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pegm Fri, Jun-07-02 20:05

Lucked out with the weather and got 1/2 hour of pool jogging in before it rained. It started sprinkling after 20 mins., but the thunder was way off in the distance and there was no lightening, I figured what's a little rain -- after all I'm in a pool and all wet anyway! I did use the aqua sox and my foot was fine. Hope it heals soon, though, because it's pretty sore.

pegm Sat, Jun-08-02 18:53

Weather forcast was 80% chance of rain -- well, we got the 20% instead. It was overcast, but did not rain. Did 30 min. pool jogging. Foot is doing fine so far -- wore the water sox and it seems to help. Think I'll continue to do that even after foot heals. I think the friction of running on the vinyl pool liner caused the blister.

Tomorrow's forcast is hot -- should be able to get another day of pool jogging in.

pegm Mon, Jun-10-02 11:43

Sun. did lots of physical type chores -- gardening, cleaning, scrubbing all of the outdoor furniture, washed cars, etc., so skipped the pool jogging. Played games with son in pool -- tag, racing, keep away, etc.

Mon. started back to gym -- cold is much better (didn't cough all night!). Did UBWO on machines:

Bicep curls: 12x10, 10x20, 8x30, 6x30, 12x20
Triceps: 12x20, 10x30, 8x40, 6x50, 12x40
Lat Pulldowns: 12x50, 10x75, 8x100
Row: 12x40, 10,50, 8x60, 6x72, 12x60
Chest Press: 12x24, 10x36, 8x48, 6x60, 12x48
Flys: 12x70
Incline press: 12x24, 10x36, 8x48
Shoulder press: 12x24, 10x36, 8x36, 6x48, 12x36

Was sprinkling earlier, but if rain holds off after I get home, I'll do pool jogging.

pegm Tue, Jun-11-02 07:16

Raining today and I have dinner date with co-workers after work, so needed to do a.m. cardio. Used treadmill -- 2 miles at #4 incline -- felt really good!

pegm Wed, Jun-12-02 18:49

Did LBWO at gym (on machines):

Leg press: 12x150, 10x160, 8x175, 6x212, 12x175
Glutes/Hamstrings: 12x36, 12x48, 12x60
Multi Hip: 12x100, 12x150, 12x200
Rotary Calf: 12x90, 12x110, 12x130
Hip Abduction (outer): 12x90, 12x100, 12x110
Abs machine: 12x36, 12x36, 12x48, 12x60, 12x48

Came home, changed into swim suit, and went pool jogging. Could only manage 20 mins. -- legs just couldn't handle any more.

fern2340 Wed, Jun-12-02 21:31

Hey Peg!
I haven't stopped by here in a while! You are doing so well with the pool jogging! Congrats! :) Sounds like fun!!

Natrushka Thu, Jun-13-02 06:49

Peg, Happy Birthday :) I hope you have a wonderful day, full of all kinds of LC goodies. Best wishes for a great year.


pegm Thu, Jun-13-02 11:14

Thanks for the Birthday greetings!

Weater forcast: highs in the 60's, 60% chance of rain, so no pool jogging today.

5:00 a.m. -- 2 miles on treadmill at #4 incline, 4 mph pace. Legs wanted to quit after 20 minutes, but I told them that this is my body's birthday gift, so I kept going!

pegm Fri, Jun-14-02 11:44

UBWO at gym on lunch hour -- increased weight for bicep curls, and did 20 reps on last set of seated rows, so made note to increase weight next time.

When 'trainer' at gym helped me set up the program, he was not familiar with BFL (which I was doing at the time). He set up my worksheet to do more variety of exercises, but reps of 12, 10, and 8. I did not want to do that, so I continued with the exercises I had been doing for BFL with the 12, 10, 8, 6, 12 reps, but added the new ones he set up at the 12, x10 & 8.

The trainers check your sheets after each session, and there was a note on mine this time -- very encouraging -- keep up the great work, etc. -- but try to increase reps to 12 - 15. I thought it over, and decided, why not do that on the extra ones that the trainer had added. So today I increased those extra exercises from 12, 10, & 8 to 12, 12, and 12. Bring on the glutamime!

