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CityGirl8 Mon, Apr-08-19 11:41

Nawchem, remember that doing something, no matter how small, is the goal here! So you win!!!!

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates

CityGirl8 Tue, Apr-09-19 11:14

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks

nawchem Tue, Apr-09-19 14:50

Thanks City, today I was glad I did a little something.

Week 5 (another darn asthma week)
4/1 30 min hill mode treadmill-definite mood lifter
4/6 walked 0.6miles
4/7 walked 0.6 miles

Week 6 goals
1. start ab work, restart my love of squats
2. continue stretches and ease into cardio again
4/8 walked 0.6 miles
4/9 walked on the flat and kept heartrate low 2.1 miles, found gym ab machine did 1 set of 5 no weights.

nawchem Tue, Apr-09-19 14:54

In spite of all the criticism the government gets, they got the Silver Sneakers Plan right on! There are all kinds of people in my gym in their 70s and 80s exercising. Those classes do wts, yoga, cardio and work on balance. My friends mom is in her 80s and walks on the treadmill.

CityGirl8 Wed, Apr-10-19 10:42

I tried out adding another exercise (The Seal) to my Pilates routine this morning, but I could only do it halfway, so I don't think I'm ready for that. There's another that I think I'll add next week (Teaser Prep II) and then go back to the Seal a few weeks after that. These are the only two to add to the beginning routine; after that I'll probably just work on getting better at control and form for the whole routine for a while.

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates

nawchem Thu, Apr-11-19 01:05

City does your dog still do your workouts with you?

Week 5 (another darn asthma week)
4/1 30 min hill mode treadmill-definite mood lifter
4/6 walked 0.6miles
4/7 walked 0.6 miles

Week 6 goals
1. start ab work, restart my love of squats
2. continue stretches and ease into cardio again
4/8 walked 0.6 miles
4/9 walked on the flat and kept heartrate low 2.1 miles, found gym ab machine did 1 set of 5 no weights.
4/10 0.6 mile outdoor walk, spring is so awesome!

CityGirl8 Thu, Apr-11-19 10:26

Nawchem, isn't Spring great? We had a few beautiful days here, but are back to our regularly scheduled gloomy overcast. That's the PNW for you. What part of the country are you in, if you don't mind me asking?

The dog comes in and hangs out with me most days. She has a new bed for the office that she really likes and this morning she was in there waiting for me. She's gotten much bette about not trying to climb on me, but sometimes she still does and I have to nudge her away. She just figures that because I'm down there on the floor, it must be for her. :lol:

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8

CityGirl8 Fri, Apr-12-19 11:07

I had to give myself a stern talking-to while I was still lying in bed this morning. I was totally rationalizing that I didn't really have to work-out every day, I could miss one a week, etc. I scolded myself that was a slippery slope. "You will work-out. You can do anything for 15 minutes." Whew. :lol:

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates

nawchem Sat, Apr-13-19 11:11

Week 5 (another darn asthma week)
4/1 30 min hill mode treadmill-definite mood lifter
4/6 walked 0.6miles
4/7 walked 0.6 miles

Week 6 goals
1. start ab work, restart my love of squats
2. continue stretches and ease into cardio again
4/8 walked 0.6 miles
4/9 walked on the flat and kept heartrate low 2.1 miles, found gym ab machine did 1 set of 5 no weights.
4/10 0.6 mile outdoor walk, spring is so awesome!
4/11 sad
4/12 upper body stretches (really tight, too much skipping)
4/13 0.7 miles

CityGirl8 Sat, Apr-13-19 11:42

I jinxed myself--"Oh, the dog is totally getting used to me rolling around on the floor and wanting to be left alone." This morning she came over and started licking my face and playing. I was on my last exercise and just ended up collapsing in a heap of laughter.

