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dizzyd Fri, Mar-29-02 17:40

Saturday the 13th
Hope it's a nice day...

Be kind to me guys, I'm not a morning person. I actually could be ready for a walk around 11:00. Is that early enough?

Meri, hanging at your place after sounds awesome. Of course, we'll probably all be ready for lunch so we'll have to come up with a plan around that perhaps?

I, too, fell off the wagon so hard yesterday! You probably heard the thump in Sidney, Janet. Here's the thing. I've got Candida. At least I'm 95% sure I do. So, in a fit of angst, I had about 6 cookies fresh from the bakery and a white chocolate mocha at Starbucks. I wish that was where it ended... I won't go into gory details. I feel guilty enough as it is.

So, to combat the candida and hopefully be able to lose weight finally I have to give up cheese (except Mozzarella, thank god for minor blessings), anything with vinegar in it (all salad dressings have it), mayo, mustard, basically any kind of sauce or dressing what-so-ever, mushrooms, and coffee. I don't know if I can give up coffee. I just went to Lifestyles and got all the supplements that I'm supposed to have. It cost me $50.00!!! This better work! Of course, all these new restirctions sent me screaming into a major rebellion and there was the thud as I fell off the wagon. Talk about not doing yourself any favors!

Ah well, back on the wagon tomorrow, and hopefully on the candida busting trail!!!

Wish me luck girls!

IslandGirl Fri, Mar-29-02 20:20

Poor Donna! Who diagnosed the Candida? It's common enough, don't get me wrong. Those cookies, well, they probably had a big party with them, though. Ouch.

You can make salad dressings with lemon juice instead of vinegar (very yummy). What's in the mayo that's a problem? New one on me about the mayo... but a simple homemade mayo is easy and should be fine.

Coconut is loaded with caprylic acid (another fatty acid), by the way (good news in the fight against candida, though dried coconut might not be such a good idea, coconut milk is and is FAB in lots of dishes.

If I can help, do let me know. Have you had a rummage through the 'ailments' (oops, LowCarb Health & Technical) forum? There's a Candida Yeast & IBS subforum . I hope I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you don't REALLY need $50 worth of supplements to battle candida... not on your first try, anyway... oops, cancel the dumb question, I see you're posting there...

PS: y'all, I see a walk is lining up, and I see a date & time but not a place? Was this posted somewhere else?

meri Fri, Mar-29-02 21:17

my place you may recall!....grin
..since I'm right by Beacon Hill Park. I will email you my address if you give me your email address. Sounds like we're going to have fun! about we walk, having brought a dish for a potluck lunch? we can put them in the fridge ...strike off and come back here to eat. B'sides wanna exchange favorite tasty recipes? That would be really fun and productive besides! I wonder if IslandGirl will come and bring her info re supplies.... If not, p'raps I'll get into a distribution mode myself...what do you think guys?

So would it be a crunch Donna to meet at 10:30 or shd we count on 11:00?

Am about to eat a long overdue dinner, will check in later! bye all! :wave: Meri

dizzyd Sun, Mar-31-02 16:20

Hey all
Hi Judi!

We are planning a walk. We're meeting at Meri's place. She'll have to give you the details. I think I could manage 10:30. Don't expect me to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed is all! :lol:

So, who's going to bring what for lunch? I'll bring whatever so you guys decide first.

I've begun my anti-candida thing today, so hopefully life will be back to normal soon! I have also gained about 10 pounds from quitting smoking, so I'm a little grumpy about the whole thing! The reason that you can't have mayo is because it has vinegar in it, and you can't have vinegar or anything else that has been fermented because it can harbor mold. It's not forever, so that's okay. The pay-off will be well worth the sacrifice!!

Happy Easter you guys!


IslandGirl Wed, Apr-03-02 02:44

Hey, way cool.

I'm up for a walk and a potluck... when all is agreed to, like who's bringing what, the actual FINAL date/time/address should be PM'd to all concerned, don't you think?

