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MamaSara6 Fri, Nov-14-03 05:53

Hey Guys!
Great day yesterday! Would you believe I made chocolate chip cookies w/ the big 3 lb. bag from costco? I used all the chocolate chips. I didn't eat any!!!! :yay: :yay: I didn't lick my fingers!! :yay: :yay: I only baked a few dozen, made the rest into slice and bake logs and put them in the freezer. No picking at the dough possible! :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle:

I also bought ketostix yesterday and they are purple!

Haven't weighed yet, but I hope it's good news!

blueflyer Fri, Nov-14-03 08:44

Most bacon has been preserved with sugar and nitrates.

blueflyer Fri, Nov-14-03 08:53

Please post that beef receipe. Ever since I've read your post, I'm been hungary for some slow roasted pot roast.

LMK Fri, Nov-14-03 09:50

Haha Aimee - fresh bacon is probably worth the trip over here. I guess I could ask the butchers if they preserve their bacon, although it might elicit strange looks....

MamaSara - I'm duly impressed with your will power. I could NEVER make a batch of cc cookies and not indulge in some dough.


amiee3377 Fri, Nov-14-03 10:22

Hello ladies

How is kiss going so far? Do you all like it? I've lost two pounds so far but it won't be official until Monday. I have to make sure that it sticks before I change my siggy.

I could never make cookies and not tastet he dough. You are a strong woman.

MamaSara6 Fri, Nov-14-03 11:11

This is the first time I've ever been able to resist cookie dough. I hope it won't be the last!!! I attribute it to the fact that I've finally gotten into my size 14 jeans. And since KISSing, the waistband on my sz. 14 khakis doesn't cut off the circulation. I'm so thrilled with those little things and I KNOW that it will all start piling back on if I touch anything bad!

I'm still praying that I'll make it through Thanksgiving. My MIL will be cooking all the meals ---usually lasagna, pancakes, etc. Nasty fat-free salad dressings. Lots of bread and bagels. Not to mention the Christmas cookies that will be there!

blueflyer Fri, Nov-14-03 11:58

Why not offer to help in the cooking? Whip up some new, wonderful receipes that are here on the board and take over?

maryp Fri, Nov-14-03 13:38

[U]Sara, [/U] You are the true picture of will power.

Amiee, congratulations on you 2# loss I hope the scale stays down and perhaps another # will join those two.

LMK, talking about bacon... ahem.. I better not say anything (I had some yesterday :) ). Yesterday I was starving and ended up having a Wendy's BLT salad and yes, it had yummy bacon in it. I looked at the wendy's website and after subtracting the fiber my salad only had 6 carbs.

Blueflyer, We are really bad when it comes to recipes because we add a bit of this and a shake of that, so this is the best I can do, sorry. Please modify and feel free to add a bit of this and a shake of that as desire.
(BTW everything is approx. I cooked for my family of 4 and 3 lunches)

2# left over roast beef, shreded
1/4 onion
2-3 cloves garlic
1 small green pepper
about 1 c. cilantro (make sure it is not parsley, it will taste diff.)
add some water
Blend all sauce ingredients.
Add to meat.
also add:
1Tbsp. black pepper (I like more)
2 bay leaves
salt to taste.
Cover and let simmer for a while, it needs to boil and then a bit longer (I told you we are bad with recipes :) )
You can make the sauce as watery as you like I like it when most of the water is consumed and the sauce thickens a bit.
Again, Sorry there is no real recipe. It is very simple, try it and i really hope it turns out good.

I'll continue my check in in a different post, this one is getting long.

maryp Fri, Nov-14-03 13:49

ok, I'm back.
Day 5, not going too good.
It's all lack of planning and the TOM. Yesterday i had the Wendy's salad with bacon and cheese. I didn't even think about the cheese until later. oops.
I also had a bit of LC cheesecake, just a bit. Here's where I wish I had Sara's self control. i also ate a ton, mostly legal things, but still a ton. :nono:

This morning i had such a terrible headache I almost had some decaff but I didn't. I guess I won that little battle.
Today i only jogged for 20 min, better than nothing I guess.
Anyway, I am feeling really icky and queasy since yesterday, but I'm sure it will pass.
Tomorrow we have a Bible Study over at our house, and even though I need to make snacks and finger food for everybody i am never tempted by the fruit or the cakes. i do have tons of cleaning and cooking to do before tomorrow night, so you probably won't see me looging on.

I wish you all a wonderful KISS weekend. Almost ! week down and another to go.

patnaude12 Fri, Nov-14-03 19:00

Hi Everyone,

You gals make the KISS Plan sound so easy, but I know that it is taking a lot of will power to do it right. I, of course, will find out after Thanksgiving about how easy it is :eek: :eek:

Sara, I have one of those 3 lb containers of Costco CC Cookies that I need to bake, my DH loves them as well as my son Larry and his fiancee who will be coming for Christmas (they will be here for 10 days). They live in Fresno, California. Anyways back to the cookies, I would like to bake some for DH now but you talked about slice and bake logs. Do you mean that you mix the ingredients then shape into a log, and freeze to thaw, slice and bake at a later time? I was always a dough eater when I was a kid, but now I really like to eat cc cookies fresh out of the oven while the cc is gooey. I need to stop, I am driving myself nuts. I hope to have the will power that you have.

I keep stepping down in sizes of pants (I went from 14 down to 8 or 6 depending on manufacturer) and I get such a wonderful feeling that I should always remember it when I get tempted.

Keep up the wonderful job, you are all doing a great job of the KISS Plan.

