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VictoriaT Sat, Aug-10-02 10:14

Hi everyone ,especially my forum hubby Greg ;) You were NOT long winded my dear! :clap: Im so proud of you!!

Well, Im doing pretty good. I just got a massage and so my body feels very tired but relaxed :thup:

We are going to the Eagles game tonight! GO EAGLES!!!

Have a great day eveyrone and keep up the good work.


adnil53 Sat, Aug-10-02 14:03

Well it looks like I will be the first to genuinely cheat and drop out of the challenge! I made homemade bread today [100% whole wheat , of course!] and I couldn’t resist! I was just going to taste… but I ended up eating 5 slices!!!!! A whopping 70 carbs!!! :(

j. mcadams Sat, Aug-10-02 14:13

Day 6 just a memoy.....
Happy to report Day 6 is over and done with and her in Kentucky it is 4:10 p.m. and so far no cheat in sight. Feeling really good about all of this.
Shelia, sorry to hear of your ER visit but I do not think medical stuff applies to our NO CHEAT, however if it had been a bag of Baskin Robins Vanilla Cho. Chip, I wanna know the ER you go to, LOL LOL.. All kidding aside, that was not a cheat.

Linda sorry to hear about the bread, now you know as well as anyone we sabotage ourselves and guess what I think that may have been what happened. I know just as well when I am going to cheat cause I come up with this OH, BOB WOULD LOVE TO EAT THIS, Yeah right I but the whatever and Bob (poor guy) doesn't even get to see the wrapper. Anyway just get back on that horse and start bucking it again.

Richard is being sneakey, keep it up my friend, you are doing FABO. MR. SLIM AND TRIM. YOU CUTIE....

To My sweet friends Sally and Cher, the sister' s I always wanted

chrisews Sat, Aug-10-02 14:34

I had a really bad day, the first day of our no cheat, and had an ice cream, can I come back, I haven't cheated since. Just had abad day, please could I come back, chris

qcchevyman Sat, Aug-10-02 15:03

So far today I'm doing Great.

3 Eggs over Easy with a Splash of Hot Sauce.

5 Sausage Patties "Cooked to Perfection"

1 small Tomato "With a Spoonful of Creamy Itailion Dressing"

50 oz of Water "Fixing to have 44 oz's more"

For dinner I think I'll have some Chicken Wings "Tossed in Hot Sauce and Butter"

I think Chris "You Ice Cream Eating Sweetie" and Linda " I can Smell that Bread Baking all the way" if you two didn't just go out and Pig Out all Day then I see no reason you don't stay with us.

I think you'll just be fine.

I have a BIG Tester coming up on the 24. It's my sisters 60 B/Day and were going to a nice Resturant to Celebrate. Then go to my Niece's "Her Daughter Tammy" for Dessert. I know I'll be fine at the Resturant. I plan on ordering Steark or Chicken and a Salad. Now for Desert. I'm going to get the Peanut Butter Recipe from Sally and take that to my Nieces House. Sally said each Slice is 4 Carbs.

So all in all I should be fine.

Keep On Whooshing Everybody.

Princesspp Sat, Aug-10-02 19:28

Day 7 down!!!!







Now I know I CAN do it!!!! :D

Talk later everyone .. I'm bushed tonite!!!!
Love ya all!!!:rheart:

Tanyaskees Sat, Aug-10-02 19:56

Me too, no cheats. Here is what I had today.

br: 3 fried eggs and 3 slices of bacon.
lunch: protien shake with heavy cream and a peace of dark LC SF chocolate.
dinner: crab legs, crab legs and more crab legs.....nummmmmm.
1 cup of coffee.
couple of little slices of cheese.

day my dust......YEAHHHHHHHH
Keep up the good work everyone, we can do this....... :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party:

Cher Sun, Aug-11-02 01:25

Linda...I Left this message in your journal....
Wow! I'm up late (California Time). OK...I think you should just jump back into the challenge. If you had just come to the "no cheat" thread today .... I would say "jump in". So, I'll leave this up to you NO PRESSURE but, we'd love to have you. Just start again (that's what I'd do)!

Just my thoughts for the night...OK...bedtime ;)

P.S., this is about progress..not perfection (gee where did I hear that :lol: )

Victoria (hey, did I miss your post today....humm).

OK's officially Day 8 :D

starchile Sun, Aug-11-02 02:49

I found you all!!!
Hey Gang!

I've been on the "NO CHEAT TIL LABOR DAY" wagon since I believe your day 2...but I didn't realize there was a thread about it until Cher told me, so I'M HERE!

Cher, I just wanted to say that I've gone through the posts here and it is soooooooooo BEAUTIFUL that you take the time to personally encourage everyone here regularly!!! That is just so selfless of you!!! What a wonderful person you are!