Speaking as an "old hand" and a Forum Moderator, the general policy is not to put private email addresses out in the public Forum threads, but to PM (Private Message) them when required. I think we've all posted enough (25+ posts) to qualify for PMing!
:devil: :D :devil: :D :devil: :D :devil: :D :devil:

PS: pretty well all "distribution info" is available, as always, on the LowCarb FoodExperts webpage, which can be reached DIRECTLY by clicking on the logo that's part of my "signature block" ... EASY-PEASY. On the other hand, I might be persuaded to bring some samples if y'all might express some particular product curiosities I may be able to satisfy! :devil:

PPS: DizzyD Dearest, not ALL mayo has vinegar. The LowCarb Kitchen has a simple blender recipe for DELICIOUS and very easy blender home-made mayo that is completely vinegar-free! Egg and olive oil, maybe some salt and lemon juice.

jamnut Wed, Apr-03-02 09:02

How do you send a private message? When I click on the icon, it says I am not allowed to do it. Any way around that?

When I went into my profile, I also noticed that 3 threads I subscribed to the other day, are not listed so I guess I will have to hunt them down again!


IslandGirl Wed, Apr-03-02 18:45

TWO more posts, JamNut, and you too will be able to PM... there's a 25-post requirement been put on by the Forum Web Master a while back, as many very new newbies for PMing things that should have been posted as questions in the open Forums...

jamnut Wed, Apr-03-02 18:46

Hi! I am cheating a bit here as I see I have only posted 23 times so I am going to post a couple of times to get that number up to 25+ & see if PM will work then.

jamnut Wed, Apr-03-02 18:48

Hey Judi - we both posted at the same time! One more message to go then I can hopefully PM! Janet

jamnut Wed, Apr-03-02 18:50

This is a "HI" :wave: to Esther from Victoria whom I just met on the Canada low carb mailing list. Unfortunatly, she is unable to come for our walk (she is out of town) but I invited her to read this thread. Janet

Esther Thu, Apr-04-02 15:16

Hi Right back atcha!
Hello, I'm Esther
I met Janet yesterday on the low carb Canada list. I just started this wacky WOL. Since Monday, I've lost 2 lbs!
I think it could have been more, but mother nature ruled that out!
I'm sorry I won't be able to join you on Saturday, but I'm looking forward to being invited to the next get together!

meri Sat, Apr-06-02 23:39

Here I am....not lost after all!
Sorry! My pc problems have deleted my subscribed threads and I've been out of the loop!

So we are on for next Saturday! Hurray!

Potluck usually means bring and surprise us! But I haven't a problem picking either. So far Jamnut is bringing desert...which I hadn't even thot of! I am planning to make a salad and have some cheese on hand. I will experiment with pm'ing....haven't done that before....didn't know it existed! Yippee!

So remember to bring you walking shoes! Oh! And favorite recipes you have tried and loved....let's exchange and expand our choices of good stuff to eat!

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, and am happy to make this a regular thing if folks find they'd like to! see you soon!

Meri :wave:

meri Sun, Apr-07-02 00:04

Hi Esther Welcome!
I'm pretty new too! The walk and lunch is going to start at my house, I'd love to send you the info....are you fine with adding your email address to your profile? If so I can get you my info. for Saturday. If you have Jamnut's contact info you could also check in with her. Sure hope you will come! It will we great fun, we just now are a smallish group and just getting to know each other! So come along it will be great! Meri :wave:

Esther Sun, Apr-07-02 00:16

re: Saturday the 13th
Hi Meri
I'm so sorry, but I won't be able to join you on Saturday the 13th. I will be up island in Nanaimo with family stuff.
I am looking forward to the next event, though.
ps I don't have a problem with my email addy in the profile. Do I put it there or does a moderator? I REALLY new to this message board thing!

meri Sun, Apr-07-02 02:58

hiya's easy
at the top of the page is an icon with 'profile' under it. Click that and you can go in and add or modify info you had entered when you registered. Click save and ta-dah! My mom is in Nanaimo....
definitely come the next time. Glad to have you. Stick with it Esther, if there's a slip...just get right back in the game and keep going! Talk soon!...Meri :wave:

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