Mary, thanks for the recipe. I will cut it down a tad because it is just DH and myself, he is not always overly crazy about what I want to eat, he would rather nuke a few hot dogs. I swear, that man keeps Oscar Mayer in the high profits, he can eat 6 of those critters a day if not more. We always buy a bunch of packages when they are on sale at the grocery store.

You all are such an inspiration to me, I love communicating with all of you. This makes the endeavor so much easier.

Will catch you all later.

Carol :rose: :rose:

MamaSara6 Sun, Nov-16-03 07:53

Hey gals! I guess everyone was busy yesterday!

Dh and I went on a Marriage Enrichment Retreat all day. It was hard to KISS. I ate breakfast before I went, so I wouldn't be stuck with the bagels. Although the organizer was sensitive to the needs of lc'ers and had some lc options---like cheese! So, while I was there, I had nuts and cheese. We had Grilled chicken w/ mushroom sauce for lunch. With julienned vegetables and garlic mash potatoes. I ate the chicken and veggies, though I'm sure the sauce wasn't perfectly legal. I don't even think they used real butter on the veggies, but I avoided the potatoes, rolls, and eclairs with no problem. Dinner was french onion soup. Not 100% legal either, but I'm not counting it as a cheat because I didn't have a choice! Naturally, I didn't have the bread with it!

TOM comes tomorrow and I'm holding at 178.5---I expect it to drop at least a pound or 2 tomorrow!

Back on track today!

amiee3377 Sun, Nov-16-03 08:24

Hello Ladies,

I'm not at home right now. I am sending this message to you all from the hotel. I am not kissing today :( I find it hard to kiss while I'm out of town. I have had a busy week so I decided to get some rest. I was going to come and check on you ladies yesterday but I went to sleep at four and I was out for the whole night. I can't believe that. I must've really been tired.

Carol~~Yes, kiss does take a lot of will power. It's hard for you to stop kiss once you have done it for a few days. I didn't want to stop doing it but for breakfast here at the hotel they only have frankenfoods so I was hungry. I will start back to strict kissing next week.

MamaSara~~I see those pants are losening up :) Girl, you are looking good ;) Your retreat sounds interesting. I would love to hear about it.

Mary~~I hope the scale stays down too. I'm going to drink a lot of water today so maybe that will help.

I will probably try to get online later tonight. I will be checking out of the hotel at 3 so if I'm not tried when I get home I will check on you all later.

purplemom Sun, Nov-16-03 11:11

Hi Ladies,
I've just started over again on Atkins (after falling off the wagon thanks to those darn girl scout cookies last winter). I ran across this thread and I'm inspired by what you all are doing. I definitely plan to join in on the next kiss challenge.
This really appeals to me as I don't care for all the processed stuff and the fake products.

Thanks Aimee for all those great recipes - I think my non lc family will really like some of them (love the spicy and garlicy food).

Keep it up ladies you are doing great! :yay: :yay: :yay:


p.s. I think the coffee might be a killer for me - I have a hard time weaning off the caffeine. Is green tea more acceptable or is that still bad because of the caffeine?

maryp Sun, Nov-16-03 13:34

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all having a good weekend.

Amiee, I'm glad you are getting dome rest. I too go through times when I need more sleep, so I just listen to my body and indulge a bit.

Sara, You did great in the retreat considering the options you had. I sure hope the scale shows you the fruit of your self-control.

Gina, I just stopped drinking coffee last week. It was very hard to break the habit moer than anything. I have heard great things about green tea, so I"m sure it would be a great option. Tha only thing is, you are supposed to stay away from Artificial Sweetners while KISSing. Since I can't drink unsweetened tea, I just stay away from it all together. If you are planning in doing KISS you have so much going for you, the fact that you don't care for processed foods is a great plus.

Carol, If you are not KISSing yet, maybe you can chew on some sugar free gum while baking (gum that's sweetened with sugar alcohols is low-carb). That way you will have the gum in your mouth and will keep you from accidently licking the cookie doug off the spoon. Just a thought :).

blueflyer, I like the suggestion you gave to Sara, about offering to cook some side dishes. As I said before, Every-other saturday we have a Bible Study at our home and I try to do most of the cooking myself.
Last night someone brought a cake and bread pudding and they always want me to try their recipes. I usually put some on my plate, smell it, cut it into piece. I comment on the smell and how moist things are, and while walking around I happen to place my plate somewhere else. It has worked so far.

This week is going ok, let's just leave it at that :blush:
I have not exercised and I am really, really bloated and still feeling kind of icky.
I will try to drink even more water today. I need to increase my toilet paper budget. :p I guess I should change the previous sentence I HAVE been getting some exercise, running back and forth to the bathroom. Ooh, I just thought of a way of making me get some more exercise. I will run up to the bathroom upstairs, instead of using the one downstair, I just hope I can make it everytime :lol:
Enjoy the rest of the weekend, tomorrow a new week, and for me, a stricter KISSing week.

nawchem Sun, Nov-16-03 21:25

I'm doing better at Kissing but not all the way there yet. Yesterday I had peanut butter and diet coke. So I resolved to not have those 2 things today, and I did it again. I only have 1 diet coke left so I'll probably end up drinking it tomorrow.

I am pmsing also, I stayed home all day today. I felt super tired and like I needed a no activity day. I bought a little Christmas tree at target only $10 so I spent the day watching movies and looking at the Christmas lights. I'm trying a new recipe its for crockpot chicken with all kinds of spices in it. AND I've eaten onion the last 2 days. I know its ok with KISS but it was hard to get myself to do it.

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