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JYounginer Thu, Nov-20-03 11:32


I kinda feel for bisexual individuals because of the fact that there is some discrimination against them in the GLBT community. I have actually dated bisexual women, but after being hurt several times by thier need to be with a man that I couldn't understand(and no, I am not saying that all bisexual people cannot be monogomous!!!! we were just young) I found myself trying to only be with lesbians more and more. Which is funny, cause my "partner" considers herself to be bisexual (she actually thinks that everyone in the world is bisexual, but we just won't get into that right now) but chooses to live her life with me and doesn't need to be with a man. It's all so very confusing. Anyone that chooses to discriminate against you because of the way you were made doesn't derserve your time anyways. :)

Has anyone on here read conversations with god? I found alot of piece with my religion on reading that book. I don't claim to be a part of any religion personally, but that series of books pretty much spelled out everything that I already thought. Even if you don't agree with it all, it's an interesting read.

Oh yeah, and here's the link for gay cathlics.

Hope that you all have a great Thanksgiving. I leave for vacation tomorrow and won't be able to post until Monday after next.

With Pride,

Lessara Thu, Nov-20-03 15:41

Thank you Jodi, and Happy Thanksgiving back to you, hope any travels are safe and sound. :wave:

PilotGal Fri, Nov-21-03 11:05

First off, Happy Holidays to everyone on our thread!

Second off, Lessara, Bi is another segment of our little family. But as a lesbian, I would not get involved with a bisexual. I feel I lower the odds of catching any life threatening diseases, as long as I stick to my own kind. That's my humble opinion.

On a brighter note, I wanted to share something with you all. This morning I went for my new routine of walking, when I noticed a couple walking across my path with beach chairs, headed to another destination. I noticed how puffy both their faces were. Like they were retaining a ton of water. The reason I'm noticing things like this is because I've had insight into how low carbing is working on me. The weight seems to be melting off me, currently, but I don't think it's really fat... I think I must have been one of those humans that was retaining a ton of water. Because the first place everyone's noticing my weight loss is in the face and neck area. And seeing those two people this morning, all puffy and stuff, I probably once was just as puffy. Low carbing is taking the swollen water retention and unloading it off me. When my body gets to a good balance of body mass and water, I think I will start to lose the body mass... "the long term effects." So..... I'm losing my puffiness, my face is starting to show some bone work, and I'm pleased with the results. I've lost 16 lbs now in about 4-5 weeks. I never really wrote down when I began this. I Just know I found you about 2-3 weeks into my new way of life.

I also wanted to share with all of you how much that FitDay site has helped me get a visual on my progress. I love the report pages. What a great concept! Anyways, Happy Friday everyone!!!!!!

Lessara Fri, Nov-21-03 11:11

Pilot - Thank you for your honesty. I wonder if the gay community views Bi as one of them or of the other. I'm monogomous but very few of the non-BI and including some BI just don't believe me. Congrats on your attitude! I know what you mean by puffiness, I'm a human spunge myself, except when I low carb and ifs funny, I drink more water than before - 4 liters.. and no puffiness except right before my TOM.

PilotGal Fri, Nov-21-03 11:12


I hope anyone reading this forum for the first time, doesn't forget to bookmark it.

AntiM Fri, Nov-21-03 17:27

Originally Posted by Lessara
I wonder if the gay community views Bi as one of them or of the other. I'm monogamous but very few of the non-BI and including some BI just don't believe me.

Lessara, PilotGal and Everyone ...

My humble opinion is that the gay community does consider us part of the family, just a little different. Perhaps the way many G&L feel about transgendered folks. It was a big deal in Seattle when we changed the name of our Pride Parade to GLBT. So many people fought against including both B&T ... like it somehow diluted the purity of G&L. Their loss.

As far as the sluttiness factor, again, their loss if they pre-judge who you are based on a descriptor. My partner told me she'd never be with a bi woman ... and it's been over 9 blissful, monogamous years for us now. I obviously overcame her reticence. :) She feared that bi women will run to men, given 1/2 a chance ... the thing is, people of all stripes can be unfaithful. And is it any worse to lose a lover to a man than another woman? Not in my opinion.

Oh ... and Lessara ... "I had a counselor who once told me that I was really a lesbian but because of my fear of being not allowed in the Catholic religion I buried it." Whether there is truth or not in that statement, only you know ... but I'm pretty sure bisexual people aren't particularly greeted with fanfare by the church hierarchy either. :lol: You said there might be a grain of truth there ... what do you think? Do you feel the same emotional / sexual / romantic connection with men that you do with women? Like I said in an earlier post, for me, I was born bi ... but I choose to be a lesbian because that's where my heart lies. And regardless of my sexuality, being faithful just comes naturally.

I know you already know this, PilotGal, but it bears repeating that STD's cross all gender and sexual preference lines. Two years ago I lost a friend to AIDS. She contracted HIV from her partner, a lifelong lesbian who had used IV drugs in the mid 80's. Nothing but abstinence is 100% safe. Undoubtedly you are right that sticking with lesbians exclusively will decrease your odds of contracting a STD, but it's all about choices and what risks are worth it. I respect your choice, and I hope you respect my partners, too. :)

PS - Do you guys think there are no transgendered people on the forum, that they're closeted, don't think it's relevant in a LC context or just haven't found this thread? I'm just interested in your opinions ...

