I have decided...strickly water today. I will fill my 2 quart pitcher and vow to drink it all by endo of day. I also love to eat ice, so each glass I have will be filled with ice. I hope I can do it. I am going to fight these 2 pounds extra with avengence. Lisa I am taking your water intake advice. Unfortunately, I am a very picky eater. Alll the "legal" foods I like are high in sodium.

Now what seemed like a not to hard to reach Val day goal of 5-6 lbs in 14 days has become and impossible 7lbs in 9 days. Oh well...I still have until April to finsh...atleast I am under the 20lb mark on what I have to lose.

I might try to do some more areobics this afternoon!

We'll see how it goes

diget77 Thu, Feb-06-03 10:38

Started out the day ok I guess. I did only 20 mins. areobics. (no video, just bounced around in front of the tv), 40 min reg. crunches and 20 leg lift. I also plan on hitting the mall today for a 2 mile walk, to add to my post office walk that I didn't get to do yesterday.

I did finally lose 1 of the 2 lbs I put on. I have been in my size 8s lately and they have been a bit snug, put on the 10 and they are loose and comfy. I really can't wait for the 8s to feel that way. I know, the weight won't come off on it's own...I do need to keep up the exercise and to get back to the good eating habits. I did figure out why I am constantly cheating. I don't have many snacks. I think I will make my own beef jerky (have some good recipes that I used to sell at my store), and I haven't had lettuce in the house for awhile. I used to make a salad with finely grated cheese and bacon..whenever I had the munchies. Now I find I will take a bite of the kid's cookies as I give them one. I have become so bad. I know that I will need to lose a bit more than I want to be, so that when I adjust to how I will eat on maintance, I can gain a couple pounds without losing it. Well, I should get back to the boys and my chores before I go.

I'll be back to post what walking I actually got done today!

diget77 Fri, Feb-07-03 17:38

No areobics yet today. Started out doing 2 miles at the Mills. And then added in several shopping stops. The first mile I took easy, stopped and looked at a few things. Second mile whipped out in 12 minutes. I figured that wasn't bad, seeing that I was dodgeing people and I was only walking.

Had a leetuce salad with finely grated cheese and ranch dressing. I then had a bag of beef jerky for snack and lunch. I'm not too hungry now. I am making ham for dinner.

Looks like we might actually get snow. Boy, I am tired. I did buy 12 1 liter bottles of water. Someone just told me she had been on Atkins and took some pills that helped to burn carbs first, she said you can take it when you eat something starchy, and it basically helps to rid of the carbs. Does anyone know about this? It sounds like a good deal to use when in transition to maintainance. I sure hope there is something like that.

Well, I will try and get some areobics in this evening. I found an old tape of my show choir days...gosh so long ago it seems. Anyway, I thought I could relearn the steps...I remeber it was quite a work out. HEHEHE who knows. Anyway. I done for now. I have to get cleaned up.


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