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 13 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D9, wall push-ups & planks

CityGirl8 Mon, Apr-15-19 11:43

Yesterday, I felt like a blob all day. Just no energy and like I was really craving things that would give me a huge blood sugar boost (like orange juice). I stayed on plan carb-wise, but I ate a ton, didn't work out, and laid around on the sofa all afternoon watching movies. I stayed up late on Saturday and then got up at the usual time when the dog woke me, so I'm wondering if it was all effects of not enough sleep. Anyway, I feel much better this morning. I worked out and I'm more mentally alert today, too!

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 13 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D9, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 14 -
Apr. 15 - Beg. Pilates

CityGirl8 Tue, Apr-16-19 12:10

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 13 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D9, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 14 -
Apr. 15 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 16 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11

DaisyDawn Tue, Apr-16-19 14:28

I'd love to join in :)

April's Goal: to walk 5 days a week at 1.43 miles per time, (my current route), and then 1 day a week at 2 miles, (1 day off a week, for weather/laziness lol)

4/15 1.43 miles walked
4/16 1.43 miles walked

CityGirl8 Wed, Apr-17-19 11:21

Welcome, Daisy! The more the merrier to cheer each other on!

That sounds like a great walking goal. Our challenge here is to Move Every Day and we've found that "reporting in" really has kept us accountable to that. Ultimately our mantra has been that it doesn't have to be much, but it has to be something--every day! Sometimes that's something that we don't think of as "exercise" but it's definitely movement that helps with mobility and flexibility or might be just enough of a tiny nudge to get blood sugar down a tiny bit. Maybe it's cleaning the house, taking the dog around the block, or 15 minutes of stretching while you watch TV on your "day off" or if weather gets in the way of one of your walking days.

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 13 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D9, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 14 -
Apr. 15 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 16 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11
Apr. 17 - Beg. Pilates (added Teaser Prep II)

DaisyDawn Wed, Apr-17-19 16:38

April's Goal: to walk 5 days a week at 1.43 miles per time, (my current route), and then 1 day a week at 2 miles, (1 day off a week, for weather/laziness lol)

4/15 1.43 miles walked
4/16 1.43 miles walked
4/17 1.5 miles walked

DaisyDawn Thu, Apr-18-19 17:09

4/15 1.43 miles walked
4/16 1.43 miles walked
4/17 1.5 miles walked
4/18 1.5 miles walked [44 degrees and windy, yuck!]

CityGirl8 Fri, Apr-19-19 11:33

Daisy, good for you in getting out there in bad weather!

I skipped yesterday, because it was supposed to be an upper body/arms day and my arms were still a little sore from my last time. I've been fighting tendonitis, so I take it easy at the smallest sign I might have aggravated it. Again. Also my neck was a little sore from making a bigger effort at stretching out at the top of my spine/neck in Pilates.

I was really not in the mood this morning, but it's far too easy for me to just let everything slide. I half-assed my way through my warm-up, but once my blood got circulating I got into my routine a little better and did pretty good. I added a couple push-ups before a rest and only needed one rest in the middle instead of two. I did 27 instead of 24 and then managed to do the last bunch in one go! Yay!

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 13 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D9, wall push-ups & planks (24 + 10 +5)
Apr. 14 -
Apr. 15 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 16 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11
Apr. 17 - Beg. Pilates (added Teaser Prep II)
Apr. 18 -
Apr. 19 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D12, wall push-ups & planks (27 + 13 with 20 second rest)

DaisyDawn Sat, Apr-20-19 05:28

4/15 1.43 miles walked
4/16 1.43 miles walked
4/17 1.5 miles walked
4/18 1.5 miles walked [44 degrees and windy, yuck!]
4/19 1.5 miles walked, finished by running up the steps that go up the hill at the back of our property, realized how out of shape I really am :p
4/20 x

edited today's entry-decided not to go on a walk today, I've been in and out running errands since 8am this morning and I'm not done, (just got back from a family luncheon, doing some laundry and then heading back out again), so much to do before Easter tomorrow! I've been running around stores so I'm sure I'm burning a few extra calories lol!

