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Melameter Sat, Jul-06-02 21:11

Hi Jane....
I know what the toothache feels like, I have an appointment to get one fixed the 29th of July, it is one of the teeth in the very back, and feels much like an earache. I feel sorry for you. I will give you a hug((((((((((((((Jane))))))))))))))))
I will go over to your PM and leave my email again I may have done something wrong. I am looking forward to hearing from you. If it dont work, you can leave yours in my PM and I will send one to you and then you can just save my address.
I think my niece is going to forward a picture of me, if she does I will send it to you, I seen a picture of Renee, did she send it to you? She is a very pretty woman, I love her hair.
I will go over and leave my email again for you now, I will get back with you tomorrow, and we will figure something out if it does not work this time. Hope you get to feeling better :( My mother always says when you have a toothache to take a whole clove and let it rest against your tooth, she swears it will help, I dont know, I cant stand the taste of cloves!!! YUK!!!
Later. Melanie

Melameter Sun, Jul-07-02 11:51

Hi girls....
I am sitting here at home, it is Sunday afternoon, I am bored. I just finished a really good book, and need to find me another one I guess. My husband is watching car races on television, I dont care much for car races.
What are you guys doing? It is so quite here without the kids. I can hear hubby snoring, he has fallen asleep. He would wake up right quik if I changed the channel on the tv though.
It is a really quite day. At least it has stopped raining, and I can get back to my walking.
Our road has been so muddy and nasty, that I have not walked as much as I should.
I am sure glad you like the mock danish Renee, I use liquid sweet&low for sweetner because it has no carbs, and sometimes right before cooking it, I sprinkle a package of splenda on top of it and dont stir it up. It makes it a little better, but it also adds a carb. Any kind of sweetner that is in liquid or tablet form has no carbs. I dont know how healthy they are, but I guess I will take my chances.
Well, I finally received email from Jane so we must have our cyberspace problems worked out. It was really nice to hear from both of you.
I think I will go check out the recipes maybe I will find us a nice new treat, without any weird hard to find ingrediants.... I'll let you know....... Melameter

jane anne Sun, Jul-07-02 13:33

cheese crisps!
Hey girls i just discovered something on my way to a snack! i wanted to snack so bad. i too am not hungry ..... could be the earache..... anyway, i got out my no stick fry pan and buttered it (thinly). i then put little mounds of grated mozzerella cheese on it ( at med. low) and then waited until it got golden brown around the edges .... or until i could smell it (which is how i judge if something is done you can smell it but it doesn't smell burnt). i let it cool in the pan for a few minutes then lift it out. they may have run together a bit but just break them apart. they are very crisp and salty like chips. the flavour is remenisent of cheese ritz crackers. i enjoyed them very much. i would suggest keeping leptovers in the fridge.
love ya,

Melameter Sun, Jul-07-02 14:23

That sounds good Jane, I dont have any mozzerella cheese or I would try that. I will get some, am going to the store in a little bit. I discovered something good also. I made some dip with cream cheese and then put it over green beans and warmed it in the micrewave, it is really good.
Dip: 2 8oz. pkgs cream cheese
1 pkg. hidden valley ranch dressing mix
3 jalapeno peppers chopped fine
(without seeds,or it will be hot)
3 or 4 green onions tops and all chopped
Mix all ingrediants together, you can use this dip for celery sticks or whatever.

It is really good warmed with green beans, it makes a creamy sauce on them, it is quite tasty.

I also made your cinnamon butter stuff today, but I added some cream cheese and whipped up some whipping cream added that and some splenda Mixed it all together and let it sit in the refrigerator
until it firmed up, made a pretty good little snack.

I always eat more than usual on Sundays, I guess because we stay home, and I just sit around and think of something to eat.
I also bought some pepperoni, to fry and eat like chips, that may be good with your fried cheese things, you think?

Sure hope your ear and all get to feeling better..... Later.... Mel
I am still on a mission to discover us some new stuff to eat......

ms_poody Sun, Jul-07-02 14:43

You girls are giving me some great ideas. Thanks so much.

That cheese trick sounds like just the ticket Jane and the pepperoni addition sounds good too Melanie.

Already got the jalepeno cream cheese one from your other post. That sounds very good. You know me and

Maybe I should make a recipie book with all of this. I never was one to follow a recipie, but think I might change that.

Sorry to hear about your tooth and ear Jane. I tend to get earaches myself and know how they can put you out of commission. I hope it gets better fast.

Thank goodness my husband doesn't care for the races, I have enough to deal with at football It's amazing how bored one person can be when those sports are going on. I try VERY hard not to It's not easy!!