SOOOOO!!! HERE I AM NOT CHEATING!!! I've been SOOO good! Not a single slip up! And I feel really strong! Almost TOO strong...I have to force myself to keep my calories up! I had forgotten how much of an appetite suppressant this WOE is when you are doing it right!!!

I'm soo proud of everyone here!!! KEEP IT UP GANG!!!! WE ARE AWESOME!!!!


Ranger Sun, Aug-11-02 06:18

Day 8? Where did the time go?!
Hi Everyone,

It is important to remember that we are human....not perfect....that said, I hope everyone still stays with us!

I can't believe we are at day 8 already....I have been so busy fixin' up the bathroom, I forgot to cheat! LOL.....(It came out pretty good...yay!)

The company is arriving this afternoon.....can I make it for 3 weeks with 3 guests (2 of them junk food lovin' 12 year olds?)

You bet I can! Because I have all of you guys for support!!! I probably won't check in as often, but I will be thinking about all of you!

Take care my friends...we can (and will) do this together!

Pepperoni Sun, Aug-11-02 07:31

No cheating!!
Hey everyone! Does a 1/2 lb count ??? Can we call it a mini-whooooooshhhh?

Sheila, I'm hoping you are feeling better. You better not leave this group. You didn't willingly cheat. Hospital procedures do not count as cheating!!!

:rheart: to ALL !!

Heather :wave:

j. mcadams Sun, Aug-11-02 08:15

day 7 behind and day 8 beginning..
No cheat for 7 day and beginning the 8th day. Everyone have a great low carb. No Cheat day. Joan

WTG SALLY ON THE 160'S and how bout the mini whoosh Heather had 1/2 pound, I could a smidgen. joan

greg5756 Sun, Aug-11-02 11:08

Pepperoni I would definetly call it a whoosh I guess we are all doing pretty good.

Ranger I wouldn't buy the 12 year old snacks I bet a nice bag of porkrinds and hot sauce would be just fine or some s/f jolly rancher green apple/watermelon/strawberry jello would work or how about some _ _ _ _ berries and whip cream yum yum. I bet they wouldn't even know they were eating low carb. and What 12 year old can resist watermelon in the summer.

had the stuffed avacado's yesterday for dinner man where they good. I tell you I amaze myself sometimes.

had pork steak and salad for breakfast this morning.

I am glad to see us all hanging in there.

cya Greg

KTiki Sun, Aug-11-02 14:54

1 Attachment(s)
I'm kinda late getting in, it's Aug 11. I started three weeks ago tomorrow and haven't cheated yet, so count me in, too. :wave:

qcchevyman Sun, Aug-11-02 15:17

Hi everybody. I hope you all had a good Sunday.

Today I had.

4 Egg Omlete with 3 oz of Cream Cheese Crushed Pork Rinds,and 1 pad of butter.

Lunch/Dinner I had 3 Leg Quarters

88 oz Water.

I'm Just Plugging Away.

Princesspp Sun, Aug-11-02 18:59

Good Sunday Evening everyone .. DAY 8
Nice to see the activity that's been floating around in here for the last couple of days ... Sorry I really didn't sign in yesterday, but I was a bit under the weather .... but the good news is ..........

I'm Baaaaa-aaaaacccckkkkkkkkk

Shiela ... Good choice to stay on ... this was out of your hands, and nobody here is condemning you for it ... I'm glad you decided to stick around!!!

Wendy ... Congrats on your whoosh - Oh Oh ... looks like I might have some friendly competition here :lol: WTG Wendy ... keep on whooshing!!!!!

Greg ...Sounds like you're coming along SUPERLY!!! Keep it up!!!

Marlaine ...WTG on no cheating - You may not be whooshing, but I bet you're definately defining!!!!

Vicki ... Ooooooooo A Massage ... how nice and relaxing!!!!

Linda ...We are only human -- it's your choice whether to drop or not, but as far as I'm concerned; just get back on the bike ans continue peddling ... and I'm sure many of the others will agree ... like Cher said .. we're not looking for perfection ...
But thank you for your honesty ... I hope you stick around ... :D

Joan ...Isn't this challenge fun?? I'll be very surprised if your scale doesn't help out by the end of August ...I give you alot of credit for holding out playing with your scale ....

Chris ...Like I said to Linda ...
We are all only human -- You admitted it, and I'm sure nobody's beating you up as bad as you are... Climb back on the bike and start peddling again ... It's your choice - this is supposed to be fun, but also maybe alittle learning curve thrown in ... :D

Tanya ...WTG on no cheats yet ... Just one question .. do you like crab legs??? :lol:

Starchile ...Wecome - and hope you stick around -- the more the merrier, and WTG on not cheating even before you were aware of this thread!!!!

Ranger (Carol) ...:lol: LOL on forgetting to cheat, but the question of the day is - Is the bathroom ready??? or did you give your guests keys, as well as keys to the car (since there aren't any neighborhood gas stations ... :lol: )... You ARE absolutely right .. .you CAN make it for 3 weeks - They are guests, they have what you provide .. and I love the ideas that Greg came up with like the berries and whip cream ... :yum:

Pepperoni ...ANYTHING counts ... Congrats on your Miniwhooshe ... Keep it up!!!!!