CityGirl8 Sat, Apr-20-19 09:50

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 13 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D9, wall push-ups & planks (24 + 10 +5)
Apr. 14 -
Apr. 15 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 16 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11
Apr. 17 - Beg. Pilates (added Teaser Prep II)
Apr. 18 -
Apr. 19 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D12, wall push-ups & planks (27 + 13 with 20 second rest)
Apr. 20 - Beg. Pilates

Ms Arielle Sun, Apr-21-19 00:14


Im still in couch potato mode, but i can cheer you all on!!

CityGirl8 Mon, Apr-22-19 11:18

Thanks, Ms. A! Some days getting some movement in is routine and other days my mind still fights it every second. Inertia is a b*&$%. And something like yesterday (walk up to the market and back) makes me feel just how out of shape I am. I wasn't winded, but I live on a hill and my hamstrings and glutes were just making a huge effort with every step. But coming here to check in helps and it's paying off with big differences in my measurements and some improvements like it's getting easier to stand up off the sofa.

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 13 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D9, wall push-ups & planks (24 + 10 +5)
Apr. 14 -
Apr. 15 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 16 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11 & ankle raises
Apr. 17 - Beg. Pilates (added Teaser Prep II)
Apr. 18 -
Apr. 19 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D12, wall push-ups & planks (27 + 13 with 20 second rest)
Apr. 20 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 21 - 1 mile walk to market and back
Apr. 22 - Apr. 16 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11 & ankle raises

DaisyDawn Mon, Apr-22-19 11:29

4/15 1.43 miles walked
4/16 1.43 miles walked
4/17 1.5 miles walked
4/18 1.5 miles walked [44 degrees and windy, yuck!]
4/19 1.5 miles walked, finished by running up the steps that go up the hill at the back of our property, realized how out of shape I really am
4/20 x
4/21 x
4/22 1.5 miles walked

CityGirl8 Tue, Apr-23-19 10:03

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 13 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D9, wall push-ups & planks (24 + 10 +5)
Apr. 14 -
Apr. 15 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 16 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11 & ankle raises
Apr. 17 - Beg. Pilates (added Teaser Prep II)
Apr. 18 -
Apr. 19 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D12, wall push-ups & planks (27 + 13 with 20 second rest)
Apr. 20 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 21 - 1 mile walk to market and back
Apr. 22 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11 & ankle raises
Apr. 23 - Beg. Pilates

DaisyDawn Tue, Apr-23-19 17:53

/15 1.43 miles walked
4/16 1.43 miles walked
4/17 1.5 miles walked
4/18 1.5 miles walked [44 degrees and windy, yuck!]
4/19 1.5 miles walked, finished by running up the steps that go up the hill at the back of our property, realized how out of shape I really am
4/20 x
4/21 x
4/22 1.5 miles walked
4/23 2 miles walked

CityGirl8 Wed, Apr-24-19 11:24

Daisy, you're getting some excellent walks in! Using your stairs for wind sprints is a great idea! Mark Sisson (Mark's Daily Apple) suggests using stairs or hills for this and I've been hoping to use the hills around my house once my ankles are improved enough to walk more.

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 13 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D9, wall push-ups & planks (24 + 10 +5)
Apr. 14 -
Apr. 15 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 16 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11 & ankle raises
Apr. 17 - Beg. Pilates (added Teaser Prep II)
Apr. 18 -
Apr. 19 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D12, wall push-ups & planks (27 + 13 with 20 second rest)
Apr. 20 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 21 - 1 mile walk to market and back
Apr. 22 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11 & ankle raises
Apr. 23 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 24 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D15, wall push-ups & planks (11+27+ 13 with 20 second rests)

DaisyDawn Wed, Apr-24-19 16:50

Originally Posted by CityGirl8
Daisy, you're getting some excellent walks in! Using your stairs for wind sprints is a great idea! Mark Sisson (Mark's Daily Apple) suggests using stairs or hills for this and I've been hoping to use the hills around my house once my ankles are improved enough to walk more.