Melameter Sun, Jul-07-02 15:08

Hey Renee.
I dont really mind him watching the car races, would rather be playing on the computer, and talking to ya'll. He is entertained, and so am I.
I have been looking for some recipes, everything usually has some funky ingrediant I have never heard of, and probably would not be able to find around here in a million years. I am still looking though. I need to find recipes for vegetables, I need to add more of them to my diet.
I did try some squash a while back, I diced it up and boiled it in chicken broth, A little butter and whipping cream, Yummy. Also boiled in some whipping cream butter, and add a little splenda, very good!!!
I am going to try some broccoli with american cheese and a little whipping cream and butter.
Also wonder how fresh broccoli would taste boiled in chicken broth?
I am going to just have to get creative and try some of these ideas.
Well girls I am off to the store be back soon...
Ya'll dont be holding back all your good ideas, I am hungry!!!
Need all the help I can get...
:daze: Melameter

Melameter Sun, Jul-07-02 18:11

Okay Girls, I found a good snack. Preheat oven to 375 then take green beans, drain them, put just enough olive oil to coat sprinkle a little bit of seasoned salt and put them on a cookie sheet. Put them in the oven and roast them until they are lightly browned and then let them cool awhile, eat them with your fingers. They are really easy and they are good. This recipe is in the Atkins new revolution book. I tried them and enjoyed. The book says you can mix green beans and wax beans. Also tried the fried pepperoni, wonderful..... I have been eating all day, just a bit of this, and a bite of that. But I am not bored anymore. I did not make it to the store, a storm came up, and we got another inch of rain :( I guess we are going to drown... before it stops.
I will have to go to store tomorrow. I have eaten enough I dont need anything anyway. There is a creek between us and town, it gets up and you cannot cross until it goes back down.
How are you feeling Jane? I really wanted to try your cheese snack. It sounds so good. I saw a recipe where you take a cube of swiss cheese and wrap half a slice of bacon around it and deep fry it for 30 seconds. That sounded good too, I may try it and see.
I cant beleive we have had another inch of rain, so much for my walk.... AGAIN. It is so muddy you just sink. I need a treadmill. Although usually would rather get out and walk. Ya'll should see all the little fawns. They are so little and cute. I love to walk in the evenings and see them, they just look at me, they are so curious. When you get to close they run away. Little calves are the same way. We have a cotton tailed rabbit (wild) raising her babies in our front yard. I guess she likes the carpet grass. I am a lucky girl to live out like this, and enjoy nature right in my front yard. Although a muddy one right now...
Well I am rambling on and on, so I will close now. My mother in law came up with an Atkins cook book, it looks older than the hills, but I will look thru it and see if there are any good ideas in there. Later girls....

ms_poody Mon, Jul-08-02 07:16


I love squash sauteed in butter with onions and or shredded cabbage.

I also have boiled broccoli and cauliflower in water flavored with pork drippings, [liquid from the crock after I cooked a roast in it] it was wonderful. I would imagine that chicken stock would be great too.

I've made sauteed chicken in butter with fennel leaves [from my garden] and garlic. This was great and has become a favorite of my family. If you can't find fennel substitute with celery leaves and a pinch of mint or a prepared italian seasoning[one with fennel in it].

I hope it stops raining soon. How close is that creek? Not very I hope. It's just awful to see all the flooding in the news. I'm so happy you said you are on high ground.

Have you tried weight training for your exercising? You can use canned vegis for weights if you don't have any available. Atleast thats something you can do in ugly weather.


The cheese idea of yours was great. I tried it last night. I'm thinking of trying it with cheddar and serving it with bits of crisp bacon. I also want to try the cheddar with salsa. [ I'm a salsa nut and have been known to put it in some strange]

I hope you are feeling better today. Have you gone to the doctor yet? I usually try to treat everything at home, but when it comes to earaches I end up going to have it looked at. Infection is hard to get rid of without it. The only time I was succesful at getting rid of one on my own I ate spoons full of diced garlic and took eccinacea like it was going out of style... :Puke: was probably not smelling very good, but the durn thing stopped hurting.

How is Gerry doing? Didn't you say he was sick? I can't find it now but I thought I remembered reading that he was.



jane anne Mon, Jul-08-02 08:34

hey renee,
i'm feeling a bit better. i went to emerg yesterday and i have a perferated eardrum. good thing i went in. sometimes if catch it early enough i can treat it with over the counter drops but i new within a day that it wasn't going to work. so off i went. the doctor gave me penicillan and antibiotic drops. wish my drug plan was in effect. oh well it will work out.
gerry was feeling better by sunday. i think he had a migraine headache.... hard to say since communication doesn't come easy for him.
the toothache is another story. i will have to wait until friday to get it fixed. i'll be taking a lot of motrin to get by.
i want to try those roasted green beans. do they keep well. i might want to keep a bunch for a trip i'm going on tomorrow. i found a choc. cake in the recipe file. it's called "barbo's choc. cake". i also like those choc. flax muffins. i treat them like cup cakes and put a butter icing on them. (just whip up butter, cocao, vanilla, splenda to taste) must feed the choc monster when tom arrives.
got to go out shopping, :D
later :wave:

Melameter Mon, Jul-08-02 08:44

Hey Renee.
Renee, your ideas sound really great. I was reading in some forums here and discovered quite a few people who said they were not losing weight until they started eating vegatables. I am going to the store today, and stock up. It cant hurt to try it, I am going to add a half a cup of some kind of veggie at every meal. Or at least a salad. Maybe it will help me get past this plateau... Stuck at 162.
We dont live near the creek, it is 4 miles or so from the house. I am glad. We are so high up here we can see town 20 miles away from the hill. So you dont have to worry about flooding here. We do have a little creek runs thru our property, but not near the house, it would have to get very high to hurt anything. I cant imagine how some people must be feeling having lost their homes and everything though. It is so sad.
I am going to get dressed now and go shop for groceries, talk to you girls later.
Hi Jane...

jane anne Mon, Jul-08-02 08:54

hi girls
i forgot to mention i'm going on an impromptu trip for two days up to ottawa. my friend, ruth needs to drive her son back and would like some company so if you can think of any carb free snacks i can load up on. i'd be much obliged.
i'll miss you girls. funny eh?

ms_poody Mon, Jul-08-02 09:12

Hey Girls,

Jane I don't know about the beans, I haven't tried them yet. That was Melanies recipie.

Good thing you did go to the doctors. Perferated eardrum...sounds awful. Hope you are back on top quickly. Earaches are terrible. How is your tooth?

Poor Gerry, it must be hard not to be able to communicate what your pains are. Bless his heart. Is he prone to migrains?

Melanie remember that even on Atkins induction diet [which I think I'll live on forever :( ] it is recommended that you eat 3 cups of vegis a day. If you double your 1/2 cup each meal to 1 cup you'll be right on it. [Sorry, I really do simpathize, but I had to tell you.] One cup at a time isn't so hard, it can be kinda hairy if you try all three at the same time tho. You can keep fresh vegis cut up in the fridge for snacks. Eat them with dips [for extra cals]. If you keep them packaged in 1 cup portions [I use ziplock bags]you have a real easy way of keeping the amounts accurate.

Just keep telling yourself that it's medicine you need to take to stay helps me.

Isn't it funny how I could binge on something and not think a thing about it, but have so much trouble eating enough to LOSE weight? I don't think I'll ever understand it. But I know what I need to do and am determined to do it. I'm so glad for you two. I don't think I'd be faceing this particular issue as well as I am if I didn't feel the need to help you with it too Melanie. Thank you for that... :rheart: Thank you so much. I can't hide from it if I have to point it out to feel like I have to set an example if I have the nerve to tell you about it. Please understand that I really's hard to say things sometimes but I feel that if I don't I'm letting you down. I hope you call me on anything you see that I need to change too.



ms_poody Mon, Jul-08-02 09:38


We must have been posting at the same

Here is a list of the things I can think of.

Pork Rinds
Cubed Ham
Bacon bits [home cooked]
Sardines [if you like them]
Pepperoni Chips
Beef Jerkey or Slim Jim type thing [check labeling for carbs]

these aren't totaly carb free but have low carb count:

Your Cheese recipie
Boiled eggs or Egg salad
Celery sticks w/creamed cheese [or Melanies recipie]
Cubes of Cheese
Slices of Cucumber w/ dressing for dip or alone [little more carbs]
Macadamia Nuts
Brazil Nuts

Can't think of any more, hope this is helpfull.


Melameter Mon, Jul-08-02 11:41

Oh Jane I am so glad you went to have your ear seen about, that sounds painful :( Hope you get better and soon!!!
Renee has alot of good ideas for snacks. Maybe you should get you a little ice chest to take along. I carry a real tiny one, with bottle of water, and a few little snacks everytime I leave home. I bet you could fix your green beans, and then put them in a storage container, as long as you keep them over a little ice. I have one of those little bricks of ice that you just use and refreeze, they work great. Then you have no messy melted ice.
Hope you enjoy your trip... Just a week left and I am going on my trip. Kind of nervous about flying, I guess Sept.11, has upset alot of people when it comes to getting on a plane. I just wish everyone could be happy and get along, throghout the world...
I am really going to the store now, before it rains again and I am stuck... It looks like it is going to be a real pretty day for a change.
I appreciate all of your help girls, both of you, I dont think I would have done as well without you two. Just wanted to say thanks :spin:
Talk to ya later, gotta run now......

Melameter Mon, Jul-08-02 16:43

Hey girls, notice my picture!!!!! My niece helped me figure out how to put it on here.
Well, i finally got to the store I am broke now, but have lots to eat. Lots of vegatables. I have not done well today, (no veggies)
but I will try tomorrow. I am ay my nieces house now, so I am going to go and will talk to ya'll when I get home, I love her computer. Nice!!!

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