KTeaki ... Welcome and join the fun!!! This is open to ANYONE .. .You're already doing DYNOMITE :yay: .. .Keep it up!!!! and keep us posted!!!!

Richard ...Excellent Job .. (and I'm gonna get you for putting that AWESOME picture of peanut butter pie in my journal :yum: ) Tomorrows experiment day!!!!!!

Okay everyone .. this is MY stats for the day

du du du du du du daaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh < trumpet fanfare again!!!!


DAY 8 ......
23.5 CARBS!!!!!!!!!
NO CHEAT!!!!!!!!!

And my posts wouldn't be complete without these little guys !!!!
Everyone would think I was really sick!!!!! :D

Talk later all ... and everyone have a super day 9!!!!!!!
Love ya all!!!:rheart:

Princesspp Sun, Aug-11-02 19:04

Whoops!!!! I almost forgot!!!!
*in a sing song voice*

(those of you that know me .. the weekends are my killers!!!!! BUT I MADE IT THRU THE WEEEEEEEKEND!!!! :lol: :D)

Talk later

Tanyaskees Sun, Aug-11-02 21:18

I made it too!!!!!!!!!!!!
No cheats all ....this is great.
Here what I had today:
Br: Piece of crustless quiche, made it last night for the first time...nummmmmmm.....good.
lunch: 1 smoked catfish, protien shake
snack: flax o meal w/cream and butter
dinner: protien shake w/cream.
snack: 1/3 of pure delight dark LC SF chocolate


P.S. Sally, I do love crablegs.... :D :D :D

:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

GLHB~Rinoa Mon, Aug-12-02 03:20

Hi everyone!!! count me in on the no cheat till labor day challange!!! :wave:

j. mcadams Mon, Aug-12-02 05:36

Monday morning
I have to say I am very proud of myself, me and the scale had a talk yesterday morning and have decided it is still best we do not connect right now.
KT wonderful to have you and WOW, you are doing so great already. This is a wonderful place for support. Keep journaling (is this a real word) anyway read journals and you can see the success plus the frustrations we all have to deal with.
Gotta go exercise early this morning :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: everyone have a great day and welcome to all those who have joined us. There is power in numbers :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: joan

sunshine2 Mon, Aug-12-02 10:10

I'm just reporting in, I made it too. I'm so proud, had a couple of close calls, but I held my ground. Even turned down popcorn at the movies Saturday night.

We can do this, congrats to everyone making it a low carb weekend.......

Tanyaskees Mon, Aug-12-02 11:01

Hi all, kind of quiet in the 'no cheater' corner today. I hope everyone is hanging in there. So far so good for me cheating. What day are we on? Will report on food in my journal. Have a great reat of the 'no cheat' day.... :D

sunshine2 Mon, Aug-12-02 11:04

Originally posted by Tanyaskees
What day are we on?

We have began day 9,we made it a little over a week now, yipee.

maggie3456 Mon, Aug-12-02 11:09

:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
Hi all.....Sally left me and invite to join the no cheat till labor day here i be :)
I did good all weekend....could have used a little more water but stayed good carb wise :)
Thanks for asking me to join Sally :)
maggie :)
:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

Tanyaskees Mon, Aug-12-02 11:29

Hi maggie, welcome, so good to see you here :).

greg5756 Mon, Aug-12-02 11:53

Hey everybody all is going well here. I am looking forward to leaving for vacation this thursday. I am sure with all the tips that I have received about LCing on vacations I will not have any problems.

I just wanted to say thank you all for your advice

I will see you tommorrow

cya Greg

Marlaine Mon, Aug-12-02 13:22

I'm a loser!!

Just checking in and reporting....stall broken....half a pound gone forever!!

:thup: to all of us Cheat Free Folk!!


TheBetty Mon, Aug-12-02 14:11

Hi ya'll! :wave:

Star (starchile) invited me over to your challenge thread (thanks Star!!!).

I hope you don't mind a really late joiner. I usually hang out in the Schwarzbein Principle area, and more recently the Triple Digits Club.

I am starting the NO CHEAT TIL LABOR DAY CHALLENGE right now.

It Is ON!

Wishing you all continued success and many whooshies to us all! :thup:

j. mcadams Mon, Aug-12-02 15:48

Betty, so glad you joined us the more the merrier. So far this has been a wonderful way to stay "legal". Lots of fun and information on this forum. Again so glad you could join us. Joan

Wendrew7 Mon, Aug-12-02 19:09

Still holding on...

Been walking a little more than a mile everyday after work...feels very good in addition to the LC eating.

Two more workdays and then off until 8/26!!!!

No carb, no stress plan works for me!


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