Thanks! I've been enjoying our nicer spring weather, once it warms up a bit more I'd like to start walking twice a day (early morning and then afternoon/evening). Weather isn't quite there yet though!
4/15 1.43 miles walked
4/16 1.43 miles walked
4/17 1.5 miles walked
4/18 1.5 miles walked [44 degrees and windy, yuck!]
4/19 1.5 miles walked, finished by running up the steps that go up the hill at the back of our property, realized how out of shape I really am!
4/20 x
4/21 x
4/22 1.5 miles walked
4/23 2 miles walked
4/24 1.43 miles walked

DaisyDawn Thu, Apr-25-19 13:07

4/15 1.43 miles walked
4/16 1.43 miles walked
4/17 1.5 miles walked
4/18 1.5 miles walked [44 degrees and windy, yuck!]
4/19 1.5 miles walked, finished by running up the steps that go up the hill at the back of our property, realized how out of shape I really am!
4/20 x
4/21 x
4/22 1.5 miles walked
4/23 2 miles walked
4/24 1.43 miles walked
4/25 2 miles walked

CityGirl8 Thu, Apr-25-19 17:22

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 13 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D9, wall push-ups & planks (24 + 10 +5)
Apr. 14 -
Apr. 15 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 16 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11 & ankle raises
Apr. 17 - Beg. Pilates (added Teaser Prep II)
Apr. 18 -
Apr. 19 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D12, wall push-ups & planks (27 + 13 with 20 second rest)
Apr. 20 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 21 - 1 mile walk to market and back
Apr. 22 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11 & ankle raises
Apr. 23 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 24 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D15, wall push-ups & planks (11+27+ 13 with 20 second rests)
Apr. 25 - 2 mile walk to post office and back

CityGirl8 Fri, Apr-26-19 10:21

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 13 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D9, wall push-ups & planks (24 + 10 +5)
Apr. 14 -
Apr. 15 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 16 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11 & ankle raises
Apr. 17 - Beg. Pilates (added Teaser Prep II)
Apr. 18 -
Apr. 19 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D12, wall push-ups & planks (27 + 13 with 20 second rest)
Apr. 20 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 21 - 1 mile walk to market and back
Apr. 22 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11 & ankle raises
Apr. 23 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 24 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D15, wall push-ups & planks (11+27+ 13 with 20 second rests)
Apr. 25 - 2 mile walk to post office and back
Apr. 26 - Beg. Pilates

CityGirl8 Sun, Apr-28-19 11:04

Missed out yesterday, because I got almost no sleep the night before due to some all night construction on my street. (Yeah, the whole neighborhood was mad.)

Goals: To be more capable, able to take part in active travel, and participate in new activities.
  • Sit on the ground and stand up using just my feet
  • Walk for two hours without feeling it
  • Climb 4 flights of stairs without getting winded
  • Run 1 mile
Interim goals: Stand up from seated position easily using just my feet, walk 2 miles without feeling it, climb 2 flights of stairs without getting winded, do a push-up (knees)

Feb. - 24/28 days
Mar. - 28/31 days

Apr. 1 -
Apr. 2 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 3 - Bodyweight Strength Training W1D1 & 40 wall push-ups (one set; rest after 30)
Apr. 4 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 5 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D2, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 6 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 7 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D4 & 2-1/2 hours of easy gardening
Apr. 8 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 9 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D5, wall push-ups & planks
Apr. 10 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 11 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D8
Apr. 12 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 13 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D9, wall push-ups & planks (24 + 10 +5)
Apr. 14 -
Apr. 15 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 16 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11 & ankle raises
Apr. 17 - Beg. Pilates (added Teaser Prep II)
Apr. 18 -
Apr. 19 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D12, wall push-ups & planks (27 + 13 with 20 second rest)
Apr. 20 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 21 - 1 mile walk to market and back
Apr. 22 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D11 & ankle raises
Apr. 23 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 24 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W1D15, wall push-ups & planks (11+27+ 13 with 20 second rests)
Apr. 25 - 2 mile walk to post office and back
Apr. 26 - Beg. Pilates
Apr. 27 -
Apr. 28 - Bodywt. Strength Trng. W2D16 & ankle raises

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