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cathy44 Mon, Apr-09-07 10:40

Wednesday evening, Apr 4th--
cycled- 4 miles.. (so weird to ride a bike after so long!!)

Friday, Apr 6th--
40 min walk/jog,
10 mins of abs work

Sunday, Apr 8th--
40 min walk/jog,
10 mins abs

cathy44 Mon, Apr-09-07 11:54

Beginning Week 3 101 days left to train!! :)

Monday, Apr 9th--
30 mins elliptical, HIIT- 20/40 x 6,
30 mins arms--
Vertical butterfly- 35 lbs- 3x12
Seated chest- 45 lbs, 3x12
Bi-Lateral pull- 45 lbs, 3x12
Uni-Lateral pull- 20 lbs 1x12 and 10 lbs 1x12 each arm
Tricep pull-- set on 3/2- 2x12

Free weights-
Bi-cep curl- 9lbs, 3x12
Military press, 9lbs, 3x12
Tri-cep kickbacks- 9lbs, 2x12

cathy44 Tue, Apr-10-07 09:51

Tuesday, April 10th--

Morning workout--
35 min jog/walk

Evening workout--
15 mins exercise bike,
30 mins weights, legs:
Leg extensions- 55 lbs 3x12
Leg curls- 80 lbs 1x12, 70 lbs 1x12
Leg press- 95 lbs, 3x12,
Leg press (calves) 95 lbs, 2x12
Flex- 80 lbs 1x12 ea leg
Exten- 110 lbs 3x12 ea leg
Adduct- 80 lbs 3x12 ea leg
Abduct- 80 lbs 2x12 ea leg

10 mins abs,
25 pushups

cathy44 Thu, Apr-12-07 10:41

Wednesday, Apr 11th--
15 mins weights- arms
Vertical butterfly- 35 lbs- 3x12
Uni-Lateral pull- 20 lbs 1x12 and 10 lbs 1x12 each arm
Tricep pull-- set on 3/2- 2x12

Free weights-
Bi-cep curl- 10lbs, 3x12

great, LONG cardio workout....
1 1/2 hours running/walking up & down hills.. (more like mountains)..sore muscles last night and today

Thursday, Apr 12th--
no morning workout.. no excuse.. just could not get my lazy arse up out of bed... lol!

30 mins cardio: 5 mins fast walk, 20 mins elliptical w 7 20/40 HIIT, 5 mins fast walk (this is SO flippin hard!! I love it) :D

Seated chest- 45 lbs, 3x12
Bi-Lateral pull- 45 lbs, 3x12
Uni-Lateral pull- 20 lbs 1x12 and 10 lbs 1x12 each arm
Tricep pull-- set on 3- 3x12

Flex- 90 lbs 1x12 ea leg
Exten- 120 lbs 3x12 ea leg
Adduct- 90 lbs 3x12 ea leg
Abduct- 90 lbs 2x12 ea leg


cathy44 Fri, Apr-13-07 10:37

Friday, Apr 13th.. woohoo.. LOVE friday the 13th!!

planning on abs and running tonight... will be back tomorrow to update.....

30 min jog,

great workout :)

cathy44 Sun, Apr-15-07 12:04

Sunday, Apr 15th--
1 hour cardio== long, fast paced walk

cathy44 Mon, Apr-16-07 14:50

I've been spending way too much time worrying over training plan... I finally came up with the plan that I truly feel is for me and that at the same time will challenge me and will get me fit and to the finish line in July.. so my goal is that by the end of May.. I will be able to run continuously for 4 miles and ride bike for a minimum of 15 miles- (at a minimum of once per week at these distances) I feel I must concentrate on biking and running and then start swim training in late May, first of June in the lake.

This plan reminds me once again to KEEP IT SIMPLE!!!!