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

tholian8 Fri, Nov-21-03 18:47

And is it any worse to lose a lover to a man than another woman? Not in my opinion.

For me, the sense of emotional betrayal was worse when it was another woman (who was better looking and, goddamn it, thinner). But the sense of a "slap in the face" was much greater when it was a man. It's hard to say which hurt more, but they did hurt very differently.

I don't think bi women are any more likely to be unfaithful than anyone else. Although I have noticed that when they break up with me, their next partner is usually a man. FWIW.

But this brings up an interesting idea to me: How does one label oneself, anyway, in terms of sexuality? According to what you think about? According to what you actually do? Or what?


PilotGal Sat, Nov-22-03 13:10

I'm a girly girl. period.

Gooooooooooood morning people of the internet!!!!!
I dragged the kid to the park today with a couple of board games.. I wanted to spend quality time with him. He snorted a lot... wanted to go swing. We played backgammon and rummy cue. Beautiful day, warm, breezy.
Came back and off he went to the video game... I've lost him now...

did i tell you all about my g/f going out to dinner at a local tavern the other night and seeing an "atkins" dish on the menu? For Real! It was called "Atkins Dish" and it was a 10 oz ny strip with sauteed mushrooms and steamed broccoli for $10.95... Wouldn't it be great if the chain restaurants would do something like this? I hate negotiating starch's off my plate.

My g/f stopped smoking 3 mo ago, and now she rewards herself with fine scotch. I stopped eating carbs 1.2 mo ago, and i reward myself with popcorn once a month. do any of you reward yourself for anything?

tholian8 Sat, Nov-22-03 14:45

Mine are mainly in the form of new clothes, and books. Sometimes I'll reward myself with a bottle of top-rated (and proportionally expensive) wine. My plan includes a "free meal" once a week, but I try not to think of it as a reward. I don't want to set up a link between rewards and food.


PilotGal Sun, Nov-23-03 12:55

Before/After Pics
Oh wow, today I had the kid take some photo's of me during my transistion. Then I cropped them down and layed them beside last month's pics.
Boy Oh Boy!!!
you can see the difference.
I see it especially in the face and throat. I also see it when i wear something that won't allow the waistline to hide. The inner tube is shrinking.
I can't say i've noticed anything in the arms or legs. I know my butt is squishy. Will have to work on that! I understand the walking will fix that.
Today, I took my little weights and went walking. What a work out. I was wayyyy winded before my hour.
And I don't have any desire to attack a bowl of popcorn. Although...... the dolphins are playing tonight!
Hope everyone is having a damn fine weekend.

trynosugar Sun, Nov-23-03 13:28

Hi everyone!
Haven't been to this site in awhile so glad I came back and found you all.
I'm getting really back into low carbing since I convinced my gf to do it with me. She's now at least 10 lbs lighter and I am 20 lbs lighter.
So much better doing this together!! I officially cleaned out the pantry and fridge!
Glad to be back. Glad to hear of your success! Just need a little exercise like pilotgal for extra umph!

PilotGal Sun, Nov-23-03 18:45

Oh hell yeah Trynosugar, if it weren't for the fact that my g/f is low carbing with me, I wouldn't have had a chance in hell over the last few weekends!!!! Thank God for small miracles!

MsDad Tue, Nov-25-03 06:31

Hi all!

I just wanted to wish all the US folks a happy, cheat-free (or guilt-free if you do cheat!) Thanksgiving! I intend to cheat small...i.e., I'll still have sweet potato casserole, I'll just make my own with Splenda instead of eating my sister's with real sugar and marshmallows on top. Any my DH is going to make me a low-carb cheesecake for dessert.

Hey PilotGal, I didn't know you had a son! How old is he? Our son is 14 and our daughter will be 13 in a couple of weeks. I know all about losing him to the video games!! How many other GLBT parents are out there?? I would love to hear about other people's experiences with this...

And in the spirit of Thanksgiving, thank you again Priscilla for starting this thread and for letting us "honorary Lesbians" join!!

DWRolfe Tue, Nov-25-03 08:01

Ditto on the LC Cheesecake for me this week! I'm also taking a Cauliflower Casserole to M&D's, so that I can stay LC legal.

Have a great holiday everyone!


Xena2005 Tue, Nov-25-03 15:27

Hi all. Can I join this thread? I am Bi (and probably have been ever since I had a sexual encounter with my friend when I was 12). Although I haven't had another but would like to. I have a bf but do prefer girls. You might say I am a closet Bi as no one knows except my brother (who is gay) and my mum (who is not - and has a hard time accepting me as Bi and my brother who is gay). But anyway, hope I can join in! Been lowcarbing since 3 November and loving this WOE! Thanks Pilotgal for your comment on my post 'Walk away the Fat', it reminded me of this thread and thought I'd come in today and make myself known!

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