Weather is cloudy and 60's, but if it clears off a bit and the sun comes out, I will pool jog after work. The water is warm (86 degrees!) and I'll keep warm if I'm moving, so I'll go for it unless it's storming or really COLD!

pegm Sun, Jun-16-02 20:35

Weather straigtened out this weekend and was able to do pool jogging both Saturday and Sunday -- 30 minutes each day! It was great!!!!! Monday it will be back to the treadmill in the a.m. and LBWO at gym on lunch hour -- son had baseball game after work, so no pool jogging tomorrow!

pegm Mon, Jun-17-02 11:39

Did treadmill this morning for 30 mins., #4 & #5 incline, 4 mph. (no pool today -- son has baseball game out of town, so won't have time after work) If the weather would warm up a bit more so it's in the 60's at night instead of 50's, I would do pool jogging in the morning before work.

Went to gym on lunch hour and did UBWO, same as last Wed. I'll change the routine on July 15.

pegm Tue, Jun-18-02 16:55

Did not want to do treadmill again -- really wanted to pool jog today, so I took a chance on the weather -- it was supposed to rain -- and it did hold off. Got 30 mins of pool jogging in right after work. It's the last pool day until Friday -- have commitments for the next two days after work until 9:30 p.m., so I'll need to use the treadmill Wed. and Thur.

pegm Wed, Jun-19-02 11:56

Did treadmill this morning. There is something wrong with it -- we're going to need to get it repaired. It's only 1-1/2 years old and I think we purchased a service agreement, so hopefully repairs will be covered.

It started about 2 weeks ago. After I turned it off the display went blank as it should, then would suddenly turn back on and the lights would move through the various programs on the display. I've been turning off the power strip when I'm done to shut it off. Monday I was swinging my arms walking and accidently pulled the 'key' out and it turned off. I started it up again and about 5 mins later it turned off again, but this time the key was still in it. I thought maybe I didn't have it in all of the way and it had jiggled loose, so I put it back in and finished my workout.

This morning it shut itself off again about half way through my workout, then again about 5 mins later. So it appears to have problems. Fortunately, each time it shut down I knew approximately how much time was on the display, but I lost all of the other info (calories burned, etc.). I'll need to be extra careful to keep track of where I'm at until it's fixed.

Did UBWO at gym at lunch -- same as Friday.

pegm Thu, Jun-20-02 06:49

Did 2 miles on treadmill this a.m. 4 mph., incline 4 and 5. It shut down again after 11 minutes and I had to restart it. Haven't been home long enough to call about getting it repaired.

Up at 4:30 a.m. yesterday, did treadmill, got stuck in heavy traffic because of road construction and got to work at 7:00 a.m. Went to gym on lunch hour, and did UBWO, worked until 5:00 p.m., then left directly from work to go to daughter and son-in-law's at Strumm, town about 25 miles south of here. Met them at park where grandson (the one we're raising) had baseball practice (daughter, grandson's aunt, is my daycare for the summer), took other grandchild, the one who belongs to daugher and son-in-law, and babysat while they went to dinner to celebrate their anniversary. Did not get home until 10:00 p.m., then up again this a.m. at 4:30 a.m. to do treadmill. Got to work at 6:30 a.m., leaving at 4:00 p.m. to go to Strumm again for grandson's baseball game. Hope things settle down soon -- don't know how long I can keep this up!

pegm Fri, Jun-21-02 12:54

Friday: Took day off work to stay home with grandson, so could not get to gym -- did workout at home.

Wanted to pool jog, but it was raining when I got up. I waited a while and it seemed to quit. Got the suit on, grabbed the towel, and headed out to the pool. Just as I put the ladder on, it started to sprinkle again. That would not have stopped me, but it also started to thunder. Didn't see any lightening, but did not want to take a chance. So, back into the house and back to the treadmill I went. Today it did not shut down at all during my walk.

Treadmill: 2 miles ~ 4 mph; increased incline to 6 at times, 5 and 4 rest of time.

LBWO: used free weights for the first time since joining gym in February! Seemed very strange, but think I worked muscles that have not been worked with machines. I'll need some glutamine for sure -- can already feel it!

Squats: 12 x 10, 10 x 20, 8 x 30, 6 x 40, 12 x 30
Leg extension: 12 x 60 (too light -- need more weight)
Lunges: 12 x 20, 10 x 20, 8 x 30, 6 x 40, 12 x 30
Straight Leg Deadlift: 12 x 30
Calf Raises: 12 x 20, 10 x 40, 8 x 40, 6 x 50, 12 x 40
Angeled Calf Raise: 12 x 40
Ab's (on new ab ball) Crunches: 12, 10, 8, 6, 24

And just so my upper body didn't miss out: vacuuming, scrubbing floors, dusting, etc. (the real old-fashioned work out!)

Need to find a way to get in more protein. I'm going to check out other's logs to see what they use.

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