So.. here is my plan- and will re-evaluate in 6 weeks--

6 days with 1 day rest:
alternate 3 days biking, 3 days running;
core work every morning;

3 x per week:
knee pushups 3x10- (work on going ALL the way down)
lunges 3x10 with ball overhead and to each side
Lat pull downs
tricep pull downs

301 Mon, Apr-16-07 20:56

Add some push-ups for upper body and abs for your toning... besides that your starting keep after it :) :cool:

cathy44 Tue, Apr-17-07 09:41

Yes..... still upper body stuff including push-ups and abs most definetly on the agenda.

Monday, Apr 16h--
6 mile bike ride

Today, Tuesday Apr 17th--
am: 30 min jog/walk
tonight: abs, arms

cathy44 Thu, Apr-19-07 10:35

Wednesday, Apr 18th--
6.25 mile bike ride;
variety of ab crunches.. 6 sets of 2x12
26 knee pushups--(all the way down too!!) I feel my upper body and arms getting firmer and stronger!!! :)
1 set 3x12- forward lunges with ball
1 set 3x12- lateral pulls- 45 lbs

cathy44 Mon, Apr-23-07 09:50

Thursday, Apr 19th--
no exercise

Friday, Apr 20th--
1.5 mile jog,
2 x 12 forward lunges with ball
15 pushups
1 set (3x12) lateral pulls- 45 lbs

Saturday, Apr 21st--
7 mile bike ride,
3 sets of abs

Sunday, Apr 22nd--
2 mile jog,
1 set lateral pulls, 45 lbs
28 knee push-ups,
3 sets of abs,
2 sets of forward lunges with ball,
LOTS of stretching....

cathy44 Wed, Apr-25-07 14:14

Monday, Apr 23rd--
evening workout:
8 mile bike ride--a hill that I had to stop 1/2 way thru last week.. I made it up tonight without stopping.. a small accomplishment for me!!! :)

Tuesday, Apr 24th--
morning workout: 2 mile run/walk

Wednesday, Apr 25th
morning workout:
2 mile walk/run
3 sets of abs,
18 pushups,
24 lunges
T-ball game tonight so no workout..another run in am, and bike ride tomorrow night.
I feel I really need to push it with my runs... I feel so weak at this... gotta work on this.

cathy44 Fri, Apr-27-07 12:06

Thursday, Apr 26th--
9 mile bike ride.. tonights ride was AWSOME.. already I feel like I am getting much stronger and my endurance is improving quickly here.. this will most definetly be the strongest part of the tri for me.

Now.. running... needs MUCH, MUCH improving.. distance, strength, endurance pretty much sucks.. so will work on this.....I DO need new shoes which I will get this weekend, this will help.

Tonight will be weights and running & I will be back to update later.

cathy44 Mon, Apr-30-07 11:56

Friday, Apr 27th--
25 min, 2 mile jog- (treadmill)--
(note to self): using the treadmill is really cheating for me-- I need to be outdoors and I know this.. the terrain that I am now training on is much different then when I trained by the river at my house which was dirt roads and mostly down hill.... I feel like I am learning to jog all over again outdoors... PLUS..I ordered new shoes Saturday.... I have shin splints again. :rolleyes:
1 set (3x15) lateral pulldowns 45 lbs,
1 set (3x12) forward AND sideway lunges
26 pushups
1 set (3x12) curls, 8 lbs (freeweights)
6 variety of abs, (25 ea)
lots of stretching.

Saturday, Apr 28th--
14.2 mile bike ride!! WOOHOO.. this felt fabulous... there was 4 of us and I had to stop several times.. (more then I needed to) to let the others catch up with ME.. :D (this felt good!!) Lance move over... :lol: So.. basically... the tri is 13.2 miles.. that part will be easy for me.

Sunday, Apr 29th--
rest day

realized only lifted in gym once last week.. need to work on that this week and concentrate on runs......

cathy44 Tue, May-01-07 10:27

Monday-- Apr 30th
8 mile bike ride, stretching.

Tuesday-- May 1st
am: 2 mile jog/walk
pm: HIIT elliptical workout 20 mins, 6 20/40
3 x 12- 45 lbs: lateral pulldowns
3 x 12- 9 lbs: curls
3 x 12 forward lunges with ball
26 pushups
3 sets of abs

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